Not Quite Back to the Future

Chapter 2: We Found Out.

Following the map through the spaceport was actually rather easy. I guess they had found the permanent solution to a bad sense of direction. 


 Helen subconsciously taps the side of her waist. 


“Where is my holster?” She mutters walking down the hallways of the spaceport.


A second later her mind answers her and she just knows that in a hidden compartment of her carry-on is a Lexington, her Comrade’s hammer, and 5 neurotoxin throwing knives without the neurotoxin.


“Lexington… What a trash gun. What are these Memories?” Helen mutters as she diverts her bath to the bathroom to arm herself. 


One can never be too sure in Night City. 


 Inside an inconspicuous office building. 


“So we managed to hire Miss Wick?” 


“Yes… How she escaped from Europe I do not know, however she will be a great Asset for Max Tac.”


“Great Asset? she could probably kill Adam Smasher. How sure are we of her loyalty?” 


“Well, did you kill her husband?”


“Did I kill Johnathan Wick? Do I look like a fucking lunatic to you! He Killed two men with nothing but a fucking pencil!”


“She is wanted in Italy, Germany, and the Soviet Union for literally killing the entire High Table.” 


“... Honestly it is about time someone took those old fools out for a walk in a forest with a shot gun anyways.” 


A message pops up. 


“She actually got in the AV do you think we actually managed to hire the Reaper?”


Hire her? Please this is her retirement she made that clear in her application… She is armed to the fucking teeth.” 


“What in the hell is that customized Buyra!” The man shouts using his hands to expand the surface level scan they had managed to get away with. 


“This thing has to be anti Material… No anti Armor.” 


“Uh, shes staring at the camera…”


“Jesus Christ.” 


“Yeah what the fuck.” 


Helen was already annoyed that she couldn’t be in the city for more than 20 minutes without getting scanned by some software. Luckily her ICE stopped any deep scans. 


Is it weird to have the memories of the previous inhabitant? Yes however, it is a dream so it would make sense that your mind is making up some crazy backstory on the spot and implementing it into the dream. Apparently Helen is married to a cyberpunk version of John Wick? Maybe?.


Helen blinks only to realize she had been staring at a hidden camera during her internal monologue. 


A quick glance out the window shows that the AV is moving so Helen took a seat as the view of night city flew by the sun high in the sky.


The radio in the AV suddenly started playing US Cracks, faster than the camera could capture a knife was suddenly sticking out of the radio.


“Trash music.” Helen mutters sitting back letting her blade sit in the radio. 


Meanwhile at Max Tac HQ.


“Hey Glen, did you hear about the new hire?” A man asks taking off the Max Tac helmet.


“Yes, I did. Though Tobias I really wouldn’t recommend angering her. She’s a big name in the EU.” Glen responds


“How big?” Tobias asks with a grin on his face. 


“I was there when the boss got her application… The piece of paper literally said she was willing to be hired as a retirement job.” Glen respons

“MAX TAC A RETIREMENT JOB HA!” A voice shouts from the back of the locker room. 


“FUCK OFF JOHN!” Glen shouts


Suddenly a man of hispanic descent walks around the corner of a few lockers. 


“I think I’ll test her myself.” John says with a smirk picking up a unity pistol. 


Glen and Tobias watch in silence as John walks out of the locker room. 


“He’s gonna die. From what I have heard, all small caliber does is piss her off.” Glen says  


“So she’s big in Europe?” Tobias asks


“Does the name Reaper ring a bell?” Glen asks


“John is gonna die.” Tobias says 


Glen laughs.



Helen steps out of the AV which appears to have landed ontop of a police swat station.


“Frau Wick.” A man in a suit says once she steps out of the AV.


“…” Helen squints at the suit appraising him and the man sweats in response.


“You are one of the one’s that scanned me when I entered the AV… what a poor way to build trust.” Helen says flatly 


“Es Tut Mir leid.” The suit says 


“Ich schätze das Deutsch. Dennoch ist klar, dass Englisch besser für Sie ist” Helen responds 


“Ah, thank you and I am sorry… my name is Ethan, it is nice to meet you.” The suit says holding out his hand.


“Nice to meet you Ethan.” Helen says shaking his hand.


“I’m to be your Minder for as long as you work with us… now I’d you follow me I’ll take you to meet the boss.” Ethan says motioning for Helen to follow him down the access stairs.


Rogue was slightly nervous… she always had a watcher stationed at the space port for new and important arrivals. So to have the German Reaper here in Night City fucking terrified her although she wasn’t as well known as her husband was. After John Wick died she went on a rampage and between the damage the two of them caused. they destroyed the oldest European criminal organization in the world. Some security footage of the final battle had made into her information network and it gave her shivers.


The final fight alone saw over 250 mostly ganic people dead, around 80 combat mechs destroyed, and over 50 borgs two of which were not equal too but comparable to Adam fucking Smasher ended. She walked out covered in blood yet none of it was her own.


“Fuck me, why is she here.” Rogue mutters 



Helen was following her new minder. 

“So Ethan, do all special forces get a minder?”


“Yes, because if not they tend to do stupid shit.” Ethan admits 


“Hey Ethan!” A voice shouts


“John…” Ethan responds warily


“Is this the new girl.” John asks


“John No.” Ethan says defensively 


“John yes, What’s your name ma’am?” John asks


“Helen.” Helen responds not even remotely fazed. 


“Hmm, Helen… Well Vibe Check.” John says raising a Unity Pistol and shooting Helen point blank. 


Ethan looks back at Helen, his face filled with worry. 


“You have failed the Vibe Check John.” Helen response straightening her jacket causing a few smushed bullet heads to clink onto the floor.


“What?” Ethan asks, looking forward only to see John pinned to the wall with a  neurotoxin knife going clear through his neck. 


“Ha, I like you.” John says with a smirk.


Ethan just glances between the two staring at the knife which was still lodged in John’s mostly cybernetic neck. 


“Is he gonna die from poison?” Ethan asks 


“No, I couldn’t bring the Neurotoxin through the air- Space Port. Well, let us continue on Ethan.” Helen says 


“Of course Miss Wick,” Ethan responds 





Adam Smasher sir, we would like to request that you not be the one to start the fight with her if  one were to break out.”

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