ninja puppet master

Chapter 253 The Battle of the Five Barriers

Chapter 253 The Battle of the Five Seal Barriers

The speed of Gundam is so fast, almost at the same time Shi Lei's voice fell, it had already completed the mid-air turn, chasing after the giant white bird behind.

Even so, Shi Lei's complexion was still very ugly.

Before he told Ebino Zang that he would leave for two days, but in fact he left in less than 24 hours.

But in such a short period of time, Sand Hidden Village was attacked, and Gaara was taken away by the Xiao organization just like the original plot!
What does this indicate?
Apparently after he left, someone in the upper echelon of Shayin Village betrayed him and tipped off to the Xiao organization!
For this matter, of course Shi Lei will not let it go, but for now, the first thing he has to do is to rescue Gaara back.

Under the high-speed flight of the Gundam, it only took two to three minutes for Shi Lei to see the giant white bird with Gaara wrapped around its tail again.

At this time, he saw clearly that this giant bird was not a living thing at all, but seemed to be made of white clay.

"It should be Didara's clay bird, Gundam, use the electromagnetic gun to kill it, be careful not to hit the person on its tail!"


After receiving Shi Lei's order, the flying Gundam immediately raised the beam rifle in his right hand, and pulled the trigger towards Didara's clay bird!
"Zi... bang..."

With the sound of electric current and air explosion, the clay bird not far away was instantly smashed to pieces.

Thunder Dun has great restraint on Deidara's detonating clay, as long as it is hit by lightning, the detonating clay can no longer explode.

This is also the reason why Shi Lei let Gundam use the electromagnetic gun.

After shooting the giant clay bird, Shi Lei was about to rescue Gaara, but found that Gaara, who was in a coma, had turned into a white clay figure and swelled up rapidly.


With a loud noise, Shi Lei in the Gundam cockpit felt a shake, and it took a few seconds for him to calm down again.

At this time, his complexion was even more difficult to look at.

"Clay Clone, this trick is very good, Deidara, but if you think that you can delay or get rid of me, you are too naive, huh!"

He snorted coldly, and then gave the order to Gundam again.

"I'm too lazy to play peek-a-boo, Gundam, immediately turn to the northeast, the destination is the five-sealing enchantment seven hundred miles to the northeast, and fly at full speed!"


As Shi Lei's voice fell, Gundam turned around again, and then directly turned into an afterimage in the air, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.


An hour later, Gundam rode a Gundam and entered the Five Seals Barrier in the Kingdom of Chuan.

After arriving at the destination, Shi Lei immediately opened the Kagura Mind Eye, and found Didala and others who were pulling the tailed beast from Gaara.

At this time, the members of the Akatsuki organization who were extracting the tail beasts also found Shi Lei who was chasing after him, so as the leader, Payne Tiandao immediately gave the order.

"Leave us the matter of pulling out the tailed beast, Qinglong and Yunu will go and kill those who are chasing them!"

The green dragon and jade girl he mentioned are the code names of Didala and Xie in the Xiao organization.

So after hearing Payne's words, the two immediately finished their work of pulling away the tailed beast, and headed straight towards Shi Lei.

But when the two saw the Gundam in the sky, they were immediately stunned.

"What is this stuff?"

Didara's eyes widened, his face full of disbelief.

"It's so ugly and unartistic, eh!"

"To shut up!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the scorpion hidden in the human puppet [Crimson Liuhu] stopped him with a very dissatisfied tone.

"Your art is the ugly thing. That puppet in the air is barely art, at least ten thousand times better than your art!"

"What? How dare you look down on my art?"

Hearing Scorpion's words, Deidara was furious, and just as he was about to let Scorpion have a taste of his art, the Gundam in the air had already pulled the trigger.

"Zi... Swoo..."

With the sound of electricity and the sound of piercing through the air, Didala and Scorpion, who were arguing with each other, were instantly shot into two flesh and blood fireworks blooming in place.

Were the two really wiped out like this?

That is of course impossible.

In the next moment, the shattered corpses of the two turned into pieces of clay all over the place.

It turned out that they were all clay avatars of Didara, and their bodies had been hidden.

However, this is obviously useless to Shi Lei who has the mind of Kagura.

"found it!"

It took less than a minute for Shi Lei to lock on to the positions of the two, and then directly threw a reincarnated puppet pasted with a detonating talisman.

The moment the puppet was thrown, Shi Lei ordered Gundam to evacuate, and at the same time activated the spell on the puppet.

"Mutual Detonation Talisman—Explode!"

Almost at the moment when Shi Lei's voice sounded, the reincarnated puppet thrown by him, the detonating amulet on his body was like catkins, floating out continuously and one after another.

Then they exploded!

"Boom boom boom... boom boom boom boom..."

The sound of the explosion lasted for more than half an hour. When the explosion ended, almost half of the five-seal barrier was flattened.

Looking at the scene outside, Didala, who escaped with the earth escape, suddenly flushed with excitement.

"It's's wonderful, I take back what I just said, that guy is not ugly at all, because he has already experienced the true meaning of art, that is explosion, um!"


Hearing Didara's words, Scorpion rarely refuted directly.

He first reunited the broken puppet bodies to form his new body, and then nodded.

"Well, I've decided, after I catch that guy, I'm going to turn him into my collection!"

After finishing speaking, he walked out, and then directly took out a scroll and opened it, revealing the word [three] inside.


After he unblocked, he took out a puppet whose face was very similar to that of the Third Kazekage, and then manipulated it to attack Shi Lei!
"It rains when iron sand!"

It turns out that this puppet is not as simple as being similar to Sandai Kazekage, but a human puppet made from his corpse after Scorpion assassinated Sandai Kazekage!
Human puppets can use the blood inheritance limit in life, which is also the original intention of the puppet master to make human puppets.

At this time, amidst the scorpion's low voice, countless sand and iron darts like Kunai shot towards the Gundam in the air like rain.

Of course Shi Lei would not take such an attack seriously.

But in order to prevent the paint on Gundam's body from being scratched, he still gave an order to Gundam.

"Leave the five-seal barrier and wait for me outside!"

After giving this order, Shi Lei jumped out of Gundam's cockpit, and then fell from the sky, appearing in front of Didala and Xie.

Seeing the two looking at him vigilantly, Shi Lei immediately laughed.

"You two should have an impression of me, right? Especially Xie, we were brothers who ate at the same dinner table back then, long time no see!"


Hearing Shi Lei's words, Didala looked at Xie next to him in surprise, "Brother Xie, is this your acquaintance?"

"I do not remember!"

Scorpion said something in a hoarse voice, and then opened his mouth to Shi Lei while controlling the puppet of Three Generations of Kazekage.

"Although I don't remember you, but for the sake of you being my next collection, you can tell me your name."

"Um... my name? Since you want to know, I'll tell you!"

Hearing Xie's words, Shi Lei immediately shrugged his shoulders.

"My name is Aihara, my wife's name is Ridai, and I have a son named Xie, who has the same name as yours. If you want, you can also call me Dad!"

"you wanna die!"

Hearing Shi Lei's words, Xie immediately became angry, and controlled the three generations of Fengying puppets to use the most lethal moves!

"Magnetic Escape - Sand and Iron Realm Law!"

(End of this chapter)

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