Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 162 On the journey

Early the next morning, the students left the castle with their bows in hand, preparing to take the Hogwarts Express home.

It is worth mentioning that Aaron did not stay in school this summer.He had been invited by Mrs. Weasley to spend the summer at their house this summer.Originally, Mrs. Weasley wanted Harry to spend the summer at the Burrow, but Dumbledore insisted that Harry spend the summer at his aunt's house, at least for a while.

Aaron, Harry, Ron, and Hermione took a carriage to the station. After a long time of effort, they found an empty compartment on the train and sat in it.Piggy was hidden again by Ron's dress robes because he kept screaming, Hedwig dozed with her head tucked under her wings, and Crookshanks curled up on an empty seat like a big, stuffed animal. velvet ginger cushion.As the train drove them south, they chatted happily and enthusiastically about what measures Dumbledore would take now to prevent Voldemort from resurrecting.He didn't stop talking until the lunch trolley came over.

When Hermione returned from buying food at the trolley and put the money back in her bag, she took out a copy of the Daily Prophet that she had kept in her bag.

"Is there anything in the newspaper?" Aaron asked Hermione.

Hermione said calmly: "Nothing, not a word about the accident at the Triwizard Cup."

"It's very possible that Fudge forced them to remain silent," Aaron said.

"He couldn't silence Rita," Harry said. "Rita wouldn't let such a wonderful story go."

"Oh, Rita hasn't written anything since the third project." Hermione's voice was a little strange, and she seemed to be trying her best to restrain something, "To tell you the truth, Rita Skeeter is temporarily not writing anything. Would never write anything again. Unless she wants me to reveal her secret."

"What did you say?" Ron said.

"I finally figured out how she overheard other people's secret conversations," Hermione said in one breath.

"How did she do it?" Harry asked quickly.

"How did you figure that out?" Ron asked, staring at her.

Although Aaron said nothing, the look he looked at Hermione revealed that he was very interested.

"That's right..." Hermione suppressed her proud emotions and said with a slightly trembling voice, "Rita Skeeter, she is an unregistered Animagus. She can become..." Hermione started from He took out a small sealed glass jar from his schoolbag and "... turned into a beetle."

"You're kidding me," Ron said, "You didn't...she wouldn't..."

"Oh, yes, that's exactly it," Hermione said happily, waving the glass jar at them.

There were a few branches and leaves in the glass jar, as well as a big, fat beetle.

"That's impossible, you're kidding." Ron whispered, raising the bottle to his eyes.

"I'm not kidding," Hermione said with a smile on her face, "I caught hers on the window sill of the ward. If you look closely, you will notice the marks around the beetle's tentacles and the ugly glasses she is wearing. Exactly the same.”

Aaron looked closer and saw that Hermione was absolutely right.

"That night, when we heard Hagrid talking about his mother to Madame Maxime, there was a beetle attached to the statue." Harry said as if he remembered something.

"That's exactly it," said Hermione. "After we talked by the lake, Viktor caught a beetle out of my hair. Unless I'm mistaken, but I dare say it hurts when your scar hurts." On that day, Rita must have been hiding on the window sill of the Divination class and eavesdropping. She flies around all year round, looking for material that can make a big fuss."

"We saw Malfoy under that tree that day..." Ron said slowly.

"He was talking to Rita, and Rita was in his hand," said Hermione. "Of course, Malfoy knew the secret. That's how Rita conducted her wonderful little interviews with the Slytherins. They don’t care if what she’s doing is legal, as long as they can spread rumors in front of her and slander us and Hagrid.”

Hermione took the glass jar back from Ron and looked at the beetle with a smile, who was buzzing angrily through the glass.

"I told her I would let her out as soon as we got back to London," Hermione said. "I put a holding charm on the jar so she couldn't change shape. I told her not to write for a year. Something. Let’s see if she can get over her bad habit of slandering and insulting others.”

Hermione smiled quietly and placed the beetle back in her bag.

At this time, the door of the compartment was opened.

"Well done, Granger," said Draco Malfoy.Crabbe and Goyle stood behind him.

Malfoy took a step towards the cubicle, looked at them slowly, with a sneer trembling at the corner of his mouth, and said slowly: "So, you caught some poor reporter, and Potter became Dumbledore again. Favorite boy. Amazing."

The sinister smile on his face became more obvious.Crabbe and Goyle laughed strangely.

"Let's try not to think about it, right?" Malfoy said softly, looking at the four of them, "try to pretend nothing happened?"

"Get out," Harry said.

"You were doomed from the start, Potter! I warned you! I told you to choose your partners more carefully, remember? It was the first day at Hogwarts, when we met on the train. ?I told you not to hang out with these vile people!" He shook his head at Aaron, Ron and Hermione, "It's too late now, Potter! The Dark Lord is back, and he will be the first to die. It’s them! First it’s the Mudbloods and the guys who like Muggles! Next…”

It was so late and so fast, it was like someone had set off a box of fireworks in the cubicle.The spells emitted from different directions emitted dazzling light, which stung Aaron so hard that he couldn't open his eyes, and a series of loud crackling sounds almost deafened his ears.He blinked and looked down at the floor.

Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle lay unconscious in the doorway of the compartment.He, Harry, Ron and Hermione were all standing. The four of them had just used different poison spells at the same time, and they were not the only four who did so.

"We want to see what the three of them want to do." Fred said seriously, stepping on Goyle's body into the cubicle.His wand was in his hand, as was George's.When George entered the compartment with Fred, he deliberately stepped on Malfoy.

"What an interesting effect." George looked down at Crabbe and Goyle, "Who used the Boil Curse?"

"Me," Harry said.

"What a coincidence, I used the Soft Foot Charm." George said happily. "It seems that these two spells can't be mixed. He seems to have little tentacles sprouting all over his face. Well, let's not leave them here. They’re not pretty decorations.”

Ron, Harry and George kicked, pushed and flipped to get the unconscious Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle into the corridor outside, then returned to the compartment and closed the door again.

"Who plays crackle?" Fred said, pulling out a deck of cards.

The rest of the trip went very pleasantly, and by the time they finished the fifth set, the Hogwarts train stopped at platform 9?.The students began to get out of the car one after another, and there was chaos and noise in the aisle again.Aaron, Harry and others carried the boxes and walked out of the compartment, struggling to step over the bodies of Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle.Malfoy and the others were still lying on the floor, bearing the marks of the curse on their bodies.

Mrs. Weasley was waiting for them outside the grille.As soon as she saw Harry, she came over and hugged him, whispering something into his ear.

"Goodbye, Harry," Ron said, patting Harry on the back.

"Goodbye, Harry!" Hermione did something surprising, she kissed Harry on the cheek.

Aaron, George, and Fred also said goodbye to Harry in turn.

Harry then followed his uncle, who was standing nearby.Then, they saw Hermione's parents.After saying their goodbyes, Hermione left with her family.

At this time, Ginny also got off the train and met everyone.Aaron walked out of the station with the Weasley family, took a Muggle taxi to Diagon Alley, and then used Floo powder to reach the Burrow.

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