NeToRi System

10 – Surprises

Sadly the next morning Jackie was gone once again leaving him alone. He couldn't blame her though. His father was still powerful, in control and abusive at the moment. Not for much longer if it were up to him though.

He immediately started his workout again, but was surprised that he could already complete the whole thing in just 15 minutes like he had set as a goal. He almost cut the time he took in half with just 1 day. He had thought the ability would help, but it still surprised him just how much it helped him. It slightly frustrated him discovering just how easy his father had had it being granted such an ability. He had an easy life and everything came to him with minimal effort and all he could do was a complete bastard. Meanwhile Dave himself had been struggling every day of his life without any reward.

He was extremely happy about the rapid results he was seeing now though. The lack of results had always crushed his resolve eventually. This was the first time the results were actually encouraging him instead. He would probably already need to increase the intensity of his workout starting the next day.

'These abilities are really bullshit cheats, but I don't mind as long as I'm the one with the cheats.' he thought to himself.

Breakfast was once again a quiet affair. A long night's rest hadn't seemed to help his father though as he still seemed more exhausted than was normal for him. He wasn't sure if it was the alcohol preventing him getting a good rest or his body struggling to power the abnormal physique his former ability had granted him. Thankfully it seemed whatever it was his father didn't even have the energy to be as much of an asshole as he usually was which was a nice bonus.

He gave Jackie a quick peck on the lips and squeezed her ass when she saw him off with a smile.

The jog to school was similarly improved and he actually managed to make it jogging the whole way without interruptions. Since he had made sure to leave early thinking he might end up late if he ran out of steam halfway again he actually made it to school with time to spare.

He actually ran into Ms. Samoine when he arrived.

"Good to say you aren't late again Mr. Stiersen," she said with a slight smile.

He couldn't help, but smile back happily excited about the progress he was making.

"Of course Ms. Samoine, wouldn't miss your class if I had the choice," he told her.

"I better see you on time today then," she said before walking off to prepare for class.

He ended up doing some more light jogging and exercises around campus to waste the time he had before class. It was much easier with his new excess motivation. It wasn't like he had any friends to hang out with instead anyway.

Before class started Jeffrey bumped into him and poured his entire cup of whatever he was drinking into Dave's backpack ruining everything inside.

"Oops." Jeffrey said unconvincingly while smirking.

The people around him laughed as if he told the funniest joke. Even Mara stifled a chuckle behind her hands.

'Disgusting sycophants.' Dave thought watching them. He would take care of them at some point. He wondered if any of them had attractive girlfriends. Another thing he would need to work on. Finding out who were in a relationship and thus valid targets.

He sighed knowing he couldn't do anything right now and just ignored the assholes while continuing to prepare for class.

Eventually when they noticed they couldn't get a further rise out of him they lost interest and went to their seats before Ms. Samoine arrived.

The rest of the lesson went as well as he could expect it to go with soaked books.

The next class was P.E. and for the first time he was actually kind of looking forward to it. He didn't expect to perform well, but at least it should be much better than he used to.

In the changing rooms he just stayed out of the way. P.E. tended to bring out the worst in bullies from his experience. They always seemed to enjoy lording their physical superiority over everyone else.

Everyone had to wear the same outfit for P.E. it was a simple white t-shirt and blue shorts combo likely to prevent anyone from wearing anything inappropriate during the class. They even had strict rules regarding the sizing of the shirts and shorts to prevent mostly the girls from taking things too far.

The boys made it to the field with Mr. Brown the P.E. teacher, but were made to wait for the girls as usual. Dave started by warming up by himself since he didn't have anyone to speak with anyway. When they did finally show up they naturally drew the boys attention. Even if the outfits weren't allowed to go too far exposed legs and almost form fitting t-shirts could still easily tempt the teenage boys. Especially those that were more gifted with their curves.

Mara was definitely the most "gifted" girl in class. He had believed this to be the main reason behind her popularity and relationship with the most popular guy in class, but after seeing her ability he was fairly certain that her ability was actually the primary cause for all of this. Knowing what other people were feeling was just too much of a cheat after all. Limited in direct confrontations, but absolutely devastating when used to manipulate.

The coach started them out with doing a few laps around the field to warm up. Unlike usual where he was one of the stragglers in the very back he actually was passing some people as he was keeping a decent pace surprising some of his classmates with the sudden difference. He wasn't keeping up with the jocks yet, but had in less than a week since their last P.E. class gone from one of the weakest in the class to keeping up with the average students.

the chapter if you enjoyed and if you are looking for more check out my Patreon. Currently 10+ chapters ahead.

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