Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 127 Campaigning for Warriors

"Okay, the decision is about to be made on the Goblet of Fire. It will probably take another minute." Dumbledore said, "Listen, after the names of the warriors are announced, I want them to walk to the top of the auditorium and then along the staff table Go over and enter the next room." He pointed to the door behind the staff desk, "where they will receive initial instruction."

He took out his wand and waved it widely.Immediately, except for the candles in the jack-o-lantern, all the other candles were extinguished, and the auditorium suddenly fell into a state of semi-darkness.The Goblet of Fire was now emitting a dazzling light, brighter than anything in the entire auditorium, and the blue-white flames bursting with sparks were simply dazzling.Everyone was watching and waiting... and a few people kept looking at their watches.

"Almost," Lee Jordan whispered, three seats away from Aaron.

The flame in the goblet suddenly turned red again, and crackling sparks burst out.Then, a tongue of fire jumped into the air, and a piece of burnt parchment flew out from it.Everyone in the auditorium held their breath.

Dumbledore caught the parchment and held it far away so that he could read the writing on it by the light of the flames.The flame then returned to blue-white again.

He said in a clear and powerful tone: "The champion of Durmstrang is Viktor Krum."

Applause and cheers suddenly swept the entire auditorium.Aaron saw Viktor Krum stand up from the Slytherin table and walk listlessly towards Dumbledore.He turned to the right, walked along the staff table, and entered the next room through the door.

"Awesome, Viktor! I know you are destined to be a warrior!" Karkaroff roared like a bell.Despite the loud applause in the auditorium, everyone could hear his voice.

The applause and conversation gradually subsided.Everyone's attention was now on the goblet again, and after a few seconds the flames turned red again.The second parchment leaped out of the cup, propelled by the flames.

"The champion of Beauxbatons is Fleur Delacour!" Dumbledore said.

I saw the girl who looked like a Veela stood up gracefully, shook her silver hair, and walked lightly between the tables of Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff.

"Oh, look, they're all disappointed," Hermione said over the din, nodding to the other Beauxbatons representatives.

Aaron thinks the word "disappointment" is too light a word.The two girls who were not selected burst into tears, buried their heads in their arms, and cried sadly.

When Fleur Delacour also entered the next room, the Great Hall fell silent again. This time, the silence was filled with a strong excitement that could be tasted, because next it was the turn of the Hogwarts Warriors. .

At this time, the Goblet of Fire turned red again, sparks burst out, tongues of fire shot high into the air, and Dumbledore pulled out the third piece of parchment from the tip of the tongues of fire.He held it far away and stared at the name written on it, with a look of surprise on his face.There was a long silence as Dumbledore stared at the note in his hand. Everyone in the auditorium stared at Dumbledore.

Then, Dumbledore cleared his throat and read aloud: "The Champion of Hogwarts is Aaron Elf!"

There was no applause.A buzzing sound began to fill the auditorium, like countless angry bees chirping.Some students even stood up to see Aaron more clearly.Professor McGonagall stood up at the guest of honor, walked quickly past Ludo Bagman and Professor Karkaroff, and whispered eagerly in Professor Dumbledore's ear. Dumbledore listened intently and smiled slightly. He frowned.

I have become a warrior!

Although he had been prepared, at this moment, Aaron was still excited and nervous.He looked around and saw the students around the long Gryffindor table staring at him blankly with their mouths wide open.

According to procedure, Aaron should now go to the room at the back of the auditorium to receive instruction.However, Aaron did not forget that he signed up illegally, and whether his warrior status will be recognized is still open to question.Therefore, he sat still in his seat and waited for the referees' decision.

At this time, at the guest of honor seat, Professor Dumbledore straightened up and nodded towards Professor McGonagall.

"Aaron Elf!" he shouted again. "Aaron! Please come up here!"

Aaron knew the moment of decision was coming.He stood up and walked down the passage between the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff tables.He could feel hundreds of eyes staring at him, as if each eye was a searchlight.At the same time, the buzzing discussion around them became louder and louder.

Aaron knew what everyone was talking about.It's just why he became a warrior because he was not old enough; and how he passed the age limit and threw his name into the Goblet of Fire.

However, when Aaron put his name into the Goblet of Fire, he knew that once he was selected as a warrior, he would face all kinds of doubts.Therefore, he faced the comments and sights around him as if a breeze was blowing on his face.

He walked up to Dumbledore and could feel all kinds of surprise, confusion, inquiry, and blank eyes staring at him.

There was no smile on Dumbledore's face. He looked at Aaron and said, "Well... go to that door, Aaron."

Hearing these words, Aaron knew that his status as a warrior was most likely to be recognized.So, he took a deep breath and walked along the staff table.

Aaron walked through the door and out of the Great Hall, finding himself in a small room with portraits of wizards hanging on the walls.In the hearth opposite him a fire was burning brightly.As he entered, all the faces in the portraits turned to look at him.He saw a crumpled witch swipe out of her frame and into the frame next to hers, where a wizard with a walrus beard appeared.The wrinkled witch began to bite his ear quietly.

Viktor Krum and Fleur Delacour were gathered around the fire.Krum was leaning on the mantelpiece, hunched over, thinking deeply about something. Fleur Delacour stood there with her hands behind her back, staring at the portrait on the wall.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Fleur Delacour turned her head, saw Aaron coming in, and said with a suspicious look on her face: "Only warriors can enter this room, right?"

"That's right," Aaron replied.

"Are you a Hogwarts warrior?" Fleur Delacour looked at Aaron up and down with a look of disbelief on her face.

"Yes." Aaron replied again.

"Are you 17 years old?" Fleur looked at Aaron suspiciously and asked.

"Actually, no," Aaron said matter-of-factly.

After hearing this, Viktor Krum also straightened up and looked at Aaron up and down, with a gloomy expression on his arrogant face.

Fleur Delacour shook her cascading silver hair, smiled sweetly, and said: "This joke is very funny. Well, what are you here to do? Where are the warriors of Hogwarts?"

"I am the warrior of Hogwarts." Aaron said, "If there are no accidents."

Fleur frowned and said, "But you are not old enough to be a warrior."

"Actually, I can," Aaron said. "My name jumps out of the Goblet of Fire, so theoretically I am the Champion of Hogwarts."

While he was talking, the door to the room opened again, and Aaron saw Harry Potter walking in.

"What's wrong? Do they want us to go back to the Great Hall?" Fleur asked, then she pointed at Aaron and said, "And what's going on with this little boy? He says he's a Hogwarts Champion."

Apparently, she thought Harry was coming in to deliver a message.

But Harry said not a word.

At this time, there was a rush of footsteps outside the door, and Ludo Bagman walked into the room.He grabbed Harry's arm and pulled him forward.

"How bizarre!" he murmured in a low voice, squeezing Harry's arm. "How bizarre! Gentlemen...ma'am," he walked to the fireside and said to the other three people, "please allow me to introduce you. Look - as incredible as this may seem - this is the fourth champion of the Triwizard Tournament!"

Viktor Krum looked Harry up and down, the expression on his face getting darker.

Aaron looked at Bagman and then at Harry, his face full of surprise.

(Maybe it was because they were not old enough that they chose another warrior.)

This was the first thought that came to Aaron's mind.But then he thought again: But Harry is not old enough either!

Fleur Delacour shook her long hair and said: "Oh, this joke is also very funny, Mr. Bagman."

"A joke?" Bagman repeated, a little confused, "No, no, absolutely not! Harry's name just came out of the Goblet of Fire!"

Krum's thick eyebrows frowned slightly.

Aaron had a confused look on his face, not understanding why he had been chosen as the Hogwarts Champion and Harry's name would be sprayed out of the Goblet of Fire.

Fleur frowned again, and she said haughtily to Bagman: "But this is obviously a mistake. He can't compete. He is too young. And so is this little boy." Fleur pointed at Aaron again.

"Yeah...it's really surprising." Bagman rubbed his smooth chin and said with a smile, "But you also know that the age limit was only implemented this year as an additional safety measure. Since their Names sprayed out of the Goblet of Fire... I mean, I think now that we've reached this point, we can't run away... The rules are very clear, you must abide by them... Harry... and Aaron ...to try their best..."

The door behind them was pushed open again, and Professor Dumbledore, followed closely by Mr. Crouch, Professor Karkaroff, Mrs. Maxim, Professor McGonagall, and Professor Snape, crowded in.Before Professor McGonagall closed the door, Aaron heard the buzzing chatter of hundreds of students coming from the auditorium next door.

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