Naruto training system

Chapter 64 Chapter 064 Ninjutsu Experiment

Chapter 64 Chapter 064 Ninjutsu Experiment

With the explosion of the steaming dangerous explosion power avatar, the water vapor transpired and rose into the sky.

The rising hot and cold air flow merged, causing the originally clear sky to become cloudy and hailstones fell in an instant.

Those who have studied geography in high school know that the airflow rich in water vapor rises violently, and when it reaches high altitude, it is cooled by decompression and expansion to form clouds and rain, which is called convective rain.It mostly descends from cumulonimbus clouds, and it is a burst of rain with high intensity, heavy rainfall, short rain time and small rain area.Strong development is also accompanied by heavy rain, strong winds, thunder and lightning, and even hail.

And steaming danger blasting power can be called infinite blasting ninjutsu.It is precisely because of this principle.

With the falling of the hail, the avatar of Steam Dangerous Explosive Power cooled down and returned to the state when it was just cast.

Then, as the steam explodes, the body divides and continues to act. The process of accumulating heat and exploding, and falling hail to cool down will repeat infinitely.That's why it's called Infinite Explosive Ninjutsu.

If you want to break this ninjutsu, you can only rely on seals, or some bizarre means.

However, Zhou Zhu's avatar of Steaming Dangerous Explosive Power did not reappear as the hailstone fell.This may be because Zhou Zhu did not control the ratio of oil and water.

Although lacking the ability to blast infinitely, just one blast is enough for Zhou Zhu to use as his trump card.

Zhou Zhu believes that with more and more practice, he will be able to reproduce the terrifying power of Steaming Dangerous Explosive Power sooner or later.

The only weakness of this ninjutsu is the caster, after releasing it, his body fell into weakness, but Zhou Zhu didn't feel it at all.

It may be because of his own body, which was transformed by the Qianlong Pill to a degree against the sky.It is also possible that people's ghost lights and moonlight are due to chakra's oil production, which leads to weakness.

Zhou Zhu observed the explosive power of the avatar he created with cooking oil.The effect can only be said to be unsatisfactory, not at all, the power of a shadow-level strong hole card ninjutsu.

This is very likely because of the "oil" problem.If it wasn't for physical reasons, Zhou Zhuneng would release the steaming explosive power without damage.Then the key point must be on this oil.

Just imagine, Mizukage Nidaime, who can create oil unscrupulously, will fall into weakness after releasing this.

What he made is definitely not ordinary oil.

Even, the reason for the infinite explosion may also appear on this oil.Rather than what Zhou Zhu had speculated, the insufficient control of Chakra caused his own explosive power to explode indefinitely.

Zhou Zhu could only hope that it wasn't because of the oil.If all the problems are caused by this oil, Zhou Zhu's ninjutsu, which is dangerous and powerful, may be exchanged for nothing.

As far as the explosive power is concerned, the range is large. In addition to the heat, the central area may have higher heat and the shock wave is more powerful.But it is estimated that it is not that big, and it is still far away from killing a person.

Is it possible to use this move in the future just to burn the enemy?
Zhou Zhu stopped thinking about it, the main purpose now is to try out which oil is the most powerful and best meets the requirements of steaming dangerous explosives.

Zhou Zhu was the first to try food oil, and he was a little cautious.After all, although the exchange is convenient, it costs 1 point for a five-liter barrel of cooking oil.

Zhou Zhu's principle is to save as much as he can. If the edible oil works best, he can just buy it in the market in the future.Save more storage scrolls, and you can save a lot of expenses.

Although the price of Wuyin is high, but compared with the points, the money circulating in the market is just like waste paper.

Although Shiye Feizhen was surprised, Zongtai actually handed over the secret of the ghost lamp clan to Zhou Zhu in such a grandiose manner.

But she also had nothing to say, she still owed Zong Tai a favor for the matter between her grandparents and grandchildren, so she kept silent.

The Ghost Lamp Clan questioned Zhou Zhu in the future, and his grandfather Zongtai blocked it, so it had nothing to do with him.

However, in order not to add to the trouble, he lost Ye Feizhen and said, "Zhou Zhu, I think it is still necessary for me to report to Master Zongtai. I don't think he thought you could use it when he gave you the scroll."

"After all, this is a second-generation ninjutsu. It is related to the ghost lamp clan, one of the six major clans. If you use it so recklessly in the future, there will be accidents sooner or later without Master Zongtai's greeting."

Zhou Zhu also had nothing to say, the only unavoidable loophole in his calculation was Zongtai's side.

Although Zongtai will suspect the source of Zhou Zhu's ninjutsu after knowing it, but if you don't let Zongtai know, he can't help you cover up.

Zhou Zhu could only nod his head in agreement.He held the back scroll again, took out a barrel of gasoline, and handed it to Shui.

Because Zhou Zhu can release the explosive power without damage.The amount of chakra used once is about the same as a water body.So Zhou Zhu decided to test out as soon as possible, what is the difference between the steamed explosive clones created by various oils.

Both hands formed seals, and a clone rose from the sea. Zhou Zhu's water body twisted the lid of the barrel, and the pungent smell of gasoline came.

The water body poured gasoline on this unformed clone.While making seals, Zhou Zhu tried his best to control the ratio of gasoline and water.

The only difference between this ninjutsu seal and the water body seal is that it is much more complicated and cumbersome.But this also gave Zhou Zhu time to cheer.

Still not a single drop fell, the clone of Steaming Dangerous Explosive Power was formed.It looks the same as the last one, but Zhou Zhu knows that the flammability of this gasoline is far higher than that of cooking oil.

Zhou Zhu ordered the avatar, "Move!" In fact, mind control is enough, but Zhou Zhu has to give a verbal order.

After all, mind control, this kind of thing, also needs to be practiced.Ordinary people's thinking is messy, and without special training, orders will be unclear.

Zhou Zhu had encountered this kind of thing before. He split his water body and wanted him to catch fish. Because of his unclear thinking, this guy was ordered to beat Zhou Zhu to death.

At that time Zhou Zhu was still very weak, he fought with Shui for [-] rounds, and won the battle with a slight advantage with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

Ibaraki Takumi, who was on the side, didn't help at all, and watched with relish, cheering and cheering for Shui Ava from time to time.

When we watch Naruto, Naruto's avatar in the early stage, this situation often occurs. He punched and kicked Naruto because he and Zhou Zhu suffered the same loss.

That is, the thinking has not undergone special training and is too chaotic, resulting in the consequence of distorted command transmission.

Therefore, Zhou Zhu can only order the avatar to act through verbal orders and drive thinking.

Sanye Feizhen didn't notice this detail at first, but Zhou Zhu gave verbal orders to the clone twice now.

She sneered and said, "You have practiced so much in water body, haven't you practiced in thinking communication?"

"Based on your current Chakra reserves, you should be able to separate dozens of clones, right? Your thinking communication is not up to standard, I guess you can only control a few clones in your lifetime! You have empty Chakra reserves, but you can't exert your strength. "

Zhou Zhu replied with hints, "I can't help it. I'm also desperate for a teacher who doesn't teach anything and only knows how to deduct commissions!"

Losing wild Feizhen made fun of herself, watching the magical clone who was ordered to fly to the distance again and hit the sea aimlessly.

I thought to myself, "At first I thought it was just a brat who was just a fool and a cheap talker. I didn't expect his aptitude to be so heaven-defying."

"Small cleverness, and through alternative thinking, I have learned the explosive power that the ghost lamp family has not cultivated."

"Although I haven't awakened the bone vein yet, the physique ability I showed a while ago can also be called a physique genius."

"Once this little guy awakens the bone meridian, plus his physique and body skills are beyond ordinary people. It can definitely match the fighting power of a ninja class."

Fei Zhen recalled Zhou Zhu's words and deeds again, "But he is still a child after all, it's too whimsical. I really don't know how the last hope of the garrison department raised this child."

"Although he already has the strength of a Chunin, he doesn't even have the consciousness to be a ninja!"

"Hey~ Take your time. If it weren't for the favor of Mrs. Zongtai, I wouldn't take this kind of nanny job!"

"Let him sharpen and grow by himself. In terms of teaching, it is still based on the initial judgment, and only guides him to become a real ninja."

"He is a genius in himself, but his strength has improved too fast, which has actually encouraged him to insist on that ridiculous statement."

Recalling his bumpy life, "Standing aboveboard, standing in the sun, a respected profession? Hehe~ Sooner or later, you will recognize the reality—Zhou Zhu!"

"In this regard! With your grandfather's protection, it is impossible to do it."

(End of this chapter)

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