New Beginnings – A Pokemon Slice of Life. [OC/Isekai/Move Tutor/Breeder]

Chapter 30

At the campground, where all the trainers staying at his ranch were still getting their moods back to normal after the morning catastrophe, Ethan hurried up to Joji, wallet in hand. “Joji!” He yelled and waved down the Noctowl trainer, who jerked at the exclamation of his name.

“I have a favor to ask. I’m fresh out of pokeballs, and I need three of them. I’ll give you fifty thousand cash if you can part with them.”

Joji’s shocked and slightly worried expression faded to one of surprise. “I mean, I guess? I think Eterna is only twenty or thirty minutes by flight…”

With his raised brow, Ethan’s look must have spurred Joji to continue. “I don’t have any spare pokeballs on me, but I could fly Noctowl to Eterna for you?”

With a sigh of relief, Ethan nodded. “It would help a ton. Ursaring wants me to capture her Teddiursa so they can’t be caught by others. It’s pretty important, as you might guess given this morning’s fiasco.”

With a flick of his wrist, Joji tossed out a pokeball, releasing Noctowl. The giant avian ruffled its feathers and shot an angry glare toward its trainer, upset at being awoken mid-day. “Quick trip into the city, Noctowl. Then, you can rest until we start tutoring again.”

Feeling a little bad for Noctowl, Ethan decided that perhaps he should work around its sleeping schedule. He was tutoring Growlithe at night anyhow. It wouldn’t be too much of a hassle to work with Noctowl at the same time. Ethan spoke to Noctowl, not its trainer, in an attempt to smooth over their fraying relationship. “How about we start your tutoring at night? I’m teaching Growlithe during that time. It wouldn’t be too much trouble. Think of it as a thanks for making this trip for me.”

Noctowl’s glare faded as a twinkle formed in its sharp gaze. It rapidly began patting its side and nodding its head to get Joji to hop on as soon as possible. It wanted to go back to sleep, and Ethan’s offer was all the motivation it needed.

Ethan quickly handed Joji the fifty-thousand pokedollars he had on him to not keep the bird waiting. As Joji turned to leave, he asked for another, smaller favor. “If you stop by the pokemon center, can you ask for Joyce Joy? Tell her I have some pokemon that need to be registered soon and tell her I’d love it if she stopped by. I know I’m asking a lot… and I’m sorry for being a bother…”

Joji waved off his complaints as he stuffed the cash into one of his pockets. “It’s no problem. I needed to do some light shopping anyway and now that you’re going to tutor Noctowl at night, I have the time. So, three pokeballs and the message?”

Ethan nodded as Joji hopped up on Noctowl, the eager bird stomping its feet in impatience. “Okay. I’ll be back in an hour or two.”

Ethan stepped back as Noctowl flapped its enormous wings, sending dirt and leaves spiraling into the air from the rushing wind. They soared off into the sky, and for a moment, he wondered if they were using the move Fly or not. He didn’t think that they needed the move here, but it should exist… right?

Scenes of a flying Smeargle, soaring through the open air, riding its tail like a witch’s broomstick flashed into Ethan’s mind. He’d have to do some research and some testing to see if that was a possibility in the future. He’d need photos.


After setting up the pokemon for tutoring once again and getting them on their strict and very well thought out training regimens… Ethan was helping the sorrowful Gogoat who was still struggling with using the ground type move. Gogoat idly kicked the ground while wearing a small frown, dejected at its lack of improvement.

“Okay Gogoat, I have an idea. Do you know what a plow is? One used for farming?” Ethan asked with a gentle reassuring smile.

Gogoat bleeted and shook his head. “Goooo.”

“Hmm. Well, a plow is used to create grooves in the earth so that farmers can plant seeds within the grooves. They then place the dirt that was shoved off to the sides overtop the seeds for planting. Look at this.” Ethan jammed his toe into the dirt, and with some force, drug his foot a foot, leaving a small divot.

Gogoat watched it happen, a spark of understanding flashing through its eyes. Ethan didn’t need to say anything else, as Gogoat understood what he was trying to show him. Without any hesitation, Gogoat turned and sprinted off down the open stretch of grass alongside the cobbled path. As Gogoat picked up momentum, he bleated and hunkered down during his sprint. As he continued to barrel ahead, the grass beneath its feet started to vibrate and shake, almost like the ground was the surface of water, and Gogoat disrupted the surface tension.

After Gogoat looped back around, he was heaving for air, but he had an enormous smile. Ethan clapped in celebration as he walked forward and ran a hand down the large pokemon’s flank. “That’s it! That was close! Now that you got the basics down, you’ll be using Bulldoze in no time.”


Gogoat did a happy jump while flailing about, reminding Ethan of a happy cow, causing him to laugh. “Keep on practicing. I gotta go help some of the others.”

As Ethan gave Gogoat a final pat and turned to head back toward the other Pokemon, he spotted Ursaring and the two Teddiursa off near his berry fields. The two Teddiursa were play-fighting over some of the fallen berries, letting loose cute growls, but Ursaring was observing Ethan as he tutored. She stood with her arms crossed and gazed about the training field, where Gogoat, Chatot, Sneasel, and the three Simis worked on their moves.

Ethan gave her a small wave, which mama bear returned with a nod. While Ethan didn’t mind her watching, the other trainers and some of the pokemon did. The three siblings and their colorful monkeys were fidgeting in place, and when Ursaring noticed, she grinned savagely, taunting them. Ethan walked over toward the small Oran berry pile Sneasel and Chatot were using, picked one up, and threw it at her head. She snatched it out of the air in a singular chomp, chewed it, then kept on grinning. “Stop that! They’re trying to learn here.” Ethan said, mock angry.

Ursaring huffed and plopped herself onto the ground and went back to watching the ongoing training passively. Ethan walked over to the monkeys and their trainers. “Don’t worry about her. She won’t harm you… as long as you don’t throw a pokeball at her children.” Ethan said, frowning at the last part. This morning was going to bother him for a long time.

After another ten minutes of helping out the Simis, a loud squawk from Chatot drew his attention. Ethan just barely managed to catch the finish of a textbook Sucker Punch smacking her in the chest, causing him to jog over in concern as Sneasel smiled appreciatively at its fist, holding it up in the air. “You okay?”

Chatot flapped her wings in frustration, but nodded. She was watching Sneasel do a little celebration with apathy. Ethan, feeling that his first pokemon wasn’t in the best of moods, lifted her up and cradled her in his arms. He whispered to her as he rested his chin on her head. “Remember. You don’t need to learn the move in a certain amount of time. You don’t even need to learn the move at all. I just thought you’d enjoy it. Don’t think I haven't seen the flickering of dark around your beak now and then. You’ll get it in a few days…” Ethan paused as Chatot did her weird avian purr. “Next time, try to knock the berry out of Sneasel’s hand instead of stealing it. It’s a dark move called Knock Off. It might be easier.”

Chatot wiggled in his grasp, wanting to be let down, so he placed her back on the ground as she pecked at some of her ruffled feathers. She lowered herself to the ground and sang out her name in a mocking tone.

♫ Chaa-tooot-tooot-tooot! ♫”

Sneasel stilled in its little celebration, then twisted its neck to look over its shoulder with a glare. Realizing that the time for celebration was over, it leaned down and grasped another Oran. It squared off against Chatot and nonchalantly tossed the berry up and down in its hand.

With one powerful flap of her wings, Chatot jetted forward. Instead of trying to peck the berry into her mouth to take it away, she smacked Sneasel’s hand with one of her dark coated wings in a powerful blow. The berry, unable to withstand the force of the successful use of Knock Off, simply pulverized in Sneasel’s grip. They both paused and looked down at the blue juice which splattered all across their bodies.


“Well.” Ethan said as he walked forward. “I guess berries won’t cut it anymore. Good news, you actually used the move Knock Off on the first try! Now, we gotta try again to see if it was a fluke. Let’s take a 30 minute break while you all clean yourselves up.”

Chatot, normally uncaring of being covered in juice, fluttered off toward his house to take a bird bath in his requisitioned stone-bowl. Sneasel on the other hand, just grabbed a bunch of dirt from the field and slathered it on itself. Apparently, using literal dirt to clean itself from the juice.

Ethan was about to comment on the hygiene, but a screech from an overhead Noctowl declared the arrival of Joji. The huge bird swooped down, using its massive flapping wings to apply a counterforce on the ground, and gently landed. Joji hopped off and smoothed down his clothes, unbothered by the impressive landing.

Once finished, he strode toward Ethan and tossed him five pokeballs. Ethan scrambled to catch them, and fumbled them in surprise, causing one of them to fall to the floor. Joji winced and gave him a small bow. “Sorry. It’s a habit. You gave me fifty-thousand, so I just got you five. Can never have too many pokeballs.”

Ethan picked up the dropped ball and wiped it clean. “Thanks. I was paying you with that other twenty, you know?”

Joji shrugged. “I was planning to head to the city for some supplies anyways. By the way, Nurse Joy said she’d love to stop by sooner or later. She was very insistent to meet your pokemon. She looked eager.”

“Thanks Joji.” Ethan said as he spotted Ursaring pushing herself off the ground to stand up straight.

Ethan made his way over to her, watching as her stalwart appearance began to give way to unease. He couldn’t blame her either. Letting him catch her children was probably the best degree of trust one could possibly imagine. It both made him warm inside, but also resolute. He would not renege on their little plan. Once he caught them, he’d let them out and have them wander around with their mother. Although… it’s probably illegal.

Good thing he has the ‘I’m not from your world.’ card on hand. That’ll be sure to get him out of trouble.

The two Teddiursa cubs, who were still roughhousing and growling as ferociously as they could manage at one another, both began to calm down as they sensed the emotional turmoil from their mother. They both righted themselves off the ground, where they were in a small heap of fluff, then tilted their heads as they gaze upwards at the towering figure they’ve known their whole entire lives. The one who’d been there for them and protected them since they could think.

With a meaty paw, Ursaring bent down and shoved her two cubs forward. She didn’t even turn to look at where they were, she just knew.

Ursa-Ursaring. Urs.” She spoke a few words to her children, then pointed at Ethan.

The two cubs, who on any other day would have tackled him in a hug, looked at Ethan with looks of worry and confusion. He knelt down on the ground, took out two of the pokeballs he’d just been given, then rolled them forward.

“All you have to do is touch the button. You’ll go in, but don’t fight it. As soon as you’re snug and comfy, I’ll let you right out to be with your mom.” Ethan said as the two cubs sniffed at the pokeballs. The speedier and more confident of the two tapped the button after giving Ethan a look of friendliness. With a bright muted red light, Teddiursa was sucked into the ball.


Ethan grabbed the ball, then released the small teddy bear right next to their mom. When he appeared, he blinked owlishly for a few seconds, then giggled—seemingly having enjoyed whatever was in there.

Seeing its sibling's joy, and not wanting to be left out, the one who’d dug him up a root went and tapped the paw with a playful smack, and in it went.


And like its sibling, Ethan released Teddiursa immediately. When this one appeared, it looked at its sibling and giggled along.

Then, they both went back to fighting.


They rolled across the first and smacked each other with reckless abandon, but not enough to do any serious harm.

Ethan rose, then placed his hands on his hips. “As promised. They won’t be able to be caught now. I hope that makes you feel safer to come back. Once again, I’m sorry about what happened.”

“Urs.” Ursaring nodded her acknowledgement as she looked at Ethan’s pocket. Her gaze lingered for a second at where the pokeballs were before she huffed and called her children to leave.

As she turned to walk away, he made sure to remind her of the specifics of their deal. “Remember. I’ll need to take them to a human city to get registered to me sooner rather than later. They’ll be gone for a few days.”

Tired and fed up with the day, Ursaring waved him away as she continued onwards.

Ethan sighed, then clicked the two Teddi’s pokeballs on his belt, completing a set of six.

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