Glossary | Characters and Factions
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Recent Update: 2024/April/27/19:07 (AEST)
Cer Fang of The Head |
Magus The Magician |
Marionette Act X |
Ber Claw of The Head |
Frost The Head |
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E. Inflow Direct |
Jury Time Reverberation |
Knalzark Caldera Industries |
Ignis The Symbiote |
Anna Civilization |
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Director Purpose |
Galia Justica Arms |
Raoul Solemn Paw |
Umbra Chained Theocracy |
Enoch ImpulseWorks |
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Lucifinia Oboros Infinitas |
Nav Sentient Machine |
Star Child Desire |
Moses Iron Star |
Carpalis Golden Index |
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Arbiter Judgement |
Res Eye of The Head |
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The size of Elysia allows for the formation of numerous spheres of influence to take hold. Unfortunately, no matter how large the world is there is never enough room for them all. The power dynamics of Elysia vary greatly, but the general consensus is that those from the Nexus are considered at the top of the food chain (Ateliers), who are overseen by the Head (The Amalgam).
There are three major conflicts in Elysia.
Atelier vs Impuritas.
Associations vs Syndicates.
Kingdoms vs Kingdoms.
These, however, are all interchangeable depending on the political climate, but this is the general rule of thumb.
The head refers to any and all groups/organisations/personnel working under the direct command of the Amalgam as they are seen as an extension of her body.
This also includes the Amalgam herself. Personnel representing the Head carry the absolute authority of the Amalgam. A place beside the Amalgam is considered the most Exalted achievement in all of Elysia, for they carry the will of the Amalgam and have proven to be individuals capable of untold feats.
But before that, they are people that the Amalgam trusts with her life.
Precisely what the name suggests. These entities are beings that carry a fragment of Frost and are therefore a part of her in some, twisted way. It is unknown how many Alter Frosts there are. The Alter Frosts carry the Amalgam's extended authority but may only be used when given explicit permission. Because many cannot speak or tend to be violent, they lack the leadership skills to properly substitute the Head.
They are incredibly helpful regardless of this.
The Little Frost is a Frost born from the manifested One Thousand Eyed Bird. She takes the form of a mute child with an exciting personality and communicates via emojis that appear over her head. Despite being mute, she has been recorded to have spoken according to Nav.
She is as mysterious as the other Alter Frosts and enjoys her time around others tremendously. She has a sweet tooth and adores her friend Snap with all her heart. She unfortunately has the lowest stats amongst the Alter Frosts.
A taller, maturer, and most importantly larger-breasted version of Frost that is fit in miltary garbs from the Old Elysia. The Hired Arm is a direct reference to Sinder's legacy as a member of the Bodies. As a result, she is tremendously skills with firearms and a whole range of weapons.
The Hired Arm is technically the most powerful Alter Frost due to her ability to use any of Frost's skills at the cost of coins rather than mana, and has a percentage of Frost's total stats. This means the Hired Arm grows stronger as Frost does. Under the true manifestation of the Greed Counter, the Hired Arm becomes a force to be reckoned with.
Unfortunately, she does not communicate much and has a stoic personality. Like the Little Frost, she is mute and usually salutes, nods or shakes her head. She can also communicate by throwing emojis over her head. She has been seen acting kind around Jury and Frost's companions. She strangely enjoys sticking around Anna and will often be seen with her. Another one of her abilities is to instantly change her outfit.
Previously a Corrupted and now a sapient Corrupted, Mimicry is an odd-case Corrupted that would have been eliminated were it not for the fact that it is an Alter Frost. Mimicry uncannily resembles Frost's face but does not possess the correct coloured hair or eyes. In fact, Mimicry is incapable of mimicking Frost's iconic golden eyes.
Mimicry's one true drive is to become like Frost at any cost, and to join her in the heights of the Nexus. However, due to its murderous past and absent moral compass, Mimicry must prove itself to be trustworthy before it is allowed anywhere near the Nexus. Despite this, Mimicry has some semblance of Frost's authority, as she intends to have a well-trained Mimicry substitute her in her absence.
Mimicry has a lot of work to do before it can achieve this.
Healers are humans with the abnormally rare Affinity for healing magic. Due to this Affinity they are able to healing wounds, cure diseases and prevent death. They cannot however bring back someone from the dead. Healers come in several flavours and they are universally known for their pale hair, blue eyes and endearing selflessness.
This however is to a fault and often leads them to tragic circumstances. This is why they are now governed directly under the Head.
A slight to a healer is now a slight to the Amalgam. To harm a healer is to invoke the wrath of the Amalgam. To declare war on the healers is to bring down the full might of the Nexus by the Amalgam.
Standard, regular healers who are entirely incapable of even conceiving of harming a fly. They are diligent humans with the extremely rare Affinity for healing magic. Unfortunately, due to their docile, innocent nature they are preyed upon by many and fetch a high price in black markets.
Healers that go against everything a healer stands for. They are vocal, loud, violent and will kill anything that crosses their path. They are employed directly by the Amalgam and are healers that have either lost their ability to heal, or have developed a taste for violence.
Visually, they have black strands amongst their pale hair. The more black strands there are, the more violent the healer tends to be.
The Black Wings are the Head's personal units that are rated to eliminate anything that isn't a Color or a Moon/Star. If a healer is needed in a particularly dangerous environment, then a team of Black Wings are bound to be deployed. They are also used to personally recover healers.
They wield cutting edge technology in the form black uniforms made from Act X's most finest cloth, and a firearm called the Talons which are capable of firing both healing bullets and Justica Arms' Crystal Bullets.
For some trivia, the name Black Wings is a reference to the Amalgam's second identity as the Black Dove, who is infamous for being a black-haired healer capable of violence. Just a reminder that nearly all healers have pale hair aside from the next one on the list.
A rare healer that is conceived of when a person gains their healing Affinity whilst they are injured, resulting in them to perpetually carry their wound for the rest of their life. It becomes an iconic part of them, and their names usually stem from that injury. Whether it be a hole in the heart, an arrow to the brain, or a shattered femur - they will never be able to heal it.
It is unknown what effect this has on the healer. Scarlet healers are therefore usually blood soaked. Their apparels normally start blue but becomes dyed red after years of exposure. Sometimes all it takes is a few days for the color to permanently change.
That being said, Scarlet Healers are the most proficient healers around and are only sent with the Condemned or to places where it is unlikely for them to survive, aside from the healers as they have an exceptionally high regeneration rate and are nigh immortal.
The problem? Scarlet Healers can overheal people and cause them to form extra mass that can eventually suffocate, crush or cause a person to violently explode. This is why they are heavily restricted and only used in high-risk situations.
They are abnormally eager to heal to the point where it can be compared to a sexual desire.
Healers that twist the meaning of healing. They are healers that offer those in need salvation in the form of a slow, agonizing death. They are the bearers of the elusive Serum S - Salvation; a liquid harvested from the Adam's Apple of an Angel. Once injected, a victim will bleed coagulated blood from every conceivable orifice as every blood vessel bursts like an overfilled balloon.
Wandering healers have long lost their ability to heal and are left to their murderous devices. Unfortunately, due to their wandering nature they are not within the Amalgam's jurisdiction. Despite this, they are still healers and they must be protected at all costs.
Currently, the Impuritas seem to be searching for them.
Res, the Eye of the Amalgam. She is literally an extension of the Amalgam's eye. Information is funnelled from her straight to the Head. Where the Amalgam cannot see then her Eye most certainly will.
The Eye of the Head specializes in long range electric beam attacks fired straight from her eyes. A pair of Atelier Items in the form of optical lenses are worn by Res at all times, allowing her to amplify her electric output significantly. She is the most levelheaded of the triplets and take rational steps rather than allowing instinct to drive her.
Cer, the Fang of the Amalgam. A wolf-woman with a bark and a bite to match. Her jaw hides an Atelier Item that amplifies her electrical powers, resulting in widespread devastation in the direction she happens to clamp her jaws in. Like the Eye, she is amongst the strongest and most trusted Moons having lived for 30 years in a profession where people normally die within their first two years.
She is erratic, eccentric and the wildcard. She carries the voice and the maw of the Amalgam wherever she walks, and she makes it known that no one comes anywhere close to her indomitable heights. Legend has it that a deaf man was able to hear her mouthing them off with vile slurs and taunts.
Ber, the Claw of the Amalgam. The most feared and powerful of the triplets. The Claw represents both the helping hand of the Amalgam and the hand that reaps. Having returned from being a Corrupted, Ber possesses the unique ability to manifest her Corrupted Persona - the Black Swan - to call upon unprecedented strength.
Under a complete manifestation Ber becomes nigh unstoppable, never mind when she becomes unstable. An area of 10km squared was once an electric wasteland where entire buildings were lifted from their foundations. Ber is the Amalgam's nuclear option outside of her personal visit. To be met with the Claw of the Amalgam is only one of two things: A curse, or a blessing. There can be no in between.
More often than not, the Claw is synonymous with total devastation and is deployed for the highest of threats that no Moon can feasibly face alone.
Moons and Stars of the Nexus carry the will of the Amalgam. Any attempts to impeed their mission will be seen as an act against the Amalgam. Moons mostly fall under Time Reverberation's jurisdiction, but they are still a part of the Head nonetheless.
Stars on the other hand are the Messengers of the Nexus, and they interpret Frost's will via the vibrations of the Nexus itself and act upon it accordingly.
The Atelier of the Head. All personnel of Time Reverberation are considered a part of the Head and therefore possess the highest authority. Time Reverberation consists of only Moons and aspiring Moons. As a result, they are by far the strongest Atelier with the capabilities of auditing other Ateliers via time magic.
Beholder Jury is the leading figure of Time Reverberation.
Friends and companions of the Amalgam. These people are only known to a select few. While they do not carry nearly as much authority as other figures within the Head, they are highly respected and protected by the Amalgam and all relevant personnel.
The Ateliers are organizations led directly by its founding Beholder. The affiliated Atelier therefor revolves solely around the principles, philosophies and the technology of the Beholder. Ateliers function independently from the Nexus. They can be seen as an extension of the Beholder themselves.
The official Atelier of the Head, and the one that governs all others. Time Reverberation is the newcomer on the seat of titans and unfortunately have not yet properly established themselves. However, their intentions have been known and they will assume the auditing role regulate the Ateliers less they want more grievances against the Amalgam to pile on.
"We must be better."
A suspected fragment of a greater whole. The Heart of Time is a mysterious technology that was conceived of within the Eternal Library to conclude Jury's transition from an Aspiring Beholder into a Junior Beholder. Now Jury is a full fledged Beholder. The Heart of Time presented itself as a part of Jury's body rather than a technology on its own, making the first of its kind.
The Heart of Time allows for the manipulation of time; a power that Elysia once wielded in the far past. It is unknown if Elysia to this day still holds this power. The Heart of Time has paved way for the iconic Retrocausality - Smite; a powerful skill that summons a weapon from the future (past) to fire into the past (future).
To regulate, audit, and provide therapy to all Ateliers, their personnel and the public where applicable. The primary objective of Time Reverberation is to ensure that all Ateliers follow the Amalgam's strict guidelines. They are the inquisitory group that then relay information to Justica Arms for the verdict, and then to Oboros Infinitas for an appropriate punishment.
Nothing will go unearthed. Everything will be revealed. Time will only tell.
Planned to be used as a counter measure against the Corrupted using the Isolation Spheres. Proposed to use time magic to unravel the past and the trauma of personnel. Time Reverberation is first an investigative Atelier before it a combative. These are the general plans for Time Reverberation before the Atelier officially springs to life.
Aspiring Moons
Nil. Auditor of all Ateliers. Does not explicitly rely on other tech, but is in a partnership with Justica Arms, Oboros Infinitas and the Golden Index.
The judiciary body of the Nexus. They are the ones who determine the innocent and the guilty. When lies become difficult to extract, they tear it straight from exposed ribs. Justica Arms is run by an Otherworlder (Earth) human named Galia and is one of the most hated and revered Ateliers of the Nexus.
"Justice Must Never Stray Behind Judgement."
The second technology fused with the Nexus (Dimensional Lock being the first), allowing for the Blessed to utilize the Hyperlink Relay Sites and Repositories built by Justica Arms. The Warped Stone serves as the core of Justica Arms, allowing them to create their crystal bullets and firearms that exploit the Warped Stone's teleportation powers.
Judgement and deliverance. Galia's philosophies stem from both her life on Earth and in Elysia prior to becoming a Beholder. Like Frost, she has seen her own fill of despair and wishes to make amends no matter the cost. Aside from this Galia's intentions are largely unknown, but the Arbiter seems to be aware of it.
Regardless, Justica Arms seeks to maintain peace wherever their Branches are located.
They now serve as the judiciary body of the Nexus, and offer their aid near and far via the Peace Flock which are deployed from one of 12 (Currently 11) Branches. Each Branch specializes in a field (such as the 2nd Branch being combat focused, and the 6th being administrative).
Justica Arms specializes in teleportation technology and is responsible for creating and maintaining all relevant teleportation technologies. 12 Branches exist across Elysia, each manned by an Apostle of a certain color code, with the 1st wearing black, the 2nd grey, the 6th purple, and former 12th (Iscario) white.
They also manufacture weapons known as the Justica Arm. They appear as Victorian Era long-rifles and are embodied and decorated like ceremonial weapons. They do not have a barrel.
Crystals are also harvested from within the Nexus. Other forms of crystals, especially those used for bullets are mined by Caldera Industries.
Sacral Personnel
Peace Flock Manager
Peace Flock Captain
Peace Flock Personnel
Public Defender
Mostly negative with most Ateliers, save for the Golden Index, Oboros Infinitas and Time Reverberation. Iscario, the betraying Star, was the Apostle of her 12th Branch which puts Galia under massive scrutiny. Additionally, Caldera Industries (Beholder Knalzark) has the most grievances against Justica Arms due to their past.
Act X previously held the title of the newest Atelier but has recently been dethroned by Time Reverberation. They are an enigmatic Atelier that worship the Scripts rather than strictly Beholder Marionette herself. As a result, Act X can seem fractured but rest assured, every action however insignificant it may be is all accounted for in their grand theatrical.
They revolve around Scripts, the strings, and the Fate Mechanism. They appear like a religious sect and bestow their entire faith onto the orders granted upon them via the Scripts. The Scripts guide those that are intertwined with the strings and gears of the Fate Mechanism with orders that can be accomplished in any way so long as it is done. Failure to do so will cause the individual to perish, whether it is due to their strings being severed, or, killed by the Act X for failure to comply.
Act X's philosophy revolves around the concept of purpose, and they give to the depraved and those that have lost meaning in their lives. An order is delivered by a Herald to these individuals as frequently as per day, once a month, to even once a year. The purpose of this is unknown, but they believe in it with absolution, whether it be a simple command of high fiving the first dog they see on the street, to marrying a wife and murdering them exactly 3 days later, with the stated preference of the wife being pregnant at the time, to even going as far as to take their own life.
The Script is absolute.
They specialize in creating articles made from the strings as well as certain string-like weapons, and even musical items.
"I can alleviate the burden of purpose for the living."
It is unknown what Beholder Marionette's technology is, but it is what allows her to create the Quality X (10) strings which are near indestructible. Other strings can be created following a similar process.
To enact the fated Tenth Act, hence the name of their Atelier - Act X. Everything they do is to progress towards the fated act which the Fate Mechanism desires. Whose desire this actually is remains unknown, but this is the primary goal of Act X, before they are an Atelier that removes the burden of purpose and choice from the living.
Act X create the Scripts and play a large courier role between the Ateliers. Their messages are able to predict the future which is usually payed via Nex or by perform specific actions. They are known to be an Atelier that go out of their way to protect the citizens of the City of Strings, but only if they follow the Scripts. Act X also manufacture many of the apparel found on Atelier personnel, but lately they have moved to simply producing strings and now leave the manufacturing to the Weavers; who likely originate from a Fallen Atelier.
Living Loom
Snippy Snippy
Has extremely strong ties with every Atelier due to their ability to make precise predictions. They are highly acquainted with Inflow Direct, as they rely on their predictions to prepare for Tribulations/Accidents/Emergencies in their Corrupted-infested Sites.
The betrayers of the Nexus with ties to the Impuritas and potentially Iscario. They cannot be trusted.
The old official military of the Nexus and a hired arms for the Ateliers.
They were always the first to receive a threat, and the last to leave. Their work used to consist of only conflict and bloodshed. Not many were expected to live within the Scarlet Logic. Their work and sacrifice allowed for the Nexus to gauge the official difficulty classification of certain threats before a proper group can be dispatched to deal with it.
Nowadays that is no longer required due to the Blessing of the Amalgam, which allows Aspiring Moons to accurately identify a Corrupted at a single glance.
A powerful technology that allows those anchored to it via their souls to be reborn in a pool of blood (called the Nascent Pool). This is called a Replication Cycle, and after rebirth the person is pitted against another one of themselves to prove that they have grown stronger than their last iteration. As a result, Scarlet Logic's cruel and combat-focused ways are ingrained into the minds of their personnel, and true termination is fate worst than death where the person is thrown into a pit far beneath the world and left to endlessly rot and suffer every past death.
For this reason personnel that have accumulated many deaths are loyal only to Scarlet Logic, for they are governed by fear. Every replication also causes mutations to occur in the person, often resulting in permanent disfigurement. Personnel have also described being unable to tell who they really are as there may be multiple of themselves alive at once.
So long as the 'Anchor' is untouched, then Scarlet Logic Personnel can never die - Unless their souls are directly reaped, or via the maw of the Amalgam.
Unknown, but have sought to eliminate Beholder Carpalis. They likely seek to destabilize the Nexus as well.
There are a number of Scarlet Logic Nests/Hives found across Elysia, each governed by a Monarch that carries Marduk's will. Tens of thousands of Scarlet Logic Personnel reside within whether they like it or not. Living conditions are considered inhumane and fitting only for wartime Insectids. Regardless, they have been known to keep children within as well, adding them to their collection of disposable personnel or worse.
It is now believed that Scarlet Logic feeds the Impuritas immense amount of biomass thanks to their Replication technology, as seen with the Crimson Hunger's Heart of the City.
Their Nests/Hives have numerable spires and one central, colossal spire called the Central Apiary. Their Nascent Pools are usually located deep underneath the Central Apiary within the heart of the nest.
The affiliated Moons and Stars are known respectively as; Blood Moons and Red Giants.
They are divided into 5 distinct teams, and each team is coupled with a Captain and a Manager.
Midnight (Highest, consists solely of Blood Moons and Red Giants.)
They have a series of people called the Collectors who collect slaves, survivors and others including those 'inoculated' by the Wandering Healers. They are then brought to the Nex Megalopolis to become integrated into an Atelier.
Midnight Team
Dusk Team
Noon Team
Dawn Team
Nil. All bridges are burned.
They are only known by the greater part of the world as the 'potion makers'. All healers of the world operate under the wing and protection. Infusion S is its most well known and currently only known Infusion, granting the ability to increase one's speed to inhuman levels at the cost of their most prized organ.
All potions are managed and created by Inflow Direct through unknown means. In addition to potions, which are available to the public, they create the Elixirs, Serums and Infusions.
All Wandering Healers operate under Inflow Direct and possess the power of the Serums; essentially liquid-magic.
Only 12 Wandering Healers exist.
"I am perpetual."
It is what allows for the creation of the mana and HP potions, the Elixir and the Serums. The Infusions however are created by another Atelier's technology, taken from the now liquidated Midas Company. The basis of E.'s technology is the conversion of magic into a liquid, easy to use form. Even the plague-infested serfs would be a force to be reckoned with should they posses the Serums, let alone the Infusions.
It is not exactly known what Inflow Direct aspires, aside from relative peace and the protection of its people and the healers. Beholder E. has shown interest in the augmentation of the body but for reasons yet to be mentioned. All in all, their motives align with the Amalgam's and are therefore held in a brighter light compared to the other Ateliers.
Inflow Direct is not known for much else beside their mass manufacturing of their liquid miracles and the protection of their healers; the latter of which they have failed. Their territory is characterized by industrial distillation towers, beautiful urban sprawl and structures that resemble the shape of a giant bird's nest. Inflow Direct may also use drafted citizens as batteries for Infusions in the event of an invasion, causing many to permanently lose their most prized organ.
Proselyte Technician
Fairly good standing with many of the Ateliers. They are the largest importer of Liquid Nex from ImpulseWorks as it serves as a base for many of their Potions, Elixirs, Serums and Infusions.
The Amalgam also largely approves of their philosophies as it mirrors her own in some ways.
The Atelier whose product was responsible for Frost's initial downfall. They are an Atelier that produces and develops Atelier Items/Products capable of significantly altering the mind, whether it be to block out any stimuli that can induce trauma, or to spy on ever emotion and every thought of their personnel. CogitO is fuelled by the drive to understand the mind.
Their methods however is akin to squeezing blood from a stone.
While their headquarters and presences is the lowest of all Ateliers, their products more than makes up for it. Their personnel are designed to stay out of the public eye and conduct under the table deals. Their most notable personnel are the Repenters (shared by Oboros Infinitas), and the ominous Blue Moons.
"I am Descartes 3, the current Reality Principle."
All that is known about their technology is that it can interact with the mind in numerous, egregious ways. It is also possible for their technology to create materials from mere thoughts; a machine appropriately named the Reality Manifester. Personnel can be made completely invisible by their technology, and are able to communicate over several kilometres away via artificial telepathy.
This is only scratching the surface of what their technology is capable of.
Other instances of their technologies are the Cognition Scramblers, Cognition Transmitters and the Cognition Receivers.
CogitO strives to understand every aspect of the mind, to the point where their egotistical obsession had caused Beholder Descartes to fracture into 5 distinct personalities, each with their own interpretation of the mind. In short, each personality (the Big Five) follow a major school of psychology and manage different aspects of their Atelier.
Their motives are sincere and less convoluted than most, but the path to hell is paved by good intentions.
What CogitO does is ill understood but their work is highly important. Their technology allows for certain individuals to hide their presence from others (the Cognition Filter) or creating [CENSORED] bars to eliminate potential cogniton/memetic hazards, all for the sake of preventing panic and/or mental breakdowns in people.
One of their major achievements is the creation of the Collection; a network of minds that preserves the experiences and knowledge of those connected to it. It is the equivalent of a mass storage device, where the brains are the hard drives. Somehow, the Nexus is able to tap into Collection through means still not yet understood.
Another major operation of their revolves around the use of Repenters; people who were Condemned to death but were given a chance of repentance - but at a price so high that none have ever come close to tasting the sweet nectar of freedom. Their lives are no longer theirs. Everything they experience and think is known to CogitO. Their thoughts are theirs no more, and this has been enough to drive many to madness.
It is also a means to detecting how close one is to a Corruption Event, which results in a prompt termination either by their own personnel, or through the Eclipses - ImpulseWorks' assassin Moons.
Blue Moon
Required by nearly all Ateliers. Descartes has shown much displeasure with Frost due to her accusing them of atrocities. Nevertheless, they are an Atelier important in the communications department and are a major driving force in the restoration of the Nex Megalopolis.
ImpulseWorks operates in utter secrecy due to the nature of their work which has them meddling with the Corrupted in facilities known as Sites. Exactly 26 Sites are located around Elysia, with more than 8 having been destroyed by a Zeroed Horizon Event. ImpulseWorks is one of, if not the most important Atelier solely due to the sheer amount of Nex they are able to supply.
Dare one imagine a world where ImpulseWorks didn't exist.
ImpulseWorks Sites are one of several secrets that will never reach the light of day. The true nature of their work is known only to a select few. Not even the Moons are aware of what takes place deep underneath the recesses of the world.
ImpulseWorks is the head cause of numerous incident, including the rise of the seemingly harmless M-A-081-05: the Little Red Heart, which gained the name of Big Red Heart after a certain incident that involved a human Leitmotif answering the call of the beating heart, resulting in the destruction of H6.
"Temper Aspirations."
It is entirely unknown, with the only clues being that it can interact with the desires and aspirations of the heart, allowing Retrofitters to create blueprints and Artificers to build unique, personalized items for the individual. This is otherwise impossible. This can be done for people or the Corrupted.
To understand and harvest the Corrupted, but deep down the true purpose of ImpulseWorks is to temper the aspirations of their workers. This leads to a phenomenon referred to as a 'Corruption but without the Corruption'.
Each Site is firstly categorised by the nature of the Site, then by a letter of the English alphabet, and finally by a number pertaining to the Risk Level.
For example: F-H5 is Facility H-Level 5.
Sites are categorized as:
O=Obliteration (Zeroed Horizon)
B=Battle (Training Sites, particularly for Eclipses)
A=Accumulation (Corrupted storage before they receive their classification)
F=Facility (Where unclassified Corrupted are sent to gain a classification and to determine whether they are worth keeping)
G=General (Contains everything. Most difficult Sites to manage. Must not reach a certain Risk Level or it will be marked for termination)
K=Killzone (Where Corrupted are terminated. Sites classed as K are marked for imminent termination at the hands of all relevant forces, including other Ateliers)
M=Manufactory (Where Atelier Items are made and where Impulse Artificers reside)
For numbers, 7 will always be considered the lowest level, and 1 will be the highest. Reaching 0 will cause the Site to innate an automatic self-destruct sequence. No one will survive.
When dealing with the Corrupted, their risk ranges from:
O=Highest, B, A, F, G, K to M=Lowest.
The ARU operates in the same way and operate only when recovering the suppressed body of a Corrupted, or their carcass. They are the cleanup crew in the aftermath and are known to administer amnesics to the local population or witnesses. This is a contributing factor to why people believe the Corrupted are extremely rare creatures.
Hierarchy operates from Personnel Level 1 (Highest), which are Overseers and Navigators, to level 7 (Lowest), which are Impulse Defenders and certain Employees. Level 0 Personnel are of the most secretive and highest order.
T-4 Artificer
Site Overseer/Overseer
Impulse Artificer
Anomaly Recovery Unit (ARU) - Types O, B, A, F, G, K and M
Impulse Defender
When one mentions the interrelationships of the Ateliers, one will immediately look to ImpulseWorks. They supply every Atelier with custom-fit and ordered Atelier Items created from stored Corrupted, as well as generate Nex to repay their debts.
Scarlet Logic: Exchanges promising talent for Code Red Protocol aid on demand.
Golden Index: Carpalis is a close friend of Kissira, an Impulse Artificer.
Act X: Heavily reliant for their daily predictions to circumvent disastrous breakouts and to prepare for upcoming event. In exchange, they must complete daily tasks/commands given by Act X.
Inflow Direct: Relies on healers for... healing, and a stockpile of unique Elixirs made for ImpulseWorks specifically.
Caldera Industries: Relies on a machine that acts as the Site/Facility's heart. Allows for elevator operations and other useful mechanisms, such as automated doors.
Cogito: Relies heavily on their technology for remote communication and Cognition Filters to preserve the sanity of the Overseer and Navigator, as well as certain Workers.
Justica Arms: Relies on Hyperlinks for fast-acting reinforcements and transfers. Currently unavailable.
Chained Theocracy: Relies on their technology (the chains) to maintain the integrity of the Site and Caldera Industries' supplied Core, and allows for expansion when necessary.
One of the more older Ateliers. They were around during the inception of the legendary War in Heaven, and they are the reason why the Nexus floats several kilometers above Atlas. It is an Atelier consisting of mostly Dwarves. You will never find a Dwarf that hasn't at least heard of Caldera Industries, for they largely govern their homeland - the Region of Dwarhelven.
Caldera Industries is the largest manufacturing Atelier. Rather than specializing in weapons or tools like most, they are the ones who create greater than life structures, some so large that it breaks the laws of physics.
"Endorse Attachment."
A technology that grossly perverts the laws of physics. The Gravity Engine enables the complete dominion over gravity itself, allowing for megastructures to be built in a fraction of the time compared to Earth, for there is no longer a need for the laborious task of proper engineering.
Foundations? What are those? Maximum load? The Gravity Engine says that you're overthinking it.
A side effect of the Gravity Engine - or rather its products/Aspects - is the Spatial Distortions, which causes reality to bend with those unlucky enough to be caught in its storm being sent straight into the dreaded Derma Layer.
Their motives are quite simple: to remove all buried impurities from Elysia's lands (Genesis Stones, byproducts of technology such as radioactive material/anti-healing materials, etc); locate the Advent of Attachment and finally; to find and destroy Infecta Rot - an Impuritas Group which Knalzark hold a personal vendetta against.
They specialize in construction of machinery, landscaping or machinery such as their Express Network trains. Their technology allows for the complete manipulation of gravity, and is the reason why the Nexus is able to float. Their technology also possesses an unwanted phenomenon known as a Spatial Distortion, which is capable of altering space within its jurisdiction.
And in very rare cases, entire trains and those in its surroundings can disappear.
Two of their known greatest achievements is the creation of the Site Cores, as well as the Root-Pillar Complex, a several hundred to thousands of meters complex made of colossal pillars that hold up the entirety of the Nex Megalopolis, particularly the J, Q and K Sectors of each city.
Regional Manager
Operation Conductor
Foot Soldier
Gets along well with most Ateliers, but utterly despises Justica Arms. Their history goes back over a century. As legend has it, Galia once brought Caldera Industries to its knees. The legitimacy of these claims is undetermined, however, judging by Knalzark's disdain - it may be true after all.
A surprisingly friendly Atelier in a dog-eat-dog world. The Golden Index serves to preserve as many innocent lives as possible and sends magical tickets across Elysia to invite the most unfortunate to enter their warm walls. This however comes at the price of selling a piece of their souls to the Atelier.
Their headquarters is located in what is largely considered as the first city - the City of Diamonds where the rich thrive and where gold flourishes. Due to their philosophies and work ethic they are seen as allies by the Amalgam.
"Someone's heaven must never be the source of another's torment."
The Faustian Bargain itself is a technology found psychically attached to Carpalis' waist in the form of a giant, metallic, golden hand. It allows for the mysterious creation of the Golden Tickets which allows access into the City of Diamonds, but at the price of having a piece or one's entire soul taken by her.
Trivia: The Faustian Bargain is a direct reference to the story of Dr. Faust, and is translated to the deal with the devil. It is also the exact story that allowed her to receive this technology in the Eternal Library.
Their motives are clear cut and without malevolence. The Golden Index serves as a public institution that facilitates dealings between multiple high-levelled parties as well as the general public. They created the Guilds to allow Adventurers to thrive and reward those that lend their powers to help those in need.
All Adventurers associated with the Guild operate under specific rules and conducts that dissuades them from stepping out of line. Those that do are either branded as wanted criminals, fined heavily, or usually become part of a Syndicate.
All in all, the Golden Index seeks to help far more than it asks.
The Golden Index operates in a mafia-esque manner, having Beholder Carpalis as the head boss with under bosses operating her subsidiaries. Her right-hand man is Magus, the Magician and equally known as the Archetype of Hope. Therefore, Beholder Carpalis can be seen as the Beholder of Hope, or someone who in some way upholds it.
The Golden Index consists of 5 other subsidiaries working underneath it.
The Golden Thumb: Responsible for managing the guilds, currency, the entire market and trade within the entirety of the Nex Megalopolis.
The Golden Index: Responsible for compiling all transactions, individuals, deals and the like with perfect intricacy. If one has traded at least one coin in their life, then they are in that index somewhere.
The Golden Middle: Essentially the bodyguards/soldiers/paramilitary of the Golden Index.
The Golden Ring: They are manage all deals between major bodies, companies and territories, making them entirely binding and punishable.
The Golden Pinky: Facilitates interpersonal deals. Unlike the Golden Ring's deals, these ones can be seen as promises, and when broken, the said person disappears without a trace.
Archetype of Hope/Consigliere
City Defenders
Incredibly close with multiple Ateliers, and only hated by Scarlet Logic due to Beholder Carpalis' ability to untether their personnel at will. They are also highly advocated by the Amalgam and are seen as friends with the Amalgam. Therefore, wronging the Golden Index would be to also wrong the Amalgam.
An ancient Atelier with origins as far back as the inception of the first Stars. The Chained Theocracy is characterized by their depressive nihilism where they seek to accept the world for what it is rather than to fight against the natural order of things. This extends to themselves and is largely reflected by the Demonic culture in the Zelmori continent.
"The chains that bind us are also the ones that protect us."
One of the very first technologies to have ever been created and now it resides within the heart of the Middle Sanctums of the Nexus. The Dimensional Lock allows those the Nexus blesses to store and retrieve items from within the dreaded Subcut Layer. The tech interacts with the layer by creating openings as well as locks to the Subcut.
The most common product produced by the Dimensional Lock are their chains which are known to be nigh indestructible.
Their motives are unknown, let alone the reason they actually exist in the first place. What is known however is that they seek to spread the philosophy of total nihilism but not in the malevolent way, but rather of acceptance. They believe that through this the burden and pain of life can be alleviated as there is nothing one can do to stop it inevitable chain of events.
They are involved in a number of secretive endeavours that may never see the light of day. This includes the war waged between the Demons and the Humans where captured humans serve as sustenance for the Demons; and their involvement in the creation and containment of the Site Cores. Their knowledge is vast, but reaching them is hard even for the Amalgam due how distant their head quarters is, nevermind how dug in their personnel are.
Their members are very rarely seen, if at all.
Iron Stars
Their relationship with others is entirely unknown, but they are given respect for being amongst the oldest of them all. They are under scrutiny by the Amalgam due to their secretive nature, as well as the fact that their philosophies deeply contrast one another.
Ancient does not begin to describe them. Oboros Infinitas has existed for as long as perhaps the world itself, though its name was coined much later down the line. Seven beings originating from the old world govern the Atelier and are called the Seven Primordial Demons, each charactized by one of the seven sins. Without Oboros Infinitas the Ateliers would fall into total chaos, for they supply a vast quantity of Nex, rivalling that of ImpulseWorks.
They are the punishing body, and not even Beholders are beyond their reach.
Oboros Infinitas does not exist in the eyes of the masses. Even Moons were not aware of their existence until recently.
"Infinite Burdens."
The basis, name and truth surrounding their tech is still unknown aside from its ability to accumulate Nex from the environment similar to how Advents and the Amalgam is able to. This tech may not even be one in the traditional sense, as it may have been brought over from the old world.
Entirely unknown. But they obsess over the concept of lament and aspire to bring those guilty to a punishment far, far worse than death.
Harbours the worst criminals including Stars, Moons and even Beholders according to Poena, the Scarlet Healer, and condemns them to the Subcut Layer where they are forced to undergo Corruption for the sake of generating Nex. These people are called the Condemend and are fated to transform into rotting perverted forms of themselves.
Repenters on the other hand strive to repent as their name suggest. Their lives are no longer theirs for they are effectively slaves to Oboros Infinitas, with their thoughts and emotions constantly being analysed for proof of their repentance - or simply to pinpoint their inveitable Corruption.
No Repenter has ever successfully repented, and Oboros Infinitas would rather keep it that way. After all, the longer they persist, the more Nex they can harvest.
Lucifinia | Primordial Demon of Pride
Remaining Six Primordial Demons
The executioner of the Nexus. They are relied on by every Atelier, and are partnered closely with Justica Arms (who hands them the guilty to punish) and Time Reverberation (who hands people to Justica Arms to judge).
It is unclear how long the Impuritas have existed for, but it rumoured that they arrived shortly after the emergence of the Ateliers. Whether they are a reflection of them or something more sinister is yet to be realized. However, their intentions are as impure as their names.
The Exalted of the Nexus, however, are made up the Impuritas. It is likely that they have actually been around for much longer than the Ateliers as individuals can become them, which has finally been confirmed. Ascending or descending through the Well/Subderma Layer induces this as well.
An alternative and far more aggravating method of becoming an Impuritas is through the influence of a Heart. Whether it's the destruction of the Nexus, the elimination of Frost, or to achieve their one true wish of becoming their true selves (Corrupted), they must be stopped at all costs.
The Impuritas are defined as an incomplete or perverse reflection of their true selves. How they truly form is unknown, but they carry mysterious magic and are usually a sadistic, twisted version of the Ateliers they take after, or the affinity relating to an Atelier.
Hearts are the source of the larger, malignant Impuritas Groups, able to transform the living into one of themselves as well as the world around them. They are functionally similar to a Corrupted Zone or in some ways a Genesis Stone. The truth behind the Hearts is mostly unknown, but it is theorized that the Hearts are formed by the concentrated emotions that seep so deep underground that they take form.
Hearts come in many flavours, but all are equally as diabolical as the next and last.
The most common and lowest tier of Hearts. Dungeons take the form of structures resembling whatever their Impuritas Group takes after. For example, the Crimson Hunger (flesh) will assume a more biological form, whereas the Blood Festival will take the form of a giant circus tent/carnival.
Nevertheless, the Heart found within the centre of the Dungeon is mostly the same across all groups; a biological mass that yearns to become complete.
Dungeons pose a great threat to Elysia, as they can emerge at seemingly random and swallow everything in their surroundings. They vary between Trickle all the way up to Monsoon, although the later is very, very rare and usually reserved for the later stages of the Hearts.
Adventurers frequently challenge these Dungeons as they appear and are rewarded handsomely by the Guilds.
Dungeons need to be eradicated within a few days to a few weeks; usually a week at most before it evolves.
This is largely dependent of the amount of material is has managed to harvest. The more it devours, the sooner it transforms into a far more sinister stage.
The Dungeon has taken root and now threatens to spread itself thinly across wherever it sprouted into. This marks the teritorial stage of the Heart as well as new defences that will protect it at all costs. Additionally, stronger entities are born from the Heart as it attempts to cling onto the new territory it has gained, all the while preparing for its next evolution.
A Heart in this stage has a few days at most to transform, and it is considered imperative that the Heart is eliminated before it reaches its third stage.
The Heart enters a proliferate stage that sees its aggressively attempt to expand its reach, resulting in widespread devastation. Cities caught within are bound to fall unless they are prepared for the monstrosities that are born from these Hearts. Plague Hearts require an incredible amount of biomass before they can evolve into their next stage, although this has never been sighted before as Plague Hearts tend to sink back into the ground, likely to the Derma Layer, when the harvest is over.
Hearts that are functionally settlements or minor slices of civilization. These Hearts have cultivated an ecosystem or society that thrives mostly within the Derma Layer with numbers so high that it is considered impossible to completely uproot the Impuritas from the world. These Complexes are the source of Brandar's nightly Impuritas raids that sees monsters pour into its lands, completely covering it with millions, perhaps billions of creatures.
They are the reason why the hundred meter walls of the Nex Megalopolis exist.
Complex Hearts are dangerous and sport unique effects that are akin to a Corrupted Zone. Anomalous effects are common and are to the determent of those that trespass.
The highest form a Heart has known to take. The Heart of the City is the physical, collective heart of innumerable and boasts stats higher than even Eternal Night Corrupted. Hearts of this power would require the full effort of an Atelier to completely eliminate, and even then it would be a struggle. Their reach spans the entirety of the city they infest, and usually take the form of whatever woes spill through the drains from above, creating this monstrosity.
The first and only Heart of the City found and destroyed was located within the City of Spades; inside of the walls of the Nex Megalopolis of all places... never mind within the heart of an Atelier.
It is not currently known if the Heart of the City is the final stage of the Hearts.
We can only hope that it is.
The main villains of Elysia, held down to no oath or honour even amongst themselves. They are entities born from the most vile of hearts, encapsulating a polarising concept to at least one Atelier. They can therefore be seen as the enemies of the Ateliers, and the greater part of the world. They are ruthless and assimilate all, aspiring for their one true with - to become complete via Corruption.
Opposition - The Nexus
Affinity - Judgement
Not an Impuritas, but functionally the head of them. Iscario - otherwise known as the Brightest Star amongst the Impuritas - is the one who brought them together when they were at odds even with each other. Once a Star and now a traitor, Iscario's motive is not well understood, aside from his hatred for the Archetypes/Nexus who he views as responsible for his sister's death.
He was the one that turned the wheels of what is now a machine of madness. Were it not for his betrayal against Frost, then it is likely that never would have ascended to where she is now.
It is a silver lining - however twisted it may be.
That being said, Iscario is undoubtedly intertwined with the Book of the Price of Paradise; the book that will inevitably Awaken the Floor of Judgement and the Arbiter.
Opposition - Act X
Affinity - Purpose
A malicious Impuritas Group at odds with Act X, for they both compete for the control over the Fate Mechanism (Advent of Purpose). They are characterized by their gear-esque organs and mechanical bodies that move like clockwork, usually caked with layers of blood. They lack any sense of self-preservation, and convert victims into one of them via transforming their flesh into mechanical cogs. The stronger or more value one possesses, the larger role they will play in the machine that is the Sect of Gears.
They are called the 'Gears' by the greater part of the world and are generally seen as one of the harder ones to fight, for their construct is resilient in nature.
Opposition - The Nexus
Affinity - Wrath
The most physically terrifying of them all. The Crimson Hunger - known as the Hungry - are a flesh-devouring and assimilating race that pervert the flesh into whatever distorted, mangled forms they desire. They deconstruct the body, the mind and soul through pure agony, fusing their victims together into walls and constructs of flesh that can never scream, for they have no mouth. The surfaces of the flesh they create are known to house many unblinking eyes belonging to assimilated victims.
Their appetite is insatiable, for they yearn to become complete - to become something other than the twisted strings of accumulated flesh they call their own.
Opposition - Inflow Direct
Affinity - Civilization
Little is known about them. But like the Sect of Gears, they have the ability to interact with the Eternal Library in some capacity; conducting raids and invasions to harvest knowledge like rabid bees to the sweet nectar of a flower. They have the unique ability to transform the traits, memories, experiences and magic of people into a paper form akin to Inflow Direct's tech. It is unknown how closely related they are, but nevertheless, they are both equally at odds as a result.
They are led by the Authors of Existentia - beings that aspire to create masterpieces out of the pages of countless harvested bodies.
The greater part of the world refers to them as the 'Pages', and coming into contact with one will cause one to receive the 'Paged' curse/negative condition, which causes part of a person to become converted into a page, other times a chapter, and in rare instances - a complete book.
Their ambitions are not well understood, but they utterly despise the Amalgam.
Opposition - CogitO
Affinity - Ego
Nothing is known about them other than that they are beings that attack the mind, appearing as nightmarish entities.
CogitO are their direct opposition.
Opposition - ImpulseWorks
Affinity - Desire
The 'Hearts' that aspire than burrow into the chests of the living, bringing forth their twisted desires to light. The largest collective of these beings is called the Maestros of Flesh. They are musicians inspired by the late Green Composer; a legendary Incandescent Color that revolutionised the magic of music in the City of Hearts. However, they have been inspired to a wicked degree, harbouring an illness that causes them to aspire for nothing than to become a 'Star'.
By 'Star', they truly mean recognition. Gratefulness. Attention. They yearn to be seen by all for they are individuals rejected, and now aspire to create the perfect symphony using the flesh of the living, for they see it as the greatest way to convey music to the soul.
Opposition - Caldera Industries
Affinity - Attachment
Not much is known about them other than that they are the reason why Knalzark became a Beholder. They seek for the Advent of Attachment and the Advent of Wrath - two Advents that Caldera Industries also seeks to keep it away from them at all costs. Additionally, they are known to also scour Elysia for the Genesis Stones, which is yet another one of Caldera Industries' missions.
Opposition - Golden Index
Affinity - Hope
An Impuritas Group that are decorated with as much gold as the organs they steal from their victims. Called the 'Animals', beings from the Blood Festival take the form of disembowelled animals, created by a mash of organs and limbs of multiple creatures, barely resembling the creature they yearn to take after. The higher one is in the hierarchy, the more 'complete' they appear and yet, they yearn to become more than that for they don't see themselves as such.
The Blood Festival have living objects, rides and theme park-eqsue attractions that viciously prey on poor victims, usually resulting in them losing an organ or something precious to them. The lowest form of the Blood Festival are literal bags of skin (resembling an animal of any kind) that wrap their victims up like body bags and slowly begins to rob their organs and skeleton, leaving behind a still-breathing victim, who has now become the bag of flesh.
Opposition - Chained Theocracy
Affinity - Despair
Beings that fear the cold embrace of death, yet ironically clad themselves in icy steel to preserve themselves from the fate of death. Memento Mori have the unique ability to raise the dead and cause people to temporary reunite with long lost loved one. They go directly against the Chained Theocracy's philosophy of accepting death and life for what it is, including the inevitability of loss.
Unlike the other Impuritas Group they seem to recognise that openly antagonising the Amalgam is a tragic idea.
Opposition - Oboros Infinitas
Affinity - Lament
While Impuritas Groups are known to be malicious in nature, there are still beings that express an innermost desire. Those with far purer ambitions tend to form Impuritas Groups that tend to tread on the side of good. These beings are and few in between but they are ones that are welcomed by the Amalgam.
The only known good Impuritas Group. They are an offshoot from the Hearts/Maestros of Flesh with the similar ambition of being acknowledged by others but in a far more purer way. They are painters and use magic to compose beautiful paintings, which were once used to convey what a star would feel like to the children of the Derma Layer, and the blind Stella. They helped those children reach the star they so desperately aspired to become, sobering Stella which saved her from becoming a Corrupted later on.
They now serve in the ranks of the Golden Index.
No one knows who or what they are, aside that they are tied to Elysia. There is a belief that the Aberrations are of Elysia. The truth however is yet to be determined, as well as their true nature. They have no allegiance and are known to despise the Impuritas. So far they have good standing with Frost, although this is based off a single encounter.
Adventurers come in all shapes and sizes, from those looking for solo work or opting to join a party, or even an organization of like-minded individuals. Work ranges from simple gathering, helping in activities of daily living, to transportation, and large-scale subjugation/operations.
All Adventurers are governed by the Guilds; a regulatory body that mediates between clients/requests/quests and people looking to fulfil them (Adventurers). There is no such thing as an Adventurer unaffiliated with the Guilds, and they are obligated to obey a specific code of conduct and decree when working as an Adventurer no matter where they are. Otherwise, they are susceptible to an appropriate punished. There are, however, exceptions depending on the presented circumstances.
There is at least one Guild located in each major settlement across Elysia.
They are ranked by their Adventurer Rank which may or may not match with their Soul Rank, as some may be far more proficient or powerful than their Soul Rank may suggest. This dictates what requests they can take on and are discouraged from taking them on. However, it is ultimately their choice and up to the discretion of the Guild Receptionists.
This is a blanket term for all those associated with the Guild. Those that aren't may be called Travellers, or Mercenaries. One MUST join the Guild otherwise they are considered suspicious or worse, a part of a Syndicate.
A collection of Adventurers (usually between 2-5, but can go as far as a dozen or more) that embark on the same mission. Roles may differ but the end goal will be the same across the board. Parties can be recognized or unrecognized/temporary teams. It is highly advised that all Adventurers work within a Party and solo Adventuring is discouraged unless the individual is ranked Gold or higher.
High difficulty quests revolving around a single goal (usually combat/defence/attack) required what is called a Raid Party. It is made up of 20 or more individuals and are not usually split up into smaller segments. Instead, they attack as one giant group against high-risk threats.
A team consisting of multiple Raid Parties, numbering in the high 40's to a hundred. There is always one leader in each squad/party that communicates and works in conjunction with the main, leading party. They must work like a well-oiled machine against significant threats and are commonly required against monsters and Corrupted.
When a Guild or its location is threatened with total destruction, then a Guild may declare its own form of Martial Law that will call upon ALL nearby Adventurers to come to its aid. When the onsite Augurist of Justica Arms plays their dreaded trumpet, then all Adventurers must be ready to act for the interest of the Guild, the location and themselves. But it is ultimately up to the Guild itself and the consensus of the Adventurers on what to do, rather than regular people for it is they who will be putting their lives on the line.
Offshoots from larger Bureaus, Offices, Firms or other official Adventurer Organizations. They have an established base outside of the reach of their Head Quarters, but maintain constant communication. They typically take on local quests and specialist requests unique to their organization, but far less difficult than what the Head Quarters would deal with.
Their numbers usually fluctuate between 100 - 500. Some sit far higher depending on how large the organization is.
This is the bare minimum required to get into the Guild's direct requests which is a pool that all organizations pick from before they are publicly made, and may be referred to by the Guild for special requests, which is then given out by Justica Arms who oversees them all.
They are also far more scrutinized for their conduct is now measured by Justica Arms directly.
Official bodies recognized by the Guild that can personally take on requests. They are guilds within the Guild, bringing like-minded members together. They are paid well, and boast power and prestige. However, some view joining such organizations as going against the spirit of Adventuring, but others beg the differ and claim that it is what separates the unwashed masses from upstanding individuals.
They typically number in the high hundreds to thousands.
The largest of them all, with only 13 confirmed to exist, harbouring multiple Branches across Elysia. They are the big dogs of Organizations that aren't Ateliers and fulfil unique requests according to their creed, code and philosophies. All members are talent, powerful individuals that are recruited in the wild, or directly from academies found in the Nex Megalopolis and afar.
They constantly work within the guidelines and jurisdiction of Justica Arms, making them by far the most trustworthy organizations. All requests are filtered through the Associations before they are made public, allowing them to choose highly lucrative and equally as dangerous quests.
Their Head Quarters usually reside near a Justica Arm Branch, or are located in places that matter the most to them. They operate like a family as much as they are an organization, and they are the polar opposites to the Syndicates.
The antithesis of the Associations and all respectable Adventuring groups. They are criminal organizations recognized by the Guild. They range from a rag-tag band of bandits seeking coin, to fully fledged organizations with philosophies of their own. As a result, their numbers range anywhere between a few dozen to a few thousand.
The largest Syndicate groups are collectively called the Thirteen; which is a homage to the 13th Order that once ruled Grandis. They are at direct odds with the 13 Associations, and it is speculated that these 13 Syndicates are or have been influenced by a house from the 13th Order.
The most notable of them all is the now defunct Solemn Paw, leaving only 12 remaining. Solemn Paw was a Demi-Human-run Syndicate that robbed their human victims of their hands and fingers all for the sake of fulfilling the wishes of others, and their own.
Ateliers where their Beholders have been removed for good, usually via Liquidation (their technology removed and claimed by another Atelier, but not always). Remnants of the Atelier will always be present as it is nearly impossible to totally annihilate them off the face of Elysia. However, the power vacuum destroys any and all internal order, resulting in total chaos.
Sometimes, these remnants exist in their own slice of paradise unbeknownst to the Ateliers. But it will never change that they have lost their Beholder and will forever remain as a shadow of their former selves.
Some Fallen Ateliers will become such organizations. One of which are the Weavers of a previously destroyed Atelier, who possess the ability to weave cloth and are used to create the Receptionist suits, among many other articles. Most of these organizations are in some way affiliated or dabble with Ateliers, Impuritas, Associations or Syndicates.
They are rarely aligned with any of them, however.
Elysia is home to many Kingdoms, Empires and civilizations across its land, sea and skies. They are, however, nothing compared to the Ateliers that reign supreme. Their rule and power is immense, easily able to sway Adventurers away from the Guild with lucrative offers. However, lesser Kingdoms are comparable at best to an Association, and at worse, are controlled by a Syndicate.
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The protagonist of the story.
A nameless man who ended up finding himself in the world of Elysia as a woman named Frost. She must come to terms with not only the sudden gender change, but with what she had also become. A vast array of namesakes, histories and identities are intertwined with her existence in one way or another.
Frost is no longer human, but her humanity remains lit like a steady flame in her heart. She eats her foes to become stronger, devours the Corrupted of their abilities, and manifests their powers when her emotions heighten in battle.
But there is so much more than what meets the eye, for her identity and past are wrapped in utter secrecy.
Currently, Frost is widely regarded as one of the most influential entities to exist, best known for their role as the Amalgam and the Head of the Nexus. They are characterised by their ability to consume virtually anything without drawbacks, including materials deemed indestructible. Frost has made major contributions to the Nexus by uniting the Beholders against a common cause and reinvigorating the Moons and Stars of the Nexus.
She commands the entirety of the Nexus as The Head, wielding legions of Moons, Healers, Black Wings, and Exalted and a plethora of personnel who answer only to her and her most trusted aides. Her position is most venerated and at the highest place of the Nexus, befitting of the name of The Head.
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ADVENT The Nexus |
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LEVEL : 271 |
The Amalgam |
NAME : Frost | HP : 25,000,000 ^1,200/Min |
MP : 600,000 ^500/Min |
AGI : 95 | RESIST : 500 |
AGE : 1 | ATT : 15,000 |
MAG ATT : 15,000 |
O : 179 | D : 37 |
ORIGIN : Archetype | ATT DEF : 12,000 |
MAG DEF : 12,000 |
S : 272 | E : 88 |
![]() OFFENSIVE: 129 |
![]() DEFENSIVE: 30 |
![]() SUPPORT: 263 |
Ultra Violence: 111 |
Counter Offensive: 37 The greatest defence is a triumphant offence |
The Otherworldly Healer: 257 |
Appraisaler: 40 |
Conflagrator: 63 |
Leadership: 15 |
Cook: 40 |
Comprehension: 8 |
Old World Names | Current World Names | Blasphemous Names | Rejected Titles |
'Her' Sinder The Captured Star The Light A Nurse |
Frost The Amalgam The Archetype of Amalgamation The Black Dove The Head |
Cinder's Prophecy The Devourer The One Who Will Destroy |
Braveheart The Most Violent Glimpse of Elsewhere |
Origins | Ages |
Human from Earth - (Pre-Old World Elysia) 'Her' and Sinder from the Old World Human - (Pre-Awakening) Now: Archetype (Post-Awakening) |
22 (Pre-Awakening) Now: 1 |
Hair | Eyes | Body | Height |
- Black with streaks of gold, reaches just above shoulders. - They are messy and look like blades. Plenty of cowlicks. |
- Golden eye, emphatic. - Resembles the light of a star and something deeply primordial. |
- Fair toned, lithe and very little muscle. | - 160 cm |
Apparel |
- Black coat made of massive black and golden feathers - Tight trousers or tights depending on how she feels. - Golden and red-ribbon garbs during important gatherings. - Unfeathered version of the Coat of Prejudice as a disguise |
Old World 'Her' |
Old World The Captured Star |
Old World Sinder |
Adventurer The Black Dove |
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Little Frost | Alter Judge's Aid One Thousand Eyed Bird |
Big Frost | Alter Hired Arm Greed Counter |
Red Aspect of Amalgamation Vengeful Red-Hooded Assassin |
Acedia Aspect of Amalgamation Mimicry |
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Dreamer | Alter Sleepy Frost Lull-A-Goodbye |
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We Discarded Many Civilization Trickle |
Greed Counter Civilization Eternal Night |
Heart of Ours Civilization Woe of the Fallen Star |
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Blood of the Covenant Civilization Woe of the Fallen Star |
Crowned Amalgamation Apocalypse |
Unfair Tale Wrath Monsoon |
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Iron Candle Eternal Night |
Asterism Eternal Night |
Silence of the Stars Eternal Night |
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CENSORED Eternal Night |
The Black Dahlia Trickle |
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The Vengeful Red-Hooded Avenger Red Riding Hood Woe of the Fallen Star |
Snowfallen White and the Fruit of Everlasting Miracles Snow White Woe of the Fallen Star |
The Briar Rose Sleeping Beauty Woe of the Fallen Star |
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The Otherworlder The Wizard of Oz Woe of the Fallen Star? |
The Dove From Jupiter The Juniper Tree ??? |
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Unfair Tale Wrath Trickle |
We Discarded Many (Unmanifestable) Civilization Trickle |
Lull-A-Goodbye Desire Hailstorm |
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Listening Bird Judgement Monsoon |
One Thousand Eyed Bird Judgement Eternal Night |
Greed Counter Civilization Eternal Night |
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Heart of Ours Civilization Woe of the Fallen Star |
Crowned Amalgamation Apocalypse |
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Corrupted Skill |
COST | Description | Corrupted |
Dismissed Confession |
1,500 MP |
Deal 2,000 damage to a chosen target. Target will be afflicted with 50 Stacks of Confession
Listening Bird |
Unlying Tablet |
Automatically created through spilled blood |
Your spilled blood summons the Unlying Tabblets to your aid |
Listening Bird |
Sinless Repent |
10,000 MP after first use. The first use is free |
Transform the most silent into a Confessor |
Listening Bird |
Prejudice |
4,000 MP | Deal 10,000 damage to those caught by your maw | One Thousand Eyed Bird![]() |
Biased Verdict |
2,000 MP | Summon the forest to ensnare your target | One Thousand Eyed Bird![]() |
Rightful Ignorance |
Nil | Open all one thousand of your eyes. They have come to your aid | One Thousand Eyed Bird![]() |
Fear of Retribution |
Nil | Emotions will heighten even faster | One Thousand Eyed Bird![]() |
Judgement |
One time use only | Enact Judgement. One single target may take up to 300,000 damage. Unavoidable and may only be used once | One Thousand Eyed Bird![]() |
Hysteria |
Limited to 1,000 Judge's Aids | On death, the Judge’s Aid are reborn as miniature reflections of yourself. They carry your Will as their armaments to enact your rightful judgement | One Thousand Eyed Bird![]() |
Stacking Wealth |
5,000 MP | Coins carrying a converted power may be used. All coins containing a unique power may only be used once | Greed Counter![]() |
Mangled Coins |
Nil | Summon a hundred Touch of Golds. They have come to your aid | Greed Counter![]() |
Corporeal Value |
Nil | Place a value on all those within sight. The higher their value, the better | Greed Counter![]() |
Hired Arms |
No initial cost. Upkeep and Skill usage requires coins | Hire an alternate version of yourself with half your stats. It will equip itself with your skillset and possessions. Your Hired Arm will enact your Will at a price | Greed Counter![]() |
Empowered |
Nil | Grant the Empowered Condition onto allies within 50 meters of you, the Hired Arm, and the False Diamond | Greed Counter![]() |
False Diamond |
Nil | Those within 50 meters of the False Diamond and Hired Arm become Hired Mercenaries and may substitute your coins for mana. Additionally, the Hired Arm’s stats will match yours. All coin costs are cut in half | Greed Counter![]() |
Beaten Desires |
25,000 MP | Ramp up the emotions of allies. Muddle the hearts of your enemies to suppress them | Heart of Ours![]() |
Unwilling Unity |
40,000 MP CRITERIA: Initial target must be suppressed by Beaten Desires or other means. Secondary target must have more than 100 RESIST and 500 base DEF |
Physically conjoin an unwilling heart with all those within a 1-meter radius. They will fight for you, however unwilling they may be | Heart of Ours![]() |
Collective Leap |
50,000 MP | Collect the hearts of the fallen and raise them to the sky. Hurl them at will and deal 25,000 MAG ATT to target | Heart of Ours![]() |
Shattered Dreams |
CRITERIA: Active when emotional state increases and when your heart is confronted | Summon devouring clouds. Cannot dictate where they appear | Heart of Ours![]() |
Gushing! |
Nil | The higher your emotional state, the more inclined your heart will be to speak. All targets within a 50-meter radius are affected. Target with over 200 RESIST will accumulate Gush stacks | Heart of Ours![]() |
Aspirating Aspiration |
Nil | All those considered enemies will be challenged by their aspirations when emotional state reaches critical levels | Heart of Ours![]() |
Determined |
Nil | Grant the Determined Condition onto allies within 100 meters of you and the False Heart | Heart of Ours![]() |
False Heart |
Nil |
Enemies within 500 meters of the False Heart are immediately challenged with their aspirations. Failure will result in the formation of the Suppressed. Suppressed will form within a 1km proximity of the False Heart when incapable of withstanding Aspirating Aspirations ADDITIONAL EFFECT: Suppressed will emerge with an Aspirator straight from their chests. The more that exist, the larger the area of effect Aspirating Aspirations becomes. All Heart of Ours Skills are free of cost. The False Heart will automatically apply all skills |
Heart of Ours![]() |
A Million Wicks and One Light |
160,000 MP | Create a pillar of flames with your body. The flames will disperse into one million flaming hailstones. Indiscriminate large-scale attack. The pillar will deal 500,000 ATT and MAG ATT damage. The hailstones deal 90,000 ATT and MAG ATT damage | Crowned![]() |
Violence on Violence Action |
100,000 MP
Declare a duel between that will lock you with only a single target. That target will also be locked in combat with you until the end of the Skill’s duration, one of you perishes, or one flees. Damage of all hand-to-hand combat Skills are multiplied by 3x DURATION: 1 Hour |
Crowned![]() |
World Ablaze |
250,000 MP | Destroy the world as you know it. Inflict 1,000,000 ATT and MAG ATT damage to everything in the vicinity of you. Depending on the heat of your flames, total ATT and MAG ATT may reach a maximum of 10,000,000 | Crowned![]() |
What Doesn't Kill You... |
Nil | Your enemy’s failure to decrease your health to 10% of its total within 30 minutes will increase your DEF stats by 10%. Additionally, the heat of your flames increases with each iteration of their failures. Hotter flames directly influence the output of all attacks | Crowned![]() |
Immortalized Woe |
Nil |
At certain sub-emotional states four additional Corrupted Skills will be accessible Mid-Manifested Corrupted Skills become changeable and altered depending on one's Sanity/Mental State |
Crowned![]() |
Clubs of the Voiceless |
??? | ??? | Crowned![]() |
Diamond Greed |
??? | ??? | Crowned![]() |
Heart of Mine |
??? | ??? | Crowned![]() |
Spades of Watered Bonds |
??? | ??? | Crowned![]() |
Courage |
??? | ??? | Crowned![]() |
Empowered |
??? | ??? | Crowned![]() |
Determined |
??? | ??? | Crowned![]() |
Bonded |
??? | ??? | Crowned![]() |
Rekindled Woe |
??? | ??? | Crowned![]() |
The Universal Language |
??? | ??? | Crowned![]() |
Reap What Has Been Sown |
500 MP | Absorb the Sins and fragments of relevant memories. Flowers of a Sin type will be left to grow on the target’s body | The Black Dahlia![]() |
Guilty Constriction |
500 MP per second | Control those smitten with guilt so long as the Brambles are not severed. Target must have 50% Guilt Stacks to their RESIST Stat | The Black Dahlia![]() |
Flowers of Repentance |
Nil | For each Dahlia that grows on a target’s body, increase the number of Guilt Stacks accumulated when caught within the Brambles. At 75% Guilt Stacks, Dahlias become unremovable | The Black Dahlia![]() |
To Bloom |
Nil | Those with 100% Guilt Stacks will be absolved of sin by transforming into a Dahlia. They will proliferate and color their surroundings, leaving behind the proof of their absolved sins in the colors of their petals | The Black Dahlia![]() |
Burdenless Heights |
Don’t give up! | Increase the stats of all allies that have a direct line of sight of you or your stars. Stats increase the higher an ally’s despair is | Asterism![]() |
Star Cycle |
Only life can be made inside of them! | Your stars will explode after taking enough damage. The resulting nebula will temporarily prevent the death of all those within | Asterism![]() |
Nature's Compass |
There must never be an eternal night again! | Various stars will twinkle in the eyes of certain individuals. They will guide them when all seems lost | Asterism![]() |
Ray of Hope |
Us! But you don’t have to worry! We’ll always be with you! So – Let’s watch over Stella and Aster together! | Pull us into your core! Then fire a gigantic 10,000 MAG ATT beam in any direction you want! | Asterism![]() |
It's Not So Scary After All! |
SUPPRESSION REQUIREMENT: Cleanse the skies of its stars SUBJUGATION REQUIREMENT: Collapse the body that holds the stars together. In other words, you |
CONDITION: All allies of the Amalgam are inspired so long as they have direct line of sight with your Asterism. Realization and Awakening criteria fulfilment chance slightly increased. If inspired enough; then a person may fundamentally reach greater heights | Asterism![]() |
CENSORED: Sensory Deprivation |
2,000 MP | Consume a target with a thick veil of manifested nightmares. Inflict 50 Sensory Loss Stacks and 50 Trepidation Stacks on those afflicted | CENSORED![]() |
CENSORED: See No Evil |
2,500 MP | Apply 50 Darkness Stacks and 10 Trepidation Stacks indiscriminately | CENSORED![]() |
CENSORED: Fear Attenuation |
2,500 MP | Conjure the CENSORED manifestation of a person’s nightmares and strike them with it. They will take a recognizable yet concealed form. Deal 1,000 damage times 2x by every 10 Trepidation Stack the target possesses | CENSORED![]() |
CENSORED: Surgical Administration |
100,000 MP | Permanently remove the organ of an individual. It may never be regrown. A piece of the soul will be forever scarred | CENSORED![]() |
CENSORED: Overwhelming Repression |
Nil |
Create an indiscriminate Repression Field. When left by individuals with over 20% Trepidation Stacks to their RESIST; inflict the Despair/Breakdown Condition RANGE: 50 meters |
CENSORED: Nightmare Fuel |
Nil | Your form becomes incomprehensible. CENSORED bars ooze from your body, instilling far more fear than what truly lies underneath. Those at 100% Trepidation may turn into Shells should you wish | CENSORED![]() |
??? ??? ![]() |
??? | ??? | Silence of The Stars![]() |
Coat of Prejudice |
< Its feathers ruffle at the truth > |
Origin: Object |
Affinity: Judgement |
Type: Apparel |
ATT DEF: 350 |
MAG DEF: 250 |
RESIST: 100 |
EFFECT: Resistance to Judgement Affinity. Immune to Scrutiny.
A large, feathered coat made from black and golden feathers from the One Thousand Eyed Bird. Towards the hems and the shoulders larger feathers protrude upwards, creating a soft hem around her head like that of a fur coat. The inner layer of the coat is lined with golden feathers. It reaches down just past her knees.
Coat provides immense resistance against attacks with the Judgement affinity, and provides immunity to the Scrutiny negative status/condition.
Furthermore, as the flavour text implies, its feathers ruffle whenever the truth is being said. They stop when it detects a lie. How the mechanism works is unknown.
De Jure < The bullet will decide their verdict > |
ORIGIN : The Amalgam |
AFFINITY: Judgement | TYPE : Weapon |
ATT : 7,000 |
EFFECT: De Jure’s ATT increases depending on the power of the propellant used. It may be tuned to be stronger or weaker. Bullets may carry one chosen Skill of the shooter if applicable
It is essentially a black Justica Arm sourced from Frost's femur ironically, as she required a material strong enough to withstand immense conditions. Thus, the De Jure was born, and its propellant is none other than [Thermal Propagation].
Badge of Fragmented Aspirations |
< A thousand collective beats will sound like one > |
ORIGIN : Object |
AFFINITY : Civilization |
TYPE : Accessory |
DEF : 250 |
MAG DEF : 500 |
RESIST : 0 |
EFFECT: Resistance to the Civilization Affinity. Wearer’s heart cannot be swayed or tugged. Impose your heart upon others to fragment them. If target was an enemy, then they will fight for your heart until they have taken 10% of their total base HP. Target’s RESIST must be lower than 100 to take effect.
A pinned badge in the shape of a small red loveheart. Commonly seen worn on Frost's chest.
Dream Shatterer |
< At some point, reality will come crashing back > |
ORIGIN : Object |
AFINITY : Civilization |
TYPE : Weapon |
ATT : 3,500 |
MAG ATT : 4,500 |
EFFECT: Instantly awaken the unconscious and remove all Torpidity stacks at will. Those on the receiving end of your attacks may never pass out or lose their mind. They must witness reality come crashing down till the bitter end.
A beautiful pair of black, fur-cuffed gloves.
Top | Lower | Under | Legs/Footwear |
Black Shirt | Shorts | Singlet Boy shorts/cyclist shorts |
Boy shorts/cyclist shorts Black Tights/Pantyhose Maid-like black shoes Reinforced Leather Boots |
Skill | COST |
Description |
Profession |
(O) Punch V |
Nil |
The thrust of your first. Deal damage in accordance to base ATT. Mastery Effect: Your punches will devour pieces of your target as if it were your all-consuming maw |
Ultra Violence |
(O) Double Punch II [5/10] |
50 MP | A magical attack that follows each punch. Target must be within 10 cm in the direction of the thrusted fist. | Ultra Violence |
(O) Goodnight [1/10] |
Nil | Deal 10 damage, but each punch applies 10 stacks of Torpidity. | Ultra Violence |
(O) Armor Piercing I [6/10] |
Nil |
Causes your punches to create highly localized and penetrative impacts. ATT increased by 25% against armor. 75% reduction against flesh |
Ultra Violence |
(O) Magnitude I [7/10] |
Nil |
Causes your punches to dissipate energy onto your target, greatly increasing the area of effect. 5-meter radius. ATT reduced to 20% of total ATT |
Ultra Violence |
(O) Obliterate [2/10] |
20,000 MP Charge time: 10 seconds |
Charge one spectacular punch dealing 5x of your total ATT stat. Ignores all DEF stats. Stagger enemy if Physical RESIST stat is lower than your total ATT divided by 500 |
Ultra Violence |
(O) Inferno II [3/10] |
1,200 MP per second |
Conjure a controlled firestorm. Deal 4,000 Damage, and 120 Cinder Stacks to those caught within the blaze |
Conflagrator |
(O) Liquid Fire II [3/10] |
4,500 MP per second |
Release a torrent of sticky, liquid fire. Flames last momentarily. Deal 4,000 MAG ATT damage. Apply Severe Burn Condition if RESIST is less than 90 and MAG DEF is lower than 600 |
Conflagrator |
(O) Thermal Propagation II [0/10] |
500 MP |
Create miniature thermal explosions within your palms. Deal 500 MAG ATT damage |
Conflagrator |
(O) Cinder's Light [0/10] |
Conditional |
Instantly consume all Cinder Stacks on target. One half damages HP and the other |
Conflagrator |
(D) Solemn Counter III [7/10] |
Requires higher AGI than opponent |
Counter an opposing attack. Your AGI determines the window of opportunity. Multiply ATT by 2x during a successful counter |
Counter Offensive |
(S) Grand Healing V |
50 MP |
Restores 750 HP on self or target in contact. Minor and major wounds are instantly healed. Broken bones will repair instantly. Fatal wounds will heal in a matter of minutes. Mastery Effect: Those healed using Grand Healing V gain a 25% increase in health for 2 minutes. Damage taken whilst overhealed does not translate to the body until the true HP is affected |
Otherworldly Healer |
(S) Cure Disease III [6/10] |
100 MP |
Instantly cure all tier 2 diseases and tier 2 negative statuses/condition of self or target in contact. |
Otherworldly Healer |
(S) Prolonged Stasis V |
Conversion: gain 20 HP per 2 MP spent |
Convert MP to HP every second. Unable to perform any active skills during use. Healing skills are exempted. Stasis will be inflicted on self throughout duration Mastery Effect: Prolonged Stasis will prevent your death and targets so long as it is active. Prolonged Stasis may now be used in conjunction with any Active Skills |
Otherworldly Healer |
(S) Area Heal III [3/10] |
100 MP |
Replenish 100 HP to self and chosen targets within 7 meters. Minor wounds are healed instantly. |
Otherworldly Healer |
(S) Cleanse IV [9/10] |
75 MP |
Instantly remove 4 chosen stacks on self or target in contact. If multiple targets are in contact, then 4 stacks will be simultaneously removed from them all Distance: 2m: 4 stacks, 5m: 3 stacks, 10m: 2 stacks, 15m, 1 stack |
Otherworldly Healer |
(S) Corporeal Restoration III [9/10] |
800 MP |
Heal lethal wounds instantaneously. HP does not recover |
Otherworldly Healer |
(S) Inspiration! I [5/10] |
200 MP |
Temporarily inspire allies. Grant resistance to Trepidation stacks if allies RESIST is lower than 50 |
Leadership |
(E) Home Cook IV [0/10] |
Ingredients |
All meals grant temporary positive statuses. Complex meals grant additional bonuses. Extravagant meals will be difficult to forget |
Home Cook |
(E) Appraise Object IV [0/10] |
X MP for first reveal. MP cost is dependent on material and its characteristics. Nil cost unless additional information is revealed thereafter |
Reveal major insight and information of targeted materials |
Appraiser |
(E) Non-Euclidian Interpretation [8/10] |
100,000 MP per minute |
When active, automatically interpret and map non-Euclidean spaces imperfectly |
Comprehension |
Skills |
Description | Profession |
(O) Tooth and Nail |
All body parts are considered an extension of the fist. Damage caused by limbs will do as much damage as a regular [Punch] when skill is activated | Ultra Violence |
(O) Severe Combo |
Landing Active Skills from the Brawler Profession within 1 second of each other causes your ATT to multiply incrementally with each blow | Ultra Violence |
(O) Fight, Never Flight! |
All stats increase by 2% for each 24 hours spent in combat. Combat state will be significantly more difficult to dismiss | Ultra Violence |
(O) Finely Tuned Violence |
Your control over your Active Skills from Ultra Violence has been mastered. Damage from all physical attacks can now be controlled to their highest output or to harmless levels | Ultra Violence |
(O) Origin of Flames |
Assimilate all flames as your own | Conflagrator |
(O) Remnants of an Ancient Ember |
Your flames will attempt to spare the innocent | Conflagrator |
(O) Plagueflame |
1/10th of Sinder Stacks spread by proximity to those deemed as enemies | Conflagrator |
(D) Fine Line |
The window of opportunity for skills in the Counter Offence Profession increase proportionally to AGI. Opponent AGI negatively affects the window of opportunity. If your AGI is lower, the damage you receive is multiplied by 2x | Counter Offensive |
(D) Instinctive Drive |
Your body is proficient enough to move with instinctive prowess | Counter Offensive |
(S) Painkiller |
Adjust faster to pain. Those you heal resist pain the longer you heal them | Otherworldly Healer |
(S) Hyper Saturated Blood |
Gain 50% additional base HP | Otherworldly Healer |
(S) Medical Attention Please! |
Efficacy of all healing outside of healing-based skills increased by 100% | Otherworldly Healer |
(S) Ultra Coordinated |
AGI increased by 20 | Otherworldly Healer |
(S) Mana Profusion |
Gain 50% additional base MP | Otherworldly Healer |
(S) Heart of Hearts |
Your voice can more easily reach people’s hearts | Leadership |
(E) Comprehension I |
Comprehend basic literacy of all kinds. Marginally comprehend incomprehensible existences | Comprehension |
(E) Dimensional Storage III |
Store up to 40kg worth of items in a pocket dimension. | Blessing of the Nexus |
Ability | Effect | Origin |
Archetype of Amalgamation |
Manifest the unique strength of those devoured Attain minor stats of those devoured Amalgam's Will increases when HP lowers. Consuming replenishes MP |
The Amalgam |
Blessing of the Amalgam |
Able to gift target with the Blessing of the Amalgam after the hidden criteria is met. Overrides the Blessing of the Nexus. Realization criteria is only available for the Corrupted |
The Amalgam |
Eyes of Judgement |
- See what all cannot, and what judgement could never |
One Thousand Eyed Bird |
Language of Judgement |
- Understand what all cannot, and what Judgement could never |
Listening Bird |
Steel Thread |
Create steel thread from the living |
Octanid |
Unwavering Wick |
Your precious memories may never disappear |
Iron Candle |
Touch of the Black Dove |
Healing can now occur to multiple targets so long as they are in contact. Remaining in contact with any target will heal them even without the use of Skills. You bring comfort to those you touch with a body warmer than most |
Blessing of the Nexus |
String Theory |
You may see the strings of those attached to the Fate Mechanism |
Act X's Strings |
The Language of Greed |
Know their worth. You’ll know the price they’ll pay to defy their pride. Transform the living into coins and harness their true value |
Greed Counter |
Nex Accumulation |
Able to accumulate raw NEX. Accumulated NEX may be transferred to others |
Nex Accumulator |
Leader of Hearts |
Know what strings to tug in their hearts. Whether for good or bad, right or wrong, or for one united drive ultimately depends on you |
Heart of Ours |
Reach for the Stars! |
Inspire the despaired and allow the impassioned to become the brightest version of themselves. Let them reach the unreachable and break through the bounds that keep them firmly in place |
Asterism |
Spatial Distortion IV |
Deplete your mana immediately to create a major Spatial Distortion connecting you to your last known location within the Epiderma and the Derma Layer. Up to three major Spatial Distortions may exist at once and each may connect to different locations. Mana regeneration is unaffected, but your emotional levels will dictate the stability of the Spatial Distortions |
Caldera Industries High-Tiered Core |
Oblivion Lock |
Expend Nex to create an Oblivion Lock. It will prevent most interactions with the Subcut Layer depending on the amount of Nex used 5,000 NEX per second |
Dimensional Chains |
Nascent Fluids |
Your blood becomes the basis of reconstitution. A soul is required to replicate your blood into its shape. Your body unnaturally regenerates the higher your vascularity is. Consuming biomass will replenish HP ADDITIONAL EFFECT: The Alter Frost’s may be created. Maximum limit of 1 each |
City of Spades Hive |
Soul Anchor |
You may create objects capable of tethering souls. Souls must be transferred with an appropriate method REQUIREMENTS: Unspecified. Nex will undoubtably be required //////// < WARNING > //////// Souls tethered will immediately forfeit a piece of themselves |
City of Spades Hive |
Raw Fragment of the Warped Stone |
You may teleport to any tethered Minor Hyperlink Site free of Mana and Nex. Major Hyperlink installations will expend all Mana and half of all accumulated Nex. Teleportation to the Central Relay will expend all Mana, Nex and temporarily drain all stamina ADDITIONAL EFFECT: You may be tethered to as many Hyperlink Sites as you wish. Company of a combined mass of 1,000kg may join you so long as you are the one who initiates the travel REQUIREMENTS: Teleportation to Minor Hyperlink and Major Hyperlink Sites do not require contact with a Hyperlink Site or Crystal. As the Amalgam, all security measures are bypassed. Teleportation directly into the Nexus may be done at any time and will bring everything in a 100-meter radius alongside you //// < ALERT > //// //// < CAUTION > //// //////// < WARNING > //////// |
Fragment of the Warped Stone |
The Ultimate Language |
Know the discarded many and what will motivate them. You will understand their value. You will connect their hearts. You will create inseparable bonds, and you will make them the most civilized |
Crowned |
Technological Convergence |
Allows you to interact with aspects of technologies in their creation phase |
Blessing of the Nexus |
Dreaming Sheep |
You are more likely to have good dreams. They will reinforce what your heart desires |
Lull-A-Goodbye |
Glimmers Be Silenced |
Drown out the light in their eyes to allow yours to falsely shine brighter. Targets with more than 120 RESIST are immune. Higher emotional states will increase its potency |
Silence of the Stars |
The Heart of Judgement |
Enables the discovery of the Salvation Criteria |
Icon of Judgement |
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Originally a Corrupted and a denizen of the Black Forest until she received the Blessing of the Amalgam from Frost and underwent a brief Realization event. Jury is now an Original and exists as 'herself' rather than the crying child depicted in the folklore surrounding the Black Forest.
Further along it is revealed that Jury is in fact an Angel from the Old World.
Jury has an explosive personality and can read in between the lines almost as well as Frost. She has been described by Frost as a pure soul whose driven by child-like curiosity and a fondness for good-hearted people. She saved Frost from being judged and is now her closest companion/friend, right next to Nav.
Jury is currently one of 10 of the remaining Beholders of the Nexus, boasting immense power over even veteran Ateliers. She rules over Time Reverberation with compassion but also an iron fist. The Moons of the Nexus fall under her rule alongside her lover Frost as she also finds herself under the umbrella of The Head.
And as one may already guess, her Technology grants her and her Atelier personnel the power to control time.
AFFILIATION Time Reverberation |
POSITION Beholder |
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RACE Old World Angel |
WORKSHOP LOCATION Floor of Amalgamation |
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LEVEL : 220 |
Beholder |
NAME : Jury | HP : 500,000 ^1,500/Min |
MP : 200,000 ^250/Min |
AGI : 90 | RESIST : 260 (+45) |
AGE : 26 | ATT : 13,500 |
MAG ATT : 15,000 |
O : 205 | D : 150 |
ORIGIN : Original | ATT DEF : 10,000 (+300) |
MAG DEF : 9,000 (+300) |
S : 0 | E : 0 |
![]() DEFENSIVE: 150 |
![]() SUPPORT: 0 |
![]() EXPLORATION: 0 |
Body Versatility: 100 |
Lacerater: 60 |
Tail Evolution: 45 |
Old World Names | Current World Names | Blasphemous Names |
Rejected Titles |
Elysia Raphy The Trumpet |
Jury | Elysia |
Elysia |
Origins | Ages |
Angel - (Pre-Elysia) |
??? (Old World) Now: 26 |
Hair | Eyes | Body | Height/Special Features |
- Pale, long and relatively straight - Reaches past her arms - Miraculously less messy than Frost's hair |
- Sharp and golden - Emits a faint light in the dark. |
- Dark-toned, well above average in certain areas, some muscle tone, abs - Long, fluffy tail that is thick towards the base. Has a feathered tip where a bulbous organ resides. This organ is able to open like the petals of a flower to reveal an empty, fleshy mouth where a long needle resides (may not as well). - Teeth are sharpened like a shark's - Ears are flat and flap-like which are found at the sides of her head |
- 170 cm |
Apparel |
- Grey mantle that constantly bleeds, writing the sins of those with less RESIST than her - White, fluffy garbs/robes - A diamond brooch given by Frost - Engagement ring (Engaged to Frost) - Black tights (usually) - Black boots |
Old World Denizen of the White Forest |
Old World Elysia |
Current World Aberrations of Elysia |
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One Thousand Eyed Bird Judgement Eternal Night |
Unhung Jury Denizen of the Black Forest |
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Mantle of Sin < Its feathers recite the sin of others > |
Origin: Object |
Affinity: Judgement |
Type: Apparel |
ATT DEF: 150 |
MAG DEF: 200 |
RESIST: 45 |
EFFECT: Resistance to Judgement Affinity. Immune to Confession.
A white, overbearing mantle highly reminiscent of Frost's. It serves as a coat more than a mantle and elegantly wraps around Jury like a giant, feathery cocoon. The sins of those with lesser RESIST stats are written across the mantle in the form of bleeding, floating symbols that can only be interpreted by the wearer or one possessing the Language of Judgement Ability.
The coat itself reaches down past her knees and prevented the need to wear any proper clothing as it served all of these functions on its own.
Diamond Counter < We must value ourselves better > |
ORIGIN : Object |
AFFINITY : Civilization |
TYPE : Accessory |
DEF : 50 |
MAG DEF : 300 |
RESIST : 50 |
EFFECT : Resistance to the Civilization Affinity. Cannot be swayed with worldly possessions. All stats double if opponent devalues the wearer.
It is a large, diamond brooch that references the false diamond Sinder gifted to Anna long, long ago in the Old World. The message it carries is that sentimental value far exceeds that of materialistic, especially when coming from a loved one.
Gift Name |
Description | Origin Tale | Aspect of Entity/Star |
Heart of Time (Fragment)![]() |
Its nature allows for Jury to command time at will. She however cannot reverse time at a large scale or reverse death after it has already occurred. |
The Book of Elysia < Excerpt > < “Time will always be the final frontier. Whether it’s make belief or as tangible as the world we love, ruling over its powers will forever be the only way we can all remain together.” > |
Likely Elysia |
Skill | COST | Description |
(O) Retrocausality [5/10] |
??? Nex |
All attacks are predetermined Effect is randomised. Damage depends on what is used |
(O) Retrocausality - Smite |
1,000,000 Nex |
Call in a predetermined strike. Whether from the past or future is up to you to decide Deal ATT 2,000,000 and MAG ATT 2,000,000 |
(O) Retrocausality - Angel's Touch |
1,000,000 Nex |
Call in a predetermined shower of hungry Angels Deal ATT 1,200,000 and MAG ATT 3,200,000 |
(O) Localized Entropy [1/10] |
250,000 Nex |
Increase entropy in a 50 meter sphere. Disperse all matter until it has all homogenized Deal ATT 25,000 and MAG ATT 25,000 to all targets within the area of effect |
(O) Doppler Strike [2/10] |
250,000 Nex |
Condense all afterimages into a single attack. The longer the duration before impact, the higher the damage potential. Stamina is drained from all afterimages simultaneously. This effect must be used in conjunction with another Skill or attack. |
(S) Isolation Sphere |
10,000,000 Nex per 1 km 3 |
Construct an invisible, spherical barrier capable of altering the lapse of time compared to the external world. Timescale may be increased or decreased. //////// < WARNING > //////// Isolation Sphere is susceptible to proliferating Corrupted Zones or hijacking by the Corrupted, or those with significant NEX generation. Please treat the Isolation Spheres as Corrupted Zones. Isolation Spheres may be entered freely, but there may be only one established exit. Owners may freely manipulate it. |
(S) Angelic Kiss |
50,000,000 NEX |
Reverse the time of selected entities to a previous state. Seconds as infallible healing magic RESTORATION LENGTH: 1 hour |
(S) Time Seer |
25,000,000 NEX per minute |
Able to see the physical origin of Nex. Traumas may be unveiled, and recent sites of accidents can have its past unraveled. Further use cases cannot be listed. Please experiment. May be used in conjunction with Isolation Sphere. DURATION: Unlimited so long as NEX is available
//////// < WARNING > //////// Wrongful uncovering of trauma may inadvertently begin a Corruption Event. Aberrations of Elysia may intervene. |
Skill | COST | Description |
Origin of Gluttony |
Nil | Hungrier more often. Require copious amount of food to sustain functions. NEX requirement for the Heart of Time (Fragment) is also affected. |
Remnants of Purity |
Nil. | An evolving tail with a primordial origin. Differentiates you from the Original. |
Innocent |
Nil | Innocent. |
Lacerate V [0/10] |
Angel Feathers III [0/10] Dynamic Resistance III [0/10] |
Sharpened Claws V |
Deflecting Feathers II Perfect Physiology V |
Their Innocence | Realized | Amalgam’s Blessing | Beholder | Heart of Time |
Formerly known as the 'System', it is an intelligence that was born moments after Frost Awakened as the Archetype of Amalgam. There is not much known about Nav other than it is essentially a voice in both Frost and Jury's head.
Nav actively aids Frost by feeding her vital information and context about the greater world around them. Nav has a cold stature, and a near unreadable demeanour due to its cold, monotone voice. But there has been some instances where it expressed sass, surprise and warmth.
Nav is suspected to have also come from the same world as Frost and several Archetypes due to the familiarity they express towards it.
One of Frost's goal is to materialize Nav into a body.
General Information
The System
Electronic Guidebook
Disembodied Wingman
A young girl that's suffered through the devastation of Divas Pass and had the misfortune of becoming a Corrupted. Ignis was once was a bright, bubbly girl but now sports eyes far sharper than Frost's. Though despite how she looks, Ignis is a kind, cinnamon bun at heart but carries an immense hatred towards the Impuritas that took her home away.
It is known that her mother perished as a direct result of her birth. Ignis throughout her life always thought her happiness was a strain on others, hence her Corrupted form taking the affinity of Lament. Furthermore, it is implied that she had burnt down the tree where her mother 'slept' underneath.
Ignis' body can morph into grotesque forms limited only to weapons and apparel. Her most notable transformation is her hand becoming a massive, curved blade riddled with flesh. Her apparel is also a red suit made from her own flesh. So in a sense, Ignis is not wearing anything at all.
Ignis yearns for revenge against the Impuritas for what happened to her father and home in Divas Pass. She hopes to prove to Frost and the others that she's reliable and will take every opportunity to be useful.
She hates cucumbers and bodies of water as an ex-feline Demi-human.
Ignis has also steadily been warming up to the group, particularly with Ber since the Derma Layer.
General Information
Weaponized Symbiote
Demi-Human (Pre-Corruption)
Trauma (Post-Corruption)
Original (Post-Realization)
8 (Pre-Realization)
0 (Post-Realization)
Hair: Red, long, reaches beyond shoulders. Very straight and tidy.
Eyes: Razor sharp, red in colour. Perpetually glaring.
Tone: Fair, but very slightly red.
Build: Healthy, little muscle, adolescent.
Height: 160 cm
Nil. She is her own weapon. She wears a red suit made from her own body.
LEVEL : 180 |
Ignis |
NAME : Ignis | HP : 260,000 ^20/Min |
MP : 25,000 ^10/Min |
AGI : 60 | RESIST : 500 |
AGE : 0 | ATT : 1,600 |
ATT DEF : 5,500 |
O : 150 | D : 40 |
ORIGIN : Original | MAG ATT : 1,400 |
MAG DEF : 5,500 |
S : 40 | E : 0 |
External System III [0/10] Weaponized System V Devouring Slash II [0/10] |
Complex Machinations II [0/10] Hardened Shell I [0/10] Reinforce! I [0/10] |
Acrid Micro Secretions III [0/10] Implausible Sensory Makeup [0/10] |
Auto Reconstitution V Biological Understanding I Efficient Heat Dissipation III Oppressive Gaze V |
External Skin V Material Mimicry I |
Heightened Senses III Resemblance V Perfect Mimicry (Cat Demi-Human) |
Realized | Amalgam’s Blessing | Symbiote | Siren’s Voice |
Snap. Snap. Brrr.
Snap is a giant, golden-furred spider with a single eye in the form of a camera lens. Snap's name is derived from the sound it makes when it takes polaroid photographs, both when it was a Corrupted known as Our Happiest Moments and in the present as the Observer of Hope.
Snap is a kind soul that even as a Corrupted sought for nothing more than to help those in their trying times by offering them a piece of comfort in the form of a precious memory (a Polaroid). There is not much else known about Snap personality wise, but it did manage to pick up the knowledge of saluting at Frost.
It is usually never in the forefront of things and likes to lurk in the backdrop, constantly recording their moments.
General Information
The Observer of Hope
Frost's Tame
Trauma (Pre-Realization)
Original (Post-Realization)
Fur: Gold, fuzzy, like a giant ball of bliss when touched. Children have been observed to disappear and somehow reappear on the other side of Snap's body when it's rolled itself into a ball form.
Eye: A single camera lens capable of twisting to increase or decrease focus/zoom.
Size: The size of a drawn caravan, or roughly the size of a large car.
Features: There is a smiling face detailed into its back with black fur.
LEVEL : 30 |
< Observer of Hope > |
NAME : Snap | HP : 2,500 |
MP : 1,000 |
AGI : 1,800 | RESIST : 25 |
AGE : 30 | ATT : 0 |
ATT DEF : 0 |
O : 0 | D : 0 |
ORIGIN : Original | MAG ATT : 0 |
MAG DEF : 0 |
S : 120 | E : 0 |
< … Snap requests that you do not pry >
< As a friend, I will comply >
< Snap hopes that you will one day understand >
"What's a ticket booth to a galvanizing wolf?" - Cer.
Cer is one of three triplets, born exactly 0.8 seconds before the other two. She's the most unpredictable, chaotic and has seemingly no boundaries whatsoever. Cer is better off described as a wildcard, and appears dismissive of situations many would regard as harrowing or a matter of life or death.
Her past is masked with mystery alongside her sisters. They are called Jesters by the majority of the Blessed and the Ateliers and are rarely ever taken seriously despite the knowledge they do pertain.
Cer is surpisingly self-aware of her obnoxious behaviour. It is unknown why she chooses to behave like this, and deep down, Cer has shown that she truly does care about the living but has been twisted by her gruelling upbringing and longs for the simpler days.
General Information
Electric Fang
Little Wolf
Cer Syndrome Patient Zero
Receptionist of the Nexus Common Hub
Roughly 30 (and 0.8 seconds older than the other two)
Hair: Long, black and straight. Reaches up to her waist.
Eyes: Crimson in color. Wolf-like in appearance.
Tone: Fair.
Animal Characteristics: A pair of black wolf-like ears and a large, fluffy tail.
Build: Healthy, lithe, short, very little muscle
Height: 140-150 cm
Her fangs possess an Atelier Weapon created by ImpulseWorks. It allows Cer to create electric shocks in the form of a massive bite.
It is her primary method of attack.
Moon | ||||
Cer Soul Rank: Incandescent | Atelier: Nil |
LEVEL : 200 | ORIGIN : Demi-Human |
HP : 50,000 |
ATT : 3,000 | MAG ATT : 3,000 |
ATT DEF : 2,000 | MAG DEF : 2,000 | MP : 10,000 | RESIST : 100 | AGI : 55 |
Electric Fang V Ultracharged Field V Galvanic Current V Wolf Bite V |
Static Defense V Matching Current V |
Electric Sensitivity V Detection V |
Moon | Serum S (Galvanic Blood) | Serum H | Charged Blood Tether | Jesters! | Atelier Jaw |
All muscle, no brain. Ber rarely has anything worthwhile to input and usually goes along with the antics of Cer, much to Res' frustration. Ber is very casual and talks little compared to her sisters. When she does, she usually speaks with small phrases. Not much is known about Ber other than that she's Cer's hype-woman when it comes to their antics.
But beneath her stoic and rather rude attitude, Ber is easily the most feminine of the three and is endearing when she's not busy playing along with Cer's antics. She's also surprisingly smart at times.
Ber has gotten somewhat close with Ignis.
General Information
Electric Claw
Medium Wolf
Receptionist of the Nexus Common Hub
Roughly 30 (and 0.8 seconds younger than Cer)
Hair: A little on the shorter side, just managing to reach her shoulders. Unstyled, a bit similar to Frost's and black.
Eyes: Crimson in color. Wolf-like in appearance.
Tone: Fair.
Animal Characteristics: A pair of black wolf-like ears and a large, fluffy tail.
Build: Healthy, lithe, short, very little muscle
Height: 140-150 cm
Her gloves/gauntlets are her primary weapons and were created by ImpulseWorks. They allow her to conjure electricity at the tips of her finger and create electric aberrations in the form of a giant scratch.
Moon | ||||
Ber Soul Rank: Incandescent | Atelier: Nil |
LEVEL : 200 | ORIGIN : Demi-Human |
HP : 50,000 |
ATT : 3,000 | MAG ATT : 3,000 |
ATT DEF : 2,000 | MAG DEF : 2,000 | MP : 10,000 | RESIST : 100 | AGI : 55 |
Electric Claw V |
Static Defense V Matching Current V Reflexive Defense V |
Wake Up Shock V | Electric Sensitivity V Detection V Cook III Butcher I Forager V Sewer II |
Moon | Serum S (Galvanic Blood) | Serum H | Charged Blood Tether | Jesters! | Atelier Claw |
The most 'normal' out of the Moon Triplets. Res acts as the group's mother and their restrain. She is typically serious, respectable and reliable. She is the only one of the three that Frost sincerely respects as a result. Res' past is wrapped in mystery alongside her sisters and fragments of it prop up from time to time. During these moments it is usually her who takes the initiative to calm her sisters down.
Res carries immense emotional baggage and guilt due to the past, and blames herself for what happened to her sisters. As stoic as she is, Res is easily the cutest and adores being pampered by Frost and Jury.
General Information
Electric Eye
Big Wolf
Receptionist of the Nexus Common Hub
Roughly 30 (and 0.8 seconds younger than Cer)
Hair: Twintails, a little long, just managing to reach down her shoulders when unstyled. Black.
Eyes: Crimson in color. Wolf-like in appearance.
Tone: Fair.
Animal Characteristics: A pair of black wolf-like ears and a large, fluffy tail.
Build: Healthy, lithe, short, very little muscle
Height: 140-150 cm
Her eyes possess a pair of lens capable of creating concentrated beams of electricity so potent that it creates ozone as a byproduct (hence the chlorine smell). It is an Aterlier Weapon created by ImpulseWorks much like her sisters'. This electrical beam is her primary method of attacking, although it is considered to be inferior to her sister's weapons.
Moon | ||||
Res Soul Rank: Incandescent | Atelier: Nil |
LEVEL : 200 | ORIGIN : Demi-Human |
HP : 50,000 |
ATT : 2,000 | MAG ATT : 2,000 |
ATT DEF : 2,000 | MAG DEF : 2,000 | MP : 20,000 | RESIST : 100 | AGI : 55 |
Electric Eye V Hypercharged Field V Galvanic Current V Electric Lance V |
Static Defense V Matching Current V Ionizing Shell V |
Pack Leader V | Electric Sensitivity V Detection V Telescopic Sight V |
Ionizing Gaze V |
Moon | Serum S (Galvanic Blood) | Serum H | Charged Blood Tether | Jesters! | Atelier Eye |