Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 160

Fudge took half a step back from Dumbledore, but his expression remained stubborn.

"Excuse me, Dumbledore, I've never heard of a spell scar like a bell before..."

"I saw with my own eyes that Voldemort was back!" Harry shouted.He struggled to get out of bed, but Mrs. Weasley held him back, "I saw the Death Eaters with my own eyes! I can name them! Lucius Malfoy!"

"Malfoy has been acquitted!" Fudge was obviously offended. "The Malfoys are a very old family and they donate generously to good causes."

"McNeil!" Harry continued to call out the names.

"Also acquitted! Currently working at the Ministry of Magic!"

"Avery! Nott! Crabbe! Goyle!"

"You are just repeating the names of people who were found not to be Death Eaters 13 years ago!" Fudge said angrily. "You can find those names in the trial reports of the past! For God's sake, Dumbledore , at the end of last year, this boy's head was filled with some weird and random stories. His lies became more and more bizarre, and you still believed them all? This boy can talk to snakes, Dumbledore, and you still Do you think he is trustworthy?"

"Mr. Minister." Aaron got up from the bed and said, "I can prove that Harry is telling the truth. Vol... the mysterious man has indeed been resurrected, and the people Harry talked about have returned to him. I heard with my own ears the mysterious man calling their names, and they renewed their loyalty to their Master."

"Aha... Do you also want to be as famous as Harry?" Fudge said with a strange look.

"What?" Aaron asked unclearly.

""Witnessed the Resurrection of the Mysterious Man" I have already thought of the title for you in the Daily Prophet." Fudge said angrily, "Being the smallest warrior in the Triwizard Tournament is not enough, you also want to be more famous, don't you? ?”

Aaron now understood what Fudge meant. He seemed to think that he only agreed with Harry's words in order to become famous.So Aaron quickly retorted: "I'm not doing it to be famous..."

"If it wasn't for fame, why would you make up such a lie?" Fudge interrupted Aaron loudly and said, "Are we going to cause chaos in the world just because of the random behavior of a madman?"

"You fool!" Professor McGonagall shouted, "Bertha Jorkins! Mr. Crouch! The deaths of these people were not the random acts of a madman!"

"I don't see why not!" Fudge also shouted, his face turned purple, and he was no less angry than Professor McGonagall. "It seems to me that you are all determined to create a panic and destroy our 13 years. Everything that has been painstakingly created!”

"Voldemort is back." Dumbledore said again. "Fudge, if you accept this fact immediately and take the necessary measures, we may still be able to save the situation. The first and most important step is to get Azkaban out of harm's way. The control of ghost monsters..."

"Play the piano!" Fudge yelled again. "Let the dementors evacuate Azkaban? If I suggest that, I will be kicked out of the office! Half of us know that there are dementors in Azkaban." Stand guard on duty so that you can sleep soundly at night!"

"Cornelly, knowing that you let those guys who will serve Voldemort at his command to guard his best friends, the rest of us can't sleep well!" Dumbledore said, "Those guys can't be loyal to you, Fudge. ! Voldemort can provide them with much more power and pleasure than you can provide! Once the dementors and his former best friends return to Voldemort's back, it will be difficult for you to prevent him from returning to the way he was 13 years ago. Such power!"

Fudge's mouth opened and closed as if there were no words to express his rage.

"The second step you must take is to send an envoy to the giant to repair it." Dumbledore further said.

"Send someone to deliver a message to the giant!" Fudge exclaimed, "What kind of crazy talk is this?"

Dumbledore ignored Fudge's surprise and continued: "Extend a hand of friendship to them before it's too late. Otherwise Voldemort will lobby them as he did before, saying that among all wizards, he is the only one who can give them Their rights and freedoms!”

"You...you must be joking!" Fudge shook his head and backed away from Dumbledore. "People hate giants so much, Dumbledore! If people in the wizarding world know that I and giants If we have any contact, my career will be over!”

"Connelly, you are too obsessed with your official position, which makes you lose your due judgment." Dumbledore's voice gradually increased, his eyes shining brightly, "You value the so-called pure wizard blood too much! You have always been like this! You don't realize that a person's origin is not important, what is important is what kind of person he grows up to be! Your dementor just killed the last member of a very ancient wizard family, you Look at the path that man chose in life! Listen to me, take the steps I suggest, and whether you are in office or not, you will be admired as one of the bravest and most brilliant Ministers of Magic in history. If you don't Take action and history will remember that you stood by and did nothing to allow Voldemort a second chance to destroy the world we worked so hard to rebuild!"

"Absurd, crazy..." Fudge whispered, backing away.

"If you continue to insist on your own will, Connelly, we will have to part ways. You do what you think is appropriate. I - I will do my will."

There was no threat in Dumbledore's voice, it sounded like a statement, but Fudge was furious, as if Dumbledore was coming towards him with a wand.He waved his fingers threateningly and said: "Okay, okay. Dumbledore, I have always given you full freedom. I have always respected you. I may not agree with some of your decisions, but I always remain silent." . Not many people would allow you to hire werewolves, retain Hagrid, or decide what to teach students without consulting the Ministry of Magic. However, if you are prepared to go against me..."

"The only one I want to fight against is Voldemort." Dumbledore interrupted. "If you oppose him too, Cornelius, then we are still on the same side."

Fudge couldn't seem to think of a reply.Unsteady on his little feet, he swayed back and forth for a moment, twirling his bowler hat in his hands.Finally, he said with a hint of pleading: "He will not come back, Dumbledore, he can't..."

Snape strode forward, past Dumbledore, lifting the left sleeve of his robes as he went.He held out his arm to Fudge, who shrank back in horror.

Snape said hoarsely, "See? See? The Dark Mark. It's not as obvious as it was an hour ago, when it was burnt black, but you can still see it. Every Death Eater Every disciple has the mark of the Dark Lord on them. This is a way for Death Eaters to identify each other, and it is also a secret signal for Voldemort to call us back to him. When he touches the mark of a Death Eater, we must immediately phantom Disapparated and appeared next to him. Over the past year, this mark has become more and more obvious. Karkaroff's is the same. Why do you think Karkaroff ran away tonight? We both felt the mark burning. We both Knowing he was back. Karkaroff feared Voldemort would take revenge on him. He had betrayed many of his fellow Death Eaters and certainly no one would welcome him back among them."

Fudge stepped back from Snape. He kept shaking his head, as if he didn't hear what Snape said clearly.His eyes widened, obviously frightened by the ugly mark on Snape's arm, then he looked up at Dumbledore and whispered: "I don't know what kind of game you and your people are playing, Dumbledore. But I've heard enough. I don't want to say anything more. I'll contact you tomorrow, Dumbledore, to discuss how this school will be run. I must get back to the Ministry."

As soon as he reached the door, he stopped again, turned around, strode across the room, and came to Aaron.

"A prize for you and Harry." He said briefly, taking out a large bag of gold coins from his pocket and throwing it on the bedside table next to him. "A thousand gold galleons. You two can divide it between yourselves. There should have been an award." Ritual, but in this case..."

He put his bowler hat on his head and walked out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

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