
Chapter 11 – Sometime, less is better than more and I wish it was even less.

More and more bandits were sprouting from the trees and bushes like spring buds. More seriously, Considering their attire, you could easily mistake them for mercenary as long as you were aware of the hidden evidence. 

Seems they are a bit too well equipped no? Patched armor with different parts, heterogeneous gears from uneven quality. At first, rookies would assume they are simple brigands, but it would be wrong.

 The overall quality wasn’t that bad, in fact, I’d say it was getting close to entry military grade, and contrary to what was shown purposely, the pieces were not coming from split sets as one might expect, but they were all unique, some even custom made. 

What’s more, one might believe that everything’s poorly maintained, while in reality… it was, but through sheer lack of attention, and not due to a shortage of resources and means. 

If you have no use for it, just give it to me, why are you using your equipment to flex and flaunt your wealth! Since when mere bandits have more resources than a hero! Grrrrr 

They looked a lot better than the two groups we encountered until now, a little less stupid, and slightly more menacing. As for the one I suspect of being in control, he wore excellent weapons and armor and had a body clearly cut out for combat, everything about him shouted that he was a veteran. Compared to the previous boss we had, this one could give me some troubles, he was the real deal. More than the 2 trolls… Ah but, less than the morons, at least physical hurt can be cured, mental ones on the other hand... 

“Hey, Joe, what's the situation? Why are you here, weren't you supposed to be on a day off for personal matters? Anyway, good to see you and that you apprehended our problem. Anything to report?  Did they say something suspicious before we showed up?”After getting closer, the boss talked to the one monitoring us.

“Not in the least sir, I ambushed them by surprise on my way back. The man was taking great care of the injured girl and If I hadn’t interrupted them, they would’ve ended up doing nasty things together for sure! You would have caught them during the act yourself, boss. There was no cause for concern, they are just two small fries.”

What a liar, ambush? You were sleeping!  You didn’t even know why we were wanted for! And I would not have given in to my desire!! Not yet, not today, I can still hold back.

“No… as pissed as I am to admit, you did us a great deal. One of the reconnaissance team was slaughtered…  Just nearby the two troll’s corps.”

The boss’s focus carried up to me, along with a short glimpse of amazement to lily legs that made him frown. He crouched while all of his underlings made themselves comfortable, surrounding us once and for all. 

“So? What could be our lovebirds' version? You are responsible for the troll, aren’t you? As you are, for the group at the forest edge, am I right? And I’d like to know exactly what’s the deal with the scouting team. Their death was strange to say the least. Certainly, I can imagine given the individuals, but just to be sure. Depending on your responses, we will, or not, dispose of you in a wicked way.”

Crap, I have to be cautious as to not get on his bad side. I had to play it with prudence, his underlings surrounded us as he was speaking, but didn’t draw their weapons. And while Lily’s still the main target of attention for impure reasons, at least, they were not taking aim for now. 

I gave an honest answer, that’s to say, the event leading us to our current situation. Summarizing the whole bandit fight, then the troll annihilation. I omitted my name as the hero and said Lily was a warrior instead of a healer. She was caught up in a landslide and broke her legs and ribs.  I didn’t lie in the fact that I fought the two trolls at once, alone. Because If I appeared too weak, he wouldn't hesitate to kill us or dispose of Lily. And given what I thought of his motivation. Maybe I could sort something out of this.

As for the madmen, we did kill some, two in fact, and they deserved it, a shame we only got to kill two by the way. What they did was outrageous, what do you expect us to do, when they showed up suddenly at a delicate moment, just to drink piss and stare at a girl's genitals with enthusiasm for a moment, then killed themselves because they couldn’t remember the name of the first victim. Public danger and crazy people, that’s what they were!

“Ah! and one killed one’s 9th degree cousin who was in fact his secret child, or so he tough, because another one, his 9th uncle, raped his sister and was the one who got the child instead.”I finished my answer with the useless rumors and gossip which were forcefully imposed on me.

 “Oh and lastly, the first body’s name was supposedly Joe and the secret twin of another Joe,  who’s got yet one more secret twin also named Joe. I'm not making anything up, I swear.” I almost forgot about that one. 

“Another one!!!!? That’s the 3rd!... Ah, sorry boss, act like I'm not there” The fellow bandits that had previously caught us suddenly exclaimed, a priori concerned.

“Is that a fact? That’s a great story you have here, the worst is that I believe you,  should I not know those people I would have thought you had made fun of me and killed her.” The boss whose status was just confirmed,  spoke again, while pointing his sword at Lily's cheek.

“But that’s something they could actually come by.”

 Phew! I’m not alone, at least someone else thought they were abnormal… not that I’ve asked anyone so far. 

“I can see judgment in your eyes, they are truly pitiful ya know? They are from an illicit research center on mind magic and brain study that I raided long ago. A whole bunch! Well, They were experiments and test subjects and got most of them killed beforehand, but still, those who survive, I took them in. I had pity on them, and offered them a job. Bag of meat always proves to be useful after all. Even if only Joe remains at present… I don’t regret it. How’s it Joe, you're holding up?  You’re the last remaining, aren't you?”

That explains a lot. But a secret research center uh? I didn’t hear anything which would suggest one existed, even less in the region. I wonder when it occurred, that could be worth dig-in. When everything’s over, I will look into it if I’ve nothing more interesting. 

“Yes! All the others got killed over time. And the last, pardon, the last two were settled not long ago apparently. Don’t worry sir, they were already dead for me anyway, family included. My only regret is Andy, we shared a connection as deep as siblings unlike with my twins. I would’ve liked to hear his last words, or at least get to bury him properly… ahh andy -sigh- your face is already fading.” 

To support his words, he soon wiped a single tear. Clenched fist on his heart, he looked into the distance like he was remembering dear memories. And yet, you won’t fool anyone! Your reaction when you heard you had a 3rd and your over acting this instant convinced me! You don’t even look alike, were you only related in the first place? 

“What’s now boss? Do I kill him?”

“No, or our whole plan will fall apart. Let me think about it…” 

After some reflection and pondering the boss finished his sentence. 

“Let’s abandon the girl here, she can’t move anywhere. Took her valuables and let her die by the monsters. With the trolls’ death, this area will soon be full of angry beasts reclaiming their territory. Then we take the boy with us into custody, if he’s not too stubborn, or infatuated by his companion, we can make him submit and take him into our ranks, capable manpower is rare.” 

Their goal was probably to make me do some crime or atrocity, making me incriminate myself. That way, when someone finds Lily's body, the guild would think the duo didn’t do it without loss, and the man abandoned his girlfriends on his way and fled, then turned a new leaf. 

“Can’t we really not take the girl with us? Maybe swap the role? This one is of good quality and the men could have a little fun.” Our keeper, Joe, started to negotiate our future, apparently highly interested by Lily whereabout. 

“No, she would take too much time to heal and that would be much less convincing, we almost have enough girls anyway. Why bother.”

“All right, I will use her a little before we left, that would be a shame to let her die alone without some comforting souvenirs, I'll join you as soon as I'm done”

Realy? You just gained and lost my respect. Not acting like a dog in heat, you restrained yourself and managed to hide it while waiting for your boss. But now that he is here, you can’t hold back anymore and you’re questioning his orders?

“NO! Think less with your dick and more with your head. The guild’s not incapable like you are. Do you really think they can’t figure she was raped? Enough!”

For dick-head, that would result the same, but I’m not in a position to speak my mind. 

During their whole argument, I was shaking. Not from fear as I wanted to make them believe, but from joy. I already had suspicions on their motivation and way of thinking, but it went beyond my expectation.

 It was suspicious for two trolls to be together, since they were lone creatures and tend to gather as a couple only when mating season approached, but it was somewhat early. Unless you use some hormones to overcome the issue, and I guess so they did.

 A shield to cover their base of operation, It made them a perfect culprit to charge adventurer disappearance, to ward off curious glances, a bait to absorb the early after blow from the guild, working as an alarm. That was likely the setup. It worked perfectly and would’ve continued to. 

Or should have, if I didn’t appear and cleaned the troll. They are often avoided even by experts due to already specified reasons, you would need a large group of seasoned adventurers, multiple parties or very strong adventurers. 

Had they planted an accomplice in the guild beforehand, they would be informed straight away if such a situation occurs. They don’t even need to spy, simply spend the days drinking in the guild pub and watch. That would do the tricks… 

Overall, it was a clever strategy, given you have the time to warn your partner in crime and as long as you don’t stumble upon an incognito ex-SSS tiers adventurer without a penny who silently took the request on a whim, simply for the reward. 

Now, I need to let them think I’m strong and only want to prove myself after a secret big success. I will let them carry out their plan to make Lily a dumped victim, and me, an unknown bastard who deserted. 

I can act as if I want to join them afterwards, look for a victim with a pretty body and face, and kindly ask her in secret to help me in exchange for saving their lives. That way I can give some credibility to my turnover and relieve accumulated stress. 

Surely, one will accept? I don’t want to force, or abuse anyone, so I need someone who agrees, but still, given their situation, I don’t think I will have a hard time finding someone. I don’t want to be taken as an opportunist but… sure I am! 

Meanwhile, Lily would heal herself and make her way out the forest, alerting the authority. That would not even occur to them that Lily is a healer, she is so young and wields the mass good enough for an actual warrior. 

Even without much information, they should be able to scout for them and build up an extermination party. At worst we’d move out before they reach us, but that will slow down the business and stop bandit activities for a while, and I would be rewarded for the time lost in their company.

I’d fight them from inside, while Lily and the guild would get their attention. 

The plan has its flaws, but it should have worked, except with Lily's adorable but stupid reaction of course.

“Don’t leave me behind. If you do, I won’t die! I know how to fight, I know how to heal, and even if I’m clumsy and useless, I can totally go out the forest alive and report you. So take me along! I won’t make a fuss, I just want to stick together with the hero! No matter what happens!”

Ahhhh Lilyyyyyyyyy why did everything fall apart the moment your being is involved. It’s just like you are conflicting with the whole world.

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