Not Quite Back to the Future

Chapter 11: Old Time Rock & Roll

“VIK! VIIKKKK!” A voice shouts from up the stairs.

Misty is running down the steps in a panic as she runs through the door.

“Vik a monster is coming today! The cards told me!”Misty shouts

“I… Do talking cats qualify as monsters?” Nyx asks Helen

Misty screams before falling to the ground unconscious.

“I had assumed she was talking about me. Although your sense of timing is amazing Nyx.” Helen says trying to stifle her giggling.

“Okay, god damn it,” Vik mutters taking in a deep breath.

“Suprise!” Helen says with a smile towards the ripper dock.

“Help me get Misty onto a chair then we can check your cat,” Viktor says

“Thanks, doc,”Helen says with a smile helping Vik pick the fallen girl up.
Nyx was sitting on the chair while Viktor was going over the amalgamation that was following along the cat’s spine.

“What in the hell is this custom thing,” Vik mutters a magnifying glass hanging lowly over the cat.

“It’s entirely custom and self-designed.” Nyx says

“You mean saying it is a prototype would be putting it lightly,” Helen states

“I can clean it up some. Make sure that you don't experience burns from the capacitor's rapid depletion and recharging.” Vik says

“Can I leave him here with you?” Helen asks

“I was going to ask you too anyways, this is going to take a while.” Vik states

“Was this all just some elaborate plan to ditch me!” Nyx shouts at Helen.

“Well, did you want to join me for the Arasaka tower mess?” Helen asks

“Hmm, good point. Make sure to pick me up when you’re done.” Nyx states

“I might have Gloria do it if i think I am being tailed,” Helen says

“Gloria Martinez, your downstairs neighbor, yes that should be fine.” Nyx says

“Alright see you at home Nyx!” Helen says walking back up the stairs.

“So, how did you come to meet Helen?” Vik asks pulling a soldering iron off of its holder.

The cat sighs a very humanoid sigh before staring at the MMA match playing on the screen in front.

“She just showed up in a scene of chaos in violence, although don't tell her I said this. She probably saved my life.” Nyx states

Did Nyx have tricks he could pull yes, although his entire life he had managed to avoid attention to himself. He had a physical body, custom-made cyberware, and well on his way to the next objective. Then some lucky motherfucker with Maelstrom had managed to spot him. “Crome was really nice for a cat.” or “I could use some new hydraulic actuators.”

The city was his toy, he was in every single city-owned system, although he has never been able to use those privileges because Netwatch would’ve been on him faster than he could’ve said Oops.

“Not counting yourself out huh? Must be a finisher which hurts you as well as your enemy.” Vik says

Nyx looks back at the screen as the person hyped up to win the fight is suplexed.
As the late afternoon sun casts long shadows across the bustling streets of Night City, a Quadra Type-66 Avenger makes its grand entrance into the neon-lit pleasure district, drawing the attention of passersby and onlookers.

As the Avenger pulls up to Lizzie's bar, the sound of hydraulic systems hissing fills the air, and the car comes to a graceful stop. The doors slide open with a satisfyingly mechanical whir, revealing the Woman driving the vehicle.

The driver, dressed in a fashion fitting the time period of the early 2000s, topping that off her Samurai jacket really stood out.

As Helen steps through the entrance of Lizzie's bar, Rita's watchful gaze flickers momentarily, her augmented eyes taking in the newcomer's appearance with a blend of curiosity and caution. That was until the database returned the information and it flickers between attention and wariness.

"What is your purpose for coming here?” Rita asks

“I am here to talk to the Neon Nexus Crew,” Helen states

Rita sizes up Helen before nodding to herself.
Behind the bar 3rd private room on the left.

“Thank you, Rita,” Helen states walking into the bar.
The Neon Nexus Crew was having a pre-gig Celebration, they had managed to score a massive one with the Voodo Boys hitting an Akasaka transport and recovering a biochip for a negotiated 400k eddies.

“This is the big league's gals!” A girl cheers clinking her glass of champagne

Suddenly the door opens and a woman in a period timepiece of an outfit walks in.

“You girls huh?” Helen says out loud.

Instantly four pistols were pulled onto Helen.

“Who the fuck are you!” Girl number 2 shouts

“Nina, Mara, Kai, Isabella…”Helen says unflinchingly as she sits down at an empty booth and taking the bottle off wine off of the table stealing a gulp from it.

The four girls who were parting flinch upon hearing all of their names announced by the unknown.

“So you know our names, big whoop we are Edgerunners after all you think that’ll scare us like a civi?” Nina asks leveling her overture at Helen and pulling back the hammer.

“All I know is, one of you contacted Rouge to get a distraction at Arasaka tower in about 3 hours from now. I was the one Rouge contacted.” Helen states.

“Ah, Rouge actually found a decoy? That’s amazing none of the other fixers we went to were willing to help us.” Kai says putting her gun down causing the other three to follow suit.

“A job for the Vodoo boys? That’s what I heard anyways, that is a dangerous group to work with. They are well known for their betrayals.” Helen says sitting forward and setting down the bottle of wine.

“We got our bases covered, I managed to stop their daemons from infecting us. If they fail to pay us, well… I hadn’t really thought of that.”Isabella says

“Right, well professional courtesy and all. I wanted to let you know that you had a distraction, can't guarantee I’ll be able to stop Adam Smasher, though I do plan on ending up in the news.” Helen states.

“That ought to be good enough. Thank you for informing us.” Nina says

“Yes with this we’ll definitely be able to get that Biochip!” Kai cheers.

Helen shakes her head and walks out of the private room heading downstairs to see if Judy is working for the Mox yet.

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