One Piece Navy’s Tyrant

Chapter 18 - Gullit

On a strange day, the navy repositioned the ring.

Today is the last day of the Big Titan, high-level navies will come, and the War Congress will personally award the major to the winner. The Navy’s documents had been drafted long before the final winner was decided.

Early in the morning, everyone gathered at the meeting room and talked. The atmosphere is not as tense as it was yesterday, because the results have basically been determined. It is impossible to receive Zefa’s special training without crowding into the top 50.

The purpose of everyone today is very simple, that is, to see who the major rank ranks.

“Look, here comes Gullit.”

Jiang Feng, far away, saw Gulide entering the venue, and did not rush to rush over.

After entering the venue, Jiang Feng saw that there were quite a lot of military officers today. The most of them were captains and school officials. What surprised Jiang Feng was several major generals and lieutenants.

Waiting is time. It is always the most grueling. Jiang Feng entered the venue and found a corner where no one was sitting. People whom Jiang Feng knew in the naval headquarters would be able to count with a finger. Naturally no one came to Jiang Feng .

“Quiet me down!”

With the admiral of the admiral clamoring, the venue was quiet, and everyone’s eyes swept in the direction of the admiral.

The next moment, the frivolous color on everyone’s faces disappeared instantly, replaced by shock, admiration, and excitement.

Because all the officers in the meeting place were in awe of salute, saluting at a distance.

For a few moments, several figures in the navy’s righteous majesty appeared in the sight of the crowd. They stood tall and stood side by side, walking slowly under countless awesome eyes.

Among them, Jiang Feng is most familiar with Karp. The purple hair next to Karp should be Zefa. As for the other with glasses and a seagull on his head, there is no doubt that it is the Warring States Period. As for the others, Jiang Feng did not recognize it.

“Oh my God, I’m not dreaming! General Zefa, General Warring States, Lieutenant General Capu, are here.”

I saw the arrival of the general, and many people realized that the Navy attached great importance to this big game. Some people even regret that they have left room on the field and did not do their best.

Looking at the arrival of all the people, the Warring States Period approached a major general and said, “They are both here! Let them start quickly!”


“In the last game, Gulid played against Monch D. Maple. Now, the two sides will come to power.”


Gulid jumped up, the tall figure fell straight on the ring, and there was no unnecessary movement in the whole body. Feet fall to the ground as if embedded in the ground. A large web of fine cracks extended from under his feet.

人 This man is more than two meters tall and has a back to back.

He wore only a navy vest on his upper body, and he could clearly see his bulging muscles, which were as firm as solid stones.

“Is this Gullit?”

听说 “I heard that this guy is a madman who practiced body techniques. He majored in iron blocks in the six styles, pointed at guns, and students in the same period. No one could break his defense.”

“Instant Step”

Xu Jiangfeng came on stage and looked at the big man who was taller than his own. Jiang Feng could feel a sense of oppression from him.

Qijiang Feng guessed that Guleide’s power is even stronger than himself. His basic strength should be about 1,100 kilograms. The body of this big man is an absolute hidden force of terror.

Gulid watched Jiang Fan come to power and said eagerly: “Monkey D. Maple, I know your strength is strong, come here quickly, I will fight you happily.”

“As you wish” “shave”

Qiujiang Feng turned into a residual image, rising up into the air, and punched vigorously and punched Gulide’s chest firmly. This punch Jiangfeng used only five points of force.

Gulid did not do any defense, resisted Jiang Feng’s punch, and took five steps to stabilize his figure.

Qi Jiangfeng looked puzzled, “Why not use iron.”

“Hum your soft fist, it is not worth me to resist with iron.”

“Maple, next attack, if you don’t do your best, I’m going to be angry.”

Gulid resisted Jiang Feng’s punch, his body was uncomfortable, and his breathing was short.

“Okay, I know, I will do my best”

I didn’t expect that the big man who looked so thick turned into a Berserker in a fight.

“Shaved” “iron block”

Qiu Jiangfeng appeared in front of Guli De, and made more than ten punches in an instant. This time, Jiang Feng used her full strength.

Huh! ···

A series of impact sounds came from the air, like a tiger’s fist, punching and punching Gulide’s chest, lower abdomen, Gulide’s forced retreat.

“Haha! Happy, you haven’t let me down, it’s been a long time since no one can hurt me.”

I go to buddy, you will not have any special hobbies!

“Come and attack me next!”

Gulid said that his two fists blasted out continuously, and each of his punches was as powerful as thunder. Everywhere his fist went, a sound of breaking air would come from the air.

It was the first time Jiang Feng saw such a strong fist.

轰轰 轰轰!

Qiu Jiangfeng abstained sharply.

After this confrontation, Jiang Feng has deeply felt the abnormal defense and terror of Gulide. UU reading books

Now that I do not use the power of space, it is difficult to break Gulide’s defense.

“No, I won’t believe it. 5000 kilos is by no means my limit.”


Qiu Jiangfeng made a fist punch against Hong Lide’s fist. Jiang Feng was repelled five steps. Jiang Feng felt that her bones were about to crack.

“Come again”

One punch after another, the punches collided, Jiang Feng was still repulsed, and Gulide remained motionless.

Slowly Jiang Feng was repelled five steps from the beginning, to three steps to be repelled, and then one step, Jiang Feng’s power increased significantly, until the two forces in the chamber resisted the ceremony.

Gulid looked at Jiang Feng with surprise, he already felt that Jiang Feng’s power seemed to be awake, and he was constantly improving.

At this time, Jiang Feng understood that his basic strength was around 1200 kg. Why did his strength limit exceed 6,000 kg after breaking the limit, and his strength only increased to 5,000 kg, and it was no longer growing.

Most people increase their strength through high-intensity exercise. When the strength is increased to a certain value, it will no longer increase, because the body has gradually adapted to high-intensity exercise. If you want to improve, you must increase the amount of exercise.

虽然 Although this method is simple, it is too heavy for the body and it is easy to leave dark injuries.

Kapu knew this and did not put too much pressure on Jiang Feng.

Exercise and stress are some of the external stimuli to the body. The body resists these stimuli by increasing its physical strength. Once the physical strength is strong enough to resist these stimuli, it will no longer grow.

The strong power of Gu Lide has brought unprecedented pressure to Jiang Feng, so the sleeping body will wake up and continue to become stronger.

I’m saying that hovering between life and death is the fastest way to increase strength, which is true.

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