Chapter 11: How To Get Rid Of Younger Overprotective Brother
Mei woke up the next morning with puffy eyes. She made breakfast, and immediately Mingde saw her, he rushed to her side with concern, asking her if she was okay. She nodded, pinching his cheeks, and asked him to set the table. He looked at her one more time just to make sure she was okay, and once he saw she was, he sighed with relief and went to set the table.
He remembered how miserable he was when his sister was sick as he never felt more helpless than that but now that his sister was okay and they were thriving he was reminded of how for the last two years they struggled and he was afraid she would get sick again, he liked his sister very much and remembered all the sacrifice she made for him promised himself to keep her happy always that was the long-term plan but for today he will keep a close eye on her to monitor how she was and with that, he skipped to the kitchen to get the food out and set the table.
In the Palace of Eternal Peace in the empire study room, Xuan had scrolls and memorials surrounding him that needed his review and approval but all he could think about was Mei and whether she liked the house, the latest report mentioned that she had been to the house recently and he was very curious about her thought as he made sure it will fit her taste and he even had to leave the palace incognito and go see the house.
The next thing on his plan was to fix her brother somewhere although he was younger he was very overprotective of his sister, the little boy was always glaring at him every time looked at Mei besides he needed schooling as well, he knew she would never agree to enter the palace with her brother at home alone so he decided for her to be at peace when his next plan came to action he needed to send Mingde away for studies at least for four to five years. He had been thinking, and he knew she would not reject his offer of sending him to school but she would insist on him staying in the capital for his studies as they both had each other only so that exactly why he decided what to send his former teacher a letter requesting him to come retirement as he needs to take on one final student. This will be beneficial for him in the long run, and once he is done with his studies, he could take the imperial examination, and then he will appoint him somewhere good to help him get a good marriage.
As he awaited his teacher's response he decided his next course of action was to visit her in two weeks during his next incognito trip and pretend to ask about the book once he sees it he should act very impressed and offer to send her brother to one of the best teachers in the empire and he was so sure she would not reject his offer. Although his teacher was based in some cities away, he was a really great teacher, and he could trust Mei's younger brother. Once he started learning under his teacher, he would become his junior brother, a title no one had before, which meant he should put his plan in action.
With his evil plan in the set, he laughed to himself, as he could not wait for her to join him in the palace. Even though he was sure she would not want to enter the palace, he would make sure she was okay with it.
Meanwhile, Mei and Mingde were under a shed with her teaching him different plants and their characteristics and now that she has money and will move to the capital she decided she will finally send him to school to get officially educated as he was already late for starting but knowing her brother's cleverness it won't be long since he excels just a few lessons from her this few days and she could see the speed at which he learned was quick. She enjoyed this lifestyle but would not be here at the expense of her brother's future. Besides, she liked their new house, and she could move her flowers and herbs there once they finished the harvests. With that in mind, she resolved to send him to school.
She loved this life of just farming and lounging around in peace and she was very glad she ended up in this body at this timeline, maybe because of her lonely situation in her last life that now she had such a cute and loving brother and she promised herself deep down she will make him a great fortune and make sure he gets to live a great life to repay the original host.
Although she wasn't the original host, she loved this younger brother very much and took him as her actual brother. She never had such a situation in her last life she felt like she had her own personal sidekick though he was on the quieter side he would listen to her chatter all day without getting annoyed or tired with her and would also add one or few words here and there but always had a smile on his face.
Her brother was also really easy to get along with and has become her tail, following her everywhere. She could see the admiration in him every time he looked at her.
With her brother reviewing his lessons she was sitting next to him writing her book since she got a nice house and good money she worked extra hard on the book she wrote around six topics for the book starting with crop selection, soil & land preparation, land improvement techniques, organic fertilizers, planting & sowing, irrigation & water Management, pest/disease Management, harvesting and post harvesting techniques and she was done with at least half of the topics.