One Piece Navy’s Tyrant

Chapter 6 - Marinford

还有 It is more than two years before the one piece king Luo Jie was executed. Jiang Feng really wanted to see what kind of character this standing on the top of the one piece world.

When the headquarters of the navy arrived, Jiang Feng could clearly see the word ‘Navy’ written on the towering building. Solemn and holy, Jiang Feng could not wait.

Qiu Jiangfeng followed Karp, the passing navy, the clear white military uniform, the cool cloak was extremely dazzling in the sun, and the sign of justice was printed on the back of the cloak.

Qiu Jiangfeng can infer their positions according to their ranks, captain, school officer, and major general, but they have not seen the general and lieutenant, which is inevitably a little regrettable.

Now red dogs, yellow apes, and green owls are still lieutenants, Karp is also lieutenant, and the Marshal is steel-framed.

The navy executives originally intended to promote Karp as a general, but Karp did not like restraint and refused to be promoted.

When he becomes a general, he must do the town’s naval headquarters. He must not leave the naval headquarters unless he performs emergency tasks or vacations. Karp does not want to stay at the naval headquarters.

The promotion of generals was also mentioned later, but all were rejected by Karp.

The navy is a strength of the world government. To obey the orders of the world government, sometimes it will do things that violate the name of justice. Karp does not want to be embarrassed, which is why Karp refused to be promoted.

Kapu took Jiang Feng to a training camp of the Navy. Jiang Feng saw hundreds of navy soldiers doing exercises in a large open space about two football fields.

“This is the best and most potential 500 navy elites selected from many navy recruits this year. Each of them has broken the physical limit once and is practicing the Navy Six.”

Kapu said to Jiang Feng.

Qijiang Feng saw the strength of the navy for the first time. Every year, more than 500 people with the same strength joined the navy, and it felt terrible to think about it.

It is precisely because there are so many potential newcomers joining each year that the Navy will become the first force in One Piece.

With the backing of the world government, so many potential recruits will be cultivated with the accumulation of countless resources.

不 Among these elite soldiers, there are many second-generation officers and strong second-generation soldiers who have received good training since childhood.

Qiu Jiangfeng is determined to rise here.

“After half a year, a screening will be conducted to select fifty people for key training. The elite among these elites will become the mainstay of the Navy.”

Qijiang Feng has already guessed who will train these 50 people in half a year. In addition to the Black Wrist Zefa, who else can take up this heavy responsibility.

Takizawa worshiped heroes from an early age and joined the Navy with Karp and the Warring States. At the age of 18, he entered the war for the first time. At the age of 38, he became a naval general.

But Destiny made a joke with him, and the 42-year-old family was killed. Since then Zefa began to hate the Pirates and offered to resign, but was retained by his superiors to become a naval instructor.

Zefa has cultivated many outstanding talents for the Navy over the years. The three admirals of the Navy, the Red Dog, the Yellow Ape, and the Aya, are all Zefa students. Some of the Navy ’s lieutenants, majors, and school officials are Zefa cultivated.

At the age of 65, Edward Weibull was attacked by the trainees. All the trainees had two left, and Zefa’s right arm was also severely damaged.

He later learned that the pirate who had attacked him became Qiwuhai, and was completely disappointed with the navy.

Qiu Jiangfeng still admires Zefa very much. This kind of thing will happen to her, even if she is out of touch with the navy, she will cut the bastard.

“Shit boy, I’ve already said hello to the Warring States Period. In the next six months, I will personally guide you. My teaching is very strict, and I will not show mercy!”

Kapu said solemnly, his momentum suddenly rose towards Jiang Feng, Jiang Feng was one of them, but quickly adjusted his state and faced Kapu.

Qiu Jiangfeng knew that Yan had a high apprentice, and those who were trained by Karp were not weak.

Chen Long, Luffy, and Ace were all trained by Karp as a child.

The more strict Karp, the more excited Jiang Feng is. This is the so-called strong heart. The more difficult it is, the more challenging it is.

“I can not wait any more.”

Jiang Jiangfeng showed a firm expression, and Karp could feel that Jiang Feng was eager to strengthen his firm conviction.

In Karp ’s other hospital, Karp is guiding Jiang Feng. Jiang Feng asks Karp where his physical limits are?

Can the physical limit be broken many times?

Tatar’s body has unlimited potential. Breaking through the physical limit is a process of tapping the body’s potential.

Just breaking through the physical limit for the first time can make people have the strength of one hundred.

There is no limit to the potential of a person. Naturally, he can break through multiple times. Each time he breaks through the physical limit, his physical strength will increase several times. The greater the potential, the more the strength will increase after the breakthrough.

人 Some people are born with a very powerful force, as powerful as a cow, it is easy to break through the physical limit, and the strength grows rapidly, so he has the capital to become a strong person as soon as he is born.

Although some people are born with great powers, such as the Giants, they are large and have great natural powers, but it is difficult for them to develop their physical potential and break through their physical limits.

Everything has exceptions. Once the giants break through the physical limit, their power will be far beyond ordinary people. UU Reading at

Qi Jiangfeng thought of Kaiduo ’s horrible body. His terrible physique was almost invincible. Before Jiangfeng did not pass through, it seemed that he had n’t seen Kaiduo in the anime. Someone could do anything to Kaiduo.

I had troubled the navy many times and had been caught by the navy, but he could not kill him.

After listening to Karp’s explanation, Jiang Feng finally understood why Karp, the Warring States, and other people who have not eaten the fruits of the devil will be at the top of this world.

Demon fruit ability can make a person become stronger quickly, but it also limits him. After all, human energy is limited and it is difficult to achieve both.

It is too difficult to achieve both.

Qiu Jiangfeng is an ambitious person. He becomes stronger and ambitious. He not only has to balance the two, but also has to be the best and strongest.

It is undoubtedly extremely difficult to break through the physical limit. Jiang Feng knows that it took him more than a year in the windmill village to continue to exercise his body to break through the physical limit for the first time.

After listening to Karp’s guidance these days, I have learned some tips from combining my own experience. It will be easier to break the limit in the future.

In fact, when Karp knew that Jiang Feng had only used one year to explore by himself and broke through the physical limits, he was not surprised at all.

卡 It took Karp one year and a half to break the physical limit, and he felt like a genius, but Jiang Feng only took one year.

Kapu didn’t tell Jiang Feng that he was afraid of Jiang Feng’s pride, which was not good for Jiang Feng’s growth.

Qiu Jiangfeng practiced hard under the guidance of Karp. Five hundred elites in the naval training camp had been training day and night for the screening of half a year later.

枫 Jiang Feng could hear their shouts every few kilometers away.

So Jiang Feng did not dare to relax in the slightest.

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