Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 155

Another painful scream came from Voldemort's wand, and another head made of thick smoke emerged from the tip of the wand, followed by arms and body... A woman fell to the ground, straightened up, and looked around.

Aaron had seen her picture in the Daily Prophet. She was Bertha Jorkins.

The ghost of Bertha Jorkins observed the struggle before her with wide eyes.

"Don't let go!" Her cry echoed like the old man's, as if coming from a far away place. "Don't let him hurt you, Harry, don't let go!"

She and the old man's ghost began to walk along the inner wall of the golden net, while the Death Eaters were running around the golden net outside. The ghost killed by Voldemort walked around the duelists while whispering encouragement to Harry. He gritted his teeth and said something to Voldemort that Aaron couldn't hear.Voldemort turned pale with fear when he saw the people he had killed walking around.

Now another head emerged from the tip of Voldemort's wand, and the ghost of a long-haired woman fell to the ground like Bertha. She straightened up and stared at Harry. She said softly: "Your father is here too. He wants to see you. Yes." It’s okay, just hold on.”

Upon hearing this, Aaron immediately realized her identity.He is Harry's mother Lily Evans.And judging from what she said, Harry's father would also be coming out soon.

The soul of a tall man with shaggy hair emerged from the tip of Voldemort's wand, and Aaron saw that he looked somewhat similar to Harry.Combined with what Harry's mother said before, Aaron immediately knew his identity. He was Harry's father, James Potter.

He dropped to the ground and straightened up, as did his wife.He walked closer to Harry, looked down at him, and spoke to him in the same distant, echoing voice: "We can only stay for a short while after the connection is lost, but we will buy you time. You must get Get the portkey and it will take you back to Hogwarts. Do you understand, Harry?"

"Got it," Harry gasped.The wand slipped in his hand and he held on to it desperately.

"Don't worry." Aaron said, turning the wand in his hand, "We will go back, Harry. You just need to listen to my instructions for a while, and leave the rest to me."

Aaron didn't do anything during this period, he had already thought of an escape plan.

"Okay." Harry said.He held the wand with all his strength, his face twisted.

Harry's father whispered in a voice that Voldemort couldn't hear: "Get out, get ready to run, get out now."

"Hi!" Harry shouted loudly and raised his wand hard. The golden wire broke, the light net disappeared, and the song of the phoenix disappeared.But the ghosts who died at Voldemort's hands did not disappear. They surrounded Voldemort and prevented him from seeing Harry.

Voldemort immediately ordered to the Death Eaters: "Knock him out!"

But Aaron, who was well prepared, raised his wand before the Death Eaters and shouted: "Birds flock!"

Immediately, a large flock of birds flapped their wings and flew out from the wand head, flying onto the heads of the surrounding Death Eaters, blocking their sight.

Then, Aaron shouted: "Run!" He grabbed Harry and ran after the birds.

They knocked aside the two Death Eaters who were still chasing away the birds, and rushed out of the circle of Death Eaters.

At this time, the Death Eaters had already dealt with the birds summoned by Aaron, and they all raised their wands to attack Aaron and Harry.

But at this moment, Aaron suddenly turned around, pointed his wand behind him and shouted: "Here comes the fierce fire!"

A ball of orange flame immediately flew out from Aaron's wand.The flame was just a small patch at first, but soon spread out and burned towards the Death Eaters.

As the Dark Lord's subordinates, the Death Eaters certainly knew what magic Aaron used.Faced with the fierce fire coming towards them, the Death Eaters fled and dodge one after another, no longer caring about attacking Aaron and Harry.

Taking this opportunity, Aaron shouted to Harry: "Get me!"

Then he pointed his wand at the Triwizard Cup not far away and shouted: "The trophy is flying!"

Aaron was not running around before. He had spotted the location of the Triwizard Cup and ran over here.

The trophy flew towards him.Aaron grabbed the handle of the cup. He heard Voldemort yelling furiously, and at the same time he felt a tug under his navel, and the portkey worked.He and Harry were swept away in a whirlwind of colors, and they returned.

Aaron felt himself fall to the ground, and his nose was filled with the smell of grass.He stood up and looked around, and found that he was back in the maze, surrounded by hedges and stars twinkling above his head.

"Harry, we're back." Aaron said to Harry standing aside.Only to find Harry still face down on the ground.

Aaron quickly turned Harry over and saw that his eyes were tightly closed. He quickly shouted: "Harry, Harry, wake up, Harry!"

Harry groaned and opened his eyes.Aaron saw his eyes filled with trance.

Aaron helped Harry stand up and said, "You don't look well. I'll take you to the hospital."

"No." Harry grabbed Aaron's wrist and said, "Let's go find Dumbledore. We must tell him that Voldemort is back."

At this moment, Aaron and Harry suddenly heard someone ask: "Who's there?"

Accompanied by the sound of footsteps, Professor Moody walked out from the corner in front.

Aaron said quickly: "Professor Moody, it's me and Harry here."

Moody thumped, thumped, thumped and walked over and said, "Where have you been? Everyone is looking for you?"

Harry said: "The trophy is a portkey, which brought Aaron and I to a cemetery, where Voldemort is..."

"Where's the Dark Lord? And what?" Moody asked.

"He cooked a potion and restored his physical body." Aaron said.

"The Dark Lord has regained his physical body? He has been regenerated?" Moody asked.

"Yes." Harry nodded and said, "Then the Death Eaters came and we fought them..."

"Are you at war with the Death Eaters?" Moody asked.

"Yes." Harry continued, "Something interesting... happened to my wand. I met my mum and dad, and they emerged from Voldemort's wand. With their help, we Escaped."

"Voldemort is back? Aaron, Harry, are you sure? How did he do it?" Moody asked.

"He took a little bit from his dad's grave, Peter Pettigrew and Harry," Aaron said.

"What did the Dark Lord take from Harry?" Moody asked.

"Blood." Harry raised his arm, his sleeve cut by Wormtail's dagger.

Moody let out a long hiss: "Where are the Death Eaters? Have they gone back?"

"Yes." Aaron said, "There are many of them, and I heard Voldemort call out the names of several of them, including Malfoy, McNeil, Crabbe, Goyle and Nott."

"What did he do to them?" Moody asked softly. "Has he forgiven them?"

Harry suddenly remembered something and said, "There is a Death Eater in Hogwarts! There is a Death Eater here! He put my name into the Goblet of Fire, deliberately letting me win in the end..."

Moody said calmly, "I know who that Death Eater is."

"Who is it?" Aaron asked in surprise.

"Is it Karkaroff?" Harry asked eagerly, "Where is he? Have you caught him? Have you locked him up?"

"Karkaroff?" Moody smiled strangely. "Karkaroff ran away tonight because he felt the Dark Mark on his arm burning. He betrayed so many loyal supporters of the Dark Lord. , afraid to meet them. But I doubt he will go far, the Dark Lord has a way of tracking his enemies."

"Karkaroff escaped?" Aaron analyzed, "That means he has not yet served Voldemort, and the Death Eater hiding in Hogwarts is not him."

Moody said slowly, "It wasn't him. It was me."

Aaron and Halliden both looked at him with wide eyes.

Harry said incoherently, "It can't be you... You can't be..."

"It was indeed me," Moody said, pulling out his wand and pointing it at Aaron and Harry, "So he forgave them, right? Forgave the Death Eaters who were at large and escaped from Azkaban's captivity? "

"What?" said Harry.

At this time, Aaron and Harry had not yet recovered from what Moody had said before.An Auror with outstanding achievements, who once sent most of Voldemort's followers to Azkaban, said that he was a Death Eater. This must be the biggest joke of the year.

Moody said calmly: "Let me ask you, has he forgiven those scum who never looked for him? Those traitors, cowards, they didn't even dare to go to Azkaban for him. Those baseless things with no faith . They had the guts to wear masks and fool around at the Quidditch World Cup, but they ran away one by one after seeing the Dark Mark I fired."

"Did you launch the Dark Mark?" Aaron said in surprise.He realized that Moody seemed to be telling the truth and that something was wrong.

But Moody ignored Aaron and said to Harry: "I told you, Harry. If I hate anything, it's letting a Death Eater roam free. They are in my master's hands." Betrayed him when they needed them most. I wanted him to punish them, I wanted him to torture them. Tell me he tortured them, Harry."

A nervous smile suddenly appeared on Moody's face.

"Tell me, he told them that I was the only one who was always loyal and willing to risk everything to help him get what he wanted most - you!"

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