Chapter 15: Chapter 14 - Our Hearts [2]
- No, Shika, of course not.
Mitsuki's gentle arrival dispelled the slight tension in the air.
Shikadai pulled Hanami behind some nearby trees, while the blond began a dialog with the snake boy. Shin, for his part, exchanged pleasantries with Mitsuki, but couldn't ignore how strange and unusual the situation seemed to him. Seeing Shikadai and Hanami together everywhere stirred up a nostalgic feeling - something common in his old reality, but not there.
Should he be worried as an older brother?
A slight wrinkle appeared on his forehead. Did people keep the same personalities in both dimensions? Was Shikadai still as trustworthy as in his world?
His contrite countenance did not go unnoticed by Sarada.
- Are you afraid, blondie? - She jumped forward, mockingly.
Instinctively, Shin puffed out his chest before answering:
- Of course not. What makes you think...
- You, twisting your face while talking about balancing shurikens with Mitsuki. I can tell you've got something on your mind.
- I don't...
- What's up, losers? - Boruto, of course. - This mission is going to be a piece of cake. Let's go, troops.
- It's up to me, Boruto - Konohamaru appeared with his hands on his waist. - I'm still your captain. - He pointed to the cloth tied around his arm. - Where's Hanami?
- A little further on, with Shikadai, brother... I mean, captain," Shin replied, pressing his lips together.
- Let's go," ordered Konohamaru, and the group headed down the road.
Shortly afterwards, Hanami came skipping along behind, slightly behind schedule.
They spent the day traveling, alternating between walking and running. Although they were on a mission, there was no urgency. When night fell, they decided to camp in a spot protected by a cliff. Even though it was a simple task, Konohamaru chose to keep a watch.
Shin and Hanami readily offered - the least they could do to help. Konohamaru accepted the blond's help, but thought it unwise to entrust this responsibility to Hanami, who had no experience. Instead, he assigned Mitsuki as Shin's partner.
The vigil was peaceful. Shin admired Mitsuki's serenity - there was something fascinating about how he combined calm and power. They talked small talk, comparing their realities. Mitsuki seemed enchanted by the boy's stories.
It was then that Sarada came out of the tent and climbed up the tree where they were.
- Do you need anything, Sarada? - Mitsuki asked.
- I'm sleepy. - She crossed her arms. - Let me finish the vigil with that one.
Mitsuki, with his indifferent manner, accepted without question. At times like this, her nonchalance came in handy.
As soon as Sarada sat down next to him, Shin knew she wanted to talk. He just waited.
- "Tell me more about Anzu," she asked, absentmindedly fiddling with a loose leaf. - My father's daughter. What's she like?
Shin smiled slightly, lowering his eyes. He saw Mitsuki disappear between the bushes and enter the hut. He wasn't sure why, but he felt at ease in Sarada's presence.
- Well... she's my best friend.
Sarada kept a watchful eye.
- She's very beautiful, caring and funny. The best friend I could ever have. - He laughed. - But she's also a bit clumsy and shy. I like her quiet way... it calms me down.
- You seem to know her well.
- Yes. She and her brother, Hayato, have always been my best friends. Hayato is 16, I'm 15 and Anzu is 14. The three of us grew up close. But after Hayato and I entered the Ninja Academy... I don't get to see her as much anymore.
- Is that why, when you looked at me, you remembered her?
Shin sighed, lowering his head.
- I... I miss her.
The weight in his voice made Sarada look away.
- I know that if she were here, she'd have the right words to say to me. And also... you're right, Sarada. I broke her heart.
A silence fell. Shin looked around the camp - they were still on watch, after all. Sarada wrapped her arms around herself.
- Are you cold?
- A little.
Without hesitation, Shin took off his jacket and draped it over her shoulders. Sarada was surprised by the gesture, but didn't say anything. She knew he would keep talking.
- Being here, in this dimension, is already a big problem. But... I have others waiting for me in my real life. - He sighed. - Equally difficult problems. This is just one of them. That is... if I ever make it back.
- Don't talk like that. Of course you'll come back. - Sarada squeezed his arm, trying to reassure him.
There was another moment of silence before she finally plucked up the courage:
- May I ask how you broke her heart?
Shin looked up at Sarada. For a moment, he hesitated. He didn't want to seem arrogant, but he didn't want to run away from the question either.
- She... said she loved me differently.
He lowered his eyes, sighing. He seemed really affected by the subject.
- And you rejected her?
- I love Anzu so much, Sarada... so much, it hurts. - He put his hand to his chest, tightening his shirt. - But I never imagined she'd see me any other way. We've always been like brothers. So... I got scared. And I don't think I chose the right words.
- You? Rude? That's not possible.
- Maybe. I honestly can't say. - He looked away, observing the surrounding forest - partly to keep watch, partly to escape Sarada's gaze. - I just told her the truth. A truth she already knew... I don't know why I had to say it out loud.
- What truth?
Shin closed his eyes for a second.
- That I like someone else. But I don't think I said it in the best way.
Sarada took a deep breath.
- Gosh... - She squeezed his arm lightly. - I... I'm sorry, Shin. She seems like a special girl.
- She is. - He rubbed his face, frustrated. - And now she's so sad about me. I... I don't know how to deal with it. I love Anzu so much, but... I don't understand when it turned into something else.
Shin laughed humorlessly, shaking his head.
- If only she were like you... or like Rika... maybe it would be easier. But no. She's her own way. And I love that about her. But in this circumstance, it's horrible.
The words started to come out unfiltered. Perhaps because I was next to Sarada. Maybe because she needed to get it off her chest.
- She's so sensitive, so sweet... and I unintentionally came on too strong. I didn't mean to hurt her feelings or make fun of her, but... it caught me off guard. I just wanted our friendship never to change. But that... so suddenly... made me angry.
He clenched his fists.
- Because everything has changed.