One Piece Fighting for Hegemony from Sharingan

Chapter 19 My Ideal

Chapter 19 My Ideal
"Ace! This world is very big, with four seas, red land continents, great routes, new worlds... there are endless mysteries and wonders. But this world is small, and the world government almost covers the sky with one hand, and their eyes and ears are all over the world..."

After deliberating for a moment, Leon reminded:
"Your identity is a huge hidden danger. In the future, even your mother's surname should not be mentioned to outsiders, and all the insiders around you must keep it secret, especially that big-mouthed guy Luffy!"

"You still know Luffy?" Ace opened his mouth wide in surprise.

"I did some research before coming to you, and—"

Having said that, Leon deliberately paused.

"And what?"

"Your other brother, the kid named Sabo is not dead."

"What? Sabo is alive! Is this real? Great. Hahaha. Really"

Ace stood up suddenly, ecstatically excited and incoherent.

It took a while for Ace to calm down, and he asked eagerly:
"Where's Sabo? How is he doing now?"

"He was seriously injured before, but he should be fine now. As for where he is now, I don't know. I only know that people from the Revolutionary Army rescued him."

"Revolutionary Army... I see. Thank you for telling me about this!" Ace bowed in thanks.

Lyon waved his hand and said:

"You don't have to be so polite to me. As for your future path, I have two suggestions for your reference."

"One: Become a pirate according to your original wish, but you have to try your best to find a way to join the Whitebeard Pirates to seek refuge. However, the pirates are good and bad, and they are basically reckless people. I don't want you to go this way. way."

"Second: Come to be a navy under my command. I will try my best to conceal your identity and origin, and I will not impose any restrictions on you. But the navy is only a temporary springboard for me. When I have accumulated enough strength, I will Break away from the navy and build your own power."

Ace frowned and thought for a while, then said:

"I don't want to be a pirate because I want to be subservient to the Whitebeard Pirates. I'm a little curious. As a lieutenant colonel, you want to leave the navy and build your own power. Do you want to be a pirate too?"

Leon smiled and shook his head, then said seriously:
"Being a pirate? That's too small. Ace, don't you think that many countries in this world are sick? Let's not mention the far ones, let's take the nearest Goa Kingdom as an example~ The corrupt nobles dominate Holding power, thinking that they are superior to others, they squeeze and exploit the people at the bottom layer by layer, and the poor who have been squeezed out are discarded and expelled by them like garbage..."

"The Kingdom of Goa is pretty good! The people in the kingdom on the bridge are even more miserable, they have been squeezed to death from generation to generation... and those stupid pig-like Tianlong people are riding on top of everyone, they Arbitrarily capturing slaves, brutalizing civilians, and trampling on lives, didn't your brother Sabo almost die at the hands of Tianlong people?"

"The world government that has existed for 800 years has already been corrupted to the bone, and the pirates who are raging wildly all over the world are not much better!"

At the end, Leon stood up and opened his arms, saying impassionedly:

"Ace! I hate those reckless pirates, I also hate the corrupt and incompetent world government, and I don't want to be ridden on the head by a group of stupid pig-like dragons. I want to overthrow all these forces and establish a truly free new world!"

Having said that, Leon stared at Ace solemnly:

"But I can't achieve this ideal alone. Ace, I need your strength! Would you like to be my partner?"

Ace looked at Leon's tall and straight figure, and listened to Leon's impassioned statement of ideals and an invitation to himself. Ace felt that the blood in his body was boiling and burning.

"Pirates? Indeed! Pirates are too small in the eyes of this crazy guy. Who would have thought~ This guy's ideal is to overthrow the entire world! Mr. Xingkong is right, the one with special eyes Leon is indeed the one who can change my fate..."

"Haha~ Count me in for such an interesting thing!"

Ace laughed heartily, and all the long-standing haze in his heart dissipated.

With that mysterious and powerful Mr. "Starry Sky" as an endorsement, Leon should be trustworthy.

If the world government can really be overthrown, then Ace will definitely surpass Roger, and those worries and fears deep in his heart will naturally disappear.

Lyon smiled.

"I first acted as "Starry Sky" to show my power in the sea of ​​stars, leaving a strong and mysterious impression in Ace's heart."

"Reveal Ace's secret and guide Ace, the person with special eyes will change his fate."

"Then I, who have special eyes, approached Ace, and used Lujiu to get closer to Ace and gain his further trust."

"From the standpoint of Lujiu and Ace, criticize Roger fiercely, and resonate with Ace...After the strong criticism, I admit that Roger is a hero, and let Ace think that I am an upright and heroic person .”

"Give Ace suggestions to let him choose, avoid causing his resistance, and then use this to draw out his own ideals."

"Sharing your crazy ideals to Ace, sharing secrets is a good way to gain trust, the bigger the secret, the better the effect."

"Bringing up the fact that Sabo was harmed by the Celestial Dragons again caused Ace to hate the Celestial Dragons and the World Government, and empathize with his own ideals."

"Finally tell Ace that I need him, invite him to be my partner, and let Ace choose his own future path."

"Because people don't like to admit that they are wrong, letting Ace choose by himself can not only avoid the other party's resistance, but also greatly avoid the chance of betrayal."

In this way, the solicitation is complete.

Everything is planned!

After a long time, Leon and Ace returned to the bandit Dadan's house together.

The sharp-eyed Luffy rushed towards Leon with his fists pumped from afar.

"You bastard, eat me a rubber."



But in the blink of an eye, Leon had already lifted Lu Fei in his hand with one hand, pinched Lu Fei's face with the other hand and stretched it vigorously, and then let go suddenly.


The crisp sound of the skin bouncing back was very loud.

"Wow, it hurts so much!" Luffy cried out, covering his face.

Leon turned to Ace with a smile:
"Ace, your brother is so funny!"

Ace covered his forehead helplessly and said:
"Brother Leon, don't bully Luffy. After all, this idiot is also my younger brother."

"Haha! Alright." Leon laughed and let Luffy go.

Luffy immediately hid behind Ace and asked loudly:
"Ace, is this guy your brother?"

"Well, that's it." Ace replied with a blink of an eye.


This night, Leon temporarily stayed at Dadan's house.

In the most spacious room of Dadan's house, a group of bandits squatted or sat around Leon, and Ace and Luffy even got closer to the front.

They all pricked up their ears and listened intently to Leon's lecture on the modified version of Havoc in Heaven.

Leon has greatly changed the character names and the world background, and the story time is inserted in the "blank 100 years".

So it became the story of the commoner Monkey King being oppressed by the Tianlong people, so he went to the Holy Land Marie Joa in a rage, and hammered the "Dragon people" and the "World Government" to the ground.

In the story, Leon ruthlessly adds fuel to the story, depicting the "Tianlongren" and "World Government" oppressing the good, forcing the people to rebel, raping and plundering, and mocking all kinds of groups... The bandits and Ace, Luffy gritted his teeth with hatred.

"... Wulaoxing was furious: Bold Sun Wukong! How dare you commit crimes, kill the Tianlong people, and besiege the world government alone, come here ~ quickly invite the three generals of the navy!"

"...The three generals bullied the few with more and threatened Fairy Zixia's life, and finally suppressed Sun Wukong under the Baitu Continent. Unexpectedly, Fairy Zixia saw her lover defeated and humiliated because of herself, so she threw her head in disregard of life and death." Crash into the Baitu Continent!"

"I just heard a loud bang, and I was shocked! The Baitu Continent, which had stood for countless years, was broken by Fairy Zixia... However, Fairy Zixia herself was smashed to pieces, and the blood stained the remaining half of Baitu Continent, forming today's Baitu Continent. The Red Earth Continent..."

"When his lover died, Sun Wukong broke free from his shackles and rushed to the sky. He wept blood in his eyes and shouted in grief: I want this Tianlongren, so I can't dirty my eyes anymore. I want this red earth continent, so I can't bury my body anymore. I want this mortal being." , you all understand what I mean, I want this world government to disappear..."

"This battle was earth-shattering, and the blood of Monkey King stained the sky. The half of the broken Baitu Continent was shattered into pieces and flew into the sky, forming an empty island. The three generals were beaten to death, and the aftermath of their battle became today's great waterway and land. There is no wind. However, Sun Wukong also ran out of energy after this battle! Before he died, he held the "Moonlight Treasure Box", the relic of Fairy Zixia, and finally disappeared at the end of the great route..."

Leon clapped his hands.

"Okay! This is the end of the story."

"Woooo~ It's so touching!" Luffy wailed loudly.

The bandits around nodded in unison, and everyone was in tears.

Ace sniffed and looked at Leon with some doubts.

"Brother Leon, the story you told. Could it be partly true?"

Leon shrugged.

"Hey~ who knows? I also heard other people's stories, maybe some of the stories are true..."

(End of this chapter)

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