Object of Obsession

Chapter 5

"...book club? What is she talking about? No, actually, who even is she?" Mae asked. To her credit, there was only the smallest hint of annoyance in her voice.

Mae knew full well it was the girl I was talking about yesterday. She wanted to know how I would introduce her.

"Oh my, did Norma not mention it? Well, that's between you, I suppose," Luna chuckled.

With apparent effort, Mae ignored her, instead looking to me for answers.

I let out a deep breath.

"Mae, this is Luna, Luna, Mae. Mae's my best friend, we've known each other for years. Luna's a new friend I met at the bookstore, and she invited me to form a club together."

Mae nodded, evidently satisfied with this particular introduction. Luna looked at Mae like a predator daring her prey to charge.

"Wonderful. With that settled, may I have your response, Norma?"

"I'll be there. Thanks, Luna."

"I knew you would. Until then..."

She gave Mae a self-assured wink on her way out. The other students watched her go,  glanced at our table once more, and slowly went back to their conversations or began gossiping about ours.

"Wow, so I guess you have a hot new friend keeping you busy tonight, then? That's cool, that's cool..."

"It's not like that, Mae. Yeah, she's attractive, but even if I knew for sure she was into girls, I really don't know if I would go for it..."

Actually, I was pretty certain Luna was into girls, or at least she was making an exception for me. But being unsure about pursuing her was no lie. She had gotten me a little hot and bothered earlier, sure, but I had to remind myself that this wasn't a manga. When it came to someone like Luna, it was going to be best to proceed with caution.

"...and besides, I really wanted to see you tonight. It feels like it's been forever since we last spent some quality time together. I could just come to your place when I'm done getting the club stuff sorted out. Um, if you're still okay with having me over, that is."

"Yeah, I mean, if that's what you want it's fine with me," she mumbled. Mae tried to play it cool, but I could see the small pull at the corner of her lips.

“Alright then, it’s a date!” 

My exclamation turned a few heads back our way, which caused Mae to blush.

“S-shut up! Anyway, don’t you still need to eat something?”

 “Oh, crap, you’re right! Lunch is almost over!”

I quickly bought some fries with dad's money (leaving me with a ton of change) and tried to scarf down as many as I could before the bell.


After a pair of indescribably boring classes, I headed to the principal's office.

I opened the door timidly, noting that the principal, Mr. Haus, was seated. He was pretty built for such an old man, which made the tiny spectacles he wore all the more comical. Of course, Luna was already here, too. Seeing her again, I was unable to deny the quickening of my pulse. Whether it was due to excitement or the fight or flight instinct, I didn’t know.

This girl is going to be bad for my heart... 

Knowing that didn't slow the rush of blood, though.

"Thank you for joining us, Ms. Lity. Ms. Reclipse has explained that she would like to start a book club, but at the moment you two would be the only members, is that correct?"

"Um, yes it is, sir."

"...I see. Well, school policy requires at least four members to officiate a new club-"

"Come now, Fuller. Is all this bureaucracy really necessary?"

Fuller…? Was that his first name?

I glanced over to Luna. She bore into the principal with hardened eyes that seemed to demand respect, or else.

"Ahem, well. As a special exception, I will allow the book club to conditionally run with two members. Before we continue, Ms. Lity, I feel I need to ask again. Are you certain you wish to get involved with Ms. Reclipse in this endeavor?”

I raised an eyebrow, confused.

“Yes, of course.”

Luna had been holding her breath, and let it out at my response. The principal’s mouth became a thin line as he looked between the two of us.

“...So be it. You may begin club activities in room 2A as early as tomorrow afternoon. I ask that you at least make an effort to recruit the minimum number of required members, though. If the board of administrators catches wind of this exemption of the rules, I'll be forced to disband you regardless of your…”

The principal’s eyes landed on me as if remembering I was in the room and paused mid-sentence to carefully consider his choice of words before re-addressing Luna. 

“…particular circumstances. Are we clear?”

“Crystal. Thank you, Mr. Haus, for your generosity.”

With that Luna stood, gently grabbed my shoulder and led me out of the office. I barely caught what the principal muttered under his breath as we passed through the doorway.

"Hmph. You know full well that 'generosity' has nothing to do with it..."

As the door closed behind us, I stopped walking.

“Uh, Luna… Can I ask what all that was ab-”

“Apologies Norma, but you had other plans for the evening, did you not? Our errand is finished. Have whatever fun that friend of yours is able to provide, but don’t forget that tomorrow during club hours, you’re all mine.

Hmm... So despite the principal’s threats, she still had no intention of seeking other members... That was a relief. Maybe I’d actually be able to keep my secret from the rest of the school after all.

“...how could I forget? I’ll see you tomorrow, Luna.”

“I’ll be waiting with bated breath...”


A couple of hours later, in a dimly lit room...

“...and that’s about it, really. Did I miss anything…?”

“Oh, the murder orgy! You gotta tell me about the murder orgy!”

Mae and I were sitting side by side on her bed, our backs against the headboard. As usual there was a horror movie on in the background, a gruesome murder being displayed at current in all its bloody glory, but on this occasion the sound was off. True to her word, Mae had listened to everything I had to say without so much as checking her phone for the time. Actually, we were a little closer than usual, but that was probably because I was sharing some relatively heavy stuff. Whatever the reason, I certainly didn’t mind.

“Right, the murder orgy. I joke about the name, but it was actually really disturbing. It felt like the entire goddamn planet had lost its mind, and whatever people were left were screwing or offing each other, or both at the same time. The ones fucking were crying, the ones dying were laughing… I was so traumatized, I couldn’t move. And then they all stopped what they were doing and turned their eyes on me, all at once. I… I was surrounded and…”

Tears were forming at the corner of my eyes. I didn’t remember being this affected after waking from the dream, but actually saying it out loud, or maybe sharing it with someone made it feel more real, somehow.

“Shh, it’s okay. You don’t have to say any more. It’s over, I’m here. I’m here now…”

With shaky breaths I nodded and accepted Mae’s embrace. The soft warmth she provided was like a balm for the soul. I held her close to me for a long time, and the rise and fall of our chests calmed me down emotionally… but affected me physically.

What am I thinking!? Mae’s my best friend, and last I checked, straight besides! She’s being supportive for me while I’m vulnerable, this is no time to get excited!

But there was just no ignoring the sensation of her massive breasts pressing into mine. She had a black nightie on and her considerable cleavage was on full display. I gulped and glanced up at her face…

She was looking right into my eyes with a smug look on her face.

“I take it you’re feeling better, then?”

“Yes! Uh, much better!”

“I’m glad. It was stupid of me to ask so casually about your nightmare like that.”

“No,” I assured her. “I feel much better getting it off my chest...”

I blushed as I realized where my eyes were going again.

“Mhmm,” She said with an eyebrow raised, trying not to laugh. “So, uh… Will you be staying the night? Not that I care either way…”

She kept her gaze away from mine as she waited for my response.

“I’d love to.”

“Cool, yeah. Guess we better go brush our teeth or whatever, then.”

With great reluctance I let go of her. I felt cold.

After our nightly hygiene routine, we climbed back into her bed together.

“Goodnight, Norma. And… thanks. The fact is that I took you for granted, and you had every right to give up on me a long time ago. It’s really cool of you to act like everything’s still okay.”

“Come on Mae, you and I both know you’ll have had your fill of me soon enough and go back to your nihilistic scrolling in a day or two. But one of your charms is how… you you are. I’ve always been impressed by that fierce independence, that stubborn rebelliousness of yours. You’re one of a kind, irreplaceable to me. As long as you’re there when I really need you, I’ll never give you up. That’s a promise.”

Mae let out a happy sigh.

“You’re really something else, huh? That was mushy as hell, but… thanks.  I’m no dreamcatcher, but I hope any nightmares of yours find their way to me tonight instead. You deserve a good night’s sleep.”

Before Mae had even finished speaking, she noticed Norma was out cold. Watching her slow breathing with a smile on her face, she thought about what her best friend had said.

That would have definitely been true before. But now… 

I don’t know if I could ever get my fill of you.



To her guildmates great surprise, Quin had stopped playing Raid Fantasy hours ago. However, she was still dutifully hunched over her computer screen, which now displayed HomeworkHelper.EXE’s increasingly large code. Her dark blue hair, usually tied back in twin tails, was a mess. Her so-brown-as-to-be-black eyes were glazed over. Her small body was begging for a break, but Quin didn’t even notice. She had spent the evening making some significant adjustments to her program’s capabilities.

“Technology truly is incredible, isn’t it Norma? There really is no problem it can’t solve. Even fate itself, merciless and cruel, can be circumvented with just a little effort…”

With a dramatic flourish, she hit the ‘compile’ command. It would take a few days before the program could nestle in and work its magic, but she couldn’t rush this if she wanted it to happen naturally. Norma had to install it herself, that was a must. And after all, what were a few more days against these painful years she’d already endured? 

I’ve been patient, so patient. I’ve been robbed of all the little details of your life, so it’s only right that I take them back, isn’t it? Of course it is. I need only wait a little longer…

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