Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 112 Follow-up

Aaron, Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny returned upstairs together.While on the second floor, Ginny and Hermione parted ways with the boys.Aaron, Harry and Ron continued upstairs to Ron's room.

The raindrops hitting the roof made a loud sound, mixed with the shrill whistling and moaning of strong winds, and the ghouls living in the attic also kept making sporadic howls.After they entered the house, the owl named Piggy also began to chirp and fly around in the cage.Seeing the half-packed boxes, it seemed to go crazy with excitement.

"Put some owl food in it and it'll calm it down," said Ron, tossing a packet to Harry.

"It has been gone for more than a week." Harry said, looking at Hedwig's empty cage. "Do you think Sirius will be caught?"

"No, otherwise there will be a report in the Daily Prophet." Aaron said, "I believe that as soon as Sirius is captured, Fudge will be eager to tell the world about it."

"Yeah, I guess..."

Just as Harry was about to speak, Ron interrupted him and said, "Look, these are the things your mother bought for you in Diagon Alley, Harry. She also took some gold coins for you from your safe. , and also washed all your socks for you...Aaron, these are yours. My mother also washed all your clothes and socks."

Ron moved a large pile of packages, money bags, clothes, and socks to Aaron and Harry's cot.

Aaron was packing up his gift when he suddenly heard Ron yelling in disgust from behind: "What the hell is this?"

Aaron looked back and saw Ron holding something in his hand, which looked like a maroon velvet dress. The neckline was trimmed with ruffles that seemed to be moldy, and there were matching lace on the cuffs.

Just then there was a knock on the door, and Mrs. Weasley walked in, holding the freshly washed and ironed Hogwarts school robe in her arms.

"For you." She divided the robes into three piles. "Okay, remember to put them neatly when packing. Don't let them get wrinkled."

"Mum, you gave me Ginny's new dress," Ron said, handing the dress to her.

"How could I be mistaken?" said Mrs. Weasley. "This is for you. The dress robe."

"What?" Ron's expression was horrified.

"Formal robes!" Mrs. Weasley said again, "The list issued by your school says that you should prepare formal robes this year...the robes worn on formal occasions."

"You must be joking." Ron said in disbelief, "I will never wear something like this, never!"

"Everyone has to wear them, Ron!" said Mrs. Weasley angrily. "Those are all clothes like this! Your father also has a few, worn to respectable parties!"

"I'd rather have nothing hanging than wear it," Ron said stubbornly.

"Don't be stupid, you must have a dress robe, it's on your list!" said Mrs. Weasley. "I bought one for Harry too... show him, Harry."

With a look of panic on his face, Harry opened the last package on the cot and found his dress robes.When the robes were unfolded, Aaron saw that Harry was visibly relieved.Harry's dress robes didn't have as much lace as Ron's. In fact, Harry's robes didn't have any lace at all.It looks similar to a school robe, but the color is not black, but dark green.

"I think it will bring out the color of your eyes even more beautifully, dear," Mrs. Weasley said lovingly.

"This one is pretty good!" Ron said angrily, looking at Harry's robes, "Why can't I have one like this?"

"Because...well, I have to buy you second-hand goods, so I don't have much choice!" Mrs. Weasley said with a blush.

"I will never wear such clothes, never!" Ron said stubbornly.

"Okay, just get naked," Mrs. Weasley retorted sternly, "Harry, don't forget to take a picture of him. By God, I can have a good laugh."

She walked out of the room and closed the door firmly.

Click, click, click, a very strange sound came from behind them, the piglet was stuck in the throat by an over-sized owl food.

"Why are all my things junk!" Ron said angrily as he strode over and opened the piggy's mouth.




When Aaron woke up the next morning, heavy rain was still pounding on the window.Today is the day that Aaron, Harry and others return to Hogwarts.Aaron, Harry, Ron, Fred and George went downstairs to have breakfast. As soon as they reached the corner of the second floor, they saw Mrs. Weasley suddenly appeared at the bottom of the stairs and shouted to the upper floor: "Arthur ! Arthur! There is an urgent message from the Ministry of Magic!"

Mr. Weasley came running down the stairs, and Aaron saw that he had his robe on backwards.When Aaron and the others walked into the kitchen, they saw Mr. Weasley rummaging anxiously in the drawers.

"I remember there was a quill here!" Mr. Weasley leaned towards the fire and spoke.

Aaron saw in the hearth the head of Amos Diggory suspended in the flames like a huge, bearded egg.It was saying something quickly, flames were flying around it, and tongues of fire were licking its ears, but it was not hindered in the slightest.

"...Muggles who lived nearby heard banging and shouting, and they called...whatever you call them...Kincha. Arthur, you have to go... "

"Here you go!" Mrs. Weasley said breathlessly, thrusting a piece of parchment, a bottle of ink, and a crumpled quill into Mr. Weasley's hands.

"Fortunately, I heard about this." Mr. Diggory's head said, "I had to arrive at the office very early because I had to send two owls to deliver the letter. I found that everyone from the Abuse of Magic Office was out... If Rita Skeeter makes a big deal out of this, Arthur..."

"What did Mad-Eye say happened?" Mr. Weasley said, unscrewing the cap of the ink bottle and letting the quill absorb enough ink to prepare for recording.

Mr. Diggory rolled his head and rolled his eyes. "He said he heard someone breaking into his yard. He crept towards the house, only to be ambushed by his dumpster."

"What did the bin do?" Mr. Weasley asked, taking notes in a flurry of detail.

"There was a terrible loud noise and rubbish was blown everywhere, that's all I know," Mr Diggory said. "Apparently there was a bin that was still spraying rubbish when Kincha arrived. .”

Mr. Weasley groaned: "Where's the guy who broke into the yard?"

"Arthur, you know Mad-Eye." Mr. Diggory's head said, and he rolled his eyes again. "Someone would sneak into his yard in the middle of the night? Maybe it was a bird that was defeated outside. Wildcat, wandering around aimlessly with potato peels hanging from his body. But if someone from the Abuse of Magic Office was in charge of dealing with Mad-Eye, he would be in trouble. Think about his criminal record. We have to think of something. Let him get a lesser charge, one that your department will handle. What's the penalty for letting the dumpster explode?"

"Probably he will be warned." Mr. Weasley was still taking notes quickly, his brows already furrowed, "Mad-Eye didn't use a wand, right? He didn't actually attack anyone, right?"

"I'd say he jumped out of bed and looked out the window and whatever he saw happened," Mr. Diggory said. "But it's hard for them to prove it because there were no casualties."

"Okay, I'll leave now." Mr. Weasley said, stuffing the parchment into his mouth, turning around and rushing out of the kitchen.

Mr. Diggory turned and looked at Mrs. Weasley.

"I'm so sorry, Molly." He said in a calm tone, "I disturb you so early... But only Arthur can excuse Mad-Eye and prevent him from being punished. Mad-Eye was going to start a new journey today. Work. I really don’t understand why he chose last night..."

"Oh, that's okay, Amos," said Mrs. Weasley, "Do you want a piece of bread or something before you go?"

"Oh, well," said Mr. Diggory.

Mrs. Weasley took a piece of bread and butter from the pile of bread and butter on the table, held it with tongs, and put it into Mr. Diggory's mouth.

"Thank you," said Mr. Diggory vaguely.Then there was just a soft "pop" sound and he disappeared.

Aaron could hear Mr. Weasley shouting a hasty farewell to Bill, Charlie, Percy and the two girls. Five minutes later, he returned to the kitchen, raking his hair with a comb, and his robe had been turned over.

"I have to go quickly. I wish you all the best this term, children." Mr. Weasley said to Aaron, Harry, Ron and the twin brothers, while putting a cloak on his shoulders, Prepare to apparate.

Before leaving, Mr. Weasley asked: "Molly, is it okay for you to take the children to King's Cross Station?"

"Of course, no problem," said Mrs. Weasley, "Just go take care of Mad-Eye and we'll be fine."

As soon as Mr. Weasley disappeared, Bill and Charlie walked into the kitchen.

"I heard someone mention Mad-Eye. What did he do?" Bill asked.

"He said someone tried to break into his house last night," said Mrs. Weasley.

"Mad-Eye Moody?" George mused as he spread a layer of marmalade on his slice of bread. "That's the madman."

"Your father thought very highly of Mad-Eye Moody," Mrs. Weasley said sternly.

After Mrs. Weasley left the room, Fred whispered, "Yeah, Dad still collects plugs, right? They're the same kind of people."

"Moody was a great wizard back then." Bill said.

"Isn't he Dumbledore's old friend?" Charlie said.

"Dumbledore isn't what you would call a normal person, is he?" Fred said. "I mean, I know he's a genius, he's amazing."

"Who is Mad-Eye?" Aaron asked.

"He's retired now and used to work at the Ministry of Magic," said Charlie. "I met him once, when my dad took me there when we worked with him. He was an Auror - the best one... who hunted down the Dark. A master of wizards. He filled half of the cells in Azkaban. But he also made a lot of enemies for himself...mainly relatives of those he captured...I heard that he went to As I get older, I become more and more suspicious, I don’t believe anyone, and I see ‘dark wizards’ wherever I go.”

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