One Piece Navy’s Tyrant

Chapter 4 - Road Pirate

Under the blue sky, a seagull soared freely with a newspaper, and suddenly the seagull swooped down.

A warship with a dog’s head logo appeared in sight, and the seagull threw the newspaper onto the warship and flew away again.

This is the fifth day. Jiang Feng is still on his way to Malinford. Karp’s ship has naval physical training equipment. I heard that Dr. Bega Punk was specially designed for the navy.

Jiang Feng has been doing high-intensity physical training these days.

During the exercise, Jiang Feng found that it was difficult for him to improve his strength in physical training. The growth of physical strength slowed down, and he also lacked practical experience.

But with his current strength and space ability, he can barely survive in the One Piece world.

“Lieutenant General Karp, a pirate ship was found in front of him.”

A navy soldier ran to Karp to report.

“Which Pirate Group?”

“Kiel Pirates, Captain Kiel is a pirate offering a reward of 70 million Bailey.”

“I am a swordsman. There is no mention in the information whether he will be domineering. There are more than 100 crew members on board.”

A major admiral with information in his hand pushed the glasses and said indifferently.

“Only 70 million Bailey, boring, moving at full speed and taking out my shells.”

Cape ate a donut, stretched his waist, and yawned.

Jiang Feng, who was far away, heard that he had encountered a pirate, and his heart was excited and scared. However, this is the first time he has encountered a pirate.

I worked hard for more than a year, but it was a novice village, Jiang Feng was already eager to try it.

“The sea is so vast that these pirates can run into Karp, which is really bad luck.”

The barge was getting closer and closer. Jiang Feng could see a three-masted sailing ship with a length of more than 80 meters and a width of more than 30 meters, almost reaching the standard ship of the Navy.

The barge pirates ran to the deck one by one, holding knives, swords, and muskets in their hands, one by one.

I can feel the evil spirit on them across a hundred meters, no doubt these pirates have killed someone.

Min Jiangfeng clenched her fists in an attempt to calm her trembling body, her eyes fixed on the pirate ship in the distance.

Gill looked at the warship approaching himself, with a dog’s head on his face, and sank. “Damn, I actually encountered the navy hero Karp. It’s bad luck!”

“Fast, speed up, far away from this sea. Opposite is the Navy hero Karp. We have no chance of winning!”

Pirate crew members heard the name of the naval hero Karp, and suddenly looked difficult to look, “Oh my God! Karp, we are stared at by the navy hero, we are finished!”

The pirate yelled in horror as he watched the warship in the distance.

Kiel saw the pirate crew members panicked and scrambled, with a little anger in his eyes, “It’s really a bunch of useless waste!”

Finally, someone could not stand the fear inside, jumped out of the pirate boat, and swam to the distant island.

Seeing this scene, Ji Kei immediately seized the gun of the crew around him and shot a shot at the jumping crew.


There was a gunshot, and blood continued to flow from the crew’s body, but the crew was still swimming forward until he lost his strength and the body floated back to the sea.

Pirates on the boat, with the crew in their hearts thinking the same as the crew just now, seeing this scene, instantly dispelled the idea of ​​escape.

After a while!

The barge approached Cap and picked up the two large-frame artillery shells prepared by the navy soldiers, throwing them one by one in the direction of the pirate ship, and the pirate ship was filled with swarf black shells in just a few dozen breaths.

Kyle saw the shells in the sky, “Damn it, shoot them down.”

He said Keel jumped over the mast of the Pirate Ship.


Ji Keer pulled out a long knife around his waist and cut most of the shells.

The chopped shells fell into the sea and did not explode, but a few shells hit the pirate ship. Only the sound of shell explosions was heard from a distance.

Bang, bang, bang

The pirate ship was hit by artillery shells, the pirate ship was shaking from side to side, and the entire pirate ship was burning.

The two ships were getting closer and closer, and the moment the two ships were approaching, the navy and the pirates fought a deadly battle. The navy went forward bravely for the justice in the heart, without fear of life and death.

In order to survive, the pirates all launched fiercely to fight with the navy, attacked in groups, and attacked everything.

The sword lightsaber, gunfire, and screams filled the world.

There was no one backing, whether the man on the sea, the navy, or the pirates, put life and death behind his head.

At first, several naval officers were evenly matched with the core crew of the Kiel Pirates, but gradually the naval officers began to take advantage.

This is an era of cold weapons. Ordinary bullets can’t hit the soldiers who have broken their limits.

We must know that the elite soldiers of the Navy can all break through the existence of the first limit. Ordinary bullets can completely hide.

The sky is filled with a strong **** smell, and the arms, heads, and even some people were cut in half, and some were cut off by the waist.

These are irritating Jiang Feng all the time, Jiang Feng forced to spit out.

“Resist, this is the first step in becoming a strong man. You must resist.”

Min Jiangfeng clenched her fists, and UU Reading looked very ugly.

As a good young man in the 21st century, Jiang Feng has also seen such scenes on TV. How could anyone really have seen the dead, and died so miserably.

I vomited on the spot without the **** stimulus. It was already strong.

的 People who have never been on the battlefield will never be able to appreciate the throbbing life that lives on the edge of life and death without being controlled by themselves.

Under the fierce attack of the navy, more and more pirates were killed. Some pirates chose to surrender under the threat of death.

Although I could not save my life, I probably spent the second half of my life in prison.


At the moment when Jiang Feng was gone, a pirate hacked at Jiang Feng with a long knife.


The Pirate Pirate was blown away by Carp.

“Smelly boy, run away on the battlefield, do you think you have lived too long?”

Kapu looked at Jiang Feng with a hatred of iron and steel.


Qiu Jiangfeng came back to her heart, and suddenly she was sweating, her body trembling.

“I was almost dead!”

A pirate world, a completely inconspicuous pirate crew, almost put him to death, thinking about it for a while.

Qijiang Feng immediately started to look around with a twelve-point spirit.

I just saw this scene when Kiel, who was fighting the naval captain in the distance, saw it.

Ji Keer knows that a pirate with a reward of more than 10 million yuan, like him, will be executed directly after being caught, or locked in a city of advancement.

I want to know that the pirates who are currently locked in the city of advancement have not escaped yet.

“Just as a young boy, Karp seems to care, this is my chance.”

Kier secretly planned.

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