172: Dinner and a Show
Fuyuko was in awe as she watched the spectacle unfold via the giant illusion cast in the arena. She had realized that she was traveling with someone immensely powerful, and Mordecai's shape-shifting indicated a hint of his avatar's strength, but she hadn't grasped how far the gap was between her and Mordecai, and the idea that Gil might currently be as far above Mordecai as the avatar was above Fuyuko was overwhelming.
The comparison wasn't exact; Fuyuko was pretty sure that an entire army of street rats like her couldn't give Mordecai the challenge that he and his dungeon had given Gil, but that was the best estimate she could make. And yet, these were the people who'd chosen to help her out, Gil escorting her here and Mordecai being one of the ones willing to take her in. “It's incredible,” she whispered as more magic flared around Mordecai. He was using another duplicating image spell, but this time the images exploded when Gil's attacks destroyed them.
“Isn't he though,” sighed a voice next to her. Fuyuko glanced over at the blue-haired woman next to her to find her leaning forward over the railing, her eyes locked onto Gil's form. Betty confused her. Okay, a lot of what people did regarding 'romance' and stuff confused her, but Betty seemed even more extreme. She'd had her body radically changed for the chance at a passing dalliance with a man who was not going to be around for long.
Also, “Er, shouldn't ya be cheerin' fer Mordecai and yer friends here? Not the guy beatin' them up?”
Betty shrugged slightly, “If it were a matter of an actual threat, I'd be doing my best to ensure the dungeon won, and if it came down to it for some reason, well,” she paused, her gaze distant, “The decision wouldn't be hard, but the memory would be. I'll defend this home against anyone, for any reason, and in any way necessary.”
In the arena below them, Gil shattered a pillar of ice that had tried to form around him.
“But this is a friend, and I think it will do Master Mordecai good to push himself like this. The last time we had challengers who were too strong for the dungeon alone, it would not have been appropriate for him to join the battle. And right now I do not care so much about who actually wins so much as enjoying the spectacle.”
River drakes and feathered serpents had joined the battle as well, darting in and out of range every time there looked to be an opening, and throwing lightning or poison attacks when there wasn't one. Most of the openings were mere illusions, costing the attacker more scales and flesh. How did a man that large move so fast?
“I guess,” Fuyuko replied, though she wasn't entirely certain she understood.
“Hmm,” tawny eyes studied the luponi girl as Fuyuko shifted her weight, “I think I need to work on how to understand people from the outside better. I do not remember my time as a true rabbit very well, but still, I was an adult before Mistress Kazue was born here and already had several litters, though I could not tell you how many or who here might have been them. But I am fairly certain I had my first by the time I was a year old. How your kind survives being children for so long confuses me. Though, I guess that is 'my kind' too now, I've been told that this form would have a life span much like a kitsune's if I wasn't dungeon-born.”
She turned back to continue watching the battle. “And yet you are still a kit, uninterested in adult games. Well, perhaps it is for the best, a rabbit's life is much simpler, though I would not call it easy, and we do not have to worry about learning such intricacies. The blessings of our dungeon give us much knowledge that would not come so quickly and easily to those born outside. But at least you are not forever caught at the cusp.”
Fuyuko glanced over to where Li Zarb was sitting with Carmilla and Udup. The faerie witch had shifted to a smaller form to enable her familiar to grow, making them both about the same size as Li, and she had invited the ratling to join them for some tea and snacks. Li had been too lured by the food to find an excuse to leave, but being near the pretty woman clearly made him nervous and he'd taken a seat that put Udup between him and Carmilla. The witch was amused by this and often teased Li, calling him cute and adorable.
She wasn't sure how she felt about her god being teased like that. Part of her felt like it should be blasphemous, but everything she'd been taught also told her that he should be mostly treated 'normally', and what she'd seen so far bore that out.
Bah, it was all so complicated. Fuyuko decided to ignore it and turned her attention back to the fight. Glimmering barriers of light and shadow had formed around Mordecai, working to intercept Gil's attacks. They couldn't stop every strike of the blades, but every bit of help was useful.
Gil was not coming out of this exchange unscathed, his clothing and skin were scorched, seared, scoured, corroded, cut, ripped, battered, and more. But nothing seemed to penetrate deeply enough to be truly hazardous to the giant man, and there was a wild grin plastered on his face. It was clear to her that he was having the time of his life. It was no wonder that he'd not used weapons when sparring with her, Fuyuko's little blades were no threat to him and it made it easier for him to not hurt her by accident.
A powerful stomp blasted a wave of mud and earth outward, pushing away the latest wave of attackers, only to have Mordecai's form flicker past the wave and launch twin lances of ice and fire at Gil. She shook her head at the exchange, it was incredible to think that she was now living amongst such mighty people.
It was enough to have her reconsidering the idea of joining them, what use could she possibly be here? Mordecai had dragons working for him, however small some of them might be. Yet, those same doubts held a thread of hope, the idea that anything was possible and that maybe, just maybe, she might someday be able to stand on the same battlefield as people like Gil. It sent a faint thrill through her and made her palms itch. She'd not considered before whether or not her training could be fun, it was just something that obviously needed to be done. Fighting was a matter of survival. Now there was a hint of eagerness in her at the idea of pushing herself harder and she wanted to find out what she could really do.
“Oho, now there's a nice fire in your eyes.” Betty's comment broke into Fuyuko's thoughts, and she turned in surprise to find the woman watching her again, “Hold onto that heat when you spar with Mordecai, and he will be quite happy I think.”
“Er, thank you,” Fuyuko murmured, not sure what else to say.
“Oh great, another one,” said an amused voice. Kazue had created an illusion platform near them, and her image flickered to life briefly. “Betty, that means you get to work with her too. Am I the only one around here who isn't infected with the need to fight? Speaking of,” The image flickered out as the core's attention shifted back to the battle, and a new wall of earth rose to block one of Gil's attacks against the archers.
Fuyuko couldn't suppress a giggle, and Betty winked at her. Kazue might not find quite the thrill others did in the fight, but it was clear that some part of her enjoyed the challenge at least. But Fuyuko got the feeling that the kitsune would be just as happy with any other sort of challenge of equal difficulty, so it was admittedly not quite the same thing.
When the battle was over, Fuyuko joined the others in heading to the main hall. She was really glad she'd asked for Kazue's help early, her normal clothes would have felt out of place. Not that everyone was dressed up, Li was simply himself, but there was a generally celebratory air that lent itself to dressing up. She hadn't had many opportunities to do that for the past six years, but she did have faint memories of family holidays when she was younger.
The initial spread was lightweight snacks to give people something to eat while waiting for the combatants to clean up and join them. There wasn't enough room for all the people who'd been involved in the battle of course, and room had to be made for the delvers who had cleared Kazue's path earlier, so the floor bosses were the only ones joining in the feast hall, and the long room had an area set aside to be comfortable for those who couldn't sit at tables.
Mordecai was one of the first to show up, his natural regeneration speeding up his recovery, and he proceeded to introduce her to the others as they arrived. The last to get to the party was the main guest, as Gil had to get ready without the aid of dungeon magic.
His outfit was something out of an old storybook; he wore a one-shoulder, sleeveless blue tunic that fell almost to his knees and had a wide trim of red and gold embroidery, with a red sash for a belt, and he had what looked to her like a hybrid of boots and strapped sandals. Heavy gold bracers with a lion motif adorned his forearms, while a golden circlet inlaid with turquoise sat upon his head, and a cord of braided black and gold silk around his neck carried a cylinder seal made of a bright green gemstone. The cylinder seal was the only thing that didn't look brand new.
“Fuyuko!” he bellowed upon seeing her, “You've been cleaned up for their party too I see. It looks good on you kid,” he said with a grin. “So, have you been having fun? Did you see me wallop this guy here?”
Mordecai gave Gil a sardonic look, and Fuyuko chuckled, “Yeah, ya looked like ya were havin' fun. I only got through the third floor myself before I was too wiped, but I got these as a prize from the rabbit theater.”
“Rabbit theater? I remember hearing someone talk about that back in Riverbridge, I am going to have to check that…” Gil's words trailed off as something behind Fuyuko caught his attention, and she turned in time to see Betty finish rising from her seat, a suspiciously well-placed shaft of light helping to show off the contrast of her blue hair and bright gold dress against her dark skin. Mordecai tugged on Fuyuko's sleeve, and she let herself be guided a few steps away.
“Hello again Gil,” the tall rabbit woman said softly, “I greatly enjoyed watching your fight with Master Mordecai, I just wish I had been able to provide as great a challenge for you when you and Li visited Umbrowl and me.”
“Ah, Betty? You look, um, different, but it's a good look!” This was the first time Fuyuko had seen Gil look so uncertain, and she had to admit it was entertaining. “I didn't know you had shape-changing skills too.”
“Mmm, I'm glad you like my outfit,” she replied as she slowly walked forward, a mischievous smile on her lips, “I like yours as well, it suits such a mighty warrior as yourself. And when you sparred with me, I did not yet have this ability. Master Mordecai helped me upon my request.” She said softly as she laid a hand upon his bare arm, “I wanted to be able to greet you tonight in this form.”
“I see,” Gil said, glancing at Mordecai, who made a shooing motion before leading Fuyuko toward where Bellona and Xarlug were seated. The last she heard from behind her was Gil asking, “Well, would you be kind enough to join me for this feast? I would like to know you better.”
Mordecai leaned over to whisper to her, “I made sure to enchant the circlet to aid its wearer in reading social cues.”
Well, that certainly seemed like the sort of thing Gil could use.