NBA: Come off the bench to save the national team

Chapter 20

When the players of the national team saw Kaman's strange performance, they all showed embarrassed looks and felt a little embarrassed.

Was he really abused by Qin Feng for two layups?

Starting to self-harm?

Who can believe this?

An NBA quasi-All-Star-level player who was abused by a rookie who has just embarked on a professional path doubts life and loses his mind, which may only exist in fantasy.

"Hey! Man, what are you doing? Calm down! Don't look like a loser!

Dirk Nowitzki walked over and patted Kaman on the shoulder and said.

"Boss, I'm calm, I used my greatest strength to confront Qin Feng, it was absolutely impossible for him to throw the ball into the basket just now!"

Carman explained anxiously, his tone appearing innocent.

"Absolutely impossible? But he's already thrown the basketball into the basket, and you're still struggling with that? What you have to think about now is how you should defend Qin Feng next time!" He made two layups on your head in one round and scored 4 points! Even 5 points.

Novitsky said in a deep voice, unabashedly expressing his dissatisfaction.

Carman's expression was stunned, and he nodded unwillingly but helplessly, walked to the free throw line, and waited for Qin Feng's free throw.


There was an obvious foul against Carman just now, and the referee blew the foul again.

Qin Feng walked up to the free throw line, slapped the ball slowly and rhythmically, and threw the basketball high.


This time the basketball hollowed into the net.

Although he doesn't shoot well from the free-throw line, it's easy to stay above 50 percent.

5 points in one round!

The entire arena resounded with the shouts of a tsunami.

Qin Feng's performance in this round was too amazing, stimulating the adrenaline of the fans and making everyone even more excited.

And at this time, sporadic "MVP" cries have sounded at the scene!

"This number 15 seems to be getting more powerful! That layup just now was really hard, and I think even in the NBA, very few players can make it! "

Bomb," Navarro said with a frown, his expression becoming serious.

Originally, he came to see this game with the mentality of watching jokes, but Qin Feng's performance has already aroused Navarro's vigilance.

Shooting three-pointers in a row can be luck, but breaking through to the basket to fight the defender can still score the ball steadily and cause the defender to foul, which requires strong technique!

Navarro asked in his heart, if he faced Carman's defense, could he score those two layups?

The answer is no!

He had no such confidence at all.

By comparing it in this way, you can know how powerful Qin Feng's performance was just now.

"The national team is in trouble, and they will have to pay for their underestimation!"

"The point is that Qin Feng has become very powerful before he knows it! This is his fourth game in the international competition! It's incredible.

Gasol said, covering his forehead with an expression of disbelief.

"How did this damn bastard suddenly become so powerful? The defense of the national team is also so poor that it is a shame to let a substitute player who guards the water cooler score as he wants! The

head coach of the Xibanya team said with a gloomy face, full of anger, but he had to admit Qin Feng's outstanding performance.

Thinking of what I said in the previous interview, I felt hot on my face.

No on-field chances?


One-hit wonder?

Qin Feng used a strong performance to hit back at his remarks and hit him hard in the face.

But now all this is not important, and it is the most important thing to fully understand Qin Feng's true strength.

If he really meets the Huaxia team again in the next game, then Qin Feng will definitely become a time bomb and will become the biggest stumbling block for the Xibanya team to win the victory!

Thinking of this, the coach of the Xibanya team said seriously: "Everyone should watch this game seriously, and write an analysis report on Qin Feng after the game!" "


The players of the Xibanya team looked at the coach one after another, and their eyes widened in surprise.

Didn't you always look at Qin Feng before?

How did it suddenly become so important?

I also have to write an analysis report, which is the first time in the world!

"Qin Feng's performance makes us have to pay attention! Maybe it's time to re-examine this Chinese player who went from substitute to starter! The

coach of the Xibanya team said, his tone becoming solemn.

Gasol and Navarro all nodded, and their gazes on the pitch became different.


On the pitch.

"Boy, how did you get that ball in just now? I have obviously hit your arm with the strongest force! You don't even have a chance to aim at the basket.

Kaman caught up with Qin Feng, who was defensive, and asked suspiciously.

"It's very simple, I just throw the basketball into the sky and go in."

"To be honest, I really didn't even look at the basket."

Qin Feng said indifferently.


Does anyone say no?

Just throw it into the sky and get in?

This is too pretending to be x!

Kaman stared, feeling like a clown being teased by Qin Feng.

"This damn Huaxia newcomer not only scored under my defense! Also insulted my intelligence!

He thought resentfully, and he hated Qin Feng even more.

"Boy, don't be too proud, the game has just begun, I still have many opportunities to teach you a lesson, I will beat you so that you lose confidence in basketball!"

Carman shouted, trying to get back some face.

"Hehe, the game has just begun, but it may be over for you! If I remember correctly, you should have committed three fouls!

Qin Feng reminded, with some schadenfreude.

Carman suddenly changed color as he listened.

Just now, he ignored this question because he was too angry, and now after listening to Qin Feng's words, he realized that he had already committed three fouls.

And just now Qin Feng made two fouls in one round!!

This is trouble!

"Carman, catch the ball!"

At this time, Novitsky suddenly shouted and passed the basketball over.

But Carman's mind was full of thoughts of fouling himself three times, and he had long been distracted.

By the time he reacted, he was too late, and he could only watch the basketball fly past his eyes.


The basketball flew directly into Dayao's hands.

Dayao looked confused, but instantly reacted, showed joy, and threw the basketball hard towards the front court.

The two defenders, Liu Wei and Qin Feng, had already quickly run towards the front court.

There is only one defender on the German side who is struggling to catch up.

A 2-on-1 situation was formed in the front court, and Liu Wei hit the ground and passed the ball to Qin Feng, who easily hit a layup.


The coach of the national team made a gesture towards the referee in anger.

Call a pause again!

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