Off Limit System

22. The Wizard

Ethan immediately turned his back and shielded Ulrich from Chloe's attack.


[Activation: Harpy's Inferno]


The arrow that shot towards Ulrich was broken by the flames that suddenly erupted from Ethan's shield. The flames raged. When Ulrich saw the fire, he screamed at the top of his lungs, and his body convulsed on the ground. Ethan moved closer to Ulrich, where the big man's body became increasingly uncontrollable as he rolled on the floor.

Then Ulrich's body fell silent for a moment. As soon as Ulrich regained his composure, the fire immediately disappeared. There was no longer any danger. Ethan was shocked at what had happened, as were the others.

"No way," Dane hissed in disbelief.

Ulrich groaned softly and held his head. "My head, it hurts."

Ethan rushed over to Ulrich. "Hey, are you okay? Is that you, Ulrich?"

"Ah, Boy. Are you a hero now?"

Though irritated, Ethan was relieved. At least Ulrich had come to his senses. Being an annoying person, of course.

Chloe approached hesitantly. "Is it really you, Ulrich?"

"Who else?" Ulrich snorted.

The tall man looked at the sword lying on the ground, picked it up and stood up. Ulrich looked at the three figures around him with a sardonic smile.

"I thought you were all dead," Ulrich said lightly.

"If they don't survive, you'll be stuck here forever," Chloe snapped. "A thank you wouldn't hurt," she added.

"I can handle this wizard. It just takes time," Ulrich replied, not to be outdone.

Ethan walked over to Dane and sat down on the floor to recover. Meanwhile, Dane just stared lazily at Ulrich's giant form. He sat down beside Ethan.

Dane whispered irritably, "We should have just left him here until he rooted."

"Never mind. Now we need to find a way out. I don't know where the wizard is," Ethan said.

Ulrich stepped forward and stood in front of Ethan. He sighed softly. "Are you getting lazy, Boy? We have to hunt the wizard now."

"Just catching my breath," Ethan replied lightly.

"This wizard is still young. When I arrived, I thought he was a farmer's son or something. He was injured when I reached the forest's edge. I thought he was a player, too." Ulrich explained. 

"So that wound isn't yours?" Chloe asked.

"No, how could I have been so easily defeated by the Harpy?" Ulrich's tone was arrogant.

Chloe looked curious. "Then what happened?"

"We went in, walked around the castle, and then I don't remember anything after we arrived. And, well... I saw you," Ulrich said. He looked at both Ethan and Dane. "With those two losers," Ulrich pointed out.

"Wow! Watch your tongue!!" Dane stood up. "You won't make it to the castle either, and you're probably still being hunted by the Harpy!!" said Dane, annoyed.

"Your victory was a fluke," Ulrich scoffed.

"You shouldn't have been rescued!!" cried Dane angrily.

Ulrich stepped forward and tugged at the collar of Dane's shirt. Ethan immediately stood up and pushed Ulrich's body away. "Stop!!" warned Ethan.

"Aren't you embarrassed? Being behind the Boy all the time, hey, Loser?" Ulrich became more and more agitated.

"Stop it!" Chloe warned. "Why are we arguing and wasting time??"

Ethan glanced at Dane, who still looked angry. Then Dane strolled down the stairs. It seemed he was tired of having to face Ulrich. Ethan understood.

"Dane, wait!" called Ethan.

"I'll wait in the courtyard," Dane said, as if he no longer cared what danger lurked.

"Maybe you'll meet Percival downstairs," Ulrich joked.

Dane stopped walking. He immediately backed up. Even half-running to get away from the direction of the stairs.

"Someone's coming," Dane hissed, drawing a pistol from the holster at his waist.

"Who's Percival?" asked Chloe.

Then the figure appeared on the last step. A young man in black robes, his face was familiar to Ethan.

"Percy?" muttered Ethan in disbelief.

"That's Percival," Ulrich pointed out.

Everyone stood back and watched. Ethan stood at the front, ready with his shield. Ulrich, not to be outdone, stood next to Ethan.

"I thought the game was interesting, but I didn't know your shield would spoil my fun," Percy said, chuckling softly.

"So I was right," Ethan said.

"You are smart." Percy smiled sardonically. "But your adventure is over. You will be here with me forever. To be cattle where I will be the shepherd," he said.

"I have no interest in being a sheep!" cried Ulrich.

Ulrich drew his sword and aimed it at Percy. But Ulrich's sword slashed into nothing as Percy's figure vanished into thin air. It was pitch black around them, and no one could see a single ray of light.

"Ulrich!! Dane!! Ethan!!" Chloe's scream echoed through the room.

The shouts bounced back and forth, making Ethan's head feel heavy. He didn't dare take a step, staying where he was and trying to stay calm. He touched his temples, hoping to get some information, but the hologram screen did not appear.

It was probably the illusionary influence of Percy, programmed to fool the players. In Ethan's mind, Percy was just an element of the OFF LIMIT section. Not something based on magic. Hadn't the Mayor said from the beginning that OFF LIMIT was a game of logic?

"You're pathetic." The voice echoed Percy's voice.

"What do you want, Percy?" hissed Ethan.

"You are despicable human beings trying to escape reality. While you are weak, useless creatures."

Ethan was silent. He tried not to be fooled by the wizard's tricks.

"You think by being in my world you can be the greatest? No, Loser."

Percy's figure suddenly appeared a meter in front of Ethan. In his hand was a crystal ball that emitted a glowing blue light.

"Tell me, Ethan, is it much more fun here than in your world?" Percy asked.

"No," Ethan replied bluntly.

"Then why are you here? Why not just stay there? You're fooling yourself."

Ethan said firmly, "My life is none of your business."

"You are a poor young man who wants to find happiness by entering my world. But you don't want to admit it. What's that called?" Percy tilted his head slightly. "Hypocrite?" Then Percy laughed.

"Shut up!!!" barked Ethan.

"If you want to be here, I'll happily take you in. Forget everything, Ethan. Turn over a new leaf by becoming my right hand. In the wizard's world."

Ethan looked down, his breath beginning to feel laboured. If living there could make Ethan better, the wizard's offer sounded tempting. But the image of his mother made Ethan realize. As bad as life was, it was a lovely phase of reality.

"I hate being someone who will die," Ethan said. "But let me be a dying person. As long as I still breathe, I'll fight with the time I have left!"


[Activation: Harpy's Inferno]


Ethan stepped forward and lunged at Percy with his fiery shield.

"You can't beat me!!!" Ethan shouted.

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