Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 157 The Hidden Past

"Can you hear me?" Dumbledore asked calmly.

The man's eyelids trembled a few times and he whispered, "You can hear me."

Dumbledore said gently: "I want you to tell us why you are here and how you escaped from Azkaban?"

Little Crouch took a deep, trembling breath, and then spoke in an emotionless tone: "My mother saved me. She knew she was going to die, so she begged my father to save me as a favor for her. One last thing. My father loved her, even though he never loved me. He agreed. They came to see me together and gave me a dose of polyjuice potion with my mother's hair in it. She drank it and got me. Polyjuice Potion for hair. We swapped looks."

Twinkle shook her head and said tremblingly: "Stop talking, Master Barty, stop talking. You will get your father into trouble!"

But Crouch took another deep breath and continued in a flat voice: "Dementors are all blind. They smell a healthy person and a dying person walking into Azkaban, and they smell Until a healthy person and a dying person left Azkaban. I pretended to be my mother and was smuggled out by my father. My mother died not long after she was in Azkaban. She never forgot He drank Polyjuice Potion, died looking like me, and was buried as if he was me. Everyone thought it was me."

"How did your father arrange for you after he brought you home?" Dumbledore asked calmly.

"He first pretended that my mother was dead and held a secret funeral, but the tomb was empty. Then he hid me and let the house elves nurse me back to health. But after I recovered my strength, all I wanted to do was find My master... returned to his service. He had to use a spell to control me."

"How did your father control you?" Dumbledore asked.

"The Imperius Curse," said Crouch Jr. "I was controlled by my father and forced to wear an invisibility cloak from morning to night. I stayed with a house elf all the time. She was my caretaker. She pitied me, Convinced my father to give me preferential treatment sometimes as a reward for good behavior."

"Master Barty, Master Barty." Twinkle covered her face and sobbed, "You shouldn't tell them, we will be unlucky..."

"Has anyone, besides your father and the house elves, discovered that you are still alive?" Dumbledore asked softly.

"Yes." Little Crouch's eyelids trembled again, "A witch in my father's office, Bertha Jorkins. She came to my house with documents to find my father to sign. My father was not at home, and Winky took her into the house, and then returned to the kitchen to attend to me. But Bertha Jorkins heard Winky talking to me, and came to check, and guessed from what she heard that the person under the invisibility cloak was me. When my father came back , she asked him to his face. He had to cast a very powerful amnesia spell on her to make her forget the secret she had discovered. The spell was so powerful that my father said it caused permanent damage to her memory."

Twinkle sobbed: "Why does she come to interfere with my master's private affairs? Why doesn't she let us go?"

"Tell me about the Quidditch World Cup," Dumbledore said.

Little Crow still said in that monotone voice: "Winky convinced my father. She persuaded him for several months. She said: 'Let him go, he can wear the invisibility cloak, he can watch the game. Let him breathe. Get some fresh air.' She said my mother would have wanted me to go. She told my father that she wanted me to be free rather than under house arrest for life. I hadn't been out in a few years. I loved Quidditch. .My father finally agreed. He planned it very carefully. He took Twinkle and me to the top box early in the morning. Twinkle could say that she was reserving a seat for my father, and I was sitting there, no one could see. Wait. After everyone left, we came out again. It seemed that Winky was alone and no one would notice. But Winky didn't know that I was getting stronger. I began to resist my father's Imperius Curse, and occasionally I could temporarily get rid of his control. In This is what happened in the top box. Like waking up from a big dream, I found myself sitting in the crowd, watching the game. In front of me there was a magic wand stuck in the pocket of a boy. Since I scored I haven't had a chance to touch a wand since Zkaban. I stole this wand without Winky knowing. Winky is afraid of heights and keeps covering her face with her hands."

"Master Barty, you bad boy!" Twinkle said softly, tears flowing down between her fingers.

Dumbledore said: "You took the wand and what did you do with it?"

Barty Crouch Jr. said: "We went back to the tent, and then we heard the voices of the Death Eaters. Those who had never been to Azkaban, who had never suffered for my master, they had betrayed Him. They were not helpless like me. They were free to look for him, but they didn't. They only played tricks on Muggles. Their voices woke me up. My mind was so clear for the first time in years. I was very Furious, wand in hand, she wanted to teach these disloyal guys a lesson. My father was not in the tent, he had gone to rescue the Muggles. Winky was frightened to see me so angry. She tied me to her with magic. She held me I dragged myself out of the tent and into the woods, away from the Death Eaters. I wanted to stop her, I wanted to get back to camp. I wanted to show the Death Eaters what loyalty to the Dark Lord meant and punish them for their disloyalty. I used my stolen wand to shoot the Dark Mark into the air. Then wizards from the Ministry of Magic came and cast stun spells everywhere. One of the spells shot into the woods where Winky and I were standing, breaking the bond between us, both of us. were knocked unconscious. After Winky was discovered, my father knew I must be nearby. He searched the bushes where Winky was and found me lying there. He waited until the rest of the Ministry of Magic had left the woods, and then returned to the I cast the Imperius Curse and took me home. He chased Winky away because she didn't like me and almost let me get away with the wand."

Winky let out a desperate howl.

"Now there are only two people at home, my father and me. Later... later..." Little Crouch shook his head, with a perverted smile on his face, "My master came to see me! One night, he was led by Pettigrew... Peter came to my house carrying him. He captured Bertha Jorkins in Arnia. He tortured her and made her tell many things. She told him about the Triwizard Tournament and told them about Old Pride. Romoody was going to teach at Hogwarts. The master continued to torture her until he broke the oblivion spell cast by my father. Bertha told him that I escaped from Azkaban and that my father kept me at home and refused to let me go. I went to find my master. Thus, my master knew that I was alive and that I was still his faithful servant, perhaps the most faithful one. Based on the information Bertha provided, my master came up with a plan. He needed me , he came to look for me at nearly midnight that day, and it was my father who opened the door."

The smile on Little Crouch's face became even thicker, as if he was recalling the happiest time in his life: "Unknowingly, my father was cast by the Imperius Curse by my master. Now he is under house arrest and being Controlled. My master forced him to work as usual, as if nothing had happened. I was released, revived, regained consciousness, and gained a vitality I had not felt in years."

A pair of frightened brown eyes appeared between the gleaming fingers.She seemed too frightened to speak.

Dumbledore asked: "What does Voldemort want you to do?"

"He asked me if I would risk everything for him. Of course I would. Serving him, proving my loyalty to him, was my dream, my greatest wish. He told me he needed to be installed at Hogwarts A confidant. This person will guide Harry Potter in the Triwizard Tournament and ensure that he gets the Triwizard Cup. He also has to steal the trophy into a portkey in advance so that he can bring Potter to my master, but first……"

"You need Alastor Moody." Dumbledore's voice remained calm, but Aaron saw that his blue eyes were filled with anger.

"It was Peter Pettigrew and I who did it. We prepared Polyjuice Potion in advance and went to his house together. Moody fought hard and made a lot of noise. But we finally subdued him in time and pushed him inside. In the dark room of the magic box, I pulled out a few of his hair and added it to the potion. I drank the potion, turned into Moody, and took his wooden legs and magical eyes. Arthur Weasley came to inquire. I was ready when I heard a muggle making a noise. I sent the bin spinning around the yard and I said to Arthur Weasley that I heard someone break into the yard and set the bin spinning. .Then I packed up Moody's clothes and the Dark Arts Detector, put them in a box with Moody, and set off for Hogwarts. I cast the Imperius Curse on him, but it didn't kill him. I need to ask him questions, learn about his past, his habits so even Dumbledore doesn't figure it out, and I need to use his hair to make Polyjuice Potion."

"Where was Peter Pettigrew after you attacked Moody?" Dumbledore asked.

"He returned to my home and took care of my master while keeping an eye on my father."

"But your father escaped," said Dumbledore.

"Yes. After a while, my father began to resist the Imperius Curse like I did, and sometimes he would briefly regain consciousness. The master thought that he could no longer be allowed to go out, so he forced my father to communicate with the Ministry of Magic, saying that he was ill. .Forcing him to work by corresponding with the Ministry of Magic instead of going to work. Peter Pettigrew was negligent and allowed my father to escape. My master guessed that he went to Hogwarts and wanted to tell Dumbledore everything. Confess to him, confess to smuggling me out of Azkaban. My master informed me that my father had escaped, and asked me to intercept him at all costs. I waited and waited. I used the information from Harry. The map that Potter received, the map that almost ruined everything."

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