National career change: Dragon master is the weakest occupation?

Chapter 82

Chapter Eighty-Two Hongwu Who Became a LaughingStock!!

Lu Fan, as a person, did not like to make friends too much, but he felt that Qin Qiu’s little girl was really quite good, beautiful, smart, and very cute.

More importantly, the two people are already very familiar, Lu Fan does not know the roots of Qin Qiu, but he also knows better, and it is better to team up with her, it is always good to go to the academy, and then find strangers to team up.

Soon, the two people came to the Qin Family Villa.

At this time, at the door of the Qin family villa, several cars were parked, and some young boys and girls who were about the same age as Lu Fan and Qin Qiu could be seen following their parents in and out of the Qin family villa.

It is said that these people are some of the candidates who have done well in this year’s examination. Some of the candidates were called by the teachers of the Admissions Office of the Ten Universities to discuss the invitation to enroll.

Others rushed to the news and wanted to discuss with the teachers of these admissions offices to see if they could have a chance to be admitted to the ten universities.

In previous years, this situation was usually in the hotel where the admissions office teacher lived, or in the office of the first middle school.

This year, the teachers of the ten university governments have all been called to their homes by Qin Shanhai, which is why the Qin family villa will be so lively.

Lu Fan and Qin Qiu got out of the car, and when they were about to enter the door, they encountered a tall young man coming out of the villa with his parents.

This young man was none other than Hongwu.

Hongwu had a smile on his face at this time, and it seemed that he should have negotiated with his favorite college teacher and could obtain the admission qualification.

The middle-aged couple on the side are well dressed, and their appearance is somewhat similar to Hongwu, most of them are Hongwu’s parents.

Hongwu’s father, like Hongwu, was as big as an iron tower, and at this time, the middle-aged man was also relieved, and while walking out of the Qin family villa, he said: “……… Although you were admitted to Rendezvous University this time, you should not be proud. ”

“College is not the end point of your cultivation, but the beginning. After you get to college, you must train well and don’t waste the advantages of your hidden career. ”

“I know, you can rest assured Dad!”

Hongwu’s tone was proud, “Longdu University is the institution with the most cultivation resources in the ranking of the ten universities, and since I can be admitted to Longdu University, I will definitely make good use of their cultivation resources…”

Suddenly, Hongwu stopped talking.

Because at this time, he made a face with Lu Fan.

Hongwu originally did not know Lu Fan, but after the list was released, Lu Fan’s big name was known to everyone, and he almost became a celebrity in Jianghai City and even Nan Province, and Hongwu naturally saw Lu Fan’s photo.

Lu Fan also had some impressions of Hongwu, knowing that this was the first master in the first place, the leader of Jianghai City, and the person who also suppressed Qin Qiu’s head.

However, Lu Fan was not familiar with him, so he passed by mistake and had no intention of greeting.

On the contrary, Hongwu, after seeing Lu Fan, was first shocked, and then a cold feeling broke out in his eyes, and he kept staring at Lu Fan, as if Lu Fan was his father’s enemy.

It wasn’t until Lu Fan and Qin Qiu had already entered the Qin family villa that Hongwu snorted coldly and followed his parents out of here.

Lu Fan suddenly felt inexplicable, and quietly asked Qin Qiu, he was not familiar with the first master of what kind of first middle school just now, why did the other party seem to look at himself quite unpleasantly?

Mentioning Hongwu, Qin Qiu couldn’t help but cover his mouth with a smile and said, “It turns out that you don’t know about this matter?” ”

“The Hong family, where Hongwu is located, is also a famous and prestigious family in our Jianghai City. When I didn’t put the list before, I didn’t know where they came from, saying that Hongwu had scored nearly 90,000 points in this big exam, several thousand thousand higher than me, and was able to win the title of Jianghai City this year. ”

Then after the End of the Hongjia Examination, he began to book a banquet, showing off that his son was definitely a Champion lang this year, and even said that he had received news that Jianghai City’s reward for this year’s Champion was four pieces of gold. With these four golden artifacts, Hongwu would definitely be able to soar into the sky. ”

“The result………”

Lu Fan laughed dumbly and said, “After the results were released, I found that I was the champion, and their son didn’t get anything?” ”

Qin Qiu smiled, “It’s not that you didn’t get anything, as the eye of the list, Hongwu still got two silver artifacts, as well as a reward of ten million dragon coins.” ”

“However, before they were too high-profile in the Hong family, before the big exam was released, they bragged everywhere that Hongwu was a champion, and as a result, how much they blew before, and how humiliated they were later.”

“The Hong family was originally known for loving face, and as soon as this matter came out, it was secretly used as a laughing stock by many famous and prestigious families in Jianghai City. In this way, Hongwu is not looking at you unfavorably. ”

“It turned out to be so…”

Lu Fan nodded, but in the end, this matter can also be regarded as the Hong family’s own doing, originally wanted to pretend to be forced, but instead he punched himself in the face.

While talking, Lu Fan and Qin Qiu had already come to the second floor, Qin Shanhai’s study.

According to Qin Qiu, the teachers of the Ten University Governments were all here, and after learning that Lu Fan was already on the road, they had already disappeared from the other students, and they were waiting for Lu Fan’s arrival.

After pushing open the door, Lu Fan looked up and saw that the huge study room was already full of people.

Among these people, there are young and beautiful, looking in their early twenties, wearing armor and a light sword pinned to their waists, and there are also middle-aged priests in priest’s robes and big belly………

In short, everyone knows at a glance that the grade is not low, and it should be the admissions teacher of the so-called Ten Universities.

In addition to these people, there was another acquaintance, that is, Qin Shanhai. At this time, Qin Shanhai was sitting on the side, supposedly entertaining these teachers.

Qin Qiu took Lu Fan into the study, first nodded to greet the teachers present, and then said to Qin Shanhai: “Dad, Lu Fan is here.” ”

Hearing that this was Lu Fan, the eyes of all the teachers lit up, and they stared at Lu Fan like seeing the wolves of the lamb.

So many masters, looking at themselves with such a red fruit look, made Lu Fan feel a little hairy in his heart.

Qin Shanhai smiled, got up from his seat, came to Lu Fan’s side, put his arm around Lu Fan’s shoulder and walked toward the study, and at the same time smiled: “Our Southern Province’s Yuanlang can be regarded as coming.” ”

“Come, Lu Fan, let me introduce you to you, this is the admissions teacher of Longdu Academy, Gu Han; This is the admissions teacher of Jiangnan University, Jiang Ping; This is the admissions teacher of the Northern Academy…”…”

Qin Shanhai brought Lu Fan between the people, and at the same time explained which school the teachers present represented.

There were a total of fourteen teachers present, in addition to the teachers of the ten university governments, there were also four teachers, all of whom were from institutions of higher learning with extremely strong educational resources, not inferior to the ten university governments.

Basically, the admissions teachers of the best schools in Longguo are all here. After the introduction, Qin Shanhai looked at the teachers present and said to them: “This person is certainly not unfamiliar to everyone, I think, his big exam live video, you should have seen it.” ”

“The dragon master with dragons is also the only provincial leader in history who has a dragon pet, and it depends on how you negotiate with him about the conditions.”

“I Qin someone in the middle is a bridge, now you talk to our own Yuanlang.”

Saying that, Qin Shanhai retreated to his position, and before leaving, he also gave Lu Fan a look, the meaning was obvious——— this is an opportunity to slaughter the Ten University Government, don’t be too easy to talk!

Lu Fan originally did not think about which institution he was going to go to, and the educational resources of the ten universities were actually not much different, so which one to choose, of course, still depends on what kind of conditions the university offers.

After Qin Shanhai retreated to the side, the fourteen teachers present could not hold back.

The teacher of Jiangnan Academy, that is, the pastor with a big belly, took the lead in speaking: “Classmate Lu Fan, right?” We teachers at Jiangnan University have watched your live video of the big exam, and we also have a certain understanding of your potential. ”

“Since the head of Qin City has such a good relationship with you, he should have also greeted you in advance, so our Jiangnan Academy does not play with you, and directly talks about the conditions.”

“As long as you can come to our Jiangnan Academy, the annual scholarship is 10 million dragon coins, and all educational resources, such as potions, and copies of various levels, are all open to you, and all are free.”

“At the same time, the school also takes over ten copies of your chances. All open copies in the world, as long as you want to brush, the school will fund you, let you want to brush which brush which! ”

As soon as the teacher of Jiangnan Academy finished speaking, a skinny professional teacher who was like a bamboo pole next to him sneered and said, “Jiangnan Academy is really stingy, just prescribe such a little condition, or do you want to come here to win the title of Nan Province?” ”

“Classmate Lu, our Northern Academy will give you a scholarship of 20 million a year!” All educational resources are also fully open, and as for the copy opportunity, we give you twenty times! ”

“And you must know that our northern academy has a good relationship with Mao, and the copy of Mao’s country that is not open to the public, we have the opportunity to let students go in and brush it, which Jiangnan Academy can’t do.”

When the teacher of the North Frontier Academy said this, the teacher of the Jiangnan Academy was immediately unhappy: “The conditions can be discussed again, if Lu students are not satisfied, we in the Jiangnan Academy can add more conditions.” ”

“Your Northern Realm Academy has the ability to directly prescribe conditions, and we in Jiangnan Academy can’t keep up, so do you still step on us when you talk?”

The teachers of the Northern Realm Academy and the Jiangnan Academy had the intention of choking on fire at this time, but they were exploited by the teachers of other schools, and took this opportunity to offer their own conditions to Lu Fan, wanting to recruit Lu Fan.

Suddenly, the study, which was still relatively quiet, became noisy, like a wet market.

Lu Fan really did not expect that these teachers were so excited, and they did not bend and draw a big cake, and directly opened the conditions for their own school to open, and also said that as long as Lu Fan was willing to go to their school to enroll, all the conditions he wanted could be discussed.

These fourteen schools, in fact, the conditions are similar, one school can prescribe conditions, other institutions can also open, the most important thing is still where Lu Fan wants to go.

Just when Lu Fan was also a little headache about this matter, the sound of the system came on time.

“Ding–congratulations to the host, get a treasure map (god level).”

Lu Fan was stunned–the Super Treasure Map System actually sent himself another level treasure map?!

Did you have an outburst of European qi today?!

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