Chapter 65: CH 65
Jiraiya and Kankuro sweat-dropped as the older man spoke up, "That's pretty morbid gaki."
Naruto snapped icy blue eyes back onto Jiraiya, "I'm sorry, I guess the day before you found me I should have been thinking that someone like you would just let me be or at least let me wake up before you took drastic measures."
Jiraiya looked at the ground, "Damn it kid, how long are you going to hold that over my head? I know it was a mistake, I knew it the entire time it was happening, but it was an order, if nothing else you can at least understand that right?"
Naruto sucked on his teeth, "Yeah, if it was something that ended up being for the greater good I probably would understand and accept it, even though you never tried to get my side of the story before you made me into a retarded four year-old version of my eight year-old body, locking all of my hard-earned skills, strength, and speed away into the depths of my mind. But nothing good came from what you guys did to me."
Jiraiya stood to leave when Naruto stopped him one more time at the door, "Wait." Jiraiya turned to face him only to see the same stone gaze on his face, "During the chunin exams… When I found you, did you agree to train me because of the reason you said, or was it because you remembered what you did and wanted to remedy it if only a little?"
Naruto didn't let him answer, "I'm going out Kankuro, I'll be back later tonight, tell the others." Naruto then utilized shunshin to exit the premises. Jiraiya sighed deeply and followed suit, leaving Kankuro alone in Naruto's apartment, "Wait! What the hell just happened?"
XxX (Two Days Later)
"So what's eating you shithead?" Tayuya shuffled the deck of cards that Naruto had brought to pass the time. She looked way better now than she did two days ago, her skin had gotten its color back and she looked like she had finally gotten some good sleep for once.
Naruto sighed. He had come to talk to her because he actually enjoyed her company and she could give him an unbiased opinion on things being that she didn't know anyone in the village other than him, and that was only a little bit. They were seated on the floor due to a lack of table in her cell. Due to the fact that she regularly talked freely to Naruto she had not been tortured, nor was it seemingly on the horizon as long as Naruto reported to Tsunade what they talked about afterwards. "What if the guy that had a hand in screwing your life up was trying to make amends to you, but the wounds were still fresh." Naruto took the seven cards that Tayuya dealt him, "Take them back and re-shuffle, I saw that. Get the cards out of your sleeve."
Tayuya cursed and brought some chuckles out from Naruto, "Well shithead, I would just say either kill him and be done with it, or suck it up and get over it. You can't bitch about it forever, that isn't healthy."
Naruto looked at her as he took the cards that she re-dealt, "Why am I shithead again?"
Tayuya smirked as she drew a card from the top of the pile, "Because you act like a shithead, therefore you are shithead. There's no way I'm calling you your real name 'fishcake'."
Naruto watched her place a card down in the pile and took to drawing his own card, "Sure, sure Tayuya. I guess I'm shithead then. So you think I should just get over it, just like that."
Tayuya nodded as she looked over her cards, "Yeah, I mean is being angry at whoever it is you're talking about actually doing anything for you?"
Naruto grinned as he finally threw down a card, "Yeah, it makes me feel a hell of a lot better about being me, that's for sure."
Tayuya flicked a discarded card at Naruto's head, catching him flush in the face, "I mean is it doing anything practical for you? Obviously not if that was the first thing that you told me. You told me it was an order from the last Hokage, no one is stupid enough to go against their superior's word especially someone that high up in the food chain. You got sealed, I understand. If it was me, I would have killed him, but you're apparently nicer than that, and holding grudges really doesn't seem like your kind of thing."
Naruto grunted as he picked up a card from the discard pile and switched it with his own before laying down a spread of three of his own cards, "Fine… I'll try. I guess he isn't going to leave me alone now after what he just told me the other day so at least tolerating him would be in my best interest. Especially since I can't just beat his ass to make myself feel better, he's still out of my league."
As Tayuya dropped another card Naruto smiled while picking it up and laid the rest of his cards down, "I win Tayuya-chan."
The aforementioned girl raised an eyebrow at him curiously, "Tayuya-chan? Since when am I a fucking –chan?"
Naruto gathered up the cards and remade the deck before standing to exit, "Since I became shithead. Take care Tayuya-chan, I'll see you soon. Stay cooperative and I'll see what I can do for you."
Tayuya flipped him off, "Fuck that Tayuya-chan shit. And fuck cooperating too."
Naruto shook his finger at her at the door, "So you say, and yet you're as docile as a lamb from what I've heard and seen."
Naruto quickly left the scene just as Tayuya started shouting at him, "Get me out of here and I'll show you how fucking docile I am shithead!"
Naruto shut the door behind him, chuckling the entire time and faced the ninja guarding the door, "She's a little playful today. Take care when it's time to give her dinner."
The man snorted and chuckled along with Naruto as the blonde in question made his way out of the building, "You are one ballsy kid, kid."
As he made his way to Tsunade's office he entered to find Shikamaru inside as well, "What's up Shikamaru, how have you been."
Shikamaru gave Naruto a small smile, "I've been good Naruto, things are about to get troublesome again soon. I've got a mission to go get ready for. I'll see you around." Naruto gave him a short wave as the lazy chunin walked out, "Don't work too hard Shikamaru." As he left he went to sit down by Tsunade, "How have you been baa-chan?"
After the obligatory inanimate object was winged at Naruto's head and the two settled back down Tsunade smiled at him, "I'm fine brat. Now Jiraiya came to me about something because he never found you to get your answer last night. He wants to know whether or not he can get you to go on a training trip with him."
Naruto sat still, pondering for a moment, "No, I won't just cut and run now. I agree that I need to train myself to get ready for Akatsuki, but I don't have to go anywhere to do it. I don't get what his reasoning for leaving would be for me. He said it himself that Akatsuki aren't coming for me for a few years, so it's not a matter of village security. If he thinks it's because I need to work on using the Kyuubi's chakra, I can do that here, I've been doing it well enough so far and it hasn't affected anyone around here yet, hell I go to the Forest of Death to train for that so there's no issues there."
"Brat, Jiraiya can't stick around to train you himself for all of the three years. He has his own responsibilities to keep to elsewhere. You know about his spy network. Taking you with him would kill two birds with one stone." Tsunade tried to reason.
Naruto shook his head, "No, he either wouldn't focus on one or the other. If I stay here he can give me stuff to work on and let me train, then drop in when he's in Konoha to see how I'm doing. That might make for a more productive schedule for me than simply being on the road. It's kind of hard to train when you never stay in one place for too long. Besides, you still need someone like me to help out with your mission load, and I still want my promotion too, I'm not putting my career on hold for three years."
Tsunade looked at him, thinking about what he was saying, "Are you sure you're not just still upset with Jiraiya? Naruto the man is sorry for what he did. I know that he messed you up badly, but carrying a grudge like that cannot be good for your state of mind."
Naruto waved her off, "I'm still pretty pissed off, but I'm not going to go Uchiha-teme on him over the whole thing. It'll take a while, but at the very least I can try and let him back in. He seemed to genuinely want to train me when we were looking for you, he's trying to make up for it at least. Tell him everything that I just told you, I'll see you later baa-chan."
Much to Tsunade's chagrin, before she could stop him Naruto shunshined out of the room, making a mess out of the papers on her desk, "Damn you brat…" She turned her attention to one of the corners, "Did you get all of that you pervert?"
Jiraiya dropped his transparency jutsu and walked over, "At least he's out of the outright animosity phase. I'm kind of upset that he doesn't want to travel with me, but after how he just broke it down I have to say he has a point. He was so convincing I think he may be mature enough to know about his family, he's a chunin now anyway, isn't that the level Minato wanted him to be before he was told?" Tsunade nodded, "Are you sure? Telling him might just piss him off even more at you."
Jiraiya sighed and looked out the window, "I hope he sees it as something that was necessary to hide. If he's still upset then I'll deal with it, but the kid still deserves to know at this point. I'll tell him when I get a chance, maybe before I leave."
As Jiraiya walked away he never noticed the figure sitting on a ledge under the window. Naruto scratched his familiar blonde hair as he heard Jiraiya and Tsunade leave the room after shutting the window, "So my old man's name is Minato… I wonder how many Minato's lived in Konoha before the Kyuubi attack?"