Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 152 Death Eaters

Voldemort stood silently waiting.

A Death Eater knelt on the ground, crawled to Voldemort, kissed the hem of his black robe, and whispered: "Master...Master..."

The Death Eaters behind him did the same, each crawling to Voldemort on their knees, kissing his robes, then stepping aside and standing.They formed a silent circle, surrounding Harry, Voldemort, and Peter Pettigrew, who lay sobbing and convulsing on the ground.But there are still some gaps in the circle, as if waiting for others to join.

However, Voldemort no longer seemed to expect anyone to come.He looked around at the hooded faces and said calmly: "Welcome, Death Eaters. Thirteen years...it has been thirteen years since our last gathering. But you still responded to me like yesterday. The summons...that is to say, we are still united under the Dark Mark! Right?"

Voldemort didn't wait for an answer.He raised his ferocious face, opened his two slit-like nostrils, sniffed and said, "I smell guilt. There is a stink of guilt in the air."

Aaron shivered when he saw many Death Eaters. They seemed to want to retreat, but they did not dare to move.

"I see you, healthy and sound, with the same magic power as before. I ask myself...why haven't these wizards come to help their master, the one they have sworn to be loyal to forever?"

No one spoke, no one dared to move.Only Peter Pettigrew fell to the ground, sobbing into his bleeding arms.

Voldemort said softly: "I answered myself, they must have thought that I was dead, that I was finished. They slipped back among my enemies, claiming that they were innocent, unknowing, and possessed by evil spells... I asked myself again , but why don’t they believe that I will make a comeback? Don’t they know that I took measures to prevent death a long time ago? Didn’t they witness me proving my magic power countless times when I was more powerful than any wizard? Boundless? I answered myself, maybe they think there is a more powerful force that can defeat Voldemort, maybe they have now pledged their allegiance to others, maybe it is the leader of the bastards, the protector of mudbloods and Muggles - Albus ·Dumbledore.”

Upon hearing Dumbledore's name, the members of the circle immediately became commotion.

Voldemort continued indifferently: "You have really disappointed me...I admit that I am disappointed."

One of the people in the circle suddenly fell to the ground. He lay at Voldemort's feet, trembling and screaming: "Master! Master, forgive me! Forgive us!"

Voldemort sneered and raised his wand.

"Drill the heart and gouge out the bone!"

The Death Eater who fell to the ground was writhing in pain and screaming.

Voldemort raised his wand.The tortured Death Eater lay flat on the ground, breathing heavily.

Voldemort said softly: "Get up, Avery. You beg me for forgiveness? I will not forgive you. I will not forget, 13 long years... I want you to pay off the debt of 13 years before I will forgive you." . Wormtail has paid off some of his debts, hasn't he, Wormtail?"

He looked down at Peter Pettigrew.Peter was still there sobbing.

Voldemort looked at Peter Pettigrew sobbing on the ground and said coldly: "You came back to me, not out of loyalty, but because you were afraid of your old friends. You deserve to endure this pain, Wormtail. You know this A little, isn’t it?”

"Yes, Master. Please, Master... please..." Peter Pettigrew groaned.

"But you helped me gain a physical body. Even though you are a despicable traitor, you helped me... Voldemort will not treat those who helped him badly."

Voldemort raised his wand again and danced in the air. A strip of light like molten silver was drawn on the head of the wand. It had no shape at first, and then the strip of light twisted and turned into a sparkling human hand, as bright as moonlight. .It flew down on its own and settled on Peter Pettigrew's bleeding wrist.

Peter Pettigrew suddenly stopped sobbing, his breathing heavy and harsh.He raised his head and looked at the silver hand as if he couldn't believe it.It fit seamlessly onto his arm, as if he were wearing a dazzling glove.He tried to bend his shining fingers, then tremblingly picked up a branch from the ground and crushed it into powder.

"My master, master, you are so beautiful... thank you... thank you..." Peter Pettigrew crawled over on his knees and kissed Voldemort's robe.

"I hope your loyalty will not waver again, Wormtail," said Voldemort.

"No, my master... never, my master." Peter Pettigrew stood up and joined the circle.With tears still on his face, he looked over and over at his powerful newbie.

Voldemort walked towards the person to the right of Peter Pettigrew and whispered: "Lucius, my cunning friend, I heard that you have not given up your past actions. Although you put on a sanctimonious face in front of the world , but I believe you are still willing to take the lead in torturing Muggles, right? You have never looked for me, Lucius... Your behavior at the Quidditch World Cup was quite interesting... But if you spend your energy looking for Wouldn't it be better to help your master?"

Lucius Malfoy's voice came quickly from under the hood: "Master, I have always been very careful. As long as there is any information about you, as long as there are any rumors about your whereabouts, I will rush to you immediately. Nothing can stop me..."

Voldemort suddenly said lazily: "But last summer, after a loyal Death Eater launched my mark into the air, you escaped."

Mr. Malfoy immediately shut up.

"Yes, I know that, Lucius. You have disappointed me. I hope you will serve me more loyally in the future."

"Of course, Master. Thank you for your magnanimity."

Voldemort took two steps, stopped, and looked at the gap between Malfoy and the person next to him. This gap was enough for two people to stand.

Voldemort said softly: "The Leicesters should be standing here. But they were buried alive in Azkaban. They are loyal. They would rather enter Azkaban than abandon me. When Azkaban was breached Afterwards, the Lesters will receive a reward they never dreamed of. We will be joined by the dementors, our natural allies. We will recall the banished giants, and I will retrieve all my loyal servants and regain possession of the land. A group of magical creatures that everyone fears."

Voldemort continued walking, silent as he passed some Death Eaters, but stopped before others.

"McNeil, Wormtail tells me that you are killing dangerous beasts for the Ministry of Magic? Soon, Voldemort will provide you with something better to kill."

"Thank you, master, thank you." McNeil murmured.

"Ah -" Voldemort walked up to the two largest hooded figures, "Crabbe, you will behave better this time, won't you? And you, Goyle?"

The two bowed awkwardly and muttered foolishly: "Yes, Master (Yes, Master)."

"What about you, Nott?" Voldemort asked softly to a hunchbacked man in the shadow of Mr. Goyle.

Nott said in fear: "Master, I kneel before you, I am your most loyal..."

"That's enough," Voldemort interrupted impatiently.

He walked up to the largest gap and looked at it with hollow red eyes as if someone was standing there.

"There are six less Death Eaters here...three died for me, and one didn't have the guts to come back...he will pay the price. The other one...I think he left me forever, of course he will be executed... There is another, still my most loyal servant, who has returned to my service.”

There was a small commotion among the Death Eaters, and Aaron saw the masked men secretly exchanging glances.

Just listen to Voldemort continue: "My loyal servant is at Hogwarts now. It is because of his efforts that our little friend will be here tonight."

A circle of people's eyes turned to Harry.

"That's right." Voldemort's lipless mouth twitched into a smile, "Harry Potter is coming to my regeneration party. We might even call him my special guest."

After a period of silence, the Death Eater standing to the right of Peter Pettigrew took a step forward, and Lucius Malfoy's voice came from under the mask: "Master, we beg you to tell us: how do you do it?" Completed this...this miracle and returned to us?"

"Ah, it's a long story, Lucius. The beginning and the end of this story are all related to this little friend of mine." Voldemort lazily walked to Harry's side, and everyone's eyes fell on him. On both of them.

Voldemort stared at Harry with his red eyes and said softly: "Of course you know, they say this boy is my nemesis, right? You all know that on the night when I lost my magic and body, I wanted to kill him. His mother's death to save him inadvertently gave him some kind of protection. I admit it was something I didn't expect - I couldn't touch that boy."

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