Obey me

Chapter 6. Thank you, sister

It happened four years ago.

Livius, Duke Carter's youngest son, had always been a modest and shy child. When he was born, his older brother's fame was already resounding from everywhere. In such an environment, it was to be expected that Livius was forced to stay in the shadows from the beginning.

Michelle and Katrina, the Duke's favorite children, enjoyed great popularity in society. The people around them tried to please them in every possible way, for fear of losing the favor of the heirs of a noble family. But no one approached Livius. He looked more like their servant or pet, who always followed them.

Duke Carter also did not pay much attention to his son. In his opinion, a child could only be worthy of love if it was useful. Otherwise it is just useless trash taking up someone else's space.

Michelle and Katrina secured their father's favor from the very beginning. They also had good support among the other aristocrats. As children born under a lucky star, the brother and sister grew up without knowing want and trouble.

The blessing of the star was not an empty sound in the Nadal Empire. There was even a separate column in the birth certificate, mentioning which star was accompanying the newborn. So deeply rooted was astrology in society.

Only the ignorant or commoners who did not have the money to go to an astrological order did not have a horoscope. But in other cases this procedure was necessary. It is impossible to imagine a child of a noble family for whom a natal chart had not been drawn up.

Regardless of other factors, if the celestial bodies lined up successfully in his chart, the person somehow lived a life with a golden spoon. Even an illegitimate son could displace the official heirs and become the head of the family, if he was «destined» to do so.

With that being the case, it is not surprising that all pregnant women prayed for only one thing before giving birth. Not for his health or happiness. but that it would be lucky enough to be born under a lucky star.

Well, Livius wasn't so lucky. His star Amarin was very mediocre. Not at all suitable for the heir to the ducal family. His celestial satellites were positioned on his chart in a way that said it bluntly — there was nothing special about him. The best he could do was to try his best for his family.

And he was trying. Except no one noticed.

While his older brother and sister could have fun without burdening themselves with unnecessary responsibilities, Livius, who realized his position in the house early on, tried to step out of their shadows. He wanted to prove to the Duke that he too could be useful.

Having learned to read and write, the boy always worked harder than the others. He didn't like it much, though, and sometimes Livius wanted to be an ordinary child. But he knew that if he stumbled even one step, he wouldn't be able to survive in this house.

So no matter how hard it was for him, Livius always tried to exceed his father's expectations.

His favorite place was the garden. It was beautiful and quiet, and also the older children rarely came here. They preferred to spend their time in socializing rather than among the weeds and plants.

Livius took advantage of this so that no one would interfere with his studies.

He liked to spread his things out on the side of the fountain and sit there until it got dark. The water murmured nearby and birds sang overhead. This solitude allowed him to temporarily forget his status as the useless heir to the house.

Livius was an ordinary child, and it was difficult for him to study such complex books. Most of the content he did not understand. Concentrating, the boy tried to grasp the meaning of the term «financial market» in his head.


A strong wind suddenly blew right where he was sitting. Important papers were picked up by the wind and the boy, stunned, began to cling to them in the air. They were valuable manuscripts. If they were damaged, the secretary would surely report everything to his father.

Biting his lip, the boy almost cried. He couldn't let his position shake even more.

Livius stood on the side of the road and tried to catch them. Engrossed in doing so, he didn't watch as he slipped on the cold marble. The tiny figure flew into the water.

— Aaah!

The fountain was shallow, but the boy had completely forgotten that because of his panic. Gulping air frantically with his mouth, he appeared and disappeared above the water. For a five-year-old child, this was a real disaster.

— H-help!

The boy struggled on the surface of the water, but his attempts to get out were unsuccessful. The only thing to do was to wait for help. But at this time there was usually no one in the garden. Even the gardener who worked here had gone on break an hour ago.

But just when Livius thought he was doomed, he suddenly heard stomping feet nearby. Someone had heard his cry for help after all.

He was shocked when he met his gaze with topaz eyes. The same as his own.

This girl, with whom they were very similar in appearance, didn't hesitate to grab his hand and use all her strength to pull him out of the water. She looked even younger than him.

Finally, when she succeeded, the tired children fell to the ground. Livius could hardly catch his breath. He couldn't believe he had just escaped death.

— Are you okay?

When the girl with wet dark hair asked him that question, only then did he realize who he was dealing with. His little sister, Remesis Carter.

Upon realizing this, Livius was shocked, and his first instinctive reaction was to crawl away. This was the first time they had ever met in private. Meanwhile, Livius already knew that this girl was cursed.

But this reaction didn't embarrass her in the slightest. It was as if she had already expected it.

— I won't hurt you and I'll leave soon. Just tell me, are you unhurt?


Livius was stunned. He couldn't believe that a four-year-old child was talking to him like that.

Along with the rumors about the curse, he had also heard that this girl was very talented. So, is that true too?

He didn't know what to answer, so he silently nodded.

The girl's face brightened. Livius stared at her mesmerized, unable to tear his eyes away.

Her clear features were enchanting. Long eyelashes, sweet face. Her hair, black with a bluish tint, was like the night sky itself. The boy suddenly realized that he was blushing thickly.

His little sister was nothing like he had imagined her to be. Contrary to rumors of a curse, there was no dark energy around her, and instead she shone brightly like a sparkling sun.

Livius was very timid and didn't dare to look at her directly.

Remesis, quite like an adult, took a deep breath. Her behavior was fundamentally different from normal children. If it wasn't for that tiny body, the boy would never have thought it was his little sister.

— It's alright. You probably don't want to be seen together. I'm going to leave now.

The girl got up off the ground and actually got ready to leave. Just then, Livius came to his senses and muttered something.

— Than… th… thank you… sister…

Remesis paused for a moment. She smiled at him.

— You're welcome.

After that, Remesis Carter walked away. The boy stared at her confusedly. At that moment, his heart squeezed involuntarily. So much so that he even clutched his chest.

He had just realized that what he saw in front of him was not a monster, but an ordinary child. And so bright that, if not for her origin, Remesis would have surpassed Michel in her status long ago.

«I'm sorry… There's nothing I can do for you at all…»

The corners of his eyes became moist.

He knew that all this time Michel and Katrina had been bullying her. However, he could only watch cowardly as there was nothing he could do. He was too weak. Disgustingly weak.

When Michelle ordered the servants to put bugs in her food, or when Katrina cut her dresses, Livius only stood silently by. What could he do if even the Duke himself didn't prevent it in any way?

Like a cursed child, Remesis bore the «sin». Wasn't that natural? She had to humbly accept the punishment for bringing trouble to the family.

Everyone thought that was the way it should be. Even Livius himself had once thought so… Until he met her in person. She even saved his life.

From that moment on, there was only regret in his soul.

That relationship had been maintained by an invisible thread throughout their lives. At least until Remesis left the manor. Now all the two of them had to do was wish each other luck, which both of them undoubtedly needed.

When the carriage bounced on a bump, Remesis shuddered involuntarily.

Why was she remembering this now?

The ride to the Imperial Palace was still going on. Since the Duke's residence was not far from the capital, the journey should not take more than a few hours. The scenery outside the window, from trees and fields, smoothly changed to residential houses and streets.

The girl absent-mindedly ruffled her hair. Remesis didn't dream very often. But suddenly she remembered her older brother. Though the latter had been so diminutive and shy that he rather looked even younger than her.

It was probably nostalgia because she and Livius had said goodbye. Remesis had always thought the two of them were like rabbits thrown into a den of snakes.

Being a cursed human, Remesis hadn't heard many good words for her in her entire life. And some of them had been from Livius. He was the only one who had ever once said «thank you» to her...

The girl remembered that day well.

The day her relationship with her brother started to change little by little. In fact, Remesis was in the garden for a reason. From the memories of her past life, the girl knew that at the age of five, Livius would have an accident in the fountain.

Fortunately, the servants would manage to save him at the last minute. However, because he almost died, the incident left a psychological trauma for the rest of his life. Ever since then, the boy was afraid to swim or even go near water.

Remesis knew that one way or another, Livius would not die. But she rushed to save him anyway.

It was because Livius was different from the others. If it had been those assholes, the Duke's older children, the girl would have walked past them without even turning around. However, this was Livius.

She felt that they were similar in some way.

Even in her past life, when she had done nothing for him, he had not treated her with disdain. This boy was surprisingly pure for a ducal house. In this life, their affection had only grown a little more.

Though, they hardly ever socialized…

At least in this life, Livius wouldn't be afraid of water. That alone was enough for Remesis to risk saving him that day. It was the only thing she could do for him before she began her revenge.

Now it was all in the past.

Remesis continued to stare out the window, feeling her excitement growing stronger and stronger. It was already coming up to her throat.

When the coachman announced that they were approaching the Imperial Palace, Remesis didn't even move. She didn't know why she felt this way, but she couldn't shake the feeling.

Though deep down she knew that this was just a child like her, so far posing no threat…

The wagon pulled up to the main gate. Remesis stepped out of the Carter family's family carriage. Opposite, another carriage was already standing, ready to depart. They were accompanied by a small detachment of royal guards.

It didn't take long to look around. She was standing right in front of her.

A cold wind blew, making Remesis shiver in her dress of fine fabric. She held her hat on her head with her hand.


Shimmering amber and topaz eyes met.

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