Obey me

Chapter 23. The princess grits her teeth

The welcome dinner in honor of the Maester's return was one of the few recent events in Nord Fortress, when the usual cold and gloom gave way to warmth and lively chatter.

The odor of roasting meat and freshly baked bread wafted beneath the vaults of the spacious hall. The gray stone walls were crowned with the emblem of the eternal ice region — a snow-white wolf. The hall was filled with the clatter of pewter plates and bowls, loud conversations and laughter. For the first time, servants and guardsmen were able to relax after exhausting service and hunger.

Remesis sat at the long table with the others and enjoyed the feast. On one side of her sat the maester and on the other side sat Asil. Since Remesis had already trooped out people to replenish their supplies anyway, today she decided to splurge a little and thank those who truly deserved it. Along with the meat of the boars, dishes of leftover food were served to the table. One of the kitchen servants even got some wine from somewhere in the storehouse.

But Remesis, of course, could not afford it yet. She drank plain black tea. Unlike the maester, who was happily pouring the scalding liquid down her throat.

— So you turned down Hasher's offer? — grinned the old man.

The girl confirmed his words with a nod.

— Well, I must say that you made the right decision. That sycophant… that is, not a very good man, certainly didn't deserve to train you.

Remesis laughed.

Luven had a particular dislike for the lineage of the Empire's famous scholars and brightest minds, the Hasher dynasty. The founders of the imperial institute. All because it was a member of that family who had taken his place at court two decades ago. The Maester himself did not consider them great scholars, but rather the owners of a long tongue and a large purse. For this he pejoratively called the Hashers «sycophants».

However, he did agree with Professor Isoklin Hasher on one thing. Luven also thought Remesis was an extremely gifted child. The girl only smiled strainedly in response to the praise of her abilities. Of course, all her talents looked impressive only at her young age. But if Remesis were to grow older, she would hardly be any different from an ordinary educated aristocrat.

This, by the way, was another reason why it didn't make much sense to agree to the Imperial Institute's proposal. After all, sooner or later, the truth about the girl's true abilities would be revealed anyway.

After Maester Leeuwen had finished his angry tirade about corrupt scientists, of course using the most respectable expressions in his vocabulary, Remesis decided to discuss business matters with him. After all, after the lord himself, the maester held a rather significant place in the life of the castle. In fact, he was something of a general manager here.

The maester's duties were to oversee the life and health of the lord and his family. To provide communication with the castle, and to serve as secretary at the master's request. It was a vast position, encompassing many things. A maester simultaneously served as a mentor, counselor, healer, and keeper of knowledge. In fact, maintaining a good relationship with such a person was quite profitable.

At first glance, Luwen Iter seemed to be the ideal candidate for the role of Regent of Asil, until she reached adulthood. After all, he was the most educated and experienced man in the fortress. There was only one «but.» And it was not even because of Luven's advanced age, but because of his character. The man was a very kind-hearted person. He would never be able to exert pressure or iron grip to gain any benefits for the fortress. Perhaps that explained his previous failures in negotiating with noble families.

Luwen was best suited for the role of a right-hand man who only helped the lord in his affairs, but not a leader. That was why Remesis had not originally intended to offer him the position. Instead, she hoped that Asil and Luwen could find common ground and work together.

In her previous life, when the influence of the north began to grow, the princess had never involved the maester in affairs. In other words, the old man retained his position only formally, and in reality, all his words and actions had no meaning. Asil, who always acted according to her own judgment, did not tolerate other people's instructions. At times it came to clashes, when Luwen dared to express his humble judgment on the actions of the princess.

In his opinion, the woman's bloody policies did nothing to improve the reputation of the north in the empire. Instead of real recognition, people were forced to obey her only because of fear.

— Your Highness, fear is only a temporary measure,» the maester reasoned, «The only way to truly gain the people's trust is through sincerity. When they are tired of obeying, sooner or later they will want to overthrow the tyrant…

But all of Maester Luwen's attempts to guide the princess to the right path were in vain. Asil didn't understand his words at all. Moreover, she was irritated when the old man dared to teach her anything. There was only one opinion in Fortress Nord, and that was Asil's. Because, obviously, Luwen was walking a very fine line with his advice. Just a little more, and things could have ended very badly.

Fortunately, the maester himself quickly realized this and backed off. Though there was certainly some common sense in the old man's words. The key to a long and successful reign was the support of his subjects. If Asil wanted to truly establish herself on the throne: she would have to invent other means of influencing people besides terror. Otherwise, she would remain in history as nothing more than a bloody murderer.

And Remesis hoped that while the princess was still a child, Luwen would be able to teach her that. Their studies together would certainly help.

The welcome dinner dragged on into the late afternoon. It was decided to postpone the discussion of class schedules and other details until tomorrow. Most of those present were already drunk and staggered off to their rooms. Before leaving, the guards and simple laborers thanked the princess heartily for the feast. To each she replied with a smile. The girl herself, distracted for the first time in hours from her passionate conversation with the maester, suddenly discovered that Asil had disappeared somewhere.

Remesis looked in surprise at the empty chair beside her.

«She's gone?» Remesis was a bit puzzled, for usually the princess never left anywhere and always followed her tail. And this time she left and didn't even say goodbye. «Maybe all that noise tired her out and Asil wanted to go to bed early?» After all, the princess still wasn't used to crowded gatherings and was clearly tense at them. It was no surprise if she couldn't sit through the rest of the evening.

Reflecting in this way, the girl spared herself the excitement.

In fact, she shouldn't have stayed up too late herself. Tomorrow, as always, Remesis had a busy day of work that required energy. After a few more words with Maester Leeuwen, the girl wished him and everyone else a good night before heading to her bedchamber. She yawned as she went. Upon returning to the room, however, the girl was surprised to find that Asil was not here. The bed was also empty.

The time was already very late. Remesis involuntarily began to worry. This was the first time the princess had gone somewhere in an unknown direction. Before, she didn't even like to walk around the castle alone. Could it be that she had even been kidnapped? Or did she run into some mercenaries?

At any rate, before raising a panic, Remesis first decided to wait. However, half an hour passed, then an hour, and the princess still did not show up. Finally, when the clock struck midnight, the girl lost all patience and determined to start searching.

— Her Highness is missing! — The first thing Remesis did was to inform Hannes. The knight was rubbing his eyes sleepily when they met in the corridor.

— What?!» the commander was surprised, «What do you mean?

— She's nowhere to be found! — hastened to clarify the girl.

As a result, Maester Leeuwen, who had also not yet gone to bed, joined the case of the princess's disappearance. Before notifying everyone else, the three of them decided to start by searching. Remesis, Hannes, and Luwen searched almost the entire castle in a short time. But Asil was nowhere to be found.

And when Hannes was about to call the other guards for help, thinking that the princess was somewhere outside, the maester beat him to it.

— We haven't looked in the west wing yet,» he reminded him.

— Yes, but…» the knight hesitated, «Besides the barn, there's nothing else there. I don't think the princess…

— Just to be on the safe side,» Remesis intervened.

Hannes didn't object and they went there. The dilapidated tower had only one purpose — grain storage — and was rarely visited by anyone except the kitchen staff. That was why the iron door was rusted through and wouldn't open when Remesis tried pulling on the ring. Even when Hannes tried to do so, he was surprised to find that the door wouldn't budge either.

— I think it's locked,» he said suddenly.

— What?» Remesis was surprised.

— The door is locked from the other side. There's no way to get in without the key.

There was a short pause, during which everyone decided what to do next.

— I've got one! — The maester suddenly drew attention to himself by pulling out a bunch of keys from behind his huge sleeve. Remesis watched in amazement as the old man fumbled through the keys, looking for the right one. At first glance they all looked exactly the same.

Finally, finding an iron key of the same material as the door, the maester inserted it into the keyhole. There was a click, and the old door swung open with a clatter. It was dark inside, and Hannes lit the lamp he had brought with him. In the darkness, Remesis could see the remaining supplies of grain, which lay in sacks of coarse cloth. And in the midst of this small pile…

It seemed that those silvery hairs could be seen even without a lamp in the pitch darkness. Beneath them, a pair of golden eyes stared hostilely at the uninvited guests.

— Your Highness! — The knight exhaled a sigh of relief, «What are you doing here?

When they tried to get closer, the princess gave an animal-like growl. Apparently, it was a warning.

They had to stop. Maester Luwen, who unlike these two was facing this kind of behavior from the princess for the first time, was stunned. «Why is Her Highness acting like a beast?» After all, she is a princess. But the feeling was that she was not living in a palace, but in a cave with wolves.

While the maester was puzzled, Remesis tried to walk forward alone, but Asil suddenly grinned menacingly at her. The girl was surprised to see her wife's attitude for the first time in a long time.

— Your Highness, what are you doing here? — She asked warily from afar.

— …

— Stop acting like this and say something. I know you know how to talk, don't I?

The princess moved her lips grimly, but made nothing but unintelligible sounds. Remesis sighed. She had brought a «bait» with her beforehand, in case words didn't work. The aroma of fresh bread filled the room. The princess's nose involuntarily sniffed at the odor.

— Your plate was full,» the girl spoke up, «You didn't eat anything at dinner, right?

— …

— Why? — Remesis asked calmly, approaching slowly, «Is something wrong? Maybe… Are you unhappy about something?

Asil bit her lip tensely. Suddenly, Remesis was beside her, a slice of bread in her hand. Remesis, predictably catching the direction of her gaze, assured her:

— If you tell me what's wrong, I'll give it to you.

Asil: …

— Well? — Questioned the girl.

Finally, after some silence, the princess spoke quietly:

— I don't want…

— Hmm?

— I don't want… I don't want him to teach me.

When the princess suddenly said that, Remesis was surprised and looked at Luwen. So is that what this is all about? Asil doesn't want her to have another teacher?

— But, Your Highness,' Remesis tried to object, 'Meister will be able to teach you much better than I can. Besides, then I wouldn't have to be distracted from my work.

The last sentence was taken sharply by the princess. Her expression darkened, and coldness crept into her voice:

— So… I'm a burden?

Remesis was stunned.

— What? No! How could you think that? I just meant…

But Asil stared at her with a look that made it clear that no excuses mattered to her. Remesis didn't expect the princess to behave like this. At the moment, the girl's behavior was like that of a capricious child who lacked attention from his mother. It was foolish and selfish.

And at the same time…

Remesis sighed and rubbed her temple. Generally, from the outside this picture looked rather ridiculous, since it was Asil who was four years older and a head taller than her. But now she was behaving worse than a five year old toddler. While Remesis in her tiny body on the contrary addressed the princess calmly and judiciously. Such a sight caused an eerie dissonance. Unsurprisingly, Hannes and Luwin gawked at them perplexedly, as did the rest of the humans.

Realizing that it was useless to try to change her mind, the girl did not continue the argument. She humbled herself and said:

— Good. Then I will continue to teach you. Are you satisfied now?

The princess's recent anger evaporated in an instant. She obediently got up from the floor and was no longer like an embittered little wolf cub. Remesis handed her the promised bread, while thinking about perfecting her parenting method. After all, if such caprices continued, nothing good would come of it.

But for some reason, Asil was in no hurry to take the food. Instead, she intercepted Remesis' hand and sniffed her fingers.

— It smells like meat…» the girl said.

— Well, yes,» Remesis replied awkwardly, «I just had dinner a while ago.

The princess was silent for a while.

— Then I'll eat this.

The scene that unfolded in the next instant stunned everyone present. «Looks like I really got a tame wolf cub…» Otherwise, who would lick her fingers?

Remesis felt even more awkward at this activity, especially since they weren't alone in the warehouse. Hannes turned away out of politeness and coughed. But the maester didn't have time to do the same. Asil suddenly looked directly at him. Though the girl's eyes were golden, there was a fathomless darkness in them.

And what the old man saw there scared him half to death.

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