Nexus Awakened (An Isekai LitRPG Gender Bender Story)

688. The Adamantium Mines

The adamantium used to be the Bellum Empire’s most prized strategic resource. Despite possessing a Gift, adamantium had infinitely more uses as a highly venerated metal. Like magic, there were different tiers of metals.

Iron, steel and gemstone blades were normal with the latter usually belonging to mages as they were easier to imbue with magic. Iron-powered adamantium, mithril and pure adamantium stood at the top, bested only by a material called ‘midnight’ found deep within the Timeless Ruins.

Spectacular things came from deep within the earth. Adamantium was up to ten times heavier than regular steel and green. The purer the adamantium, the more vibrant it became. Its sheer weight meant that not anyone could feasibly wield a sword made from one, let alone full armor.

The ores were the same.

Green veins ran through the walls of the mines, illuminating everything with a pristine, emerald light. They were like gemstones. If it weren’t for Frost knowing beforehand that this was adamantium mine, then she would have mistaken them for emeralds.

She didn’t know that ores grew like veins rather than cluster like crystals did. An awed Frost walked beside Gerina as she led them deeper into the mines, turning more than thirty times before the ceiling began to expand.

The mines were endless. Countless dead ends and pitfalls doomed whoever dared to venture through its silent halls. Wooden beams groaned under the immense pressure of the earth, some already in the process of cracking.

“Why don’t they just use adamantium beams?”

Frost didn’t say this out loud. She didn’t want her ignorance to be questioned as she ran a hand along the glowing-green veins.

[Appraise Object].


Adamantium Ore

< One of the strongest metals in Elysia. A material for champions and master craftsmen. Dwarves use it as a rite of passage for the most elite craftsmen. Largescale industrial blast furnaces and magical blast furnaces nor electric arc furnaces will be of use. Its melting point is approximately 16,000 Celsius (28,832 Fahrenheit) >


The problem was solved in an instant. Though they could mine adamantium, they could not exactly melt, let alone mold it into the shapes they wanted, hence the powdered variants. Surprisingly, the wider the mines became the less beams there were.

This was because the adamantium deposits themselves provided more than enough support to keep everything from collapsing. Strands of adamantium veins ran across the open chambers, fully exposed like the branches of a tree.

Still… isn’t the surface of the sun like almost a third of that temperature? You’d need the literal heat of the sun to melt Adamantium.

“You forget that installations like the Gigaforge exist. At such temperatures they would be in a plasma-like form. A flash arc may also suffice. Caldera Industries uses adamantium in their many blends. Think of the Sites and their machinery. A Gravity Core isn’t going to prevent them from wearing down. Is that not why drill bores on earth pace themselves?”

Heat, friction, resistance – they were all limitations to conventional alloys.

Caldera Industries’ blend allowed them to ignore these entirely.

The minecarts and ruined railroads led them to a place where wooden scaffolding rose as high as the ceiling. Thirty meters was the highest point, and large craters filled with crystal-clear water sprinkled the cavern. It was the combination of multiple chambers, each dug out by nothing but barrels of explosive powder.

Due to the stability of the mines and the resilience of adamantium, explosives were the best way of clearing them out. A green haze filled the air. Huts and other abandoned structures created a man-made maze that led to even more winding tunnels.

Frost sensed movement here. She could see several golden dots hiding within these structures.

“Are they with you?”

Gerina was taken aback by how Frost knew there were people here. She even pointed precisely where they resided.

“Yes. They’re my soldiers. We’ve been holding out here for a few months now.” Gerina fired a [Flare] into the sky like an artificial sun.

Several faces emerged from various stone and rotting-wooden structures. The moment their eyes fell onto Frost and her companions, they retreated, only to return armed. Around thirty faces climbed a short but enormously wide staircase towards them.

“You’d think they’d check this place.” Cer grumbled. “It’s so close to the Capital, and they’re turning a blind eye to it? All because of a Corrupted?”

“That’s right.” Gerina didn’t deny this. “So long as they believe there’s a Corrupted here, then they won’t dare to approach. I had to pull some strings to get it written down by the Patreons of the Highways. It’s all thanks to Via.”

Via again. The Scripts are also probably helping us too.

“Thanks to the Director, and maybe Marionette?”

I’m not sure about Marionette. She’s more of a slave to the Fate Mechanism.

Frost sighed and asked Gerina where the Wandering Healer was kept. She had no interest with her soldiers. Interacting, managing, and messaging them would be up to the Exalted.

“Princess! What is the meaning of this!? Who – What are these people doing here!?”

“Bastards! Have they taken you as hostage!?”

“Gerina! Your command!?”

Heavy footsteps and the clanking of light, metal armor followed them as more heads poked out. They were far more levelheaded than those who approached, with weapons brandished and ready to fight.

“You’re mistaken! They are our benefactors! Unarm yourself and remain civil –!”

“But don’t they don’t look human at all!” One protested, pointing at Devoid who was the closest of the Exalted to the appearance of the Memento Mori. “Princess! How do we know they will not out us!?”

It was too noisy for Frost.

Their bodies seized as a wave of terror glued them to the ground and silenced the approaching soldiers. All Frost did was flash them a relatively harmless glare.

Their hearts jumped into their throats. It was like they were caught in the sight of a predator. One move, and they were dead.

“Gerina. Educate them. As I said, I’m will not be helping you directly. My Exalted can do the talking on my behalf. I’m more interested in the Wandering Healer. However, it seems that your soldiers are on edge. Are we not the first to have made it this far?”

“Via was the first. My apologies.” Gerina bowed. “I should have gone first to let them know ahead of time. I’ve ordered my soldiers to attack on sight. We can’t take any risks.”

“It’s fine. So long as they are aware then I am happy.”

Black particles rose from the ground. Cuts and the minor injuries of the soldiers were healed abruptly as Frost snapped her fingers, making her powers clear to them. It cleansed all doubt. Being a Healer was like having maxed out charisma. They only do good, so there was no reason to doubt them.

The fear did not leave them, however.

“Now then – Where is the Wandering Healer?”

Healing them also revealed her intentions. The reason why she was here was clear to them now. She was a Healer Gerina had been trying to bring into the mines. Realizing this, the last shreds of their animosity died out.

“I… I can show you…” A woman offered, the tip of her sword rattling against the stone.

“Lucy. Cer. You’re with me. Everyone else is to remain with Gerina.”

“Shall we treat this as our base of operations?” Abadona asked.

“Do as you wish.” Frost replied, glancing at Gerina. “Is that fine with you?”

The princess eagerly nodded.

Then, with a deep breath, she shouted:

“Whatever it takes for you to lend your powers to us! Loyal soldiers of the true Aztra! Assemble before me!”

Her voice was amplified like a megaphone. The tattoos on her back glowed, and Frost sensed a white light in her chest at that moment.

What resided within was likely a piece of the Aztra Res, partially integrated into her much like the Beholders. It was weak. Insignificant. Regardless, it was surprising to see that minor Gifts could also integrate with people.

So kings are kings because of the strength they possess from a Gift, huh. It’s not just about blood-ties.

“As usual, people will crown the most violent to be their champions.” Nav said somberly.

Unfortunately, that’s how things work. But Gerina seems to lead by example. She cares about her people. At least from what I can tell. It’s still too soon to judge her. But if our investment turns out well…

Frost watched as swaths of her most loyal soldiers marched up the stairs. Not a single heart carried ill will. Somehow, Gerina was able to amass such loyal followers who cared for only one thing.

Their home.

Impassioned men and women lined before Gerina. It was not a matter of her status as royalty or a wielder of a Gift. To them, what mattered was that Gerina wanted the same thing they did. They shared the same struggle, and beared the same burden.

Frost could see it in their eyes.

They were ready to die for the sake of bringing their Empire back.

… Then we’ll have another Region under the banner of the Nexus. It has me thinking what the Moons would do if our home was ever in danger. Hm.

“What’s wrong?”

There is a second Hyperlink Crystal coming to Grandis, right?

“There is. Why do you ask?”

Frost silently admired them.

They were powerless in the grand scheme of things, and yet they struggled to restore what was theirs. The Bellum Empire was their home. She could only imagine the resentment she’d feel if someone were to tear apart the Floor of Amalgamation.

Keep it close to southwest of Grandis. Just in case.

As much as she didn’t want to get too involved with Gerina, she still pulled strings of her own. Gerina was an investment and her key.

Therefore, it was only appropriate that she wanted to keep her alive at all costs. She trusted her Exalted. But they’d eventually be separated between the towers. For this reason, she needed to consolidate power of her own just in case.

Get the Little Frost and a few Stars to move to Sector C-K and D-Q. It wouldn’t hurt if we had the Golden Index and Inflow Direct to lend a hand when things spiral out of control.


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