Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 73 Course Selection

The days passed and soon it was Easter.

The arrival of the Easter holiday makes everyone happy.In addition to completing homework, most people play all day long.But some are less laid back, such as Hermione, Ron and Harry.

Hermione had an unusually large amount of homework because she had taken all the courses.She was often the last to leave the common room at night and the first to arrive at the library the next morning.She already had shadows under her eyes, and she seemed ready to burst into tears.

Ron had taken over the Buckbeak case.When he wasn't doing his homework, he was engrossed in reading thick volumes with titles such as "Hypogriff's Psychological Manual" and "Fowl or Monster?" ”, “Research on the Savagery of Hippogriffs”, etc.He was so immersed in it that he even forgot to be cruel to Crookshanks.

Harry was immersed in Quidditch training every day during this period.The Gryffindor vs Slytherin match will be played on the first Saturday after Easter.The Slytherin team was leading the tournament by no more than two hundred points.In other words, they need to score more than this number to win the trophy.The main burden of scoring falls on Harry, because catching the Golden Snitch can get 150 points.

And Aaron also had things to think about.During the Easter break, second-year students like Aaron need to choose their electives for third-year classes.They must choose at least two of the five subjects of Divination, Arithmancy, Care of Magical Creatures, Muggle Studies, and Ancient Runes as electives in their third year.Of course, if anyone wants, they can take all five courses, just like Hermione.But if anyone did that, he would be as busy next year as Hermione was this year.

The choice of courses is very important and may even affect the entire future of the little wizards.Because some jobs in the wizarding world require applicants to have corresponding OWLs (Ordinary Wizarding Levels) or NEWTs (Ultimate Wizarding Tests).For example, if a wizard wants to engage in work related to taming fire dragons, he must pass the NEWTs exam for the protection of magical creatures; if a wizard wants to become a Gringotts Cursebreaker, he must pass arithmetic. NEWTs exams for divination; and if a wizard wants to work on the Ministry of Magic's Muggle Concern Mediation Committee, he must achieve excellence in the OWLs exams for Muggle Studies.If you want to take the corresponding OWLs or NEWTs exams, you must take the corresponding courses during your third-year course selection.

Because course selection is so important, students born into wizarding families will receive various suggestions from their elders at this time.Just like Greene Albert, who shares a dormitory with Aaron, he now receives letters from the wizards and witches at home every day, giving him many different suggestions on course selection.

And those children who grew up in Muggle families are a little confused about choosing courses.Aaron saw Tom sitting there looking at the course list, his tongue hanging out, asking if anyone thought Arithmancy sounded more difficult to learn than ancient runes.

"Have you chosen what classes you want to take?" Aaron asked Colin.

"Yes." Colin said, "I plan to take Care of Magical Creatures and Divination. Harry took these two courses last year."

Colin is indeed Harry's number one fan, and he even chooses the same courses as his idol.

Aaron asked Harry, Ron and Hermione for some advice on choosing courses.Harry and Ron recommended that he take Care of Magical Creatures and Divination, which were the courses they chose.The Care of Magical Creatures course is recommended because the current professor of this course is Hagrid, and the Divination course is recommended because it is the easiest course. According to Ron, as long as you predict some bad things, you will definitely pass the exam.

In Hermione's words, every course is very important. It seems that missing any course is a great loss, except for the Divination class.According to her, the divination class is a muddle-headed course. Many places rely on guessing. Learning divination is a complete waste of time.

Aaron didn't know whether what Hermione said was true or not, but he heard that Hermione and Professor Trelawney from the Divination class had been having a bad time recently. They had just had a big fight in a class before Easter. Now Hermione no longer attends Divination classes.

In addition, Percy Weasley was also eager to teach him through words and deeds.

"It depends on where you want to go, Aaron." Percy said to him, "You have to plan for the future early, so I recommend Divination to you. People say that choosing Muggle studies is stupid, but I personally think, Wizards should have a thorough understanding of non-magical society, especially if they want to work in jobs that have close contact with Muggles, and you see my father, he had to deal with Muggle affairs all the time. My brother Charlie Always loved being outdoors, he chose Care of Magical Creatures. Play to your strengths, Aaron.”

In the end, Aaron didn't listen to anyone's advice and took all the courses except Muggle Studies.The reason for this choice is that Aaron feels that every course is very useful and he does not want to give up every course.He did not choose Muggle studies because he grew up with Muggles and he already knew enough about Muggles.

After Easter, there is less than a week left for the match between Gryffindor and Slytherin.

The entire Gryffindor house was obsessed with the upcoming match.Gryffindor has not had a trophy since the legendary Seeker Charlie Weasley (Ron's second brother) graduated from the school.

The animosity between Harry and Malfoy had reached its highest point.Malfoy was still brooding over the sludge-throwing incident in Hogsmeade, and was even more annoyed that Harry had managed to get away with it.Harry had not forgotten that Malfoy had managed to frame him during their match against Ravenclaw, but Buckbeak's incident had made him even more determined to defeat Malfoy in front of the entire school.

In everyone's memory, there is no other time when the approaching game is as full of excitement as this one.Tensions between the two teams and the two chambers have reached a fever pitch.A number of minor fights broke out in the corridors, which turned into something serious, resulting in a fourth-year Gryffindor and a sixth-year Slytherin being admitted to the school hospital with their ears sticking out. Take the leeks.

Harry was having a particularly hard time.On his way to class, someone from Slytherin would stick out his leg and trip him to the ground.Crabbe and Goyle would follow Harry wherever he went, looking disappointed when Harry was surrounded by people, and walking away listlessly.Wood had given instructions that Harry must be accompanied wherever he went, in case Slytherin people prevented Harry from playing.The entire Gryffindor house accepted the challenge enthusiastically, making Harry always late for class because there were always a lot of idle people around him.

On the eve of the match, all normal activities in the Gryffindor Common Room ceased.Even Hermione put down her book.

"I can't study, I can't concentrate," she said nervously.

Lots of noise.Fred and George Weasley managed to relieve stress by talking louder and more pompously than usual.Oliver Wood was squatting in a corner in front of a model of the Quidditch pitch, using his wand to direct the little people on the pitch to advance and retreat, mumbling something.Angelina, Alia, and Katie laughed at Fred and George's jokes.Harry sat with Ron, Hermione, and Aaron, but he kept avoiding their topics and seemed nervous.

"You'll do well," Hermione told Harry, but she looked nervous herself.

"You have a Firebolt!" Ron said.

"Yes." Harry said.

"You're putting too much pressure on yourself, Harry," Aaron said. "Just relax."

"I'm relaxed," Harry said, but the look on his face said otherwise.

It wasn't until Wood suddenly stood up and shouted: "Team, sleep!" Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

The next day, when the members of the Gryffindor Quidditch team entered the Great Hall, warm applause broke out in the Great Hall.Aaron saw that the people at the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff tables were also applauding the Gryffindor team.But as they walked past the Slytherin House table, the people sitting at the table hissed loudly.

Wood kept urging his players to eat more during breakfast, but he didn't take a bite.Then the players were rushed to the court before anyone else had finished eating, so that the players could become familiar with the conditions on the court.When the team members left the auditorium, everyone applauded them again.

After breakfast, Aaron and others came to the stadium to prepare to watch the game.

Three-quarters of the crowd were wearing scarlet rosettes, waving scarlet flags with the Gryffindor Lion on them, or else waving banners that read "Gryffindor Wins!" and "The Lion Takes the Trophy!" Small flags with slogans.However, there were 200 people behind the Slytherin goal wearing green ornaments, and Slytherin's silver snake glittered on their flag.Professor Snape sat in the front row, wearing a green ornament like everyone else and a sinister smile on his face.

Then the players came out of the locker room.

"Here comes the Gryffindor team!" shouted Lee Jordan, acting as commentator as usual. "Potter, Bell, Johnson, Snappint, the Weasley brothers and Wood. It was acknowledged that this was several teams. The best team at Hogwarts in years..."

Lee's comment was drowned out by a chorus of boos from the Slytherin side.

"The Slytherin team is here, led by captain Flint. He has made some changes in the formation, and seems to win with size rather than skill..."

The boos from the Slytherin side got even louder.

At the signal of the referee Mrs. Hooch, the captains of the two teams, Flint and Wood, shook hands with each other.Then, at Mrs. Hooch's whistle, fourteen broomsticks rose into the sky.

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