Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 141 After the Christmas Ball

Aaron looked around and saw that Professor Dumbledore was dancing with Professor Sprottney, Ludo Bagman was dancing with Professor McGonagall, and Madam Maxime and Hagrid were waltzing among the students on the dance floor. A very wide trajectory was drawn, and Karkaroff disappeared to nowhere.

Another song ended, and everyone applauded again. Aaron saw Ludo Bagman kiss Professor McGonagall's hand, and then walked back through the crowd.Just then, Aaron saw Fred and George chasing after Bagman, pestering him and talking to him.But Ludo Bagman quickly broke away from Fred and George and walked towards Harry's table.

At this time, the girl who looked very similar to Parvati was no longer in her seat. Instead, Percy was sitting with Harry and Ron.Bagman sat at the table and talked cordially with Percy.

Aaron finished a bottle of butterbeer and was a little bored sitting there, but he didn't want to dance anymore, so he asked Luna: "Do you want to go for a walk?"

"Okay." Luna nodded.

Aaron and Luna left the table, sidled around the dance floor, and slipped out into the foyer.The front door was open and fairy lights twinkled in the rose garden as they descended the steps.They found themselves surrounded by low bushes, ornately decorated winding paths and huge stone statues.Harry could hear the splashing of water, like a fountain, and occasionally he could see people sitting on carved benches.They followed a winding path through the rose bushes, but after walking a few steps, they heard a familiar voice.

"...I don't understand why there is such a fuss, Igor."

Aaron recognized the voice of Professor Snape.Then, Karkaroff's voice came.

"Severus, you can't pretend this didn't happen!" His voice sounded hoarse and hoarse, as if he was afraid of being heard. "It's become more and more obvious over the months. I'm very I can’t deny that I’m worried…”

"Then run away." Snape's voice said impatiently, "I will excuse you. But I want to stay in Hogwarts..."

Aaron made a silent gesture to Luna, and then he pulled Luna and hid behind a flower bush.

Snape and Karkaroff turned a corner.Snape held his wand in his hand and blew the rose bushes aside.He had a straight face and an ugly expression.Screams came from many flowers, and several dark figures jumped out from them.Luna also wanted to jump out, but Aaron held her tightly and still hid behind the flowers.

"Ten points from Ravenclaw, Fawcett!" Snape said fiercely as a girl ran past him.

"Ten points from Hufflepuff, Stebbins!" Another boy chased the girl.

"It seems some people think they can hide from me." Snape continued pointing his wand at the flowers.He seemed to have spotted Aaron and Luna.

Aaron held Luna's hand tightly, sweat dripping from his forehead.

But at this moment, Snape glanced at the path ahead and asked immediately: "What are you two doing?"

But it was Harry and Ron walking down the path.

"We were taking a walk," Ron said to Snape politely, "Isn't this illegal?"

"Then keep walking!" Snape shouted angrily, and strode past them, his long black robes flowing behind him.Karkaroff also hurried away with Snape.

Aaron breathed a sigh of relief.He pulled Luna around behind the flowers and came to a large stone reindeer.Beyond the stone deer they could see a high fountain with splashing water and sparkling water.Two huge, vague figures sat on a stone bench, looking at the spring water under the moonlight.

Then, Aaron heard Hagrid's voice.He said in a very strange hoarse voice: "As soon as I saw you, I understood it."

"What do you understand, Hagrid?" Mrs. Maxim asked, her deep voice carrying a whooshing sound.

Aaron and Luna froze.It seemed like this was a scene they shouldn't be disturbed by.Aaron looked around, looking for a way to slip away.Look at the path

Hagrid's next words still penetrated his ears.

"I see...understand that you are the same as me...is it your mother or your father?"

"I...I don't know what you mean, Hagrid..."

"It's my mother," Hagrid said softly. "She's one of the few left in Britain. Of course, I don't remember much about her... She left, you know. About when I was three When. To be honest, she doesn't look like a mother. Alas... they don't have maternal nature in their nature, right? I don't know what happened to her afterwards... As far as I know, she is probably dead..."

Madame Maxime said nothing.

"After my mother left, my father was devastated. My father was a little man. When I was six years old, if he annoyed me, I would lift him up and put him on top of the wardrobe, which always made him laugh. Laughing..." Hagrid's deep voice became even more choked up.

Madame Maxime listened, motionless, as if gazing at the silver fountain.

"Dad brought me up...but, alas, he died, just after I went to school. Since then, I have been on my own. Dumbledore has helped me a lot. To be honest, he has been very important to me." Very good..." Hagrid took out a silk handkerchief printed with polka dots and blew his nose loudly, "That's it... Okay... I've finished my story. What about you? Where did you get it from? Genetic?"

Unexpectedly, Madame Maxime suddenly stood up.Her voice was cold and biting as she said: "It's too cold. I want to go in."

"Huh?" Hagrid said confused, "No, don't go! I...I have never met another person before!"

"Other people? Make it clear!" Mrs. Maxim said in a cold tone.

"Another half-giant, needless to say!" said Hagrid.

"You are so brave!" Madame Maxime screamed, her voice cutting through the quiet night sky like a fog horn, "I have never been insulted like this in my life! Half-blood giant? Me? I just...I It’s just that he has a big frame!”

Madame Maxime walked away in a huff, angrily poking open the flowers all the way, startling groups of colorful little fairies flying into the air.Hagrid was still sitting on the bench, watching her back.It was too dark to see the expression on his face clearly.Then, after a minute or so, he stood up and strode away.Instead of returning to the castle, he headed in the direction of his hut, out into the dark field.

Aaron said to Luna in a low voice: "Hurry up, let's go."

But Luna didn't move. She turned to look at Aaron and whispered with surprise on her face: "Hagrid is a hybrid giant?"

"Yes. Didn't we all hear it just now?" Aaron shrugged.

Luna looked at Aaron in surprise and said softly: "Go in and I'll explain it to you. Let's go."

Aaron and Luna returned to the auditorium and sat down at a table away from the dance floor.

"Tell me," Aaron urged Luna, "What's the problem with the hybrid giant?"

"That's right, giants are very vicious." Luna searched Guchang, but couldn't find a suitable word. "They are like trolls... they are born to like to kill. This is their nature, everyone knows this."

"Giants are very vicious. What does it have to do with Hagrid?" Aaron said. "Hagrid is not a bad person. Even if his mother is a giant, what does it matter?"

"Well... people who know him think it doesn't matter, because they know he is not dangerous. But..." Luna said, shaking her head, "I always thought he was accidentally hit by a vicious expansion spell or something when he was a child. did not expect……"

"I don't know who Maxim is trying to deceive." Aaron watched Mrs. Maxim sitting alone at the referee's table, looking sullen. "If Hagrid is a hybrid giant, then she must be too. She has a big frame... …The only ones with bigger skeletons than her are dinosaurs.”

Aaron and Luna sat in the corner chatting for the rest of the dance.Aaron learned for the first time that Luna's father was the editor-in-chief of "The Quibbler."It is a book that publishes eyewitness news about creatures that are said not to exist at all in the world and some non-mainstream news.

Aaron felt that Luna's crazy behavior had something to do with her father's profession.She seemed to have always believed that the news published in "The Quibbler" was true, and during the conversation she tried to convince Aaron that the hooks and molesting flies were real.

Aaron was noncommittal about some of Luna's ideas.While there is currently no concrete evidence that nymph hooks and mole flies exist, there is also no evidence that they do not exist.It's also possible that they actually exist, but haven't been discovered yet.After all, for most Muggles, fire dragons are also legendary things, but wizards all know that they are real, and Aaron has fought a fire dragon before.Since the fire dragons that Muggles don't believe actually exist in this world, how can you dare to say that oyster hooks and harassing flies absolutely do not exist?

At twelve o'clock at midnight, the Weird Sisters stopped playing, and everyone gave them a last round of applause before starting to walk toward the foyer.Although many people still hope that the dance can be extended for some time, but.Aaron had a pretty good night.

After going out and entering the hall, Aaron said goodbye to Luna. At the same time, he saw Hermione saying goodbye to Krum.

Aaron then returned to Gryffindor Tower with the other Gryffindor students.The Fat Lady and her friend Violet were fast asleep in the frame of the portrait hole.The students had to shout "Fairy Lights" to wake them up.They were very annoyed when they were woken up.

After playing all night, everyone was a little tired. After entering the common room, they went upstairs to the dormitory to sleep.

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