Omega Summoner

Chapter 2224: Forgive my Incompetence

"My demonstration of my meager talent is now done. Forgive me if my incompetence has made me look foolish but I hope some of you have gained something from it." Grand Master Fu Xi stated as he bowed towards them.

The immortals and even trainees of each clan and sect are in awe. They never seen such a spectacular martial insight that would activate the Dao. Some of them were incredibly mesmerize to the point that they could only replay everything that they have seen. Some even started to meditate at that very location. The incredibly talented ones comprehended some things and wanted to go to close doors cultivation.

"We have learned much from the Grand Master!" All of the immortals shouted as they bowed deeply to the point that their foreheads touched the ground.

"All of you may now go so that your insights will not be lost." Grand Master Fu Xi stated.

Just as he told them, all the clans and sects hurriedly went back to their schools and manors. They wanted to practice what they have comprehended eagerly. They even forgot that they were rivals and just ignored one another to return. This sight made Grand Master Fu Xi smile as he could remember what his disciples did whenever he taught them something.

"For the Four Divine Beasts, the pact is still true to this day. We, the Ryujin, will hold the peace of the eastern continent as long as chaos and strife does not wash over it. We are merely beings that govern over the balance of nature as it is something that I have promised to the ones that gave me new life." Grand Master Fu Xi stated as he glanced towards the Four Divine Beasts and then at Adrian for some reason.

"As long as the vow remains true, the Azure Dragon of the East shall keep its promise to protect its denizens that pray for its protection." The Azure Dragon of the East stated as it vanished leaving a trail of sparks.

"As long as the vow remains true, the roars of my people shall be protected by the White Tiger of the West." The White Tiger of the West stated as his body turned to metal then to dust as it vanished.

"As long as the vow remains true, the fiery hearts of the people that I cradle will always be protected by the Vermillion Bird of the South. The Vermillion Bird of the South stated as it vanished into flames.

"As long as the vow remains true, the calm embrace of the cold will temper the anger of all my people due to the Black Tortoise of the North." The Black Tortoise of the North stated as its body turned to ice and melted into water.

[The Four Divine Beasts have renewed their Vows of Protection to the people of the Eastern Continent.]

[All beings that are under the protection of the Four Divine Beasts will have an increase in belief and security for the time being.]

"Incredible!" Peridot exclaimed out loud as she could see how influential her 'father' is.

"What was that earlier?" Frey asked as she felt something when Grand Master Fu Xi did his demonstration.

"He was able to handle natural energy itself. He could form it into any shape or size that he wanted to the point that it looked like the world itself bended for him." Levin Cloud stated as he was the one that observed the most and with the most accurate conclusion since he fused with the world itself earlier.

"They did not call him the Sage of the Heavens for nothing." Adrian stated as he actually read about Grand Master Fu Xi in the library located in the sanctuary.

"It is merely a trick that I have learned due to living for so long." Grand Master Fu Xi stated with gentle eyes as martial arts was never his passion because it was teaching.

Grand Master Fu Xi would rather teach arts and such, but the world is not as peaceful as it is. He did start being a humble teacher back when he gained his body, but the eastern continent is not a place for the weak. With his great insight and ability to decipher the laws of the natural world, Grand Master Fu Xi taught his disciples on ways they could defend themselves against the calamities of the world.

In time, the disciples that he has trained became renowned martial artists that were given the term Immortals as they managed to live longer than their human counterparts. These Immortals would then establish clans and sects that would teach what they have learned from the grand master in order to pass down their legacy. Grand Master Fu Xi did not forbid them from teaching as he found joy that his disciples have now become teachers themselves.

Still, not all of his teachings from back them are passed down. There are those that have been forgotten by the world as clans and sects would often be annihilated by calamities or enemies. The important thing is that knowledge is passed down to help others move forward. He did not witness everything though as he sealed himself back then due to a plan to put him down.

"You did not have to give them a demonstration, my sun. The eastern continent is already chaotic enough as it is that it is not safe even for us to fly around. What do you think would happen if those rowdy bunch gains more power?" Grand Mistress Nu Wa stated.

"Power is needed to protect, my moon. The eastern continent needs it more than ever as my revival is not the only thing that I have felt. There are primordial forces roaming about in our beloved lands. Primordial forces that are filled with malice that seek the end of life. I am just giving them a way to better protect themselves for the fight that is to come." Grand Master Fu Xi stated as he gazed into the distance.

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