Obsidian Blade

Chapter 5 – The Master

With her sister buried, Tsukiko went to her mother, who was sleeping, and stoked a strand of hair aside.
"No worries, I will handle us and there will be a life in front of us that will make all your dreams come true, but first we need money."
She turned to the cherry tree.

"I will make everyone know and fear the Name, Tsukiko will be one day a Name everyone knows."

Next to her, her mother suddenly shrieked and started to blabber nonsense in her sleep. Tsukiko took her hand.
"Mom, Mom, time to wake up." She said, and her mother's eyes fixed on Tsukiko. They were empty, and her harm was clutched with frightening force.

"Don't hurt her, don't hurt my little treasure." She said, and Tsukiko gritted her teeth. Damn that hurt.
"No worry mom, I am here, I am here. See." Her mother gaze fixed on her, and she let Tsukikos arm go. "Oh sorry Tsukiko dear, sorry It was just a nightmare."

"I know, just a bad nightmare, a very bad nightmare. Come we have to go, I know a place where we can stay tonight." She said, and together they walked to a low class brother. People did not notice brats, so she knew the brothel also let in guests that were, well, covered in blood like them, if enough money was put on the table.

The brothels Mistress eyed Tsukiko and her mother when the child put forty choppers on the table. "A bath and a room for us." She said with a voice that permitted no refusal.

The woman blinked and, eyeing the chopper, finally nodded, ignoring the dry blood that covered them.
"Sure, sure, we can make give you both come in." Between a scantly clad woman entertaining a few men, she went with the owner, who led them to the back into a small, dark room with a single bed and a bucket. "I get someone to fill the bath right away, make yourself comfortable." She said, and Tsukiko nodded.

"We will, and hurry." She said and was not taken lightly. 
The woman probably did not even realize why she took the little child seriously. Actually, she wondered so herself, but Tsukiko did not let her think so far. Ordering in a firm voice, and helped her mother take a bath, scrubbing off the blood. Another five chopper later, she also had a few clothes from the prostitutes for them. She waited for something to happen before calming down and rubbing her eyes. Damn she was tired but now was not the time to rest.

Stepping outside, knowing her mother sleeping and safe for now, she walked outside to the next gambling den.
"Play, play for your life." She muttered and stepped inside. Placing five choppers next to shogi board and closed her eyes waiting, fighting sleep.
Using her Nanites, she spurred her brain back into action when the first fool thought she was an easy victim.

"Good evening." She said, and the man nodded. Another then chopper on the table. He made his move, so did Tsukiko.

From there on it was like an endless blur, she played game after game, the money next to her stocked up higher and higher, as spectators came. She left at a hundred chopper, walking to the next den. To the one after that and further. She went back to pay for another night and stuffed all the money into a small bag she bought on the way.

Further she continued. One den to another, she did not stop, how many days passed she did not know.


It was the first guy who spoke to her that raised her attention. "Who are you, Kid." She smiled at him.

"My name is Ch.... Tsukiko, it is my honor to meet you sir." She said, and he blinked.

"Hello." He said, and she blinked at him coldly. "I assume you are that miracle child." He said, and she grinned.

"Maybe I am."

"Are you interested in the big game." He said and she smiled.

About time.

"What are you offering ?"

"Bigger Money."

He said, and she smiled at him. "Sure go ahead." She pointed for him to go forward. He let her follow, waking slowly.
From there on she gambled even bigger money, even gold, always shogi she refused to touch anything else, and she won. She won so much, she needed to lose intentionally here and there for not making it worse. 

There was little she couldn't do after what felt like years. She wore a dark Kimono, with award embroidery on it, her mother was still practicing after all, and greeted all those subtly she knew came to the dens. Only for them to make a giant circle around her. 

She was the small devil. The most feared shogi player in the capital. She was not an easy target by now. Snapping her fingers, one of her minions appeared. He was a large muscled man and carried her shopping, her mother was walking with them fussing over the food. 

They let her, she loved the fussing over food. 

"Tsukiko dear, here look." She said, and Tsukiko smiled the brightest of smiles. 

"Yeah Mommy?" She said childishly and got everyone to shudder at her change of behavior. 

"They have lollies here, would you like one?" She asked, and Tsukiko shuddered internally. 

"Sure, why not, Mom." She said, and shortly later found herself with a awfully sweet lollipop in her mouth. Patting her mother, she let herself be carried. 

God, I miss Cuban cigars, peace and calm, and even a creaking spaceship would be better.

It is time to leave now. 

I have to uproot a ursuper and become a thing of value to Konoha after all, only then I can find a place of ture safety fir me and my mother in this frikking hellhole of a world.

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