Not Quite Back to the Future

Chapter 16: Rough Housin’

Seated in his office alongside Tobias and Glen, Alexander Volkov was happy the plan was coming together. Although Tobias and Glen seemed slightly apprehensive, It wasn’t the end of the world.

“How is John doing?” Glen asks

“John is still on medical leave however he should be fine to come back to work next week,” Alexander says

“That’s good though I from the rumors our new teammate put him in the hospital. I was there for the incident.” Tobias says

As the conversation shifted to their new teammate, Alexander's voice carried a mix of anticipation and authority. "Right, she should be up here any moment. I can't wait to introduce you two to your new teammate. Although you did already have a meeting in passing."

Glen leaned back in his chair, a faint smile playing at the corners of his lips. "The Reaper, huh? Should be an interesting addition to the team."

"I know the reputation might be intimidating, but she's here for a reason. Her skills and experience are precisely what we need to bump up your team to where you can possibly match the level of the Group." Alexander says

The door to the office was kicked open with a resounding thud. In strode a figure giant spoon in hand, He was known to inspired fear and needed your full attention – Heavenly.

No one even knew his true name all that Alexander knew was that team lead Spencer code name Badger brought him on.

“Heavenly!? What are you doing here? It’s your day off?” Alexander asks

“Hi boss. I found this new thing and I wanted to let you know that I am keeping it.” Heavenly says

Helen walks behind Heavenly with a smile and waves sheepishly at the boss and her two supposed teammates “Hey Alexander! This is Heavenly turns out we had the same taste in music.”

“Oh dear god.” Alexander utters aloud

“But wait, theres more.” Heavenly says with a smile

“No.” Alexander says

“I’m not a bucket.” Helen states

“How did you get that reference? That was shit Grouse pulled.” Heavenly states confused.

“You guys do know that you are actually quite famous among net runners.” Helen lies wondering how a TF2 meme was a thing that happened here.

“Ha! I told Badger that we were getting a following!” Heavenly cheers

‘Badger? The Russian Badger! Oh shit.’ Helen realizes

“Right, anyway we are keeping her boss, and if you want to talk to anything you can speak to the flammenwerfer.” Heavenly says

“It Werfs Flammen,” Helen says in her German accent.

“No, unfortunately, I cant let you have her. Maybe at some point in the future whenever you head into the combat zone. However, I need her as the dedicated Blade Runner for Charlie team” Alexander says trying to compromise.

“Fine, I am taking you out to drink later,” Heavenly says before leaving the office.

“Oh, thank god,” Tobias says

“Um, did you all know he drives a 2005 Toyota Carolla?” Helen asks

“Wait! The new hire comes in as a blade runner! Are your fucking kidding me!” Tobias shouts

Alexander had recommended that Glen and Tobias take Helen to the indoor range see her skills for themselves.

Glen and Tobias exchanged glances as they flanked Helen, guiding her down the stairs that led to the indoor shooting range. The faint hum of ventilation and the distant sounds of footsteps echoed back up the stairs.

“Is no one shooting?” Helen asks

“It’s early morning, I mean the only reason we are heading down is because Tobias wanted to see your skills.” Glen says

“Alright, Bet.” Helen responds
Helen stood at the range, her stance purposeful and her gaze focused on the target downrange. With a swift motion her jacket was flyin in the nonexistent wind almost like a cape.

Helen's hand moved with practiced fluidity, her fingers wrapping around the grip of the revolver holstered at her side. In one seamless motion, she drew the weapon, her body leaning back as she shot from the hip feathering the hammer with her free hand, unloading all six rounds at record speeds into the target down range without aiming.

"What kind of revolver is that?" Tobias finally managed to ask, his tone a mix of admiration and astonishment.

Glen's voice was tinged with disbelief. "And how in the hell did you get a .38 special?"

Helen's lips curled into a wry smile as she twirled the now-empty gun before sliding it back into her holster. "Actually, it's a .357, but finding ammo for that can be a nightmare."

Glen's curiosity got the best of him. "Wait, you can use .357 and .38 rounds interchangeably?"

Helen nodded, her expression matter-of-fact. "In certain revolvers, yes. It's not universal."

“Bring the target up I want to see it.” Tobias says

Suddenly the plastic motif of a body starts approaching the firing line.

“Well, shit,” Tobias mutters

Glen looks at the target himself and looks back at Helen full of shock.

“Did you modify it? Is it a smart gun?” Glen asks dumbfounded.

Of the six shots, three were in the head with superb grouping, two in the heart, and one in the neck.

"No, it wasn't to bad? Why?" Helen aks

"It's a fucking snub nose!" Tobias shouts

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