Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 145 Morality

After understanding what he wanted to do, Aaron immediately swam towards the square.

To Aaron's surprise, the mermaids did not stop him from approaching.

Harry was still fighting with the mermaids.As the distance got closer, Aaron could see that fish gills had grown out of Harry's gills, and there were webs between his fingers and the tips of his toes. It looked like he had used gill grass.

Aaron came to the statue, used a cutting spell to cut the rope on Colin, and pulled him to his side.During this process, the mermaids still did not come to hinder him, and things went smoothly beyond Aaron's expectation.

After rescuing Colin, Aaron looked at Hermione and the little girl with silver hair.Although they are not Aaron's mission targets, Hermione and Aaron are also friends, and Aaron hopes to rescue her together if possible.So Aaron pointed his wand at the ropes that bound Hermione.

But at this moment, six or seven mermaids swam over and pulled him away from Hermione. They shook their green-haired heads and laughed.

"You can only take your own hostages," one of them said to him, "don't worry about the others..."

【So that's it.A warrior can only save his own hostages, but cannot leave others alone. 】

Aaron immediately understood what was going on between Harry and the mermaids. After rescuing Ron, Harry must have wanted to rescue Hermione as well, but the mermaids were preventing him from doing so.

Knowing that the mermaids would not let him take away anyone except Colin, Aaron did not insist on breaking the rules.He pulled Colin to Harry's side and gestured to him that it was time to leave.But Harry waved for Aaron to take Colin and go first.

Aaron gestured to Harry twice, but Harry just shook his head.Aaron had no choice but to pull Colin and leave first.

Aaron's head soaking spell is not like the gillweed used by Harry. It allows Harry to get oxygen directly from the water. As long as the effect of the medicine is gone, he can stay in the water for as long as he wants.To put it bluntly, the head bubble spell is an air mask placed on the head. Once the oxygen inside is exhausted, the user will suffocate to death.Aaron spent a lot of time on the way to the Mermaid Village, and the oxygen stored in the head soaking spell was running low.If he delays any longer, the oxygen in the head soaking spell may not be enough for him to swim back to the lake shore.

More importantly, Aaron judged that Hermione and the little silver-haired girl should not be in danger.After all, neither Ron, Hermione, Colin nor the little silver-haired girl were warriors and did not participate in the competition.They just have a closer relationship with the warriors.If these innocent people were allowed to die because of the competition, the entire wizarding world would be in turmoil, and Dumbledore would not agree to such a thing.Therefore, Aaron concluded that the preparation team for the championship must have some measures to ensure that the hostages were safe even if they were not rescued by the warriors.

As soon as Aaron and Colin left the mermaid village, they saw a huge creature swimming towards them. Below it was a human body, wearing swimming trunks, and above it was a shark's head, which was Krum.It seemed that he was trying to transform himself, but was not very successful.

Aaron pointed out the direction of the square to Klum, and then passed him by.

Because he could not tell the direction at the bottom of the deep lake, Aaron pulled Colin upstream first.Soon, he saw the skylight above, which gave Aaron great encouragement. He struggled forward and finally stuck his head out of the lake.The noise from the lakeside stands suddenly reached Aaron's ears, and he changed his direction and swam towards the referee's box.

At this time, Colin opened his eyes, spit out a large mouthful of lake water, blinked a few times in the bright light, then turned to Aaron and said, "You're all soaked, aren't you?"

Then, he asked Aaron: "Have you seen Harry? Is he coming up?"

As expected of being the number one Harry fan at Hogwarts, he asked Harry immediately.

"Harry is still down there," Aaron said. "He seems to be planning to make sure the four hostages are safe before coming up."

"What?" Colin asked in surprise, "We are not in danger at all. He is wasting his time!"

"I motioned for him to come with me," Aaron said, "but he insisted."

Aaron took Colin back to the shore. Madam Pomfrey immediately ran over in a fuss and wrapped them tightly in two thick blankets. Aaron felt as if he was wearing a straitjacket to restrain prisoners and madmen.Then Madam Pomfrey forced a burning potion into their mouths, and heat immediately came out of their ears.

After a while, Krum came back with Hermione.Madam Pomfrey quickly wrapped blankets around them and drank the potion.

After that, no one came up for a long time.The time has been far more than an hour.

Just when people began to worry about the warriors and hostages who had not yet come ashore, another warrior surfaced.It was Fleur Delacour, but she wasn't accompanied by her sister, so her rescue had obviously failed.

After Fleur came ashore, she immediately clamored to go into the water again to save her sister, but the judges stopped her action.The reason is that the game time has expired and her rescue operation has failed.

Fleur's failure cast a shadow over the audience.One warrior has already failed, so what about Harry who hasn't come up yet?Did he fail too?Why hasn't he come back yet?Did he encounter some danger in the lake and there was no way he could come back?

The stands were immediately filled with people. People stood up and looked into the lake. Even the referees couldn't sit still.

Just when the referees were about to discuss whether to organize a rescue in the water, Harry finally surfaced, accompanied by Ron and Fleur's sister.They were accompanied by twenty mermaids.

Seeing her sister, Fleur was completely hysterical and struggled desperately to jump into the water.

"Gabriel! Gabriel! Is she still alive? Is she hurt?"

Madame Maxime had to pull her hard.

Harry and Ron were seen pulling Fleur's sister and swimming towards the shore. The judges all got up and looked there. Twenty mermaids accompanied them like a guard of honor, and they were singing an unpleasant song in a high-pitched voice. .

When Harry, Ron and Gabrielle swam close to the shore, a pale Percy rushed over to greet them impatiently.

Percy grabbed Ron and dragged him to the shore; Dumbledore and Bagman pulled Harry up; Fleur broke free from Madame Maxime's obstruction and hugged her sister.

"It's Greenlody...Those Greenlodys are attacking me...Oh, Gabrielle, I thought...I thought..."

"You all come here." Madam Pomfrey grabbed Harry, pulled him to Aaron and the others, wrapped a blanket tightly around him, and forced a potion into his mouth.Harry's ears immediately started to smoke.

"Well done, Harry!" Hermione shouted, "You did it, you did it all on your own!"

"Yeah, that's right," Harry said.

"There's a water beetle in your hair, Hermione." Krum seemed to be trying to draw Hermione's attention to himself.

But Hermione brushed the water beetles away impatiently and said, "But, Harry, you're overdue... Did it take you a long time to find us?"

"No, it's not too late for me to find you." Harry had an annoyed look on his face.

"You don't take the mermaid's singing seriously, do you?" Aaron asked from the side.

"Yeah," Harry said frustratedly.

"I thought there was something wrong with your insistence on leaving at that time." Aaron said, "You should trust Dumbledore. He would not let four innocent students drown in the lake."

Dumbledore was squatting by the water, talking closely with a particularly rough and fierce female mermaid who looked like a leader.Dumbledore makes the high-pitched, piercing noises that mermaids make on the water, and apparently, he also speaks merfolk.Finally, he stood up straight, turned to the other referees, and said, "Let's have a meeting first and then make the score."

Several referees gathered together.Madam Pomfrey pulled Ron from Percy's tight grasp and led him to Harry and the others. She gave him a blanket and some fever potion, then went to fetch Fleur and her sister.Fleur's face and arms were covered with cuts and bruises, and her robes were torn, but she didn't seem to mind and didn't let Madam Pomfrey clean them up for her.

"Go look after Gabrielle," she said to Madam Pomfrey, then turned to Harry. "You saved her." She was almost breathless with emotion. "Even though she is not your hostage."

"Yeah," said Harry.

Fleur lowered her head, kissed Harry twice on both cheeks, and then said to Ron, "And you, you helped too."

"Yeah." Ron said with a hopeful look, "Yeah, it helped a little."

Fleur rushed over and kissed him a few times.Hermione looked furious, but at this moment, Ludo Bagman's magically amplified voice suddenly sounded in their ears, startling them and causing the audience in the stands to fall silent.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have finally made a decision. Mercus, the leader of the mermaids, told us everything that happened under the lake. We have decided to rate the warriors as follows... "

"Fleur Delacour, despite her excellent use of the Bubble Curse, was attacked by Green Lody as she approached the target and was unsuccessful in rescuing the hostages. We give her 25 points."

There was applause from the stands.

"I should have scored zero." Furong shook her graceful head and said hoarsely.

"Cedric Diggory also used the Bubble Curse. He was the first to return with the hostages and the only one to return within the specified time." The Gryffindor students in the crowd cheered warmly, their voices Deafeningly, "therefore, we give him 49 points."

"Viktor Krum performed Transfiguration, incomplete but still effective, and he was the second to return with the hostage. We give him 40 points."

Karkaroff slapped his hands very vigorously, looking triumphant.

"Harry Potter used gillyweed and achieved amazing results." Bagman continued, "He was the last to return, far exceeding the one-hour allotted time. However, the mermaid female leader told us that Potter The gentleman was the first to find the hostages. He failed to return in time because he wanted to ensure that all the hostages returned safely, instead of only caring about his own hostages."

"Most judges," Bagman said, casting a very dissatisfied glance at Karkaroff, "feel that this fully reflects the noble moral character. However...Mr. Potter's score is 45 points."

The audience immediately cheered and clapped.

"It's really yours, Harry!" Ron shouted at the top of his voice amidst the noise, "It turns out you're not stupid! You're showing moral integrity!"

Fleur was also slapping her hands hard, but Krum looked unhappy.He tried to talk to Hermione again, but she was just cheering for Harry and ignored him.

"The third and final project will be carried out on the evening of June 6." Bagman continued, "The warriors will know the specific content of the project one month in advance. Thank you for your support to the warriors."

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