Obey me

Chapter 19. Asil’s Mistress

When Remesis saw this girl, no, more like a girl, everything inside her trembled. This encounter could not have been foreseen. Like snow falling in the middle of summer, the appearance of this person was also unexpected. Remesis froze, unable to take her eyes off of her, and having no idea what to do now.

The unexpected visitor to the temple was a lady who, despite her young age, looked quite mature. Her pure white skin, distinct facial features and emerald eyes were as beautiful as a work of art created by a talented craftsman. Her brown hair was tucked into an elegant style and pinned up with a feathered hairpin. She was as noble as a princess.

Liana Daehsin.

Gardenia's older sister.

Somehow, looking at her, Remesis had no doubt that it was her. A sixth sense, perhaps? Or did those emerald-like green eyes seem all too familiar?

At any rate, they were facing each other now. The pair of blue and green eyes inevitably met.

After the initial confusion, irony crept into the back of the girl's thoughts. «What a meeting… Indeed. Life itself arranges far more improbable twists and turns than all the best playwrights in the world.»

Though they had never met in their previous lives, Remesis definitely knew her. Or rather, her family did. After all, the successor to one of the four great families that Katrina was to marry in the future was Liana Dehsin. The eldest daughter of the head of the astrological order.

Simply put, the girl was now talking to her future 'daughter-in-law'.

Remesis frowned her eyebrows slightly. Remembering her hatred for her older sister, she certainly wanted nothing to do with her family. But, as it happened, that wasn't the only thing that bound them together. Besides the immediate family connection, Remesis had to know this lady for another reason.

The person who had made quite a splash in the north in her past life was Liana's younger sister.


Once, in Remesis' eyes, the cursed princess had been nothing more than a soulless monster, incapable of sincere emotion. However, that all changed when she came into her life.

Gardenia Daehsin, the youngest daughter of the head of the Astrological Order. Their unexpected encounter happened about a year before Remesis' death. As everyone around them said, it was love at first sight.

Inexplicably, the precious daughter of the greatest cult found herself in the north unguarded. There she had almost fallen victim to the monsters, if by some incredible chance Asil hadn't been there to save her. So their chance encounter turned into a stormy romance.

Rumors of it spread across the North like word of mouth. And Remesis, who lived in the very epicenter of this gossip, the fortress of Nord, of course learned about it first. And at first she couldn't believe her ears.

To have a woman known to be a homicidal maniac and save a man? It seemed to Remesis that all these rumors could apply to another Asil, but in no way to the one she knew. After all, it was more in her spirit to throw the unfortunate man into the clutches of demonic creatures herself, to watch it as an amusing spectacle.

Besides… Love? Could that word even apply to someone like her?

That was what Remesis had thought for a long time. As talk of her wife's affair continued to flare up like a flame, engulfing everything around her. The northerners were as much at a loss to understand what was going on as she was. «A Northern devil who holds the entire empire in awe, and she fell in love?! Is such a thing even possible?»

Many people wondered just how incredible this lady was who managed to tame the most dangerous wolf in the entire north. And those who were able to see her were left stunned.

It was said that the youngest daughter of the head was more beautiful than the flower itself. Those who had seen her only once understood at once how she had managed to conquer their heartless princess at first sight.

Discussions of beauty as a possible pretext for Asil's love made Remesis even more confused. After all, as far as she knew, the princess had never placed much value on another's appearance. She was not interested in art, poetry, or anything else that people were used to admiring. Simply put, the princess was far removed from the concept of «beautiful». Before her eyes, Asil had killed many of the most beautiful girls and boys. To her, they were nothing more than bags of flesh and bones.

So this was all very strange.

Even more questionable was the very possibility of their love.

Okay Asil, whose thoughts were like muddy water, and Remesis didn't even try to unravel them. But what about Gardenia? How could the daughter of such an honorable family pay attention to a bloodthirsty killer? Especially when there must be just as many worthy candidates around.

Halias Daehsin, head of the Astrological Order, had two daughters. The eldest, Liana, was his heir and was preparing to become the next head. She was known as an intelligent and perceptive girl, easily learning any science. In other words, a model daughter who was to grow up early and on whom all the hopes of the family rested.

The younger Gardenia, for her part, was the complete opposite of her. Since childhood, the girl did not know rejection. The adorable little girl was loved not only by her family, but also by those around her. On top of that, Gardenia was a late child, and was born when Halias was already not young. For this reason, he loved and protected her even more.

Gardenia was forbidden to leave the family estate or go anywhere unaccompanied. She grew up like an indoor flower, with a strict daily routine and her every move was watched. Therefore, meeting Asil was probably like a breath of fresh air for her.

After all, there were no rules for the Devil of the North.

The girl who had lived her entire life under tutelage and excessive control was finally able to break free from it. You could say it was teenage rebellion and first love in one person. Gardenia fell madly in love with Asil. And she reciprocated her feelings.

The affair undoubtedly shook the entire empire.

The daughter of the Astrologer Supreme and the girl cursed by the death star. Is there a crazier romance in the world? They were as different as earth and sky. Whereas Gardenia had been blessed and showered with love since birth, Asil was in turn persecuted and scorned. Two people from different worlds who were never destined to meet.

A special role in this story was played by the fact that Halias, Gardenia's father, was the one who made that unfortunate forecast for Asil… Usually, the Supreme Astrologer did not deal with such things and was busy only managing the organization. However, the imperial family is an exceptional case. For the persons of the royal dynasty, the head of the order has always personally selected horoscopes.

And the girl, who at birth he christened «the devil» with his own hands, later began dating his daughter. Is not this irony of fate? Of course, upon learning of this, Halias was strongly opposed. He repeatedly locked up his daughter, sent people to bring her back, but the stubborn girl ran away again and again…

Remesis found it hard to understand what Gardenia found in Asil that she even dared to oppose her father's will. After all, the girl had been known for her good reputation before. No matter how one looked at it, they were not the same person. In the end, upon reflection, Remesis came to only one conclusion.

There was a special type of person who fell in love with serial maniacs, rapists, and other «dark underbelly» of society. Such people were commonly referred to as having the rescuer syndrome. They sincerely believed that the man everyone calls a soulless monster is not like that at all, and only they know what he really is…

There were many rumors that Asil was absent from the castle so often, not only because of the war, but also because she was spending time with her girlfriend. Many eyewitnesses had witnessed their «secret» rendezvous. One could say they weren't even hiding. For any person, such an open betrayal of a spouse would be a real humiliation. However, Remezis took Asil's betrayal without hysterics and even felt something like relief.

No, she was beyond happy.

Maybe now she would finally be able to get a divorce? Remesis was not at all opposed to giving up Gardenia's place as Princess of the North and being the first to sign the divorce papers. Even if Asil threw her out of the castle without leaving a shekeleng, she would be left without any claims. The most important thing was to escape from this monstrous place.

The servants of the northern castle were of the same opinion. Compared to the lovely and noble Gardenia, who also possessed a high status, Remesis was only a pathetic wretch in their eyes. A lowly maiden who hides in her room all day long and does not do any business. Why, one might ask, would they want such a princess?

The mistress of a northern castle who doesn't even know how many people work in her domain. An idiotic lowlife. That's what Remesis was in the eyes of everyone around her. People didn't understand why the princess continued to keep such a useless princess and still hadn't kicked her out.

Therefore, the rumors of Asil's affair with the cult leader's daughter brought hope to everyone. Living in a place where everyone universally hated her, Remesis fell more and more into apathy with each passing day. In fact, she suffered from depression for several years. How could she not go crazy?

The only person who treated Remesis kindly was the old maester, and he died of natural causes six months ago. Thus, the girl lost her last reason to stay in this castle.

She had pinned all her hopes on her wife's affair with this girl.

However, it had already been a year since the rumors about the relationship between Asil and Gardenia had surfaced, and there was still no talk of divorce…

«Is she even going to divorce me?» — this thought made the girl more than a little nervous.

Finally, tired of waiting, Remesis decided to clear up the confusion herself. Never before had she dared to mention Gardenia's name in the presence of the princess. So it might have seemed as if she was unaware of the rumors or the intrigue itself.

But, as soon as Remezis only said the name of his wife's fiancée aloud, she became furious. At that moment, the girl really thought she was about to bid farewell to her life. «She probably thinks I'm so insignificant that I don't even dare to say such an important name to her?»

That day, after the failed conversation, Remesis was severely depressed. She was about to go back to her room and lock herself in there as usual, if she hadn't happened to notice something suspicious in the courtyard. Unauthorized carriages were extremely rare within the northern residence. However, this carriage was definitely something she had not seen before. Curious, Remesis wanted to take a closer look.

She went down to the street alone, even though she couldn't stand walking because of the northern climate. But this time her curiosity was stronger. Remesis walked all the way to the gate until she finally saw the wagon. The Daehsin family crest. It was the first time Remesis had ever had the chance to see Gardenia in person, at least from afar. After all, Asil had never brought her lover to her domain.

They had always met somewhere on the side, but no one had ever managed to catch Gardenia on the grounds of the Nord Fortress. So, consider her lucky to come out just today. It was a rare chance for Remesis to see someone she had only heard so many rumors about before.

When Remesis saw Gardenia, she couldn't help but be amazed. This girl… She was very sweet. She seemed so pure and innocent. A clear voice like a nightingale singing, brown hair falling in waves over her shoulders and back, and green eyes like emeralds. This girl was dazzlingly beautiful, like nameless flowers blooming in a flowerbed.

Beauty came in different types.

If Remesis's appearance was refined and reminiscent of a cold sculpture, then Gardenia could be called cute. However, it was her teenage spontaneity that made others fall in love with her and fascinated by her. Remesis honestly couldn't understand how such a lovely creature, as if from another world, could fall in love with Asil…

No matter how one looked at it, this beauty was clearly worthy of the best.

Remezis found it wild how anyone in his right mind and good memory could be interested in a serial killer who only genocides other people… It is true what they say that other people's thoughts are dark.

Meanwhile, Remezis lurked unnoticeably under the cover of the stable and even stopped breathing. She only listened to the conversation.

— …What are you doing here? — Asil gently took Gardenia by the shoulders.

The daughter of the head of the order looked at the princess with a look full of love and awe.

— Oh, Ciel, I've been looking forward to seeing you! — Gardenia cooed, «It's been four days since we parted. All this time I have been unbearably heavy with longing for you.

Asil smiled. And that smile was full of a tenderness that Remesis had never seen before. She looked at the girl as if she were the most precious thing in the world. And she touched her as gently as if she were a porcelain vase that might break at any second.

Remesis was shocked as she had never seen her like this before.

— My little bird, I missed you so much too,» the princess spoke, taking a strand of her silky hair in her hand, «More than anything, I want to spend every minute with you. But… It's a shame your father won't accept us. Has he locked you away again?

Gardenia stammered and looked down.

— Y-yes, but I managed to escape… To see you…

Asil breathed in the frosty air and looked at her intently.

— This can't go on like this,» she said firmly.

— I… I'll talk to my father again,» Gardenia mumbled guiltily, «He just needs time. Sooner or later he'll realize…

Asil touched her cheek gently.

— How will he realize? The Supreme considers my existence as the greatest curse. He will never allow us to be together.

— But… What should we do then? — The girl's eyes were wet, «More than anything, Ciel, I only want to be by your side!

Gardenia clutched hopefully at her cloak, gazing into Asil's face. It was the eyes of a woman in love, ready to do anything for her beloved.

— Well…» Asil said thoughtfully as she continued stroking her, «I think there is only one way out. I will personally go and talk to the Supreme.

— Really? — her pupils dilated.

— Yes,» Asil smiled, «I will ask His Eminence to bless us. I promise to make you happy for the rest of your life.

Gardenia's eyes filled with tears of happiness. She covered her mouth with one hand and hugged her tightly with the other. The princess laughed and wrapped her arms around her back.

Remesis stood back and couldn't take her eyes off the scene. It seemed to her that these feelings were truly sincere. Perhaps even a monster like Asil could love. Remesis could really believe it.

But… At that time, she didn't know the whole truth yet.

The day after that conversation, Asil killed Gardenia and slaughtered the entire astrological order.

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