One Piece Navy’s Tyrant

Chapter 27 - Depart for South China Sea

After Takizawa briefly introduced the mission, he left the deck of the warship and went into the cabin.

“I didn’t expect to face a pirate with a bounty of over 100 million yuan for the first time, and we won’t fight to death!” An elite appeared extremely nervous, said.

“Crow’s mouth, with Teacher Zefa here, we will be fine.”

精英 Although an elite speaks, he can see from his eyes that he is not at the bottom of his heart.

After Takizawa left, everyone, one sentence, and one sentence, expressed all the concerns in my heart.

Bazat arrogantly said, “Isn’t it just fighting the pirates? I used to follow my father’s missions when I was a kid, and I have always seen scenes of skeletal mountains.”

“Monkey D. Maple, you have only joined the Navy for more than a year. You haven’t seen a real pirate.”

“If you are a rookie like you, if you are really scared, you can look around, but don’t pay attention and kill your life.”

“Bazat, you are too much.”

Gulide next to him, saw Bazat insulting Jiang Feng, raised his hand, wanted to take a shot, but was stopped by Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng didn’t care about Bazat’s ridicule, “Bazat, just because of your strength, dare to speak out to me.”

“Wait until the South China Sea, you have to remain beastly, otherwise, a little pirate crew will be able to demand your life.”

“Asshole …”

Bazat is furious.

Bazat used to brag about his basic strength, which is close to the limit of ordinary people. But after meeting Jiang Feng and Gulide, his proud strength became the foil.

When he heard the crowd comparing the strength of the two with themselves, Bazat was annoyed.

The basic qualities of Minjiang Feng and Guleide have not been secrets in the training class for a long time.

The Gulidians are tall and big, and big, Bazat can understand.

But why Jiang Jiangfeng, his body has not yet strengthened, but his basic strength is twice his own.

Qijiang Feng paused, with a slightly playful tone in her tone, “There is one more word, actually I want to tell you long ago.”

After listening to Jiang Feng’s words, the elites were curious, and Gulide looked at Jiang Feng with a puzzled expression. “Feng, what do you want to say to him?”

After I smirked, “It won’t be …”

After listening to Gulide’s words, Jiang Feng twitched.

哈 “Ha! Your boy and Hicas are together, why did you see him influence you, but did not see you influence him?”

Min Jiangfeng turned around and looked at Bazat seriously.

“Actually, Lao Tzu wanted to tell you long ago that you were really ugly after being animalized.”

Xu Jiangfeng said with a relaxed look, “Some words can’t be held in my heart, and she spoke with ease.”

After saying that Jiang Feng went into the cabin and went to find Zefa, there were just a few questions to ask Zefa.

Everyone was shocked, then laughed.

Bazat’s face was iron-blue, “Monkey D. Maple, I’m going to kill you.”

Bazat’s friend, quickly stopped him, Zefaco was in the cabin.

The South China Sea is the sea with the strongest overall strength of pirates.

From the navy headquarters to the South China Sea, just follow the red clay continent all the way forward, cross the sea horizontally, and then across a windless zone, you can reach the South China Sea.

前 The first half of the great route is relatively peaceful compared to the new world. After all, powerful pirates will choose to enter the new world.

There are two ways to enter the new world. One is to ask for the consent of the governments of the world. This is the safest option.

The other is to dive into the seabed for 10,000 meters and reach the fisherman’s island, because the fisherman’s island has a gap in the laterite continent, which can lead to the new world. This choice has certain risks.

But most pirates choose to pass by Murloc Island.

If you want to reach Murloc Island, you must cross the sea floor 10,000 meters, so the pirates will go to the Shampoo Islands to coat the pirate ship first.

Few pirates are willing to conflict with the navy in the Shampoo Islands. After all, here is not far from the naval headquarters, there is not enough power, and conflict with the navy is almost to death.

After leaving Naval Headquarters, I did not encounter half a pirate along the way. The captain drove straight into the windless zone.

She entered the cabin, Jiang Feng saw that Zefa was making some records, and Jiang Feng walked slowly.

Takizawa felt that someone was coming, raised his head and looked at Jiang Feng. “Feng Feng, do you have any trouble with your husband?”

“Teacher Zefa, I remember you telling me that I can’t use overlord color and domineering because my mental strength is not enough.”

所以 “So I want to know how to increase mental strength.”

Mental strength is important.

越 The stronger the mental power, the more space-time energy Jiang Feng can feel, the greater the destructive force of the space blade made.

Not only that, mental power is also about controlling the domineering.

So Jiang Feng urgently wanted to know how to strengthen his mental strength and strengthen his mental strength, which meant that he improved Jiang Feng’s comprehensive strength.

After listening to Jiang Feng’s question, Zefa glanced down and looked at Jiang Feng, asking meaningfully.

“Maple boy, tell me why you so desperately want to be strong.”

Minjiang Feng hesitated for a moment.

“I want to be stronger, not to overtake everyone.”

而是 “It’s because, I don’t want to one day, someone will cause me to die ~ ~ and I have nothing to fight back.”

“I don’t want to one day, looking at my friends, when my loved ones are hurt, I can do nothing.”

“Reluctantly, even talking about your name is restricted.”

Hearing Jiang Feng’s words, Zefa seemed to be sorrowful. As an admiral, he could not even protect his family. What a irony.

“Is the guardian’s will?”

Takizawa thought for a moment, got up and took down his eyes, “Feng Feng, come with me.”

On the highest level of the puppet warship, in a very wide and empty room, where two people stood.

“In order to increase mental strength, there is a way to go beyond the limits.”

“Remember, how did I help you wake up the overlord?”

As soon as Fengjiang Feng was stunned, a hunch came to mind, “Is it …”

不错 “Yes, another way is to force the body to increase mental strength.”

The next sentence, Zefa’s tone was extremely serious and heavy.

“In the next training, I will continue to give you pressure. Boy, Feng, you better have the heart prepared, if you can’t resist it, you will die suddenly.”

Qi Jiangfeng hesitated for a moment. He was better than the elite of the same period. Is it necessary to take risks?

“No, it’s not enough.”

Qiu Jiangfeng growled in her heart.

“Come on! Teacher Zefa.”

An instant of pressure appeared on Jiang Feng. Jiang Feng felt as if a big mountain was pressing on himself, and breathing became difficult.

The pressure this time was not as fierce as last time, Jiang Feng felt that this was Zefa’s intention.

Last time I was totally desperate, and this time I was looking for hope in despair.

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