Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 117 3 Strong Tournament

The next morning the storm subsided, but the ceiling of the auditorium was still gloomy.As Aaron and Colin studied their class schedule for the semester over breakfast, large, thick blue-grey clouds rolled over their heads.At the same table, a few seats away from them, Fred, George and Lee Jordan were discussing what magic spell they could use to make themselves older, and then get away with it and participate in the Triwizard Tournament.

Aaron looked at the class schedule carefully. The classes he needed to attend today included divination, arithmetic, transfiguration, and the afternoon Care of Magical Creatures class.Divination and arithmetic classes are held at [-] am.Normally, Aaron cannot take two classes at the same time, but with the help of Professor McGonagall, he has solved this problem.

After breakfast, Aaron and Colin went to their first class.

Their first class today is all about divination.Yes, Colin also took a divination class.The reason he took this course was because Harry took it last year.As an ardent admirer of Harry, Colin chose the same classes as his idol.

The teacher of the Divination class is Professor Sybill Trelawney.Aaron had heard a lot about the professor from Harry, Ron, and Hermione.In Hermione's words, she is a liar who likes to scare people deliberately.But Harry said that at the end of last semester, she made a real prophecy.Therefore, Aaron hopes to see with his own eyes whether Professor Trelawney has real ability or is a liar.

The divination class is in the north tower.It's a long way from the castle to the north tower.Although Aaron and Colin have been at Hogwarts for two years, they are still not familiar with everything in the castle. They have never been inside the North Tower before.

"Which way should... go...?" Colin asked breathlessly.

At this time, they were on an unfamiliar platform on the eighth floor of the stairs. There was nothing there, only a large painting hanging on the stone wall, which showed a grassland.

Aaron looked at the painting.A fat pony with dark gray stripes had just jumped onto the grass with ease and was grazing nonchalantly.After a while, a short, fat knight in armor entered the scene with a clattering sound, looking for his pony.Judging by the grass stains on his metal knees, he had just fallen off his horse.

Aaron recognized the knight as Sir Cadogan, who had been caretaker of the Gryffindor common room for a time last year after the Fat Lady was destroyed by Sirius.During the time he was working for the Fat Lady, he would challenge people to a duel every time they came through the gate.And he always kept changing his password, at least twice a day, which made everyone miserable.

"Aha!" Sir Cadogan saw Aaron and Colin at this time, "Who is the scoundrel who dares to break into my private property? Did he actually laugh at my accidental wrestling? Draw your sword, you scoundrels and dogs thing!"

Ser Cadogan drew his sword from its sheath and began to swing it violently, jumping up and down with rage.But the sword was too long for him, and a particularly large move knocked him off balance, and he fell face first on the grass.

"Are you okay, Jazz?" Aaron asked, walking closer to the painting.

"Go back, you dirty braggart! Go back, you scoundrel!"

Sir Cadogan seized the sword again and used it to support himself as he got up, but the sword was deeply embedded in the grass, and although he tried with all his strength to pull it out, he could not pull it out.Finally, he had to sit down on the grass again with a pop, push up his visor, and wipe his sweaty face.

Aaron took advantage of Sir Cadogan's exhaustion and said, "We are looking for the North Tower. Do you know how to get there, Sir?"

"Search!" Sir Cadogan's anger immediately disappeared.

He stood up with a clang and shouted: "Come, follow me, dear friends, and we will find our target, or we will die bravely in the charge!"

He went to draw the sword again, but still failed, and tried to mount the fat pony, but failed, so he had to shout: "Then let's go on foot, gentlemen, forward! forward!"

So he clattered to the left of the frame and was out of sight.They hurried after him along the corridor, following his clanging sound.Every now and then they would see him running past a painting in front of them.

"Be brave, there are worse things ahead!" Sir Cadogan shouted.They saw him reappear before a group of frightened women in crinolines, whose portraits hung on the walls of a narrow spiral staircase.

Panting heavily, Aaron and Colin climbed the spiraling staircase, feeling increasingly dizzy.Finally they heard the hum of voices overhead and found the classroom.

"Goodbye!" Sir Cadogan stuck his head into a picture. There were several sinister-looking monks on this picture. "Goodbye, my comrades! If you need a noble heart and steely muscles, , don’t forget to call me Sir Cadogan!”

"Yeah, we'll call you," muttered Colin, "if we need a madman."

They climbed the last few stairs and landed on a small platform where most of the people in class were.There was no door on the landing, so Colin pushed Aaron and pointed to the ceiling, where there was a circular trap door with a bronze plaque on it.

"Sybill Trelawney, teacher of Divination," Aaron read.

"How can we get up there?" Colin asked.

As if in answer to his question, the trap door suddenly opened, and a silver ladder was placed at Aaron's feet.Everyone fell silent.

Aaron saw everyone around him looking at him, so he was the first to walk up.He came to the strangest classroom he had ever seen.In fact, it's not a classroom at all, but more like a cross between a loft and an old-fashioned teahouse.There are at least twenty small round tables crowded into this classroom.Around each table were Indian calico armchairs and bulging little cushions.Everything was lit by a dull scarlet light.The curtains were drawn, and many of the lamps had crimson shades.The classroom was depressingly warm, the fireplace was full, and a large copper kettle was burning on the fire, so that the flame gave off a dull, cloying aroma.The circular walls were lined with shelves filled with dusty feather ornaments, candle holders, worn playing cards, countless silver crystal balls and a host of tea sets.

Colin came up right after Aaron, and the whole class stood around them, talking quietly.

"Where is she?" said Colin.

A voice suddenly came from the shadows, it was a soft and indistinct voice.

"Welcome. It's good to finally see you in the physical world."

Professor Trelawney walked into the firelight and they saw that she was very thin.Her big glasses magnified her eyes several times. She wore a thin transparent gauze-like sparkling shawl. There were countless necklaces and beads hanging on her slender neck. She wore bracelets and bracelets on both arms and hands. ring.

"Sit down, my children, sit down," said Professor Trelawney.

Then they all climbed awkwardly onto the armchairs or sank into the bulging cushions.Aaron and Colin were sitting at the same round table.

"Welcome to Divination," said Professor Trelawney herself, sitting in a winged armchair in front of the fireplace. "I am Professor Trelawney, and you may not have seen me before. I find that too often I face the hustle and bustle of the place. The busy school life has blurred my third eye."

No one said anything about such an unusual declaration.

Professor Trelawney carefully rearranged her shawl and continued: "You have chosen the Divination class, which is the most difficult class of all magical arts. I must warn you from the beginning: if you do not have 'Sight' ', then I have very little to teach you, and books can only take you so far in this area... Many witches and wizards, although they are very good at making loud banging noises, scents, and sudden invisibility. Genius, but cannot see through the fog and see through the future." Her huge luminous eyes flashed across the students' faces one by one, and the firelight flickered on her long emerald earrings.

"Only a few people have this kind of natural talent." Professor Trelawney continued calmly, "This year we are learning various basic divination methods. The first semester was spent on interpreting tea leaves. Next semester we should learn divination. Physiognomy. By the way, my dear..." she said suddenly to Luna, "beware of red-haired girls."

Luna glanced at Ginny sitting next to her but said nothing.

Professor Trelawney continued: "During the summer term, we will learn to see into the crystal ball... if we have finished studying the Omens of Fire. Unfortunately, in February, a vicious flu will force the closure of classes. I myself will lose my voice. . Around Easter, one of us will leave everyone forever. I think, darling..." she said to the Ravenclaw girl sitting closest - the Ravenclaw girl was frightened. Huddled in the chair - "Can you hand me the biggest teapot?"

The Ravenclaw girl looked relieved, stood up, took a huge teapot from the shelf and placed it on the table in front of Professor Trelawney.

"Thank you, dear. By the way, that thing you're afraid of...will happen on November [-]th."

The Ravenclaw girl immediately trembled.

"Now, I want you to work in pairs. Get a tea cup from the shelf and come to me. I will pour tea into the cup. Then sit down and drink the tea until only the tea leaves are left in the cup. Use your left hand. Swirl the tea leaves three times, then turn the tea cup over and place it on the cup holder. Wait until the last bit of tea has drained out, and then give your tea cup to your partner to interpret. You can use the fifth chapter of the book "Pull Through the Fog to See the Future" Pages [-] and [-] interpret the shape of tea leaves. I will walk among you to help you and to instruct you."

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