One Pice: The Straw Hat Adventure Reborn.

Chapter 123: :)CH123

"We made it to the mountain." Sanji said as he looked up with a grim look as a thought crossed his mind. " are we gonna get up there?"

"No way we can climb this." Greg said.

"I can." Luffy said after kicking off his sandals.

"Are you crazy?!" Sanji asked. "There's nothing to grab onto to climb up!"

"Yes there is." Luffy said after finding some tiny ridges on the mountain before climbing up effortlessly a few feet before looking back at them. "Grab on."

"Grab on?" Greg asked. "To what?!" "My feet." Luffy said while his fingers turned black.

"You've gotta be joking!" Greg yelled.

"No...he's not joking." Sanji said, knowing the serious look in Luffy's eyes.

"Hurry up you two." said Luffy as he looked up the mountain. "We gotta get Nami and Grace to the doctor." Sanji just looked at his captain before sighing and grabbing his left leg.

"If you fall, I'm gonna kill you before we hit the bottom." Sanji said.

"You are crazy!" Greg said, now thinking the whole crew was as mad as the captain before grabbing onto Luffy's right leg. "How are you gonna-" he started saying before he felt himself going up the mountain at a steady pace.

"See?" Luffy said with a grin. "We'll get there, no problem."

-3 hours later- Luffy was still climbing while the other two hung on for dear life. Nami was still tied to Luffy's back, Grace was tied to Greg's back, and Sanji and Greg held onto Luffy's legs and were talking to keep their minds off how high they were.

" wanna b-be a fi-fireman?" Sanji stuttered as the cold was getting to him and Greg.

"Yeah." Greg said. "It's b-been my dream since I w-was younger." he stuttered. "That's wh-why I volunteered to j-joined you guys up the mountain."

"I can see the top." Luffy said. All three of them looked to see the top just a little further away. Luffy kept on climbing until he managed to pull them to the top before Sanji and Greg let go of his legs.

"Nice...castle." Sanji said. All three men were chilled to the bone as they slowly started walking towards the castle. They got halfway there before Sanji and Greg's strength gave out and fell to their knees.

"So...close." Greg said before he passed out.

"Gotta...get the" Sanji said, fighting to stay awake.

"Hang on guys." Luffy said before picking them up in each arm. "We're almost there." He started walking before he saw two figures approaching and smiled.

"Looks like we've got some patients Chopper." said Dr. Kureha as she looked at Luffy. "Climbing up 3 miles of mountain in only that? You must be crazy kid."

"It's nothing." Luffy said as he wobbled a bit, now starting to feel his strength go as well. " my friends." he said, causing Chopper to look at him. "Don't worry boy." she said. "You and your friends will be okay." Luffy smiled before setting his friends down and falling down in the snow.

"Let's get to work Chopper." she said.

-Somewhere on the island-

"Come on Usopp." Vivi grunted as she pulled Usopp out of the snow. She and Usopp went chasing after Dalton, only to get lost before the avalanche came.

"Vivi, stop shouting." Usopp said with a strange smile on his face. "I'm having a wondeful dream. I see a world full of beautiful flowers unlike any I've ever seen."

"That's Heaven!" Vivi shouted as she started slapping him. "WAKE UP!"

"AHH!" Usopp shouted before falling back asleep. "It's another great adventure of the Usopp Pirates!" he mumbled. "NO MR. USOPP! DON'T DIE!" Vivi yelled in panic before slapping him until he finally woke up.

"Thanks for helping me Vivi." Usopp said as he reached up to his swollen face. "But why does my face hurt a lot?"

"Nothing." she said. "I'm just glad you're alive. It's only frostbite. Anyway, let's find the others." she said before seeing something jump up from under the snow.

"What now?!" Usopp shrieked before they saw it was Zoro.

"Snow? Where'd all those flowers go?" Zoro mumbled before seeing Vivi there. "Oh. Hey Vivi and..." he said as he stared at Usopp's swollen face, recognizing him because of his nose. "Hey Usopp. Why are you here?"

"THAT'S OUR LINE!" they yelled. Soon, all three were now walking and arguing about Zoro swimming in the river and getting lost before he begged them for some of their clothing.

"Look!" Vivi shouted. "Those houses...we're back at Big Horn!" she said. They kept walking until they heard screaming and started running and joined the villagers who were hiding from the chaos. "What's going on?"

"Dalton and those pirates from before are fighting against Wapol's men." one of them said before seeing Zoro in only pants. "YOU DO REALIZE IT'S FREEZING OUTSIDE, DON'T YOU?!"

"Let's help them." Zoro said as he started walking through the crowd and saw everything. Dalton was back in his half and half form and slashing at some of Wapol's men, Gin was smashing another in the ribs with his tonfa, and Alvida was calming walking towards another as he shot at her only to have the bullets slip away from her.

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