Chapter 519: A Child's Jealousy
Sofia took a deep breath before she knocked on Emir's office door.
She didn't expect an answer—she knew he'd let her in without a word.
And after what she'd just heard between him and Quinn, she couldn't leave without saying her piece.
She'd been silent about it long enough.
The door swooshed open and she stepped inside.
Emir barely looked up from his work, as if he'd been expecting her all along.
She felt a chill run through her, but she swallowed it down, steeling herself as she approached his desk.
"You're upset."
Sofia folded her arms, her expression icy but her voice soft, nearly a whisper:
Emir sighed, finally looking away from the terminal and meeting her gaze.
"What is it this time, Sofia?"
"...You... you're spending too much time on her."
Her answer came almost immediately, wavering with a hint of bitterness.
"It's unfair."
He raised an eyebrow.
"Yes, unfair."
She repeated, stepping closer.
"You say I'm talented, that I don't need the extra help… but then you turn around and give Quinn all your attention. You give her so much—she despises you, and yet she gets more of you than anyone else."
Emir sat back, studying her face with that usual, unreadable expression.
"You're wrong. I don't spend time with her because of… whatever you're thinking."
"Then why?"
Sofia demanded, her calm facade breaking for a moment.
"Why her? She just wants you dead! She hates you. Why would you want to teach someone who despises you?"
He didn't answer immediately, and for a second, Sofia thought she might've overstepped.
But Emir simply looked at her, his gaze calm.
"Because she's flawed... And sometimes, people with flaws need that push. They're very far from perfect, so they need more guidance. A lot more."
Sofia clenched her fists, trying to keep her voice even.
"So, she's flawed, and that's why you waste your time on her? You're ignoring those of us who are actually good at what we do… because we're too 'talented' for you?"
Emir's eyes narrowed, its inky voids appearing to swim in circles, making her take a step back.
"Sofia, talent doesn't mean perfection. It means you're already close to what you need to be. Quinn, on the other hand… she's got a long way to go."
"But she doesn't even want to be here. She didn't work for any of it! You know that… she's practically a stranger in her own skin here, not committed to this at all. I'm the one who—"
Emir cut her off:
"You're here because of your talent and status. You wouldn't be in this position otherwise. But that doesn't mean everyone's journey has to look like yours."
Sofia's shoulders tensed as her voice took on a hint of desperation.
"So, I'm supposed to fail on purpose? Is that what you want? Would that get me your attention?"
Emir let out a short, humorless chuckle.
"Don't be ridiculous. Why would you need to stoop to that?"
"Because... it's clear that's the only way to get your time. You spend it on those who struggle, not on the ones who actually care about learning from you."
Emir sighed, his gaze softening slightly.
"Sofia, you're more than that. You're naturally skilled. If I tried to treat you like I do Quinn, you wouldn't grow the same way."
"That's not true. You wouldn't know unless you tried."
For a second, a flicker of a smile crossed his face.
"I understand your frustration. But think... Who benefits more from my attention right now?"
Her reply came slow, laced with the bitterness she usually hid so well.
"Maybe it's not about who benefits more. Maybe it's about who needs it more. I'm just as dedicated, but you don't seem to care about that."
Emir tilted his head, observing her closely, internally surprised that she could talk this much and for this long.
"Dedicated, yes. But dedication without flaws is… dull. Do you understand?"
"Then tell me... Tell me how I'm supposed to grow if I'm already 'close to perfect.' You said it yourself—I don't need you because I'm talented. But what's talent if it's ignored?"
He hesitated, which was rare.
"...I see what you're saying, but you misunderstand. You're far from ignored. Again, I'm pushing you in other ways, ways that don't involve hovering over your every move."
Sofia's expression didn't change.
"You say that, but it doesn't feel that way. I hear your words, but your actions speak louder. I've never needed a father figure or anything like that, but maybe some acknowledgment wouldn't hurt. Or… maybe just some respect."
Emir raised an eyebrow, intrigued.
"Respect? What makes you think I don't respect you?"
"You've given Quinn more attention than anyone else, even though she hardly shows any sign of appreciating it."
Sofia pointed out, frustration bubbling up again.
"Meanwhile, I've done everything you've asked of me. I haven't complained or questioned your methods, at least not after the first few lessons. I'm here because I believe in what you're doing… and yet, you treat me like I'm just another student."
Emir stayed quiet, his gaze thoughtful, and then finally, he said:
"You don't know why I do what I do, Sofia. You assume it's favoritism, or that I'm ignoring you on purpose. But you don't understand the bigger picture."
Sofia's voice softened, almost pleading.
"Then explain it to me."
He looked at her for a long moment before shaking his head.
"There are things I can't explain to you, not yet. You wouldn't understand."
A pang of hurt twisted in her chest.
"You think I'm just some blind follower? Someone who'll just do what you say without question? A kid who has no idea what they're talking about?"
Emir shook his head.
"Not at all. As I already said, I think you're someone with potential that I don't want to spoil by coddling."
She looked down, fighting the anger building up inside her.
"So, in other words, I don't need anything from you because I'm supposed to already have everything?"
"In a way, yes. I'm giving you the space to grow on your own."
"And what if I don't want that space? What if I want to be taught, like you teach her? What if I need that guidance, even if I seem like I don't?"
"Sofia, there's a strength in you that doesn't need anyone's approval. It's rare… but I think, in time, you'll appreciate it."
She stared at him, a hint of defeat creeping into her expression.
"It's not about approval. It's about… being seen. I don't want to be like her, but I want you to see me, not just as another one of your 'students.'"
Emir's face remained unreadable, though there was a hint of sadness in his eyes.
"I see you, Sofia. And you're right; I don't give you the same attention as Quinn. But know that it's because I trust you to rise without it."
Sofia swallowed, holding back the wave of frustration and hurt that threatened to break through.
"So, that's it? I'm just supposed to… trust that you see me, even if it doesn't feel like it?"
He gave a small nod.
She stared at him for a moment longer, then nodded, accepting his words, even if she didn't fully believe them.
"Fine. But one day… you'll see. I'll show you that I deserve more than just quiet approval."
Emir's gaze didn't waver.
"I look forward to it."
With that, she turned and left his office, feeling a mixture of determination and resentment simmering in her chest. She'd prove it to him—she'd make him see that she was worth more than he'd given her credit for.
Emir smiled as the door closed behind her.
He repeatedly deflected her question, not explaining why he gave Quinn 'favorable treatment.'
To her, it might seem out of character, perhaps a guilt, or a little feeling of love, but to him, it was obvious.
He could use her.
Quinn could be used in more ways than Sofia, and that gave her leverage in their battle for his attention.
Besides, Sophia was talented, yes, but she was lacking compared to the raw talent of that half-girl.
The evidence of that was her being near the top ten of the class even though she had only started training three months ago.
And Sofia acknowledged that, at least internally.
She and Quinn were rivals, not by rank, as they weren't even close, but by potential, and of course, their rivalry extended to Emir.
They had a weird dynamic that fought over his attention.
It wasn't romantic love, no, not even close.
One girl bordered on a confused hate, and the other admired him more than she did anyone in her life, viewing him as one would a god, a similar way to how Kiera viewed him.
Sofia hated Quinn for that reason. She challenged her god.
She wanted to kill her muse, her teacher, and her parent.
But what she hated more was that he gave Quinn more attention because of that.
Sofia lacked that in her entire life, severely.
Her father, Alexander, displayed no care for her.
Just the one-handed comment at the end of his and Emir's talk back at the cafe in Corp Plaza confirmed that.
The man cared a lot more about what Emir wanted than his daughter herself.
Emir had also understood that perfectly.
And he understood the consequences of that even more.
Sofia had just displayed the lengths she would go to not to let that happen again.
But unfortunately for her, he cared not for her efforts.
He had a plan and he would follow it, any deviation would be ignored, especially those not even mentioned in the 'novel.'
She would have to try harder than that, but now the only question remained was...
Would he allow her to or not?