Nightmare’s Call (Summoner of Nightmares)

Chapter 33 - Exploration 3

The black doorway is only ten meters deep.

Lin Sheng proceeded slowly with vigilance, breathing lightly, listening carefully to the surrounding sounds.


Suddenly, a dull sound came from the inside of Black Feather, like the sound of a ringing bell.

Lin Sheng stepped forward.

咚 ….. 咚 ….. 咚 …..

After striking the bells for five consecutive times. The sound stopped.

Lin Sheng stood still, and listened carefully to the surrounding changes.

After a full few minutes, he didn’t wait for anything to move, and then carried the sword again and slowly moved forward.

Soon, through the doorway again, the front view was bright.

Deteriorated shabby gray buildings and streets, unknown black rags drifting in the wind. A solitary direction sign on the side of the road.

Lin Sheng didn’t look at the direction sign, but hesitated straight towards a street on the right.

His sneakers stepped on the hard gravel on the street from the black soil and suddenly felt a bit rough.

On the street on the right, the main road is covered with rough cobblestone gravel and flanked by rotten stone buildings that are black like a fire.

These buildings are mostly two-story and three-story, not like shops, but more like ordinary houses or cottages.

On the main road, a street lamp post is erected every other distance.

What made Lin Sheng surprised was that the street lights were still light yellow. Inside the square lampshade, the candlelight shook slightly, flickering with the cold wind.

“Before, it didn’t light up …” He remembered how he looked when he entered the city last time, but he hadn’t seen these street lights lit at that time.

Suddenly, Lin Sheng quickly began to find a hiding place.

Looking left and right, he quickly found that the buildings on the right row had broken black holes in the doors and windows, which could be drilled into temporarily to hide.

It’s just those dark holes that also made him frightened. Who knows what’s dangerous inside.

Standing on the street, he glanced at it. On the street illuminated by the street lights in front, it was empty and deserted. Extend to the end of the vision.

“It’s time to wake up if you don’t leave …” Lin Sheng raised his heart, holding his sword, and following the planned route, strode forward.

Flip, flick …

Although he tried to take his steps lightly, the sound of footsteps kept echoing on the street.


Suddenly, there was a slight noise, as if someone whispered in my ear, from the front.

Lin Sheng’s face changed, and he quickly found a broken window to the right, took a quick step and drilled in.

Then he crouched down, hiding himself under the wall of the window.

Hiss …..

The sound approached quickly, getting closer …

The whole street is in the middle.

A large, two-storey dark shadow, slowing forward, dragging a long snake tail, meandering, appeared in this neighborhood.

It crawled up and down with countless black insects like ants. The entire body was completely covered by black insects, and it could not see its appearance.

As you can see through the bug, its upper body has a vaguely humanoid outline.

The face of his head was full of huge black and red snake cores, and his face had three pairs of black eyes like rotten tree holes.

These eyes were greedily glancing around.

Lin Sheng slowly and silently peeked out from the crack of the cracked window sill.

Grunt …

He couldn’t help swallowing, and didn’t dare to move.

The monster swam quickly, its upper body was a human body, its lower body was a python, and its long and thick tail was covered with smooth black scales.

Large pieces of cobblestone on the street rubbed against its scales, making a hissing sound just heard by Lin Sheng.

Some debris blocked in front of the monster was easily crushed by it and crushed easily.

Lin Sheng dare not speak out, fearing to attract the attention of monsters.

This type of monster, not to mention chopping up, is whether the escape is successful or not, it is a question.

Hissing slowly went away.

Until there was no movement at all, Lin Sheng was still aloof and did not dare to move.

The monster’s huge size completely scared him. Once a monster of that level is found, he is afraid that he has no second choice but to die.

When the hiss disappeared for dozens of breaths, he slowly got up from the windowsill.

“Young man … do you … see my Justin?”

Suddenly, a woman voice with trepidation came from behind Lin Sheng.

Lin Sheng stood up and turned sharply.

Black sword pointed back behind him.

Then he realized that he had come into a shabby room like a living room.

In the corner of the room, a pale woman was standing in the doorway leading to other rooms.

The woman seemed to be in her forties, looking very shy and anxious.

Her eyes were sunken, her dark circles were heavy under her eyes, and her eyes were a little blank and out of focus. Wearing a gray cloak similar to a nun, he covered his head.

“Young man … did you see my Justin?” The woman asked again.

Lin Sheng was alert.

But anyway, he was relieved. This was the first time he had met someone who could talk in a dream.

This made him feel a touch of security that he could communicate with.

In this huge dream, he was empty and dead. He had been alone for a long time, and he really felt a little panicky in many times.

Fortunately, now I finally meet someone who can communicate.

Lin Sheng narrowed his eyes, determined that the woman’s hands were drooping, and there were no obvious hidden weapons, so she approached slowly.

“Hello, I don’t know who you said Justin? But if you can tell me some clues, maybe I can help you find it.”

He also used the accent on the side of Black Feather City to answer slowly. Word by word is very clear.

In this dream, Gulen was used. He absorbed so many memory fragments, spoken words, and so on. At the beginning, he felt a bit jerky. But quickly became skilled.

The woman heard that the pupils with no focus gradually narrowed and all fell on Lin Sheng.

“Do you really help me find him?”

“If you can provide some clues and help,” Lin Sheng replied cautiously.

“Can I find Justin if I help you?” The woman asked.

“I think so, it is possible, it may be found …”

“When can I find it ?? When ?! I want it now, look for it now! You help me find it! Okay !? Okay! I will find Justin now, now !!! Now !!! Now! “The woman said more and more excited, and said closer.

She started dancing, waving her arms wildly, her eyes getting redder.

Suddenly she burst out!

Before Lin Sheng had time to talk back, he saw it!

The woman’s head looked like a balloon and burst open.

The explosion splattered a lot of black sand-like fluid. These fluids gathered on the ground into a black line, hissing softly, and quickly rushed towards him.

A large number of black lines filled the room in an instant, from all directions, up and down, left and right, rushing towards him crazy.

“Oh!” Lin Sheng didn’t have much time to think, his scalp was numb, he turned around and jumped out, and flung out of the window.

As soon as he threw out, countless black lines rushed out of the window and chased after him.

Lin Sheng rolled a few laps on the ground, got up on his knees, looked back, his face was green, and he ran away with his legs.

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