NeToRi System

23 – First Date part 2

In their excitement they finished all the food without even realising it. Not wanting to end their date yet they ordered a shared dessert to postpone the inevitable.

They gazed passionately into each other's eyes while still playing footsie under the table and holding hands with fingers intertwined. Both with a healthy blush on their cheeks.

When the dessert came out they had fun feeding each other bites of it, but it didn't last very long. Probably because both of them were quite "hungry".

Dave paid for the two of them leaving a generous tip before leading Kate outside by holding her hand.

He made sure to walk her home. The walk actually took a while as they enjoyed each other's presence walking hand in hand as they talked casually about their hobbies. There was actually some overlap in things they enjoyed watching and she even enjoyed some of the same video games he liked.

When they finally got to the front of her home she tried to walk off, but he pulled her back into his arms with the hand he was still holding. She quietly acquiesced when his hand ran down her side pulling her close. His other hand lifted her face, that she had shyly turned away, back to face him. Before she could react he had already pressed his lips to hers in a passionate kiss.

In their passion he pressed her up against the wall beside her front door while she ran her hands through his hair. Their lips parted as their tongues darted out to meet each other in gentle caresses. She ground her hips against his.

They didn't know how long they had kissed. It felt long, but simultaneously not long enough. Kate did eventually have to go in though as she still had her homework to finish before dinner came along. He gave her a warm smile as she moved away while still holding his hand as they stretched towards each other until finally breaking apart.

"I'll text you," she said with a sweet smile before heading in leaving him alone on the doorstep.

He took a long route jogging home to a bit more exercise and to burn off the excitement before going through his usual exercise routine at home.

Taking a closer look at his father over dinner he wasn't looking too hot. Although he was recovering from the concussion it definitely seemed to be slower than the estimates. Maybe his bodily struggling to maintain his muscles that were breaking down unable to sustain themselves was eating up energy that would otherwise have been used for the healing process. Either way he was more than happy with it. The more his father could suffer, the better he felt.

Between the concussion taking him out of the game for a while and his already declining body from losing his ability Dave couldn't wait for his father's next match. He felt it was going to be a smash hit, literally and he couldn't wait to see it.

Him and Jackie were still able to get some flirting and kissing in here and there, but they had to be more careful now that his father was moving again. It didn't seem to deter Jackie much though as she seemed more and more excited about their relationship as time passed.

Dave spent the rest of the evening downloading the books the personal trainer had sent him. He would have bought them legally, but although he had quite a bit of cash on him after taking it from his father's secret stash his bank account was still practically empty barely allowing him to purchase 2 of the books on the list so the rest had to be acquired through less than legal means. He would just buy them once he did have the money in his bank account to make up for it.

He immediately started reading, his goal was to finish all of them before the actual course started and possibly integrate some of it into his own workouts too. The books covered a whole host of things regarding exercise, nutrition and even some biology. Aside from taking some breaks to do his own workouts he continued reading until late at night. The only thing interrupting him ever so often being the texts Kate was sending him.

Based off of the content of the messages it seemed he wasn't the only one left horny by how they ended their "not a date". She was sending him lots of messages bordering on the lewd including some pictures he was quite appreciative of. It was hard to hold back with her at times, but there was fun in the pursuit too. He was also fairly certain she was still a virgin and probably nervous based on the few hints he had gotten throughout their conversations.

Later that night he finally caught a break though and it seemed against the doctor's recommendation less than a week after getting his concussion his father was already drinking himself into a stupor. This finally allowed him to spend the night with Jackie again for the first time in a few days and he made sure to unleash all of the lust he had built up between all of Jackie and Kate's flirting. It had made him rather pent up and Jackie was more than willing to let him release it all on her, she was feeling quite similar after all.

Sadly even though she was able to come over for the night she did have to leave again since his father would probably be sober again come morning. Or at least sober enough to tell his wife wasn't in their bed when she was supposed to be. Either way not something they wanted to risk yet.

When the power balance finally shifted and he would be capable of kicking his father's ass though he would be enjoying paying him back a hundredfold for his suffering by letting him know about how he was fucking his wife and would continue doing so without him being able to do a thing about it. Just the thought of it alone excited him, it seemed the NTR system was tailor made for him if he considered how easily he took to the mindset.

the chapter if you enjoyed and if you are looking for more check out my Patreon. Currently 13+ chapters ahead.

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