Nightmare Mode (DBZ Gamer!SI)

The Giant (18.1)









Gray shot forward, blitzing into the large orange-haired man. He raised a Ki-covered fist, launching it at the man as he hastily crossed his arms to block it. His fist slammed into the man’s guard, sending him sliding back.


10,500! (164,500/175,000)


Pretty tanky considering his power level.


Gray’s other hand moved simultaneously, flinging back instead of forward. His palm opened, firing a Ki blast behind him. It collided with another one that was speeding at him.


I can’t sense their energy, but if they’re using Ki blasts then it doesn’t matter.


“Do you think the lieutenant will care if we kill them, Zwei?” The normal-looking man asked from behind, his palm open as it pointed at Gray.


Gray casually stepped sideways as the giant in front of him recovered, the absurdly large man moving absurdly slow. His fist was practically coming down in slow motion, and Gray simply stepped around it, raising his hand into the familiar shape of a gun. A Ki bullet fired from his hand, slamming directly into the center of the man’s chest.


15,500! (149,000/175,000)


The bullet ripped through his chest, going cleanly through to the other side. The man seemed to not even notice, his slow hand swiping sideways as no blood flowed from the wound. Gray jumped, his hands flashing under him as he pushed off the large arm and vaulted the attack.


Not only does he not have a heart, but he doesn’t even flinch from the pain. Maybe he’s just a robot?


“Meh, who cares if he’s pissed? We’re just here to make sure the muscleheads don’t fuck up!” A new voice said, and Gray barely managed to lean his head back as a fist suddenly appeared next to him. The fist barely brushed past him, a crazed look in the man's eyes as he stood mere inches from Gray. He looked nearly identical to the other men - an oval face with orange hair, but he was absurdly slim. The man disappeared again, dancing away as Gray lashed out with a Ki blast. Immediately, Gray was forced to duck again as the giant’s hand swiped across where his head was a moment earlier.


“HAHAHA- op!” The slim man laughed, vanishing as he blitzed forward at Gray again, but then seemed to stop his momentum instantly as a green Ki-rapier slashed in front of him.


“Did you forget about me?” Asuna smirked, pointing her Ki-made blade at the man, “I was respecting the duel, but if you have no pride, then I won’t either!”


Gray was given a moment to focus on Funf again as Asuna took the other man's attention. The giant swung his leg up, but it was moving so slowly that Gray wasn’t even concerned about it. Gray dashed forward, sliding under his leg as he swung it, and turned around mid-slide as he appeared behind the large man. He tensed his legs, launching up as he planted his feet on Funf’s back. His hands reached out, grabbing the sides of the man's head.


“Let’s see how sturdy they made you,” Gray grinned, pulling back on the large oval head. His feet pressed into Funf’s back as his hands pulled down his head, folding the man outward abnormally. 


10,000! (139,000/175,000)

10,000! (129,000/175,000)

10,000! (119,000/175,000)

10,000! (109,000/175,000)

10,000! (99,000/175,000)


“Grahhh!” Funf screamed, swinging his body widely as he reached up, his hands clawing at Gray. Gray gave one final stomp, pushing off the giant as he launched backward out of his reach and landed on the grass under them.


10,000! (89,000/175,000)


“They made you pretty well, huh? I thought your head would come clean off,” Gray smirked, raising both his palms as the huge man slowly turned around, “I won’t waste a Kokuyo on you.”


Just as the huge man turned around, two large Ki blasts launched from Gray’s hands, slamming into the man and consuming him.


10,000! (79,000/175,000)

10,000! (69,000/175,000)


Gray’s eyes widened slightly, throwing himself to the side as the giant’s blackened arm came hurtling straight through the blast as if it wasn’t even there. Luckily, Funf was so slow that his moment of surprise didn’t matter. Gray tensed his arms again, his palms opening again as he readied himself to finish off Funf, but didn’t get the chance. He abruptly ducked, falling to the ground as his flat palms caught himself while a duo of Ki blasts flew over his head.


“We can’t let this Funf die,” The tall and lanky man said as he stood still, his palms pointed at Gray, “It’ll make us look bad.”


Gray glanced at the man as he pushed back, creating room between him and Funf.




[Artifical Intelligence]


Age: 1


PL: 16,000,000


HP: 50,000/50,000


TKI: 250,000/250,000


Reputation: 0/0 (Neutral)


Modifier - This individual has no modifier.


A Ki-centric build.


The man’s palms fired out two more Ki blasts, but this time they weren’t directed at Gray. They swerved around Funf, flying behind him as they barely protected him from a speeding ball about to slam into his back. Celia merely stared at the man, her hand held out as he intercepted her blast.


“It’s fine,” She said simply as Gray shot her a concerned look, “I need to be careful with my Ki usage, but I’m still more than enough for him.”


“Great,” Gray said, a smirk appearing on his face as a stupid idea appeared in his head. It would’ve been easy for him to finish off the large man. Trivially easy, but his body was protesting. He didn’t just want to finish him - he wanted to humiliate him.


“Hey, Funf,” Gray smirked, pulling back his fist, “You should know you can’t win, right? Here’s your one chance. A test of strength!”


Funf looked at him, the giant’s blank eyes lighting up with realization. A large grin appeared on his face as he grinned, pulling back his fist as well.


“Alright! Let’s do it!” The giant screamed, flinging his fist forward. Gray did the same, their fists colliding in between them. Gray grunted, a flash of pain reeling through his fist for a second. For a moment, the two forces collided, sparks flying into the air. And then, Funf’s fist moved back. His arm stayed straight as his fist was pushed back, his arm crumpling behind it. Gray’s fist continued forward, forcing Funf’s arm to bend unnaturally as it folded like a cardboard box.


60,000! (9,000/175,000)


Gray’s arm blasted past the giant, tearing his arm clear off his body. Finally, Gray was given an answer to his earlier question.


Not an Android. Just a robot.


The arm flung away from the giant's body, a mixture of wires and electricity sparking from it.  Funf looked down, his eyes wide with shock as he stared at his missing arm, “...I… lost?”


“You did,” Gray said simply, raising his hand as a Ki-gun formed, aimed directly at his forehead, “Good fight, big guy.”


9,000! (0/175,000)


[Artifical Intelligence ‘Funf’ has been defeated!]


+10,000 XP!


+1,000 Coins!

Gray turned his attention away from the large robot as it fell backward, slamming into the grass with a thud. He glanced at Celia, seeing the girl sweating slightly but looking fine as she and Vier exchanged a flurry of Ki blasts, explosions and light filling the forest around them. Asuna, however, was not doing as well.


“What’s wrong? Can’t keep up?” The slim man mocked, dancing around effortlessly as Asuna chased him, swinging her blade of Ki but only hitting air. 




[Artifical Intelligence]


Age: 1


PL: 16,000,000


HP: 25,000/25,000


TKI: 25,000/25,000


Reputation: 0/0 (Neutral)


Modifier - This individual has no modifier.


Low HP and Ki? Speed-centric.


Gray pushed off the grass under him, launching himself forward to help Asuna, However, he was forced to abruplty stop as a thin Ki blast sped past his face. Gray blinked in surprise.


A Ki-bullet?


“That thing you did was sooooo cool, Mister!” The voice of the young version shouted from his spot on a tree branch. His hand was raised, positioned the same way Gray had with his Ki-gun.




[Artifical Intelligence]


Age: 1


PL: 32,000,000


HP: 105,000/105,000


TKI: 102,000/105,000


Reputation: 0/0 (Neutral)


Modifier - This individual has no modifier.


“Bang! Bang! Bang! Hehe!” The boy shouted, giggling as he fired a volley of Ki-bullets at Gray. They sped at him, but not fast enough for Gray to worry as he idly dodged them.


He’s an all-rounder. Usually a good thing, but when you’re this much weaker than me, it’s not.


Gray blitzed forward, appearing an inch away from the boy with his arm cocked back. His Ki-coated fist launched forward, but the boy merely giggled as he fell back, plummeting off the tree branch as he let gravity control him. Gray placed his hand on the branch, swinging around it as he kept chasing. He plummeted toward the boy as he lay on the ground, his fist barely missing as Zwei rolled to the side. 


“So scary!” Zwei giggled, pushing himself off the ground as he did a backflip onto his feet. He had no time to think, as Gray’s fist shot at his face. The boy leaned to the side, then abruptly ducked, pressing his body to the ground instantly as Gray’s leg swung up in a round-house kick.


“Hehe! Almost!” The boy laughed from the floor.


He’s slower than me, but he’s slippery. My lack of experience is showing.


The boy pushed away, disappearing in a gust of wind as he jumped up into a nearby tree, Gray following close behind. Gray bounced from branch to branch, following Zwei as he flung a flurry of Ki blasts in front of him. The Ki blasts flew forward, reaching inches from the boy, but then he reached his hand out. His hand gripped the trunk of the tree, smoothly swinging around it as the blasts flew past him.


“So close!” The boy shouted, sticking his tongue out at him as he floated in the air. Gray glared at the kid, then slammed his foot down, breaking the branch under him and plummeting to the floor again as a Ki blast flew over his head.


“You need some help, Zwei?” A lazy voice said, and Gray turned to see the normal-looking robot behind him.




[Artifical Intelligence]


Age: 1


PL: 24,000,000


HP: 84,000/84,000


TKI: 50,000/50,000


Reputation: 0/0 (Neutral)


Modifier - This individual has no modifier.


Another all-rounder?


Gray turned, looking at the man as Zwei bounced from branch to branch above him.


“You shoulda just kept watching, man,” Gray grinned, “Now you’ll have to die.”


“Hmmph, as if,” Drei scoffed, his hand flying up and deflecting Gray’s fist as it shot toward his head. Gray’s fists blurred, firing an onslaught at the man, but Drei’s hands blurred as well. His hands slapped into the sides of Gray’s fists lightly, deflecting them as his head blurred, dodging the blows.


“Hah, you’re quick, but you're a terrible fighter,” Drei sighed, his face drooping as he casually deflected the onslaught.


Drei watched as Gray opened his mouth, waiting for the Saiyan’s words, but what came out was instead a blast of power. Gray fired his mouth-beam at point-blank range, the man’s eyes widening for a moment. Drei grunted, flinging himself to the side as the brunt of the Ki-beam slammed into him.


40,000! (44,000/84,000)


“Who’s the shit fighter?” Gray grinned, launching himself at the man and giving him no chance to recover. His fists blurred as Drei panicked, barely managing to dodge the quick blows as he recovered.


“Gray! They’re closing in!” Celia’s voice rang out from somewhere in the dark forest around him. Gray stopped, pushing back with his feet as he created space between himself and Drei. He stretched out his senses, understanding what Celia meant as he sensed the large power level, along with the 19 smaller ones, nearby.


Alright, let’s finish this up.


“Your boss is close, so let’s finish this up,” Gray grinned, holding up his hand as closed his fingers inward, gesturing to Drei to come at him.


“You want me to go on the offensive?” Drei hummed, looking at him with a raised eyebrow, “Well, if you wanna die, it’s not my problem.”


Drei shot forward, his fists blurring as Gray crossed his arms, letting the man's fists slam into him. Gray’s eye twitched as he resisted using cognitive acceleration.


-500! (231,350/231,850)

-500! (230,850/231,850)

-500! (230,350/231,850)

-500! (229,850/231,850)

-500! (229,350/231,850)

-500! (229,850/231,850)

I need to save my Ki as much as I can. I can do this on my own.


Gray’s eyes peeked through his guard, locking onto Drei’s feet as the man’s fists slammed into his guard, his feet dancing backward after every punch. Drei grunted, his fist twisting in annoyance as Gray didn’t seem the least bit concerned about the blows raining down on his. He stepped forward, his feet not moving back as much as he put more of his body into the punches.


-1,000! (228,850/231,850)

-1,000! (227,850/231,850)

-1,000! (226,850/231,850)

-1,000! (225,850/231,850)

-1,000! (224,850/231,850)

-1,000! (223,850/231,850)


Just a little bit more.


Drei’s eye twitched as Gray stood still, his arms cross in front in of him as if the repeated blows didn’t bother him. He stepped forward again, glaring at Gray as his fist flew forward with more power.


Got ya.


As Drei’s fist flew forward, Gray uncrossed his arms, launching forward as he leaned downward. Drei’s eyes widened, unable to stop himself as he leaned toward Gray. Gray stepped into him, his fist flying up as it aimed for his stomach. Drei’s fist sailed right past him, the man watching as his death approached.


Then, Gray’s fist stopped its trajectory. It turned, moving upwards and to the left, as it barely scraped by the man's jacket-covered stomach.


“Wha…” Drei trailed off, his eyes following the trajectory of Gray’s fist with a look of horror dawning. Above them, Zwei plummeted, his fist only inches from Gray’s head as he tried to save Drei. Gray’s fist sailed upwards, his body twisting as his uppercut slammed directly into Zwei’s face.


50,000! (55,000/105,000)


The fist slammed into Zwei’s face, the small man being stunned as he was suddenly flung upwards from the force. However, it didn’t end there. Gray took advantage of the boy being disoriented, turning his fist into the shape of a Ki-gun instantly. Drei’s eyes widened as his fists slammed down, trying to stop him.


-3,000! (220,850/231,850)

-3,000! (217,850/231,850)

-3,000! (214,850/231,850)

-3,000! (211,850/231,850)

-3,000! (208,850/231,850)

-3,000! (205,850/231,850)


It was to no avail, as Gray ignored the blows entirely. His finger pointed up the flying body of Zwei as the boy stabilized himself, a flurry of Ki bullets streaming at him.


“DODGE!” Drei screamed, giving up his onslaught as he turned to look at Zwei. Zwei’s eyes widened, hastily trying to dodge the bullets, but didn’t have enough time. A flurry of bullets cut into him.


20,000! (35,000/105,000)

20,000! (15,000/105,000)

15,000! (0/105,000)


[Artifical Intelligence ‘Zwei’ has been defeated!]


+25,000 XP!


+2,500 Coins!


“Fuck,” Drei grunted, glaring at Gray as he pushed himself away and created space.


Gray chuckled as he looked over at the man, “What? Did you think you were the one I was worried about? I just didn’t have time to play catch with that kid.”


Gray raised his arm, looking at Drei with his finger shifting into a Ki-gun.


“You’ll regret this, you bastard,” Drei grit out, glaring at Gray, “I’ll remember this. You’re dead next time!”

“Next time?” Gray raised an eyebrow as a flurry of Ki-bullets shot at Drei, “There is no next time. Try deflecting these, dumbass.”


While Drei was well versed in martial arts, being able to easily dodge and deflect Gray’s fists, he was still far too slow to dodge the bullets. To his credit, he did try to deflect them, but the bullets ripped through his hands as they continued their path into his body. It only took three bullets until the man stopped moving.


20,000! (24,000/84,000)

20,000! (4,000/84,000)

4,000! (0/84,000)


[Artifical Intelligence ‘Drei’ has been defeated!]


+20,000 XP!


+2,000 Coins!

The robot's body slumped over, sparks flying from the holes in his body. Gray huffed, his breathing slightly heavy from the chase. He looked over into the dark tree line, locking onto the large power as it closed in on Celia and Asuna’s position. 


No time to run now, right? Guess there’s some more asses to kick today.


Gray shot forward, flying through the treeline back into the small opening that had formed around the battle - mostly due to the fact that all the trees around their camp were now knocked over.


“Saeko, help Celia,” Gray ordered simply as he appeared in the explosion-filled battlefield. Celia was clearly ahead in the Ki-centered battle, as despite her heavy breathing and sweat-covered face, she was steadily pushing the robot back. Vier was struggling, his hands blurring as he barely blocked Celia’s onslaught.


“Alright!” Saeko replied simply, leaving her spot guarding Ranfan and Nam as she shot forward, her sword raised as she used Celia’s Ki blasts for cover. Gray turned his attention back to Asuna, who was looking worse for wear. She was panting, her shoulders drooping slightly as she glared at Sechs. On the other hand, the robot seemed completely fine as he danced around her combination of punches, Ki blasts, and Ki-blade swipes. 


Gray shot forward, launching his fist at Sechs face as he barely leaned back and dodged it.


“Back alr- ah!” Sechs folded his body in half, falling to the ground as Asuna’s Ki sword swiped over the top of his body. Gray followed up, launching a Ki blast into the floor as the man hastily rolled backward, doing a backflip as he shot into the air. He had no time to rest, as he leaned his head down to dodge another Ki-blade swipe, then tried to no avail to dodge Gray’s Ki-covered fist mid-air as it slammed into his gut. Gray’s fist easily ripped through his stomach, going through and coming out the other side.


25,000! (0/25,000)


[Artifical Intelligence ‘Zwei’ has been defeated!]


+10,000 XP!


+1,000 Coins!


Level up!


+50 Attribute Points!


“Not fast enough to dodge us both, huh?” Gray said idly as the robot slumped over his fist. Gray raised his arm, letting the robotic corpse drop to the ground below.


Shoulda put some more effort into your defense. If you didn’t die in one shot, you could’ve at least run away. 


“Hah… thanks… Gray!” Asuna said, swiping a bead of sweat off her forehead as she was out of breath, “I just couldn’t catch him…”


“No problem,” Gray hummed, looking over to see Saeko finally reach the final robot, cutting off Vier’s head in one swipe.


+10 HREG for surviving an ambush! (10x multiplier from [Nightmare Mode])


+10 EREG for surviving an ambush! (10x multiplier from [Nightmare Mode])


+10 INT for fighting smartly! (10x multiplier from [Nightmare Mode])

“We need to run now,” Celia shouted over at him, sweat covering her face as she also panted, “They’re getting close. It doesn’t matter where we go - we just need to get out of here!”


“Bit late for that, Celia,” Gray hummed, flying down and landing next to her.


“What? If we leave now, we can get away,” She huffed out as Asuna landed next to them as well, Saeko leading Nam and Ranfan over to their group huddle.


“You rely on that Ki-sensing too much,” Gray said simply, holding up his palm as a ball of Ki appeared on it, “You gotta just use your eyes sometimes.”


Gray shot the blast of Ki out, slamming it into a nearby tree as the ball of light illuminated the dark forest around them. Mainly -  the group of a near-hundred orange-haired men forming a large circle around the small clearing. They looked like a mix of the ones they just fought - some muscular, some child-like, some tall and lanky, some slim, and some rather normal-looking.


“W-What…” Celia stuttered, looking genuinely shocked.


“I picked up on it while I was chasing that kid around,” Gray said as the light faded, encompassing the army of robots into the darkness again, “They’ve been here the whole time, just watching. They have no energy signals, so they can utilize how dark it is here. When we said we we’re gonna run earlier, they just chucked a couple at us to keep us busy.”


“There’s so many,” Asuna said, looking up at Gray, “What do we do?”




“Too late to try and run now,” He said simply, looking over as a massive thud rang out not far from them, “The ones before said they’re just keeping us here until that strong guy arrives. If it comes down to it, make the moon, Celia.”


I hate to be an asshole, but I’ll just bring her back with the Dragon Balls if it comes down to it. Better she goes down then we all die.


“Got it,” Celia said, her eyes hardening as her usual blank expression filled her face.



A crash rang out nearby, the group unable to see it from the dark forest.




Another one, louder. The ground shook slightly.




The ground shook harder, like a small earthquake was forming.




The earthquake grew in magnitude.




Gray raised his eyebrow as the trees at the edge of the small clearing started vibrating.




This time, Gray saw it. A large tree, barely visible through the forest, toppled over.




It wasn’t hard to see this time - one tree became a collection of trees. The ground vibrated, the earthquake growing stronger.




The collection of trees turned into dozens, all falling over as the loud thuds came closer. Finally, Gray spotted him.


Towering nearly 30 feet into the air - an absolute giant. Thick shoulders framed his muscular body. A square head with a sharp jaw, framed by a brown bear. His skin was silver - looking almost as if it was made of metal. He was shirtless, his huge pecks shown off. On his legs were a pair of under-armor pants. His huge legs shook the earth with each step, the giant slowly approaching the small group. As he came closer, the trees blocked his path. However, he didn’t even seem to care. He walked straight into the tree, his body pushing it forward as it fell. He continued walking, uncaring of the trees that were toppled as his body walked through them.


A yawn came from the giant’s mouth, the usually quiet sound blaring into the silent forest, “Why does Dore make me do this…”


The man continued forward, his shoulders slumped as he practically dragged his feet through the grass. His face drooped, looking almost bored.


Dore? Like, Cooler’s minion, Dore?


Gray looked up at the giant man, using observe.


[Lazy] Dorro:


[Cooler Force Lieutenant]


Age: 35


PL: 400,000,000


HP: 1,000,000/1,000,000


TKI: 100,280/100,280


Reputation: -5000/10000 (Hated)


[Lazy] Modifier - Individuals with this modifier will be naturally lazy and ambitionless. 


Shit. Fucking nightmare mode, huh?



AN: Thanks for reading! The next part of the chapter will be out later today, or you can read the next three chapters right now at !


Gray Tanaki:


[Saiyan D-Class Recruit]


Age: 15


Wallet: 164,650 Coins


Lvl: 15 (8/350,000 XP)


PL: 162,225,200


Available Points: 50


HP: 205,782/231,850


TKI: 310,265/342,575


STR: 515


AGI: 700


END: 450


INT: 515


CHA: 205


LUK: 505


KI: 665


HREG: 466


EREG: 466


Skills: [Observe LVL 5], [Running LVL 6], [Determination LVL 4], [Ki Control LVL 9], [Ki Gun LVL 5]. [Ki Enhancement LVL 4], [KI Suppression LVL 5], [Ki Sense LVL 3], [Pushup LVL 5], [Punch LVL 5], [Kick LVL 5], [Jump LVL 4], [Flight LVL 4], [Prediction LVL 2], [Zenkai Boost LVL 1], [Cognitive Acceleration LVL 1], [Ah! Lord Freiza! LVL 1], [Mouth-Beam LVL 1], [Ki-Blade LVL 1], [Cooking LVL 1]


Perks: [Gamer’s Mind], [Gamer’s Body], [Double-edged Sword], [Legendary Super Saiyan], [Perfect Ozaru], [A Cute Pawn], [A Humble Master], [Ladies Man]


Fighting Styles: [Boxing Style: Kolra LVL 2]


Party: [Saeko, Celia, Asuna, Ranfan]


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