Ninja: I Have a Life Simulator

Chapter 2

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Naturally, the third point is chosen!

After choosing the third point, Akira Uchiha instantly felt a heat flow through his eyes.

This felt very wonderful, and then, his eyes became scarlet as blood.

At the same time, a hook jade appeared in each of the left and right eyes!

With the successful opening of Sharinyan’s eyes, Uchiha Ming could feel that a huge chakra appeared in his body!

“Ah!? Ming, you, your eyes…”

With the opening of the writing wheel, of course Sasuke next to him noticed it and shouted with surprise!

“Well, it seems that I have turned on the Sharinyan!” Uchiha Akira nodded and said!

It’s a wonderful feeling. When the writing wheel is turned on, all aspects of my dynamic vision have been greatly improved!

Originally, Sasuke was going to take Akira Uchiha to go shopping together.

Now, the leg is broken.

Moreover, my eyes have been opened, and naturally I can’t go shopping anymore!

Uchiha clan.

Although it is the first wealthy family in Konoha in name and one of the founders of Konoha Village, Uchiha’s clan area is still the largest in Konoha Village.

However, if you look closely, you can see that the Uchiha clan is actually far away from the central area of Konoha Village.

At this time, in the patriarch’s house, several elders of the Uchiha clan were staying with the patriarch Fuyue.

“Recently, the senior officials of Konoha have become more and more marginalized to my Uchiha!”

“Yeah, especially in the past few years, during the Nine-Tails Rebellion, some people saw the eyes of the Nine-Tails, reflecting the appearance of the writing wheel. Because of this, the life of my Uchiha family was even more sad!”

Originally, Let Itachi join Anbu, which will help us to a large extent to ease the atmosphere with Konoha high-level, but the recent development of the situation is still not optimistic! ”

Several elders of the Uchiha clan, with every word of yours, expressed their concerns about the future of the Uchiha clan!

Uchiha Fugaku remained silent.

Now, he naturally knows the difficulties of the Uchiha family!

Looking at the attitude of these elders, Fuyue understood that because of the persecution of Konoha Village, the Uchiha family was already complaining about Konoha.

Many people are already thinking of launching a coup!

It’s just that the Uchiha clan is just like Konoha Village?

Fuyue understands that it is impossible to do this with the strength of the Uchiha clan alone!

Fortunately, the people of the clan did not know that, in fact, he had already opened the kaleidoscope writing wheel.

Otherwise, the intention to launch a coup d’etat is no longer implied, but is clearly stated on the table!


Horse horse horse!

Just when several elders and Fuyue Patriarch were discussing the future of the Uchiha family, the knock on the door suddenly rang!

“What’s the matter?” Since we were just chatting at home, not in the conference hall, the atmosphere was relatively relaxed, Fuyue said!

“It’s the elder’s house, there’s news that Master Akira Uchiha has opened the writing wheel!” The voice outside the door sounded and replied!Next to him, an old man about sixty years old suddenly got up when he heard the words: “Patriarch, there are important things at home, I’ll go back first! The voice fell, and the old man didn’t wait for the Fuyue Patriarch to answer, and hurriedly turned around and left. !

“Elder, he really values his grandson!” Some elders beside him sighed with emotion!

“No way, the first elder has only such a grandson left, of course it is important!”

“However, as far as I know, Ming’s talent is actually not high, right?”

“Yeah, I heard that Chakra hasn’t been refined yet, so why did you suddenly open the Shaking Wheel?”

Elders, discussing in a low voice.

On the one hand, as the grandson of the great elder, Akira Uchiha is also regarded by a lot of people in the Uchiha family.

And his talent, which can be called the tail of a crane, is also helpless!

On the other hand, just such a guy who has no ninja talent, but at the age of six, he successfully opened the wheel eye?

It’s like a recognized fool who suddenly wrote an article that will last forever. It’s incredible, right?

“What happened to Ming?” After a moment of silence, Uchiha Fuyue spoke up and asked outside the door!

The opening and evolution of Sharinyan is accompanied by intense pain.

A mediocre person who has no ninja talent, or even chakra, has suddenly opened a wheel-shattering eye?

The Fuyue Patriarch was also curious, what happened to him that made him so strongly stimulated! ?

“Patriarch, this…” The Uchiha clansman standing at the door looked very strange!

Inside the house, the Fuyue Patriarch and several elders looked at the people at the door strangely.

All the clan members know about the situation of Shunyan.

Therefore, they are also curious about what happened to Uchiha Ming, which would actually stimulate his eyes.

However, the attitude of this clan is very strange!

“Patriarch, Young Master Ming, he fell from a tree, and his legs were red and swollen, so he opened the writing wheel!” Facing the gazes of the patriarch and the elders, the tribe replied!


Hearing this answer, there was a sudden deathly silence in the room.

Chapter 3: The second simulation, instant mastery of ninjutsu

The Uchiha clan, the legendary cursed clan!


Because the Uchiha clan’s blood follows the limit, the power is powerful.

But it has to be accompanied by pain in order to open your eyes and advance!

But what?Akira Uchiha, he just fell from the tree, but he opened his eyes?

This, this is too much to open the eyes, isn’t it?

At least in the history of the Uchiha family, such a situation has never happened before!

“Are you sure, because you fell, your eyes were opened? Nothing else happened?” After a moment of silence, Patriarch Fuyue asked in disbelief.

“Yes, patriarch, according to observation, Young Master Ming and Young Master Sasuke originally said that they were going to buy things…”

This clan opened his mouth and told the specific situation!

The son of the patriarch and the grandson of the chief elder.

Given that the conflict between the Uchiha clan and Konoha Village is becoming more and more intense, naturally, there are clansmen who are secretly guarding it.

Knowing the specific situation, the Fuyue Patriarch and the elders stopped talking!

Even chakra is not refined, and it will even fall from the tree, which is no different from ordinary people.

However, it is possible to open the writing wheel eye?

“Good grandson, how is it? Are you all right?”

At home, Akira Uchiha sat quietly, next to a girl about fourteen or fifteen years old, with emerald green chakra on her hands, who was using medical ninjutsu for treatment.

Soon, Grandpa Uchihatai came running over in a hurry!

“It’s okay, I just fell on the tree. With Keiko’s medical ninjutsu, I’ll be fine soon!” Uchiha Ming said, looking at the old man who ran in.

“It’s alright? Are you sure it’s alright? Grandpa heard that you’ve opened your eyes!”

Looking at the injury on the leg, it has indeed been cured by the maid Keiko Uchiha. Uchiha asked strangely.

“Open your eyes is to open your eyes, nothing is really okay!” Uchiha Ming explained!

“How can nothing happen, you really fell from the tree, fell, and opened your eyes?”

After learning about Uchiha Akira’s eye-opening situation, the old man was dumbfounded!

“It should, probably, it might be like this…” Hearing this, Uchiha replied ambiguously!

About the situation of his golden finger, Uchiha Akira is not going to tell anyone.

Since there is a misunderstanding, it will be wrong!

“When you fall, you can open your eyes? This, this is simply, I, my name is Good Sun, is the real super genius…”

Although it was incredible, the old man was more surprised.

“My dear grandson, after opening your eyes, do you also have chakra? Do you want to learn some ninjutsu?” In addition to being overjoyed, the old man asked!

“Okay, you can learn a few simple ninjutsu and practice your hands!” Hearing this, Akira Uchiha of course nodded in agreement.

Then, the old man took the scroll of the three-body technique and even taught Uchiha Akira in person!

It’s just that although the old man taught him all the money, he even asked Uchiha Ming to open his writing wheel to observe.

However, for the most basic avatar technique, Akira Uchiha still contacted for most of the day, and there was no progress at all!

“Practicing ninjutsu isn’t that simple. It’s getting late today. Let’s rest and practice tomorrow!” Seeing that it was dark outside, the old man got up and said.However, when I walked to the door, my footsteps paused again, and then said: “By the way, there are still half a month, and it will be the day when the ninja school starts, so get ready!” “Well, I see!” Yuzhi Pomin nodded.

There is still half a month, and I will be enrolled in the ninja school. I knew it as early as the Sims before!

“By the way, Grandpa, can you give me some money?” However, seeing that the old man was really going out the door, Uchiha Ming followed and asked.

“Want money?” The old man looked at Akira Uchiha in surprise, obviously not expecting him to make such a request!

However, I think that Sasuke Uchiha has two hundred taels of money today.

Perhaps, the grandson also wants to compare?

As soon as he thought of this, the old man also took out two banknotes and appeared: “Okay, you can take these two hundred taels!”

After giving two hundred taels of pocket money, the old man walked out!

And what about Akira Uchiha?

With two hundred taels of money in hand, I communicated with the simulator, and I want to simulate a wave again!

Only, the simulation failed!

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