Number One Under Heaven

Chapter 34: Sect Master?

Green Bamboo Mountain Court, many disciples are currently drinking tea and chatting outside— not Cultivating like always.

“So did you hear anything last night?” Someone asked.

“Hear? What?”

“You know, that.” He pointed his nose to a direction and slightly nodded.

“Ah! That shameless creeper. No, I have not.”

“Hmph! I should go over there and beat some sense into him!” A girl cuts in.

“But you can’t beat someone unless you challenge them.”

“Then I’ll challenge him!”

“But you’re only at the Advanced True Qi Realm. What if he’s stronger than you?”

“Then I’ll get my Senior Sisters to beat him up!”

“What if he does not agrees? You do know that they can decline your challenge.”

“Why do you sound like you’re defending him?!?!” She starts yelling at the one questioning her.

“Aiya, Junior Sister, I just don’t want you to get hurt. Don’t worry; I’ll do it for you, watch this.”

This young man stands up and starts walking towards house 91309.

Everybody out here noticed him walking there.

“Hey look, someone is finally going to beat that shameless neighbor.”

“Hmph, shame on that creeper, to prey on such a young girl.”

“Look, he’s almost at the door— Ah?”

“Ah!” Everybody watching accidentally screamed out in shock.

Even the young man walking had frozen up in the middle of the road!

A figure came down from the sky, landing in front of door 91309!

It was a young man with a handsome face and his well-built body emitted a heroic Aura.

“G-greetings, Senior Brother Heng!” The young man in the middle of the road bows.

The surroundings copied.

“Greetings, Senior Brother Heng!” They all bowed.

“Good morning. Don’t mind me and continue with your business.” Qiu Heng waves his hand, telling them to ignore him.

The young man instantly runs back to his group.

“Hey, why do you think he’s here?”

“I don’t know; this is the first time I’ve seen him here.”

“Look, he’s knocking on the door!”

Everybody watches him knock on the door politely and stood outside, waiting for the door to be opened.

“Did the news get to him already? That was fast.”

“It must have. He’s definitely here to beat that shameless disciple.”

“Ah, here he comes!”

The door opens, and Tian Yi walks out.

“Good morning Junior Brother Yi.” Qiu Heng greets him.

“Already here so early? We just started eating.” He said.

“Ah, don’t mind. I came here early just because. Can I come in?”

“Make yourself at home.” He smiled and went back inside.

Qiu Heng follows him inside and closes the door.

“???” Everybody outside watching had a confused face.

Where was the action? It was too peaceful!

“Oi, didn’t you say he came here to teach him a lesson?”

“Is everything I always say right? What if I said your mother is actually your father?”


The area returns to being peaceful again.

But that did not last long.

Another figure drops down from the sky.

This time, it was a stunning young lady.

“S-senior Sister Jingyi!” Someone cries out.

All the males there snapped their heads in her direction.

Many of them even start running towards her.

“Greetings Senior Sister Jingyi!”

“Senior Sister, you look more beautiful than before, did you make another breakthrough?”

The Aura around her was more sharp and stable since yesterday’s event.

“Good morning fellow disciples. Ignore me and just keep on doing what you were before.” She smiles at them, making the males drool.

They all went back with wobbly legs, and when they finally got back, they stared at her.

*Knock* *Knock*

She knocks on the door of house 91309.

The females there instantly became joyful.

“Good! Senior Sister is definitely here to beat him up!”

“Of course! Who do you think she is? With her honest character, how could she bear to let this shameless horny man leave unharmed?!”

“Beat him up good!” They all cheered for her in their hearts.

The door opens, and Tian Yi comes out again.

“You’re here too?” He said.

“Un. I also wanted to watch.” She nods.

“Okay, Qiu Heng is already here, come in if you want.” He walks back inside.

“Then excuse me.” She followed him inside and closed the door behind.

The outside turns silent again.

“???????” They were now even more confused!

“What the hell?”

“Why did she go in too? Is she not here to beat him?”

“That was also too peaceful! Where’s the blood?!”

They started talking again.

This time around, before they could even react, another figure comes down.

“S-s-s-Sect Master!!” Someone yells.

“Greetings Sect Master!” They all bowed with the utmost respect.

“Un. Don’t mind me.” He nods at them and then knocks on the door.

*Knock* *Knock*

“The door’s unlocked, come in.” Tian Yi’s voice came from inside.

He has already been interrupted two times during this meal; there will not be a third!

“….’ The entire place turned silent from fear!

“This bastard! Not only is he shameless, but he’s also disrespectful with balls made of steel!”

“Not only did he not greet the Sect Master at the door, he even called him from inside!”

“Who can be more shameless and bolder than him? He’s obviously the King of Shameless people!”

“How did he even become a disciple?!”

Everybody was shocked in their minds.

The Sect Master knocked on his door, yet not only did he not come outside to greet him, he even told him to open the door himself!

What boldness!

How disrespectful!

How shameless!

“Then excuse me.” The Sect Master did not mind and opened the door.

He walks inside and closes the door behind him.

“?!?!?!?!?” This time, the disciples were so shocked they all fell on their butts.

“What! He did not destroy the whole house?!”

“Impossible! The Sect Master takes respect more serious than life! How could he possible let this go?!”

“Wait! Maybe he went inside to punish him! Let’s wait.” Someone suggested.

“You’re right, let’s wait.”

They all watched quietly.

One minute, ten minutes, an hour, two hours.

“It has been two hours, and nothing happened!” Someone finally screams.


The door finally opens, and five figures walked out with smiles on their face.

The five of them started walking on the road, towards the direction of where the Master Selection will take place.

They quickly disappeared from the Green Bamboo Mountain Court, leaving all the disciples there dumbfounded.

“Hahaha! For some reason, I feel very tired right now! I need some sleep!” Someone woke up and went back inside to his house.

“Yeah, me too! I have a headache!”

“Me too!

“Me three!”

Everybody went back inside their houses, leaving the always lively place quiet for once.


* * * *


On the way to the Master Selection, they scared every single disciple they see.

Not only was the Sect Master there, even their Sect’s most talented Genius Qiu Heng and Chan Jingyi was there! Followed by some Outer Court Disciple and a little girl.

This combination was a mess, and they did not know how to greet them.

After half an hour of walking, they finally arrived at a big square, filled with a few hundred new disciples on one side and Teachers on the other.

The moment they arrived, everybody was shocked!

Although this new disciple did not know what the Sect Master looked like, they definitely knew Qiu Heng and Chan Jingyi!

“Greetings Senior Brother Heng and Senior Sister Jingyi!”

Everybody greeted the both of them, leaving the Sect Master out.

“…” The Sect Master did not know whether to laugh or cry at this situation.

He is the Sect Master, but the new disciples here did not know him. Looks like he needs to make an appearance more…

Although the new disciples did not know, the Teachers and the Elders there did!

Their Souls flew out when they saw the new disciples not greet the Sect Master, but two disciples instead!

The Sect Master was very big on respect!

“DISRESPECTFUL! THE SECT MASTER IS HERE, AND NONE OF YOU GREETED HIM?! IS THIS HOW A NEW DISCIPLE SHOULD ACT?!” Someone screamed at them with a loud voice, afraid the Sect Master did not hear him.

All the new disciples had their souls shiver from fright! What?! The Sect Master?! Where?!

The Teachers and Elders there watched them look around with a clueless face.

“….” They were speechless and decided to act.

Many of them walked towards Tian Yi’s group and greeted the Sect Master.

“GREETINGS SECT MASTER!” They all screamed in a loud voice, afraid that the new disciples could not hear them.

“!!!!” The new disciples were all shocked.

The Sect Master was right in front of them?!

“G-greetings Sect Master! This disciple had eyes but could not see Mount Tai! Please forgive!”

Many of them started with a greeting and ended with an apology.

The Sect Master waves his hand, “Don’t mind it. It’s my fault for not showing my face more.” He smiles.

The Teachers and Elders there felt the mountain behind their backs go away after hearing that.

“Sect Master, what brings you here today?” An Elder asks him politely.

“I am here to watch this year’s Master Selection, ignore me and do what you normally do.” He said.

“I-is that so? This time we have more new disciples than usual, so it might be a little disordered…” The Elder felt his back getting sweaty.

“What the fuck?! You never came before, and now you showed up out of nowhere? How will the new Teachers act properly knowing that you’re here watching them?!” He cried in his heart.

“I don’t mind, just do what you normally do.” The Sect Master did not care about that at all.

All that matters to him right now is who will become Tian Yi’s, Master!

“Sect Master, we have a total of 421 new disciples for this Selection. The Entrance Exam is still ongoing, so we will have more for the later Selections.” The Elder said.

“Good. When will it start?” He asked.

“We will start in an hour.”

“Good, do not disappoint me!” The Sect Master said.

“Yes Sect Master!” The Elder felt more pressure now and left in a hurry, making sure nothing goes wrong in this Selection.

He turned to look at Tian Yi and said, “I’ll be watching in the back. I can’t wait to see who you will choose as your Master.”

“Okay.” Tian Yi nodded and watched the Sect Master leave.

“Me too, I don’t want to distract these new disciples.” Qiu Heng said.

“Wait, take Meng Xiang with you. This is only for new disciples after all.” He said.

“I’ll take care of her.” Chan Jingyi smiles at Meng Xiang.

“Meng Xiang, be a good girl while I am away, okay?” He looks at Meng Xiang.

“Un. I will!” She nods and follows the two of them, following the Sect Master.

After they had left, Tian Yi blended in with the new disciples and started to wait patiently.


* * * *


An hour later, the Master Selection finally starts.

“Good morning, the Selection will now start. I will explain how this will work for a few minutes, make sure to listen carefully.” An Elder said, floating in the sky.

“First, there is 26 Professional Teachers and 214 new Teachers here, and then there are 421 of you new disciples.

Second, all 240 Teachers here will introduce themselves, and they will also tell you what kind of disciples they are looking for.

Third, all of you here will get to choose who you want to be your Master. But, just because you choose them does not mean they’ll accept you.

Professional Teachers here will mostly take in no more than ten new disciples, while the new Teachers will have their own personal limit.

Last, after the introduction ends, go to the Teacher you chose and introduce yourselves. Make yourself stand out from the rest to increase the chances of them accepting you.

I will suggest you talk about your talents and nothing meaningless.

They will be your Master for life so choose wisely! Although you can decide to abandon your current Master and pick a new one, I highly, highly and highly do not suggest that!

Because these who do that are frowned upon!

Even if you want to look for a new Master, who will be willing to accept you, a traitor who abandoned your former Master?! Won’t you be able to do it again since you’ve already done it once?!

You Master is also your Parents! Never disrespect or abandon them!

The Professional Teachers will introduce themselves first!

That is all! Once again, choose wisely!”

The Elder left after saying everything he needed to.


* * * *


“I’ll start first.” Said a Professional Teacher at the very front.

He walked up and said, “I am known for having the best results in the Sect training Fire Attribute disciples! I am looking for Disciples with at least Fire Attribute True Veins! You must also have a Cultivation of at least Master True Qi Realm while being below age 16! I can teach you the Profound Grade Cultivation Technique ‘The Burning Fist’ and much more.”

He finished and took a step back.

Cultivation Techniques all have grades.

Each grade telling them what Cultivation they should have before learning it. If you try to learn a Cultivation Technique too strong for your current Cultivation, it will only hurt you.

From low to high, Mortal Grade, True Grade, Profound Grade, Spirit Grade, Sky Grade, Heaven Grade, Immortal Grade and Sovereign Grade.

The next one steps up, a female.

“I am most known for my expertise in Water Attribute Cultivations. I am looking for female only disciples with Water Attribute Spirit Veins. Cultivation must be at least Profound True Qi Realm and below age 18. I can teach you one of our Sect’s famous Water Cultivation Technique, the Water Dragon’s Pillar!”.

She finishes and takes a step back.

Cultivation Techniques have four different categories.

The first type, Spirit Techniques, used for Cultivating by absorbing Spirit Power.

If you Cultivate with a Water Cultivation Technique, you will absorb more Water Element Spirit Power than the other Elements.

The second type, Martial Techniques, used in battles such as ‘The Burning Fist.’ Includes Offensive, Defensive and Supporting Techniques.

The third type, Divine Techniques, used for Cultivating your Divine Sense and Soul. This type is the rarest.

The last type, Body Tempering Technique, used for tempering your body. Such as increasing your body strength in general and regeneration power.

The new disciples were currently listening carefully to each and every single one of these 240 Teachers, afraid they might miss the slightest detail and choose the wrong Master.

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