NeToRi System

3 – Co-misery

That evening was another bad one. Things started ok when he first got home, but his father was already drinking before dinner even started and lost his temper when his wife brought the dinner.

"Tuna casserole?!?!" he yelled. He grabbed the oven dish and flung it across the dining table and into the wall where it shattered making a mess.

"I-I didn't have a lot of time." she tried to defend herself when he grabbed her by the shirt aggressively.

She tried to protect herself, but he slapped her viciously across the face which ended up sending her to the floor from the force. He clenched his fist drawing it back intending to continue his beating.

Dave finally saw a chance no matter how remote and threw himself between his father and stepmother protecting her from his father which only angered him further as he started raining blows across his back.

Dave grit his teeth and bore the beating, it wasn't anywhere near the first though so he was pretty used to it and just did his best to cover her while also protecting his most sensitive areas from the beating. It would still hurt, but he knew this way at least it wouldn't interfere with his life for the next few days. Sadly he had become quite skilled at taking a beating.

"Just. Stay. Right. There." he ordered in a teasing tone.

He could see his stepmother Jackie looking up at him with a combination of fear and gratitude reflecting in her eyes as he shielded her. Eventually his father got tired of beating him.

"Fuck. Useless piece of shit." he grumbled before walking off to the living room with a bottle of jack where he crashed on the couch and started watching some TV now that he had taken the edge off his frustration.

He knew he had to make the most of his opportunity so exaggerating how much the beating had hurt he fell on his ass leaning against the wall while panting.

"Are you okay?" he asked her with a concerned look.

"Y-yes...what about you though?" she asked him when she finally consciously realised everything that had happened. She had always felt bad for Dave, but she had never felt taken care of by him which was strange and she wasn't used to feeling protected after years of dealing with the abuse.

"I'll be ok." he said while intentionally revealing a grimace to make her feel like he was holding back on the pain for her sake.

"No! Come with me we need to take a look." she said grabbing his hand as she pulled him up and dragged him towards his bedroom to check over the injuries he sustained while protecting her.

By then his father had already half drunk himself into a stupor when they walked past him without him even noticing.

Jackie was a bit on the smaller side at only 5'2(157 CM). Her curves were anything but small though sporting a large pair of double Ds and hips to match. Spending much of her time inside she was on the paler side with bright green eyes, very light freckles that gave her a more youthful look and light brown wavy hair cascading down a little past her shoulders. She was wearing a light summer dress that ended just around her knees.

She ended up making him take off his shirt and lay face down on his bed while she inspected his back which was already starting to bruise in many places. She was feeling guilty for what he went through for her and quickly grabbed some ointment which she applied to the worst spots on his back.

While she was gently applying the ointment a blend of anger towards her husband and gratefulness towards Dave started mixing in her heart. Part of her wanted revenge on her husband and another felt softened towards her stepson. He wasn't really her type, but he had protected her and deserved some kind of reward, being able to get revenge on her husband and with his own son none the less only made it sweeter she thought.

"Ok turn around." she told him after getting up.

Dave turned around on her command unable to hide the hard on in his pants as a result of her delicate hands rubbing along his back while on top of him.

She started rubbing some ointment on the minor bruises on his front which compared to his back probably didn't need it, but now she was getting into it for other reasons as she felt her cheeks flush, but made sure to stay in control as she pressed him back down onto his bed every time he tried to shift.

She leaned forward squishing her large breasts against his chest as she whisper: "Just let me take care of you for now."

His breath hitched not used to this and unsure how to behave which ended up in him letting her do whatever she pleased to him as she continued rubbing his arms, chest and abdomen while her breasts regularly pressed and brushed against him as she did so continuing to entice him further, his dick eventually growing hard enough to brush against her panties eliciting a sweet moan from her mouth and causing her breathing to grow even heavier.

"Mmmm.... what's that?" she asked him playfully.

"Ehm....w-well. That...that's you know." he said with a heavy blush.

"Know what?" she asked.

"My dick." he managed to barely get out as a whisper.

"Indeed. I think we should take a closer look." she said with a smirk her excitement growing.

She unzipped his jeans slowly pulling them down to reveal his boxers which couldn't hide his raging hard on. It wasn't huge, but larger than she had expected from her scrawny stepson which helped a lot. She teased him further by running her finger along it over the fabric of his boxers.

"Well someone's got a surprise for me." she teased.

Dave looked away still embarrassed and unable to deal with this side of his stepmother. She wasn't much older than him and definitely in his strike zone.

the chapter if you enjoyed and if you are looking for more check out my Patreon.

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