One Piece Navy’s Tyrant

Chapter 1084.5

It’s finally finished!

Deleted the Marvel article, as well as part of the main storyline content, all the later branch line storyline are also deleted, not to write!

From the beginning of the book to the present, to be honest, I have no wave in my heart. I originally planned to finish all the following content, but I couldn’t resist opening a new book.

If all of them are written, it will take at least one or two hundred chapters, two or three months, and it will take too long!

The new book has been dragged and written, and there is no future in this book, so just grit your teeth and finish the book!

I will start writing a new book tomorrow, and interested friends can take a look.

I would like to thank my friends who have always given up here. Without you, I would not stick to it.

This is also my first book!

Although one or two hundred chapters are written later, there is no **** and the story is complete.

I won’t say a lot of polite words, I believe if the new book is written, we will meet again!

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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