Night of apocalypse

Chapter 1099 Reversal

"But Speaker, we can't see the enemy now, what should we do?"

Hebika asked a little worriedly.

Speaker Oroko's eyes flashed and he spoke.

"Although we can't see the enemy's army now, from the scouts being pulled out one by one, we can basically judge the enemy's route and continue to send out scouts!"


Hebika immediately responded respectfully.

Xiguang No. 1 Dungeon.

On the messy streets, Bai Mucheng led Wu Di and others on a patrol. They looked at the collapsed and burning buildings on both sides with indescribable heavy expressions.

At this time, one soldier after another was conducting emergency rescue, and the search and rescue captain roared hoarsely.

"Quickly, move all the people rescued from the collapse area to the temporary settlement area. The enemy may attack at any time."


All the soldiers had red eyes and were desperately trying to rescue. There were cries and painful cries for help everywhere.

Bai Mucheng looked at the scene in front of her, her cold eyes becoming darker and darker.

At this moment, the metal-hardened ground of the entire underground city suddenly began to vibrate.

Bai Mucheng noticed something was wrong immediately, and her cold face moved slightly.

But not before she could issue a warning.


With a deafening sound, ferocious and huge mechanical blade insects penetrated from the metal-hardened ground and crashed straight into the steel building next to it!


The metal building looked like paper in front of the mechanical blade bug.

The pigeon buildings with steel structures were damaged one after another, and the whole building collapsed.

In the pigeon upstairs, people rushed to the windows and cried for help.



Due to virus infection control, all doors and windows were locked, so they couldn't even jump out of the window. They could only watch in despair as the building collapsed and hit the ground.

"Assholes, stop them!"

Soldiers and KPI personnel rushed towards the raging mechanical blade insects with red eyes and launched an attack without risking their lives.

Flame spears, wind blades, and dense bullets bombarded the mechanical blade insects!

Sparks flew.

Unfortunately, it was useless. The bodies of these mechanical blade insects were extremely hard. They withstood the attack and swept towards the incoming soldiers and KPI personnel violently.



Accompanied by screams, groups of people who rushed to stop him were minced, their flesh and blood flying everywhere!

At this moment, the piercing alarm sound sounded again in Xiguang No. 1 Underground City.

In Xiguang No. 1 Underground City, the people in various buildings tensed up. Everyone had a look of fear on their faces and prayed devoutly.

"Bless me everything will be fine!"

"Please, don't attack us!"


Wu Di was furious when he looked at the mechanical blade bugs that were killing them in the distance!

"Wudi, take some of your people to destroy those mechanical blade insects, and the rest of you will follow me to the entrance and exit of the dungeon and the damaged area!"

Bai Mucheng shouted with extreme calmness.


Wu Di received Bai Mucheng's order and immediately rushed forward with his men.

City of Stars, Star Bridge Command Room.

Oroko kept staring at the situation on the Western Front with a blank expression.

At this time, General Hebika reported with a tense expression.

"Sir, the dungeons in the City of Stars have also been attacked by mechanical blade insects. The situation is not good!"

"Just send someone to deal with it. You don't need to report this kind of thing to me. I'm not in the mood to care about these trivial matters right now. What I have to worry about is the frontal battlefield. These raging mechanical blade insects are nothing more than what the enemy uses to attract our attention. .”

Oroko replied coldly.


Hebika responded quickly.

Inside the main palace of the Twin Cities.

Shen Qiu slowly raised his head and spoke after listening to the piercing air-raid sirens.

"The war has begun, Cerny."


Artificial Intelligence Cerny emerged and responded respectfully.

"What's going on now? Can you show real-time video?"

Shen Qiu asked calmly.

"The defensive position area on the western outskirts of the City of Stars has been attacked by a large number of mechanical blade insects. We are showing you real-time drone footage."

Artificial Intelligence Cerny then displayed the image.

In the western suburbs of the City of Stars, huge mechanical blade insects are wreaking havoc, causing widespread chaos in the originally orderly position.

The two Greedy Wolf mechas rushed forward with alloy blades in their hands, and swung the alloy blades in their hands fiercely to hit a mechanical blade insect.


The alloy blade in the Greedy Wolf mecha's hand not only failed to split the mechanical blade insect, but was stuck by the blade on its body. Then the mechanical blade insect squirmed and the alloy blade broke directly.

"How can it be?"

The pilots of the Greedy Wolf Mecha were stunned.

The next second, the mechanical blade insect opened its mouth and rushed directly towards the Greedy Wolf mecha. It bit one Greedy wolf mecha, chewed it into pieces and swallowed it. At the same time, its huge body swept towards the other Greedy wolf mecha. , sweep it away.

At this time, General Nosaviga, who was burning with scorching black flames, jumped over and slashed with his sword in anger!


The huge mechanical blade insect was instantly cut in half.

But even so, the mechanical blade worm was still not scrapped. Instead, like an earthworm, its body was broken in half and turned into two mechanical blade worms and ran away.

"how so?"

There was a look of disbelief on Nosa Vega's face.

"General, we can't continue like this. Conventional weapons are too limited to cause damage to these mechanical blade insects. If we let them continue to destroy them, the position will be destroyed!"

At this time, Admiral Dio rushed over and shouted anxiously.

"Go! Release all the metal awakeners!"

Nosa Vega decisively issued the order.

"But, we didn't receive the order. Is this okay?"

Dio looked at Nosavega in astonishment, somewhat at a loss.

"Do as I say, and the Speaker of the Parliament has given me frontline war command authority!"

Nosa Vega roared.


Dio immediately picked up the communicator and informed the officers in the ten-ring quarantine area.

Ten Rings Isolation Zone·Dispatch Room.

After receiving the order from Dio, a pale-haired old man immediately picked up the communicator to inform everyone.

"Listen, all metal-type awakened ones, rush out to join the battle immediately! Immediately! Immediately!"

As Dio's order was issued, the door lock of an isolated house was violently broken, and metal-type awakened people rushed out.


the guarding soldier shouted to his isolated companions.

"Leave it to us!"

They rushed out of the isolation building without looking back, while helicopters were waiting in the air.

They dragged the helicopter and threw down the towing rope, and were pulled directly into the sky and flew towards the western suburbs war zone.

Soon, one by one, the metal awakeners rushed to the defensive position in the western suburbs.

They directly transformed into metal men and jumped towards the mechanical blade bugs from high altitude.


Their bodies were cut and penetrated by the densely packed sharp blades on the mechanical blade insects, but it was of no use.

These metal men directly turned into metallic liquid, adhered to the surface, and began to corrode the armor of the mechanical blade insect.

Not long after, the surface metal armor of the first mechanical blade insect was corroded, and the internal circuits and circuit boards were destroyed. Sparks flew out for a while, and its huge body fell heavily to the ground and could not move.

In the city lord's palace, Shen Qiu frowned slightly as he looked at the battle images displayed, then lowered his head to operate his bracelet to surf the Internet.

As a result, he found that whether it was the Red League or the Blue League, various cities were being attacked, and many people uploaded various videos.

"Boss, look, Xiguang 1 and Xiguang 2 dungeons are also attacked by mechanical blade insects!"

Chen Ye said in surprise.

"I see."

Shen Qiu calmly continued to browse the information on the Internet.

The entire Internet is filled with posts of all kinds, everyone recounting attacks in their own cities.

"It's over, my God! The City of Sinking Star was attacked by an army of machines. Oh my God! I've never seen so many mechanical weapons in my life. I'm dead this time!"

"It's about to start a fight!"

"Haha, brother, you are dead, let me show you what the cards are!"

A man named Xingwan used the IP of the Free City of St. Peter to directly upload a short video taken by a drone.

The click-through rate of this video instantly exploded.

Shen Qiu clicked in directly.

Outside the Free City of St. Peter, on the vast plain, a black army of machines swept in like a raging tide.

Mechanical warriors moved forward neatly and orderly, followed by upgraded versions of wolf spiders. These upgraded versions of wolf spiders made deafening roars, and each machine exuded an icy light. If the steel behemoth generally. Then the camera gradually zooms out, and you can see the mighty mechanical army, coming like a metal river with no end in sight, giving people a great visual impact.


"This is too shocking!"

"Brothers, wish yourself well. Can you resist such a terrifying mechanical army?"

"As expected of the capital of the Blue League, it certainly has a good reputation!"

"It's so terrible!"

"If you compare it to this, the scale of the attacks we received here is completely inadequate."

Countless people responded at once.

However, at this moment, a handsome man named Bishendu posted a reply.

"Oh, what's this? You guys are really ignorant. My side is worse than his! His side is just a child's play."


"No pictures and no evidence!"

"That's right, I don't believe there are more enemies on your side than on my side."

Many people questioned it.

"I want evidence, right? Let me show it to you!"

The man who was more handsome than the gods presented a picture without saying a word.

City of Stars·Western Wilds Area.

I saw mechanical warriors and atomic warriors forming a huge army, marching in uniform steps, approaching like a mountain crushing an egg, which was terrifying.

It is also worth noting that these mechanical warriors and atomic warriors are not densely gathered together. They advance in a square formation, with a few meters between each other.

At the same time, every fifth row, you can see a ferocious mechanical hunter, and every tenth row, you can see a huge, oppressive Dark Beast mecha.

Behind the mechanical warrior regiment, there are mobile war fortresses and stormtroopers that follow. Each of these stormtroopers is more than 20 meters high, and their entire body is covered with layers of thick black armor. The huge body is equipped with Equipped with twelve huge cannons of different calibers and four firing units.

They move in unison, approaching like a mountain crushing an egg, which is frightening.

Above these mobile fortresses, mechanical spheres and true seers were flying around.

Looking down from a high altitude, countless mechanical corps are advancing like a torrent of steel, and their momentum is frightening.

Shen Qiu suddenly fell silent when he saw this video.

Everyone was silenced for a while. Finally, a man named Xingwan from the Free City of St. Peter broke the silence and left a message.

"Brother, I'm convinced! Where are you from? Where are this troops attacking?"

"I'm in the City of Stars, and this force is attacking us."

The man who was more handsome than Shendu replied directly.

A large number of replies popped up instantly.

"Brother, you win, have a good trip!"

"If we are still alive today next year, we will definitely give you a kiss in the direction of the City of Stars."

"Brother, let's go first! We'll be there soon."

Shen Qiu looked at the messages that kept flooding the screen, but couldn't laugh at all. The regiment attacking the City of Stars was so terrifying.

Yun Xiaoxi, Chen Ye and others looked at the video and were all speechless.

At this time Anji said to Shen Qiu in great fear.

"Shen Qiu, let's run away quickly. How can the City of Stars stop a mechanical corps of this size?"

"It's impossible to escape. As the lord of the City of Stars, there is no reason for me to take the lead in escaping."

"The problem is that we can't beat it."

"You have to fight if you can't win. When we mobilized before the war, I promised that I would fight to the end."

There was a firm look in Shen Qiu's eyes.

"You are such a big idiot, but forget it, since you said so, I can only stay with you."

Seeing that Shen Qiu had no intention of escaping, Anji stamped his feet and gritted his teeth and replied.


Shen Qiu looked at Anji and smiled.

City of Stars·Xijiao Defense Position.

As the mechanical blade metal bugs struggled to fall down, Lei Jing and others also breathed a sigh of relief.

But before they could relax.

In the dark night sky in the distance, signal bombs were launched one after another!

"The enemy is coming! Set off flares!"

Lei Jing reacted immediately, picked up the communicator and shouted.


Dazzling flares rose into the sky, and for a moment the dark night turned into bright day.


Lei Jing and others looked into the distance, their bodies suddenly stiffened in place, and their faces showed expressions of shock.

In the distant sky, there is no end in sight of the mechanical army, coming with the momentum to destroy everything, and the earth trembles under their feet.

At this moment, everyone was breathing hard, as if they were suffocating.

The bodies of many soldiers were shaking uncontrollably, with despair on their faces. They couldn't figure out what to do to defend themselves against these enemies.

At this moment, the mighty mechanical army suddenly stopped.

The command area behind the mechanical army.

Atomic Samurai MX55·Resentful God·Moratu, Atomic Samurai MX60·Eclipse·Tirlaken, as well as Atomic Samurai and other Atomic Samurai looked at the city of stars and the defensive front in the distance.

"Here we are!"

Atomic Samurai MX60·Eclipse·Tirlaken said hoarsely.

"Then destroy these inferior creatures and attack!"

Atomic Samurai MX55·Resentful God·Moratu raised his hand and gave the order without any hesitation.

It is worth noting that Atomic Samurai MX50·Crown of Silence·Tessa is not here. It went to the City of Sunken Star to continue to pursue the established target.

Therefore, this mechanical army is in charge of the Atomic Samurai MX55·The God of Resentment·Moratu.

Following Moratu's order, the mechanical legion that had stopped launched an all-out charge with unstoppable momentum. They did not attack the center point of the western defense line alone, but launched an attack on the entire western defense line.

In the Twin Cities Lord's Mansion, Chen Ye asked with a dry throat when he saw the mechanical army charging.

"Boss, can we bear it?"

"I don't know, just watch!"

Shen Qiu took a deep breath and stared at the battlefield.

City of Stars, Star Bridge Command Room.

Artificial Intelligence Cerny issued a black warning.

"Warning: Enemy charges!"

Hebika and others' hearts were in their throats at this moment, and some of their hands were trembling.


Speaker Oroko slapped his hand on the armrest, stood up, and shouted with a fierce look.

"Now that we're here, let's all stay and order all troops to enter a defensive state."

"The order has been conveyed!!"

Artificial Intelligence Cerny replied immediately.

"Destroy them!"

Oroko then waved his hand!

Western defense line.

Lei Jing and Nosa Vega received orders at the same time, and they issued orders to all their subordinates.

"Everyone enters a defensive state! Everyone is ready to fight. Even if they die, they will not be allowed to rush past our position."

However, Lei Jing and Nosa Vega had not yet finished issuing their tragic orders!


Incomparably dazzling suns exploded in the center of the mighty mechanical army. In an instant, all the black mechanical weapons were swallowed up, and the destructive impact swept across.

On the western defensive front, Lei Jing and others were stunned.

"Nuclear mines!"

In an instant, the troops at the center of the mechanical legion were directly killed.

And this is not over yet. After the nuclear mine exploded, dazzling streams of light flew towards both sides of the mechanical army!


Then one dazzling sun exploded after another!

At this time, Nosa Vega reacted immediately and shouted immediately.

"Everyone get down!"

On the defensive position, countless defensive troops immediately fell down, and the remaining shock waves swept away, blowing up countless dust.

When the explosion impact is completely over.

Lei Jing and others raised their heads and looked ahead, only to see that the entire wilderness was completely destroyed, with damaged mechanical remains everywhere.

The enemy's mechanical vanguard troops that launched a charge were all wiped out.

"Haha, the enemy's charging troops were all killed!"

"The city lord is mighty!"

One by one, the soldiers reacted and shouted excitedly.

In the Twin Cities Lord's Mansion, Chen Ye and others looked at the image transmitted back, and after a brief pause, they shouted excitedly.

"Haha, these idiots, Boss, have been cleared out!"

"You actually have so many nuclear mines! Now some of them have been fired."

Anji was also very surprised. This wave of nuclear mines directly killed all the charging mechanical legions.

Shen Qiu showed a smile.

"Sure enough, ginger is still spicier with age!"

Chairman Oroko's ambush was an understatement. It directly severely damaged the enemy's mechanical army, and the original crushing momentum was suddenly gone.

At this time, the mechanical army is behind.

Moratu and other atomic warriors stood there, watching the charging mechanical corps being destroyed, their scarlet electronic eyes flashing.

"I didn't expect these inferior creatures to have so many super weapons. It seems that the information is wrong."

Atomic Samurai MX60·Eclipse·Tirlaken said hoarsely.

At this time, Qi Kun replied respectfully.

"According to this body memory, regardless of whether it is the Red Alliance, the Blue Alliance, or the Gray Alliance, due to early wars and the development of foreign worlds, the nuclear mine ammunition depot has long been exhausted. And after coming to this world, the public information collected shows that, There are only two or three nuclear mines in the City of Stars, but I didn’t expect it to be false information.”

"It doesn't matter, we already expected it! The vanguard troops who were killed were originally exploring the path, allowing the elite troops to appear!"

Moratu raised his head, his scarlet electronic eyes flashed with red light, and issued the order in a deep voice.


A Yueli immediately executed the order.

Soon the dark mechanical corps advanced again. Although this mechanical corps was still composed of mechanical warriors, atomic warriors, dark beasts, mechanical hunters, mobile war fortresses, storm rushers and other weapons.

It seems to be the same as the vanguard force, but its army has a very high proportion of advanced weapons such as atomic warriors and dark beasts.

The entire mechanical corps charged forward with great momentum, and the whole earth was trembling.

The defending soldiers, who were originally in a state of excitement, saw the dark troops attacking again, their eyes widened with disbelief on their faces.

"Crazy, how many troops did these guys bring to attack us?"

Lei Jing said angrily.

"Not sure."

Nosa Vega looked at so many mechanical corps and felt a little numb.

"What do we do now?"

Lei Jing gritted his teeth and asked.

"Wait for the order! Continue to defend the position!"

Nosavi took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down as much as possible.

City of Stars, Star Bridge Command Room.

When General Hebika and others were immersed in the joy of their victory, artificial intelligence Cerny gave another warning.

"Warning, the enemy mechanical army is coming again."

For a moment, the expressions of Hebika and others reversed 180 degrees, as if they had eaten flies.

All eyes were focused on Oroko.

"What should I do, Lord Oroko?"

"What are you afraid of? This time I will make it impossible for them to come back. Cerny will launch a barrage!"


Cerny immediately gave the order.

Soon all the western defensive positions received the order, and all rocket vehicles, howitzers, fixed turrets and other weapons were poured against the enemy.

At the same time, countless missiles were launched from the City of Stars.

Dense missiles and artillery shells attacked the sweeping mechanical corps!

Atomic Samurai MX55·Resentful God·Moratu saw the incoming attack and immediately made a judgment.

"If there is a problem, intercept them all!"

For a time, many mechanical warriors and atomic warriors, including dark beasts and other weapons, launched interception attacks against the barrages coming from the sky.


Missiles exploded in mid-air, like brilliant fireworks.

But there were too many incoming barrages, and it was impossible to intercept them all.

At this time, Atomic Warrior MX55·Resentful God·Moratu's whole body burst out with black aura. It stood forward and waved towards the sky with an explosion of power.

A large number of missiles and artillery shells exploded one after another, glowing with black gas.

However, there were three missiles whose shells were made of black Luohuan stone, and they struck at high speed without being affected.


Atomic Samurai MX55·Resentful God·Moratu, Ayueli, and Tierlaken locked the three missiles with their scarlet electronic eyes, and at the same time stretched out their hands again to shoot three dazzling beams.


In an instant, three dazzling suns exploded and engulfed the three Moratus directly.

At this time, Atomic Warrior MX60·Eclipse·Tirlaken's scarlet electronic eyes suddenly lit up, the black sun pattern on his chest lit up, and the God's Domain was fully opened, and then he stretched out his hand and waved.

"Black hole!"

In an instant, a terrifying black hole expanded out of thin air, covering the exploded nuclear mine and swallowing it up.

Just when they thought they were solved, another barrage hit, including several nuclear mines.

These nuclear mines successfully fell into the mechanical army and exploded, and the destructive impact swallowed up a large number of mechanical weapons.

"Damn ants!"

Moratu said angrily, it didn't expect that they would be baptized by each other before the war started.

This is more difficult than they used to destroy other civilizations, it is simply a blow to the head.

In the Xingqiao command room.

Artificial Intelligence Cerny responded.

"Tip: The intercepted part of the second round of super weapon strikes only caused 41% trauma."

"What a pity!"

General Hebika sighed and said helplessly.

Speaker Oroko’s cloudy eyes flashed with a strange light.

"It's a pity. It's great to have this result."

At this time, Warhammer Group Awabik and others who had been watching quietly spoke.

"Yes, this result is already very good. They had the advantage before, but now it's not certain who has the advantage!"

Speaker Oroko said solemnly.

"The Lord Councilor is right."

Hebika replied respectfully.

"Give me the order to start a full-scale war! Destroy them!"

Oroko gave the order directly.

"The order has been given!"

Artificial Intelligence Cerny responded.

"My Lord, the enemy's mechanical corps are easy to deal with, but what about those MX series atomic warriors?"

General Hebika said with some worry.

Before Chairman Oroko could respond, Avabik from the Warhammer Group stood up from his chair with a mechanical cane and said in a deep voice.

"Don't worry about this. MX model Atomic Samurai. How about leaving the interception to us? It's time for us to appear."

"Leave it to you? Can you beat them?"

General Hebika asked with a slight frown.

"Those MX atomic warriors are certainly powerful, but they are not invincible. They can be beaten to death even if they are surrounded!"

Awabik and others said confidently.

At this time, Speaker Oroko said in a deep voice.

"Keep them all here!"


Awabik and others responded respectfully.

Inside the main palace of the Twin Cities.

Anji looked extremely regretful.

"Oh, I was just a little bit close, and I was able to kill a lot more, but I was actually intercepted!"

"Very good."

Shen Qiu took a deep breath and replied, somewhat passionately.

"Yes, to be able to bring the situation to this point is already incredible."

Angie thought for a while and replied.

Bekelen narrowed his eyes and asked.

"Anji, now that the two sides are fighting, what are our chances of winning?"


Angie hesitated and said.

"No, Angie, are you right? Why are you still so low?"

Chen Ye asked in disbelief.

"How could I be wrong? Let me tell you, your chance of winning in the beginning was less than one thousandth, so be content!"

Angie said with a pout.

"Fifty percent is enough. Be prepared. If the situation goes bad, we will go to support you!"

Shen Qiu said in a deep voice.

"Senior, are you still in this state?"

Tang Kexin asked with a smile.

Yun Xiaoxi also said very worriedly.

"Chen Qiu, please don't go up. If it doesn't work, we can go up."

"Yes, boss, Yun Xiaoxi is right. If it doesn't work, let's go."

Qi Dong echoed.

"Hey, let's talk about it later!"

Seeing that Yun Xiaoxi and others were very opposed to it, Shen Qiu sighed and replied.

In fact, Shen Qiu was not worried about losing a head-on battle in the City of Stars, but was worried about not being able to stop those MX Atomic Warriors. After all, Shen Qiu knew better than anyone how perverted they were.

Yun Xiaoxi and others also breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that Shen Qiu had given up for the time being.

City of Stars·Western Suburban Defense Zone.

The black mechanical legion came like a tidal wave from all directions, and they poured out firepower wildly at the defensive front.

Bang bang!

Dense beams of light, barrages, and missiles fell overwhelmingly.

All firepower on the defensive front is also on full fire.


Both sides were immediately covered by intense firepower, and countless fireworks exploded.

The mechanical warriors were blown to pieces and fell down. Soldiers were killed and weapons were destroyed everywhere on the defensive side.

Screams were heard everywhere, but no one flinched. Everyone stood firm and attacked the incoming mechanical corps crazily.

Unfortunately, even so, the black army of machines still managed to break into the defensive line.

Lei Jing, Nosa Vega and others roared.

"Follow me!"

They led a soldier in mechanical armor and charged forward without hesitation.

The troops from both sides began to mix and fight.

A soldier wearing mechanical armor rushed forward and slashed at the mechanical warrior with an alloy blade. The mechanical warrior carried the chop and stabbed the soldier's abdomen directly with his sword.

With blood splattering, the soldier directly activated the portable mine blaster on his waist and grabbed the mechanical warrior's arm tightly.


The mechanical warrior was directly engulfed by the explosion.

But after the explosion, it was seen that the mechanical warrior did not die, but his whole body was charred. After all, the most rubbish mechanical warriors are all LV3 beings, so the materials on their bodies are naturally not good.

But at this moment, a Greedy Wolf mecha rushed over quickly, sweeping across with its sharp mechanical blade!


The mechanical warrior had no time to react and was killed directly from the waist.

At this time, an atomic warrior with red light shining all over his body rushed over quickly.

"Trash, go to hell!"

The Greedy Wolf Mecha pilot noticed it immediately, lowered the gun barrel on his shoulder decisively, and blasted past!


The Atomic Warrior was hit instantly, and a huge explosion covered it.

As a result, the next second, the Atomic Warrior rushed out of the explosion, and the mechanical blade in its hand burned with blazing flames. It jumped straight up and slashed at the Greedy Wolf Mecha with one sword!


The sturdy body of the Greedy Wolf mecha was split open.


The entire mecha exploded.

At this time, Lei Jing's whole body was flashing with violent thunder and lightning, and he violently smashed a group of mechanical warriors with one punch, but then more and more mechanical warriors rushed up.

Lei Jing also fought harder and harder, turning his head to look at the battlefield around him.

As a result, he found that after his own troops collided with the enemy, not only were they defeated, they were completely crushed and killed, and even the defensive line was breached.

These mechanical corps were like sharp steel knives, thrusting straight into the belly of their defense line.

Although Shen Qiu and the others ran into ordinary mechanical warriors and atomic warriors, they just killed them like chopping vegetables, but in fact each of these weapons was super powerful, with the lowest level being LV3.

Even if ordinary soldiers put on mechanical armor, they are no match for them.


While Lei Jing was cursing.

Suddenly, a figure struck at extremely fast speed. Lei Jing's face changed slightly, and he raised his hands flashing with violent lightning to block.


Lei Jing slid back dozens of meters before steadying his body.

He raised his head and looked over in shock and anger.

He saw a mechanical warrior with the MX157 logo branded on his chest, a mechanical sword in his hand, and dense red lines on his body appearing in front of him.


Atomic Samurai MX157 Tugak's scarlet eyes lit up and he made a low synthesized sound.

“It’s not certain who will die!”

Thunder and lightning burst out from Lei Jing's whole body, and he charged furiously at the Atomic Warrior in front of him.

In the Xingqiao command room.

Artificial intelligence Cerny presents the western suburbs defense front.

Judging from the thumbnail of the defensive position, it can be clearly seen that after the two forces came into contact and fought, the defensive forces were quickly torn apart by the enemy.

General Hebika reported to the Oroko Council Speaker.

"President of the Parliament, the situation is not good. Our defensive troops cannot hold it. Several places have been torn apart. The opponent is already breaking in."

Oroko said with a gloomy face.

"It's almost consumed. Send me an order to lift the isolation of all awakened ones and let them join the battle!"

"Master of Parliament, do you really want to do this? This may lead to widespread disqualification."

General Hebika couldn't help but remind him. (End of chapter)

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