One Pet Gets Married

Chapter 25

Chapter 24

“Okay,” Tang Youan smiled lightly after hearing the phrase “Kill you”, “As long as Xi Ci is willing.”

“I’m telling you, I’m very willing!” Song Xici said, struggling to get up from her arms.

However, Tang Youan held her wrist again and looked at her eyes: “Really?”

Song Xici looked at her up close, his eyes rolled, and paused for a moment: “Of course!”

“I don’t believe it.” Tang Youan let go of her hand.

“Don’t believe me, forget it!” Song Xici hurriedly left her arms, stood up, faced the dressing table, reached out and picked up a makeup primer to play with in his hand, muttering: “You dare to make jokes about being a mother. You are so presumptuous, and you don’t know what you learn in the crew every day…”

After listening to Tang Youan, he lowered his head and smiled, but did not answer.

“I don’t know if I watched some messy things on the Internet all day long…” Song Xici continued to mutter.

Hearing this, Tang Youan coughed.

So, Song Xici turned his head and aimed at her: “I won’t make it for you! You watch me make it by yourself, and then follow me step by step, otherwise you will never know it, if it breaks, I will give it. You clean up.”

After listening to Tang Youan, he was stunned for a moment, and finally nodded. The woman’s heart is really incomprehensible. The first second she said to help herself, the next second she immediately changed her mind.

So after that, Tang Youan began to toss those things on her face nervously, learning how to.

It is rare for Tang Youan to appear such a flustered and clumsy appearance. Song Xici watched from the side, laughing so that his stomach hurts. However, she really didn’t know how to do it at all. No way, in the end Song Xici stood up and helped her remedy the messy makeup face into a transparent and natural makeup face.

After everything was done, Song Xici and Tang Youan got in the car and headed to the Rongcheng Hotel where Qi Yuan had a birthday party.

This hotel can be regarded as a signature hotel in Rongcheng. It has a long history and is very eye-catching. It looks like a European-style castle, and the decoration inside is even more magnificent. Today, Qi Yuan also booked the venue. .

Among the sisters who they mixed together back then, Qi Yuan was the best one. They became an instant hit when they debuted. After starring in two TV series, they were dug up by a director and turned to the big screen.

Although I don’t have many scripts, basically one movie a year, and I usually rarely show up. I and my fans are very low-key, but because each movie has a good box office and reputation, she has become a crowd after coming and going. The default acting school in my mind.

Someone once drew a comprehensive status map of the influence of actresses born in the 80s to 90s. In the picture, the “Empress Dowager” is Jiang Yuyan; the “Queen Dowager” is Zhao Lu, the “Queen” is Jin Yawen; and the “Empress Dowager” is Qi Yuan, Zhao Zixi, Bai Yunmo, among them Qi Yuan is the youngest.

Therefore, Qi Yuan never cares about nicknames such as “Goddess of the People”.

However, since Qi Yuan got married, he has less appeared in the eyes of everyone.

Then, although the private relationship between Song Xici and Qi Yuan is not particularly intimate, it is still better than the relationship between Liao Bixin and Qi Yuan. Therefore, when Liao Bixin asked her if she would come to this birthday party, she was very speechless, because she had already received the invitation from Qi Yuan.

After registering and giving gifts and cash, I walked into the hotel and saw that there were already a lot of people gathered inside. The buffet mode was adopted in it, which may be to facilitate everyone to walk around and communicate at will. I saw all kinds of beautiful food in delicate utensils were placed on the long table inside.

On the stage in the center of the lobby, there is a piano on which a famous man in white clothes is sitting and playing.

“The chandelier in this hotel is bigger than ours.” Tang Youan’s focus is a bit biased.

After listening to Song Xici, he looked at her: “Don’t be rustic.”

“Oh…” Tang Youan nodded, then looked at the food with glowing eyes, “When can we eat them?”

Song Xici glanced at her again: “I know how to eat all day long.”

“Food is the heaven for the people,” Tang Youan said.

“Don’t say it, it hasn’t started yet, let’s see Qi Yuan first, and just call her sister Qi. And in such an occasion, we have to arm our arms.” Song Xici said.

“Good.” Tang Youan nodded.

So Song Xici took Tang Youan’s arm and walked towards Qi Yuan after looking around.

“Sister Qi!” After trotting to the side of Qi Yuan who had just finished chatting with others, Song Xici smiled and said, “Happy birthday!”

“Xi Ci is coming?!” Qi Yuan smiled when he saw her, then stretched out his hand and gently wrapped it around Song Xi Ci’s shoulder, then looked at Tang Youan, “Hello.”

“Hello, Sister Qi,” Tang Youan bent down slightly, “Happy birthday.”

“Sister Qi, I haven’t seen it for a long time. You look better… Isn’t this the legendary, nourished by love, so…” Song Xici said, moving towards Qi Yuan, who was chatting with others on the other side. Husband took a look.

“Hahaha, what about you? I think you are also blushing, does your family spoil you less, right?” Qi Yuan looked at Tang Youan, then looked at Song Xici, “I heard that you are very happy. What…”

Song Xici instantly thought of the likes, and his heart sighed.

“Do you feel happy?” At this moment, Tang Youan smiled and asked Song Xi’s speech.

Song Xici pinched her secretly. Upon seeing this, Qi Yuan narrowed his eyes with a smile.

“Sister Qi Yuan!” At this moment, Liao Bixin’s voice came from a distance.

So, all three of them here turned their heads and looked at her.

Liao Bixin has been dressed up today. The makeup looks very professional, not like she did it herself. She was wearing a long black skirt with hips, and a yellow mid-length fur on the outside. She wore two strings of long sparkling earrings on her ears, which looked like she was going to the red carpet.

“I suddenly felt that you were dressed a little plain today.” Song Xici couldn’t help but turned sideways and whispered in Tang Youan’s ear.

After listening to Tang Youan, he looked down at his clothes. It seems, indeed.

Liao Bixin looked like she was going to a dance party, and she looked like she was waiting for a barbecue on the side of the road.

“Come on?” Qi Yuan looked at her.

“Yeah, Sister Qi Yuan, you are so beautiful today, hug!” Liao Bixin jumped two steps, stretched out his arms, and pouted at Qi Yuan.

“Okay, okay.” Qi Yuan smiled awkwardly, and hugged her, “Why didn’t Qi Sheng come?”

“He… really can’t make it, I’m sorry.” Liao Bixin said, holding Qi Yuan’s hand.

“Oh… it’s okay.” Qi Yuan shook his head.

“It’s also hard work.” At this moment, Song Xici held Tang Youan’s arm and said with a smile.

“Haha…No way, after all, it’s not a salted fish. In the past two years, the business has been busy. It doesn’t have a lot of free time like the 18th line. Plus, the reputation is not small. If you don’t move at all, you will be told that it is. Playing big cards.” Liao Bixin smiled. The meaning is that Qi Shenghong is too ridiculous, where is like Tang Youan and Song Xici, rushing to the street so free.

“Yes…” Song Xici nodded and looked at Tang Youan, “It’s really different from our little salted fish couple.”

“It seems that I am also very salty. I spend most of the year idle.” At this moment, Qi Yuan suddenly spoke.

After listening to Liao Bixin, her face became stiff, and she suddenly said in a panic: “Sister Qi Yuan, I didn’t mean that, you know…”

“Okay, okay, I know. I’ll go over there first, I wish you have fun.” Qi Yuan looked at Liao Bixin, pointed at the hotel counter, smiled, and then left with cash.

“Hey…” Liao Bixin wanted to say something, but she choked.

“Tang Xiaoxianyu, walk around, let’s go over there!” At this moment, Song Xici took Tang Youan’s arm and pointed in a certain direction.

“Okay.” Tang Youan smiled slightly, and after bending towards Liao Bixin, he let Song Xici take his arm and walked towards the platform.

Liao Bixin looked at the backs of the two men, and once again developed an urge to strangle Qi Sheng, who was in a different place, across a distance of 256km.

After that, the piano music stopped abruptly, and the big guys all raised their heads. At the same time, a well-known hostess appeared on the hotel counter, crackled a lot, and everyone applauded.

“When can we eat?” Tang Youan asked Song Xici while applauding.

“Oh, it’s coming soon!” Song Xici disliked her to death. Just know to eat, like a pig.

“I saw a lot of things over there that I hadn’t eaten before,” Tang Youan continued, “Compared with the food of the crew, it is many times more luxurious.”

Song Xici looked at her sideways, and was really about to laugh at her angrily: “Forget it, when you are free, I will show you to the world again.”

However, the appearance of the two of them whispering, wide-eyed and small-eyed, seemed to others around them as if they were flirting. After seeing it, Liao Bixin couldn’t help standing a little further away.

At this time, Qi Yuan and Liu Yong went on stage. Elegant and charming Qi Yuan looks like a sparkling diamond.

“Sister Qi is so beautiful…” Song Xi couldn’t help but arched her hands on her chest in a gesture of worship.

“I think…” Tang Youan thought about it carefully, “You should look better.”

After Song Xici finished listening, he gave her a blank look, and couldn’t help but smile and shook his head.

“Dear friends, thank you for showing your face to accompany me on my birthday. I will always take care of me in your heart. Without your care, I would never be today. Thank you, tonight, I wish you all a happy meal, a happy chat, and a fun!” Qi Yuan’s speech was very brief.

However, after she finished speaking, everyone applauded warmly.

After Liu Yong finished speaking, he opened the champagne and sliced ​​the cake. At the same time, the melodious piano music sounded again.

After Tang Youan and Song Xici divided the cakes, they exchanged greetings with the acquaintances they met, and then they went to a quiet small table in the corner to eat. By the way, Song Xici also took out two glasses of wine from the passing waiter’s tray.

“Xi Ci, I’ll get you some food.” Tang Youan said, and stood up.

“Okay, you go.” Song Xici nodded after forking a small tuft of cake into his mouth.

So Tang Youan got up and walked over there.

I saw her standing there, after learning that others took a plate, she began to walk back and forth in the food area, looking here and there. After Song Xizi watched for a while, someone called, and she concentrated on answering the phone.

Then, after a short while, as soon as Song Xici looked up, he saw Tang Youan bringing a table full of things.

Big crabs, **** tiger prawns, snails, cheese and beef cubes are a mess.

Looking at the others, they only took a little bit, but they were almost piled up into a mountain here.

“My God…” Song Xici looked at her dumbly. Generally speaking, for the sake of image, people will eat slowly, less, and more carefully on this occasion.

“Xi Ci, come.” After Tang Youan sat down, tilted her head, and began to clip everything she thought was good to the dinner plate in front of Song Xi Ci.

“Forget it, really,” Song Xici finally put down the phone and picked up the fork, “I’ll accompany you.”

Then, as soon as Song Xi finished speaking, Tang Youan put the two prawns that had just been peeled into her dinner plate.

After chewing the food and swallowing it, Song Xici looked at Tang Youan, who was sitting on the opposite side and continued to pound the crabs, and concentrated on pulling out the crab meat a little bit. He dropped the tip of the fork onto the white porcelain plate and smiled.

After that, Song Xici took a sip of the wine, and when he turned his head, he saw a familiar person standing not far away.

I saw that he was born with tall noodles, with a tall ponytail, and wearing a khaki coat. It was Zhou Yi undoubtedly.

“Zhou Yi? Why are you here?!” After finding that Zhou Yi was also there, Song Xici hurriedly stood up, trot over, and stood still in front of her.

Seeing this, Tang Youan also walked over.

“Our company and Qi Yuan’s husband Liu Yong have a long-term cooperative relationship.” Zhou Yi held the glass in one hand and pointed to Liu Yong with the other.

“So it’s like this…” Song Xici nodded, “Awesome, Mr. Zhou!”

“You should call me Zhou Yi…” Zhou Yi pressed his temple.

“Hahaha, good good!” Song Xici laughed.

“By the way, hello, I am Xi Ci’s friend, Zhou Yi. I was sorry that I could not rush back when you got married before.” After that, Zhou Yi extended his hand to Tang Youan.

“It’s okay.” Tang Youan shook hands with her.

After shaking his hand, Zhou Yi looked at Tang Youan again. To tell the truth, from the Tang Youan she saw, it is really impossible to associate with those who Song Xi had complained about before.

“I’m going there first.” At this time, Zhou Yi pointed to Qi Yuan and Liu Yong again.

“Okay, go!” Song Xici blinked.

At this time, someone came over with a wine to find Song Xici and Tang Youan to chat, so the two turned their attention again.

Zhou Yi walked to the side of Liu Yong and Qi Yuan, and raised his hand to touch the glass with them.

“It seems that everyone outside is pretty good, and Mr. Zhou is really a great beauty.” Qi Yuan smiled.

“Thank you.” Zhou Yi’s lips curled slightly.

“I hope that our cooperation with your company in the future can be as happy as ever.” Liu Yong also smiled.

“I hope too.” Zhou Yi nodded.

After that, there was another business chat between you and me.

“Ah!” But, at this moment, a low exclamation sound suddenly came from behind him. There was also the sound of broken glass.

So Zhou Yi turned around.

I saw a woman wearing a nude-colored long skirt and a coat of the same color, with a fluffy and slightly curly hair standing there with her head hanging down and her face in horror. On the ground, there was broken glass slag.

“Zhou, behind your clothes…” Qi Yuan opened his eyes unconsciously when he saw that the coat material on Zhou Yi’s back was wet.

“I’m sorry…” The woman lowered her head and apologized nervously. The agent pushed her over to talk to Qi Yuan to contact Qi Yuan, because Qi Yuan seemed to admire her a little, so she came, but unexpectedly was hit by someone, just… she didn’t mean it.

“Look at me.” At this time, Zhou Yi only said three words.

Hearing this, the woman was stunned for a while, then slowly raised her head.

The palm-sized face, the skin is extremely fair, the eyebrows are curved, the facial features are exquisite, and the looks are charming but pure.

“Chang Ye?” At this moment, Qi Yuan was stunned and said.

At the moment when Zhou Yi’s cold eyes touched him, he often couldn’t help but tighten his pupils, grasping the hem of his clothes tightly.

after an hour.

Song Xici saw that Tang Youan seemed to be drunk a little too high, and was afraid of some moths, such as nonsense, so he immediately called Lao Ji, and when Lao Ji arrived, he and Tang Youan walked out of the hotel.

Today, Tang Youan blocked a lot of wine for her. But Tang Youan was actually not too drunk. It was just that his steps were a little weak, which caused a little wobbly when walking, and a little trance in consciousness.

So Song Xici stretched out her hand to support her arm, then walked to the front of the car, and after the car guard opened the door, he stuffed her in.

Fortunately, Tang Youan’s wine is good, even if he is drunk, he doesn’t go crazy or anything. It’s just soft and well-behaved.

“Old Ji, let’s go.” After that, Song Xici said to the driver.

“Okay!” Old Ji replied.

“Isn’t it uncomfortable?” Song Xi asked, seeing Tang Youan closing his eyes and propping his forehead with his hands.

“It’s a bit heartburn…” Tang Youan said, breathing a bit heavy.

“I’ll make you soak honey in water when I go back.” Song Xici said.

Hearing these words, Tang Youan turned his head, looked at her dimly, and then nodded: “Okay…”

After more than half an hour, I finally got home.

After Song Xici opened the door, Tang Youan just raised his foot and was about to walk in, but he staggered and almost fell, but fortunately he finally held the door.

“Hey, wait a minute! I’ll take you away!” After Song Xici finished speaking, he hurriedly changed his high heels, threw the bag aside, then turned around again, took Tang Youan’s arm, and helped her in. , And then closed the door.

“Sit on the sofa for a while, and I’ll get you honey water.” After bringing Tang Youan to the sofa, Song Xici put her down, then ran to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator.

After scooping a few spoonfuls of honey into the cup, adding water and stirring it well, Song Xici held the cup and walked to Tang Youan.

“Quick, drink it!” Song Xici handed the honey water over.

“Yeah…” Tang Youan opened his eyes, took a sigh of relief, and put the cup on the coffee table.

“Would you like to go back to the room?” Song Xici asked again.

“Yes.” Tang Youan nodded.

So Song Xici helped Tang Youan staggered upstairs, opened the door, and walked in with her. Then, Song Xici not only removed her makeup, but also turned over her clothes for her to take a bath, and finally blew her hair.

“Oh, that’s true, these people are always oh, I toast you a cup, oh, I toast you a cup, I’m so annoyed… I must get people drunk…” Song Xici straightened the hair dryer line and complained.

“Xi Ci…” At this moment, Tang Youan got up from the seat and walked to the side of Song Xi Ci with erratic steps.

“Huh?” Putting the hair dryer aside, Song Xici looked back at her.

“Besides me…how many friends do you have?” Tang Youan stretched out her hand, tying a strand of her hair on her slender fingers, then raised her eyes, looking at her with a vague look.

“You seem to be… indeed a little drunk…” Song Xi couldn’t help swallowing, and took a small step back. To die, I still think that she looks a little charming like this, and I was kicked by a horse in my head!

“Huh?” Tang Youan blinked slowly.

“Just…there are two who have the best relationship, and other things, there are also some ordinary ones.” In the end, Song Xici answered honestly.

“Then I am to you…” But afterwards, Tang Youan took a step closer to her.

“You…” Song Xici looked at her eyes, his whole body gradually stiffened.

“Compared to them… Am I important to them?” After approaching, Tang Youan bowed his head and looked at her.

Song Xici suddenly felt that her eyes looked like an abyss, and if she accidentally fell into it, it would be difficult to escape.

“Yes…” Unconsciously, a word escaped from Song Xi’s throat.

After listening, Tang Youan smiled.

“What a laugh?” Song Xici glanced at her, then looked to the side.

“Xi Ci, I find that I occasionally think about…” Tang Youan opened his lips lightly.

“Huh?” Song Xici looked at her.

“If one day, I accidentally return to the original place, what should I do…” Tang Youan looked down at the ground.

When Song Xici heard these words, he was stunned for an instant.

“I’m used to this side. The bed here is very soft, the lights are very bright, you can go online, and it is very convenient to go wherever you go. After all, the car runs very fast. I can meet a lot of people at work, and they are good to me and delicious. There are so many things…” Tang Youan said.

Song Xici still didn’t reply, but suddenly felt bored in her heart.

“Moreover, there is no you over there.” Tang Youan continued.

Song Xici frowned when he heard this, and the stale air in his heart rushed even more severely.

“You said, when I lived alone before, I felt pretty good. Why do I feel scared if I want to go back to that kind of life again?” Tang Youan’s voice was still soft.

Song Xici looked sideways at the window, but a thin layer of mist filled his eyes in an instant.

“Also, if the Lord Yan is unhappy one day, he will just take me to the underworld… After all, I am a **** person. But… I don’t want to…”

“You shut up.” At this moment, Song Xici finally said aloud. However, her voice trembled vaguely.

“Xi Ci…” Tang Youan looked up at her, suddenly startled.

“You talk nonsense again, I will go out tomorrow to buy ten durians and come back and kneel for you, so that you can taste what is called a tiger. You will treat me as a sick cat—” Song Xici raised his finger to the window, with red eyes and tears. It rolled down in an instant, struck his cheeks, and shed a long tear.

“I’m sorry,” Tang Youan pressed his forehead when he saw it, “I don’t know what I’m talking about, it’s just…”

“I don’t want to care about you…” Song Xici grabbed his fingers, looked down at his hand, then turned and walked towards the door, “I’m going to sleep…”

“Xi Ci!” Tang Youan was taken aback, completely awake, and then shook Song Xici’s wrist with his backhand and pulled her back into his arms, “I just… suddenly wanted to know, if it was like that, you would remember me or , In the future, will you occasionally think of me?”

“No.” Song Xici’s face was buried in front of her chest, her hands hung on her side and her fists were squeezed. After speaking, a foul breath escaped from her mouth.

After hearing this, Tang Youan suddenly looked like a piece of wood and was stunned.

“I, fish’s memory, so, so if you don’t want to be forgotten by me, you must always be in front of me and don’t curse yourself…” Song Xici trembled and said angrily, “If you leave, I, turn I forgot about it…”

Hearing this, Tang Youan pressed his hand to the back of Song Xici’s head and gently stroked her hair: “Okay.”

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